• Published 28th Nov 2017
  • 2,535 Views, 19 Comments

Silver Quill is now Officially "Cannon!" - Kikio3000

SIlver Quill finds his place among the Seaponies (Hippogriffs) with a little help from a young seamare, and some snuggles. The moral of the story: Be happy as you are now, and improve from there.

  • ...

Hippogriffs are now Cannon!


Silver Quill woke up groggily.

He yawned and scratched his cutie mark, grumbling. He was annoyed that he had woken up so early because he had stayed up late watching an almost midnight viewing of the My Little Pony Movie at the theater. He had fallen asleep in his Rift Café office bedroom again, but instead of going back to sleep and relaxing for the weekend, he decided to get up. He arose out of bed in an ungentlemanlike manner; his form now ridged; sliding off like in a cross between a snake and an accordion.

The comedic scene was even funnier because Silver had a deadpan, blank stare adorned on his face.


After his long and droning groan, he un-flattened himself - jumping to pick himself off the floor - and shook his whole body to wake up properly.

Silver felt like there would be an adventure ahead, and he was ready for it. The now determined griffon-pony hybrid trotted out of his office room wearily, but with purpose; he walked through the large building to the end of the Brony building hallway.

He was just about to open the door and leave the place of the most famous fans of the MLP Universe when he noticed a strange glowing object to the right of the door.

"Hmm...that's funny..."

Silver whispered, not wanting to wake anypony up. Not even Dr. Wolf was up this early during a holiday weekend. "This white portal was not there before. It seems like this appeared a day after I wished I could be on the show."

He scratched his chin with his eagle talon.

"I wonder if it will teleport me there. I'm just guessing, but this event seems rather magical."

Silver reached out to grab a shining ball of a portal. Big mistake.


A shining light illuminated from the portal, and he was sucked into it, screaming.

*Part 1: Hippogriff 'Cannon'*

"Hi, Silver Quill!"

"Ohhhh..." Silver moaned. "Owwwww...my head!"

Silver Quill shook his head and stared. He seemed to be back in the MLP universe; except he arrived via a seemingly permanent portal located in the rift Cafe.

He chuckled, getting up from his groggy lying down position. There was soft white sand beneath his feet and the place in which he was situated in seemed legendary or abnormal as if it was outside of Equestria.

He was in the MLP Movie universe.

"I see that Bronies' love for the show made the portal appear. Neat, huh?"

It was that voice again - a Pinkie Pie voice.

Silver Quill turned around to see the pink party pony known as Pinkie Pie.

"Oh, yeah, Pinkie! I guess you were expecting my arrival; this portal IS neat!"

"And the best thing is," Pinkie continued, "Is that the portal can stay open FOREVER if you Bronies choose it too. Love and Friendship are strong! Even ponies not admitted into the Brony Café can teleport here - even veteran, newbie, and used-to-be bronies van join; if you love or loved the show, you're in!"

"Neato!" Exclaimed the Hippogriff.

"Wait...if there are now Mermares and seaponies - *ahem* - I mean...HIPPOGRIFFS in the show now...that means that...." He trailed off, his eyes growing wide in surprise and delight.

"This means that I...am now...OFFICIALLY CANNOOOOOOON!"

After shaking every single universe out there with his cacophonous boom of a shout, Silver continued as if nothing had happened.

"Now, Pinkie, can you get me to The Griffon- I mean Hippogriff kingdom? I want to see what how the pre-seaponies have gotten along with rebuilding their rundown, unisolated place! It's not far from here..."

"OK!" Pinkie shouted, "I'll lead the way!"

Pinkie and Silver bounce-trekked along the sand, finally coming across the land of the Hippogriffs in due time.

It was a long walk, but they found the formerly majestic Kingdom of Hippogriffia. It was in a worse state than the Griffon Kingdom; still being abandoned and decrepit.

Silver Quill, heartbroken, picks up a piece of wood off the ground. He blows on it and wipes away lingering dirt off with his clawed hoof.

"And to think - this place would have been my home if I had been born here."Silver thought, "Maybe my family would have made it."

He hesitated. "But I would never have met my amazing friends."

He then keeps on looking for signs of life near the Seaquestrian cavern. He stands at the edge of the pool an sees a bubble float up.

