• Published 26th Nov 2017
  • 838 Views, 111 Comments

A Long Way Away From Home - Stellar Light Sparkle

Twilight strikes again! An interrupted spell sends Stellar and the C.M.C. an enormous distance from Equis. Will they be able to find a way home again?

Comments ( 16 )

A little more even than I expected it to be. Very violent and bloody ponder if an alicorns bones wouldnt be somewhere in between a pegasus and a earth pony rather than strictly as an earth pony

From what I've read elsewhere, an alicorn has bones like an earth pony, but their bigger wings let them channel more flight magic to fly with. It balances out in the end, and it is also why Stellar and other alicorns can't fly as fast as Rainbow Dash can, even with their increased magic levels.

To be honest, I could have gone into a lot more details about the fight, but what I wrote was a trade-off between just enough data on what happened to the pair, and what I could have written. There was a lot of details I didn't add, to be honest.

9386377 In a way Stellar was lucky there are birds that while alot of their bones are hollow their skulls are the ultimate hard hats. of course he didn't really have time to prepare for the blow either.. I think you hit the right balance between heavy details and letting it be over with Stellar just snapping his neck in the first minute of battle. You could've made it much more dark and gorey without really adding to the story

well this had a interesting twist for a fight. i like it.

a grate chapter and i love how Stellar laid down the law at the end.

Stellar had the authority to 'lay down the Law' at that point in time. The only thing preventing her from ruling Griffonia as their rightful queen is the fact she respects their customs and traditions, and doesn't want to appear to dishonour their throne. Otherwise she is well within her rights to take both Crown and Throne, and there's nothing the griffons could do (outside of subterfuge) for a year and a day.


I enjoy this crossover since there aren't many.

I noticed that, too. Macross/Robotech seems to be an area where crossovers are rare, as I said in my author's notes for the first chapter. There's three times as many SB-Yamato stories as there are Macross crossovers, so I decided to go with that as a storyline.

Its a good first chapter.

Thank you very much. Hopefully, the rest of the story continues to please you. I just hope I can get it finished soon.

Stellar brought him down hard. Yes Twilight your sister isn't perfect.

Great Chapter can't wait for the next one.

wondering when the next chapter will be out?

so SLS is this grate story going to be getting some love????

Been hard to get motivation of late, with my situation with my cousin and my own health problems. Things aren't as bad as Estee has them, I will admit, but having six different clinics in three different hospitals arguing over whether or not he should be operated on, let alone what that operation (stenting/ grafting/ amputation) should be, really makes things hectic, especially when each seems to think they has jurisdiction and won't talk to the others except through Dan's GP... Seems we're out-and-about every second day getting tests and other things done.

Mix Peripheral Vascular Disease with a long-standing heart condition and dormant Hodgkin's Lymphoma... and there is much wailing and gnashing of teeth, with little coming from it.

dam hun nothing like getting hit with house sized shit ball.
i feel for you and i can understand not having the feeling to wright.


(Sorry for the wall of text...)

Thanks... I am trying to write, but it's slow-going, trying to keep my mind on the lot and where I want it to go. I've re-written parts of Nineteen several times when they weren't following the feel of where I want the characters to be feeling at their points in the story. It's kind-of hard writing how others are feeling when my own feelings are so disrupted, especially during hospital visits. I've just gotten a new tablet I hope will allow me to work when things are slow and I'm away from Home, but unlike Estee, who seems to be excluded from everything by her Mother's doctors, mine want me involved in Daniel's care (since I am his official Carer and only 'surviving' family, as he is mine), so I do spend a lot of time hearing what's going on and can offer suggestions or information, if the doctors are seeking help or answers. It makes things somewhat better, because I'm less of just an observer and more of a participant, and that helps both of us.

I just wish I could put all the specialists we see in one room and thrash things out for a proper full diagnosis and on-going surgery timeline. Bouncing back-and-forth between our GP and the various clinics is just slowing things down and leads to double- or multiple-diagnoses and redundant tests that sometimes get done four or five times for four or five clinics, and they don't pass information along outside of each clinic sometimes, let alone from hospital to hospital. Take one issue for example: The Princess Alexandra Hospital has the best plastic surgery department in Brisbane, and they do fantastic work with amputees and other such problems. The Mater Hospital has the best Vascular Surgery clinic and surgeons to match. The Q.E.II hospital has an excellent cardiology department. So, depending on which surgical procedure they want to proceed with, means which hospital he could get checked into. But when they can't even decide what their possibly-first-of-many procedures will be... then each of the three is vying to have him be under their jurisdiction first, depending on just how serious his condition is considered (whether or not stenting/grafting could work, or whether it's too far-gone for any procedure to properly work). Then you have his heart condition on top of that, which delays whether or not he could be operated on; AND then there's the lymphoma, which is dormant at this time, but if it decides to flare (which there is always the chance), Chemotherapy would rule his chances right out for any surgery for a year or more after that's concluded. And, in the meantime, he's dealing with possible type-2 diabetes rearing its ugly head (recent precursor markers have showed up in two out of five recent tests), and the on-going pain of the vascular disease, with the problems of constant worries of addiction to pain-killers (Dan's been addicted to morphine in the distant past, after being wounded in a skirmish in Kuwait in 1991; he'd gotten off that, but there's always the risk of it happening again). So there's a lot to be concerned about...

crap i knew things were bad from the few times we talked but it is past time you get a brake i life.
here in the states the health care is ok but we can tell every one to get there ass in one room and work things out.
it sounds to me like there is so much going on that every one needs to get on the same page.
as to your story throw it on the back burner and forget about it for the time being.

I just got finished reading up on this story I've been a fan of Robotech for a long time and I'm finding I love this story so far just trying to find out how the old VF S1 ended up on the ship according to the lore that I read scull 1 was the last and only Surviving VF S1 left after the SDF 1 and 2 was destroyed in Kirons last fight and was taken apart to reverse so that they could make the alpha and beta fighters or so it says the VF 1 and 1A where the most produced fighter and it attachments so if it was skull 1 how did it get there or who's fighter was it. And sorry to hear about the hardships yeah have and are going through.

What does the ship look like?

we all know that this amazing story has just stopped.\
well if you all have been reading the comment it gives a bit of a hint about the reason.
i know a bit more but it is not my story to tell.
it has been more then a year seance i have been able to contact Stellar Sparkle on her discord. my PM's are still going threw but that does not mean much.
i really don't know what to think.
i do know she had plans and had been working on a sequel for her Five Score story and that there was only 4 or 5 more chapters for this story.

Harts Fire

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