Being the inquisitive fellow he was, he decides to follow the creature that had blown the bubble. He starts to lean dangerously close to the water's edge, catching a brief glimpse of the other species in the water's reflection.

Silver stands too close to the edge and falls into the portal - deep underwater.

"Hold on; I'll save you!" Pinkie shouts, rummaging through her mess of a curly mane with her bang to find scuba gear.

"Hmmmmmm...this seems like this will be a wet 'n' wild adventure!" She remarked.

Down. Deep down. The foolish Hippogriff was sinking deep into the almost crushing depths of the sea.

"Is this it? Is this how it ends?" Silver Quill thought, holding his breath as best he could. He tried both swimming and swim-flying. Neither of them got him from being forced down to the water's deadly deep end.

Silver felt his air supply running out, his chest and cheeks started to compress and hurt as he struggled to maintain his life.

"I didn't even get to say goodbye to Lightning Bliss, Mage, KP, Starlight, Ellieyora, Dr. Wolf, Keyframe, or anypony else yet. I didn't get to start a family, raise hatchling whelps, find true love...none of that? And WHY? Just because I couldn't keep my birdbrain from realizing that I AT LEAST needed a swimming mask or snorkel."

"I...did not...even...get...to...find...a...girlfrie...." He trailed off, falling into unconsciousness in the vast ocean.

Silver Quill would have drowned if it weren't for her - that shining beacon of light in the distance.

Literally. Without being poetic or even romantic, Silver's short life would have been over with without that kind light.

After being saved by said white light, the white-brown-tan-yellow colored pony hybrid woke up.


Silver panics, assuming that the light in the darkness is a giant angler fish ready to prey on him - like in the movie 'Finding Nemo' by Pranceney and Equisnar - and then swam away as best he could.

After traveling a comfortable distance away, he then finds an underwater mirror and notices an air bubble on around his head.

"Whew! Oh."

Silver realizes his silly mistake and decides to swim back to his 'captor' who had just prolonged his very life.

He finds the location of his worried savior but bumps into something in the darkness.


"Owwwww!" A young girly voice piped up.


Silver reals back in confusion, as he stares at a bright pastel-yellow seapony with a blue sea-mane that adorned a non-illuminated ord in the front part of it.

The pony in question's head had a red bump on her head - one that was worse than his. It suddenly dawned on him what he had just bumped into.

It was the throbbing forehead of Princess Skystar.

"H-h-h-hi there!" Silver Quill stammered, blushing. He had slammed - no, SMASHED his head into somefilly, how rude of him. "N-n-n-nice to meet you! Sorry for running away...I thought you were something else...like a predator."

The seapony in question lit up her mane again and whispered.

"Oh...it's alright, Mr! I'm glad you did not pop your bubble! It's very durable, but not invisible."

"Oh yes," Silver remarked, "This air bubble is like the bouncy and plastic Wubble Bubble ball at home!"

"The WHAT?" The adolescent seamare asked, "A bubble to play with? That sounds fun!"

"Uh...yeah!" Silver stated, blushing at how he had forgotten about the world differences.

"I'm Silver Quill, by the way! Thank you for saving me. Sorry for bumping into you like that; I didn't see you there without the mane glow. I tried to find you, but I collided with you instead, with a more powerful ram than you gave me, heh-heh. Your glowing mane...how do you do that, anyway?"

"First off, that is too many words in one sitting," The other pony-hybrid started, "Not many ponies talk as much as you or me. Tee-hee! Second of all, I am Princess Skystar, daughter of Queen Novo; the soon to-be-ruler of Seaquestriaaaaaaa!"

Skystar cleared her throat.

"I may have to get married before my mum makes the final decision though. I'm still too naive and cute to be ruling yet."

"Twilight is a young, sometimes naive princess, and SHE'S started to rule now," Silver gave his two bits on the matter.

"And she is definitely cute. Platonically of course. Even so....*COUGH! COUGH!* Princess Luna is the prettiest Princess; *COUGH, COUGH.* But that doesn't stop Twilight from ruling. The elements of harmony and the magical tree-chest-thingy gave her a castle to transform an awesome (but small) town, into a KINGDOM! How awesome is that?!"

"It's fanTABULOUS!" Sky screamed, doing an adorable backflip.

"You're welcome for the rescue," She squeaked, "I do that ALL the time whenever I am around when ponies fall in. But you're not a normal pony, are you?"

"No, I'm not. I'm part griffon," Silver stated with a tone that was a mix between being nonchalant and excited.

"Anyway," Skystar continued, oblivious to Silver's explained revelation, "I'M the one who RAMMED into YOU, so you should be blaming me!...I wasn't watching where I was going either, but you gave stronger impact. Can I just say, I LOVE your mane...or head feathers."

"Why, thank you!" Silver said, rushing back his mane feathers."I keep them nice and glossy with mane gel! I somehow preen them as well!"

"Ha-ha! I can see that! What's mane gel?"

Before Silver could respond, the sea-princess answered her own question, nodding her blue mane in understanding.

"OH! It must be that slimy, ooey, gooey stuff ponies put on their hair to make it stick or look very nice. Ah, I haven't used that stuff in like, 500 years! Hahaha!"

Both hippogriffs laughed, and Skystar continued:

"My antenna-like mane-tip glows using my inner magic just as much as any other hippogriff. But MINE is the most powerful, due to this extra power source here."

She pointed to her chest at an orb that rests in her red fluffy-coral necklace.

"This coral I'm wearing shows my high status, and the orb fuels me with the power I'll need to rule Seaquestria or the Hippogriff kingdom when I am older."

She pulled her seashells Shelly and Sheldon out of nowhere.

"These are my shells! Shelly, and Sheldon, this is Silver Quill! Say 'hi' to this handsome young fella!"

Silver Quill chuckled as the googly eyes on the respectively red, and purple shells looked mad.

"Don't be rude! Say 'hi!'" Skystar repeated.

"I don't like you," Shelly seemed to say.

"Me neither," Sheldon appeared to reply.

"You're planning to take out friend away, I can tell."

"Yeah, our owner is gonna fall for this dork, and leave us behind forever... and tell us that she's in LOOOOOOVE."

The hippogriffs blushed and gulped. They did NOT like the sound of this.

"Shelly, Sheldon! Stop saying such harsh things right now!" Skystar chastised, as the shells groaned.

"Oh my gosh, these shells are gonna hurt me so much! They're probably going to shoot me with themselves after hopping inside Pinkie's jumbo-sized party cannon! This is scary! Oh my gosh!" Silver thought.

Being able to understand these bratty shells was bad enough - now they're aggressive towards him too?!

As Skystar gave her pets a lesson on manners, the shells were glaring darkly at Silver the whole time, boring a hole through the hybrid's fearful soul.

"Anyway, sorry about that!" Sky apologized, patting sweat bubbles off her chest to dissipate and be purified in the salty ocean.

"They sometimes get like that. They're cute, but extremely jealous - despite the fact that I am lonely all the time. Anyway, I did not light up my mane earlier because I thought you didn't like me, and since you were afraid of me...I saw no reason to light it up again...despite the fact that it was extremely dark. I guess we BOTH need a lesson in making assumptions, hee-hee!"

Silver Quill nodded and laughed. "Yep, we sure do!"

"Wait a second...didn't you say something about being part pony AND griffon?!"

"Yes, yes I did." Silver stated triumphantly, hoping that she finally got the memo.

"That means..." the seapony continued, "That....you're a hippogriff!!!"

"Hey, hey, wake up!" Silver Quill cried and whispered: "You fell asleep...or fainted! I can't tell which one you did; it looks the same when I do it."

Skystar blinked at the handsome seapony swimming above her. She blushed and laughed, "Tee-hee! Oh my, so you're the knight in shining armor who saved the strong and pretty princess!"

"Yep! I guess so! You're WAY more awesome than me, though!" Silver exclaimed, then spoke in his normal tone of voice.

"I'm not from Seaquestria, though...." He started, "I'm from Equestria..which explains my difference in appearance. I'm not super magical like you. I mainly have physical strength. I've heard rumors of my type of hippogriff disappearing above the clouds, and your kind under the sea...but it's mostly counted as myth and not fact. I see now that the rumors are true."

Silver cried and cried out for joy.

"They ARE true!" Skystaryelled, swimming around in circles.

"I did not have very entertaining life," Silver explained, "I was 'abandoned' as a foal, and lived with some mean relatives until the age of 21."

Silver sighed, starting to tear up.

I DID help a young Griffon named Gilda, who was really adorable and nice at the time. That's great but now that she's almost an adult, she only just returned to being (mostly) friendly now. I was bullied and called a blank flank for most of my life; only gaining this single, solitary feather" - he showed his cutie mark - "After helping Gilda. All that changed when I flew down to ponyville and met my awesome brony friends. Bronies are fans of your universe that secretly hail from the human world."

"Ohhhhhh!" Skystar said ceasing her one-pony show, "I see..so the humans are not myths; they're as real as us sea-griffs! Tee-hee, I guess the different Hippogriff variant explains the different look."

Silver Quill nodded but started to shiver involuntarily.

Silver seemed to be cold from the freezing sea, so Skystar invited him to "follow me," and entered a beautifully decorated empty throne room. She floated up to some magical aqua-plants that cocoon-wrapped themselves around something faintly glowing. It was white and shiny - Silver knew what it was - a transformy, orb glowing-thingy that created artificial and official seaponies.

The transformation would be temporary, and it would give both "ponies" a chance to see him fish-like. At least, that's what Skystar said. She held out her blue finned hooves, and the glowing ball of energy fell willingly into them.

According to her, the ord now trusted her enough to use it, though she REALLY should not be doing this without her mum's permission, but she said it wouldn't hurt if she got grounded again.

She had no possessions other than her necklace, what was her mom going to do, ground her again? Take away her shells? Shelly and Sheldon loved her mom; that would be a win-win for all three of them.

Silver Quill chucked. He was just like her when he was her age.

Silver's forehead was touched gently by something colder than him - the white orb. SIlve quivered again under the icy touch and whimpered.

He stopped moving when he felt the transformation starting to occur.

Silver's brown griffon wings were changed into transparent, fish-like ones, his tail growing three white and translucent prongs to become a tan-and-white fishtail. Silver had many dark brown spots all over his tan belly and tail. His claws became pony hooves with fish fins attached to them - the fins were a luminescent yellow and white to compliment Silver's yellow hooves.

Silver's chest was still brown, but Silver's chest's top half was still white with seapony fluff. He was thankful for that - even Silver 's neck had a feathery and furry frill!

Finally, the Hippogriff now had a chest plate similar to his comrade's, it was green and had a white circle in the middle with the words "brony," while carrying a glowing white orb for protection of loss. The sphere was also on a white string, black string, helping to illuminate a light glow from atop a new clump of blue fur that resembled Skkystar's.

The hippogriff even had tiny fins attached to his tail, forelegs, and back - that fin had silver's cutie mark glowing on it. Silver's yellow beak disappeared - leaving a regular white pony muzzle.

Last of all, Silver's head feathers now adorned a crown of fins and his feathers where his ears would have been now had fins attached to resemble real ears.

"Cool!" Silver Quill expressed his gratitude by wiggling his tail and hugging Skystar.

"I know, right?!" She agreed, hugging him back.

15 minutes later....

The curious now-seaponies decide to discuss hippogriffs.

Silver Quill explains that he is 325 years old, but 35 years of age in Hippogriff culture, so he always says that he is around 30 years old.

Skystar tilted her head in confusion.

She was confused because she didn't know that Silver was so young; he did not realize that she was so old.

She explained that she was 525 years old - 15 years old in HER Hippogrif culture and Skystar usually says that she is 15.

"Wow, and I thought that the teenage Mane 6 hid their seeming pre-teen ages well," Silver inwardly remarked.

"So..that means that your mom could say:" I now pronounce you seamare and seacolt" without any hassle, huh? I'm not implying that we should get married...heh, heh."

Both seaponies blushed again and giggled.

"Dating and mating customs are the same, except for some Mermare customs we adopted," Skystar remarked, "Sometimes you can marry straightway within a 1,000 year age difference, or you can participate in the seahorse obstacle course. It is a race where you hop around, over, and through hoops to get to my mom's throne in record time to win my hoof in marriage."

"Yeah, that sounds fun!" Silver thought aloud, "But it's probably very stressful, hard and challenging."

He imagined going through the race, but he decided against losing a fin or a wing in front of the Queen - his race's competitive dating races were bad enough - these Hippogriffs had wing AND fin competitions to contend with. He already had enough swimming practice already; he did not want to feel like he was swimming the Ponish Channel.

"Nah, no thanks, I'll pass. Thanks for the offer, though."

Skystar explained that the winner swims around in a horizontal circle and gets to kiss the girl, but she is OK with him just asking permission from her mom to Marry her...if he were to....theoretically.

She proceeds explains why the seaponies have not recolonized back to their original home yet - there is a conflict going on with two different parties of seaponies who want to stary, and seaponies who wish to leave. It nearly happened that both sides would have become enemies that lived separately if Skystar's mom had not stepped in (or stepped in.)

She declared for the Hippogriffs to be united and stay that way forever - especially while the talk of renovations went on.

She declared that the Hipposeas would then be known as the same species, and they could choose where they lived. Skystar was so excited for her new job; ponies could now ask her and her mum to transform any time they liked!

The Seapony then asks how he knows about the hippogriffs locking themselves away from other than the rumors. Silver later explained that Pinkie told him that the FairyTales he read from his Grammie Quilbur were real, so he decided to investigate; leading him to where they were now. Skystar brings up a dream of hers based on The Little Mermare. They Version she dreamed about was Ponsney's happier adapted version of it.

"I dreamt I was in the movie The Little Mermare, but it was a mix of emotions - happier than the original book, and more depressing than the adapted version."

Skystar sniffed, wiping away a few tears. Silver swam over to her side and put a foreleg around her to comfort her.

Skystar continued, " I was a full-fledged, full-blooded mermare - just like I had always wanted...except, the only scenery I noticed when I came out of my water was my home. I thought of how it would be nice if a hippogriff with your colors flew by to rescue me, and how it would be nice to become a hippogriff again. I was longing to be on the surface again - I yearned for the freedom of the air and land again - despite how safe I was in my underwater kingdom. But after waiting for so long, I realized that was silly. Silly until now. I had woken up dejected, but, now... I met you; YOU are my prince charming! However, I shall stay with ruling alongside my mother for now, since I have a choice to, but all always come visit you somehow whenever I have the chance."

She smiled, "I like you, "Prince" Silver. You are so much fun - just like me! Hee hee! - you are the hippogriff designed for a princesses love!"

Skystar winked, and Silver explained that when he w=got the chance, he would find out how to help to come to the Rift Cafe of the Brony hangout.

"That's an awesome story, Skyla!" Silver approved, calling her by a nickname.

"I love that nickname and thanks!" 'Skyla' said, "It really matches me! Hey, so what happens if, maybe...perhaps...we DO love each other?"

"I ask your mum if I could please marry you!" Silver said nervously. He had a sinking feeling that someone was watching. Their blossoming love was not private at that moment; or even for that whole conversation.

As if she had been listening to the whole time, a tall seapony shadow was cast below and behind the young Hipposeas right then and there.

Silver gulped, and Skyla looked starstruck. Too afraid to turn around alone, they both did it together slowly, holding fin-hooves.

They gasped.

Skystar's face turned elated, and she waved.

"Hi, mom!"

"H...he....hello, Mrs. Q-Q-Q-Queen!" Silver Quill whimpered, shivering for the third time. This time, it was out of pure fear.

He was lucky that he had not fainted.

"So...what is all this?" The grumpy Queen asked, raising an eyebrow. "Are y'all really plannin' to tell me about your engagement, or are you really planning to elope?"

The younger seaponies gasped and blushed, hiding their faces in their hooves. They were both ashamed because they had thought of eloping earlier and blowing the popsicle stand to escape the prying eyes of the Queen, but that just would not do.

They had to figure out a way to escape, AFTER asking for permission to go on a date and get to know each other. They had to see if they would uphold their secret feelings for each other, after all. Queen Novo needed to trust Silver, and he was going to SHOW that she could trust him with her daughter.

After nervously scratching the back of their heads with their forehooves, the young hybrids answered in unison.

"Sorry, Ms. Queen! No, ma'am, we are now not planning to elope. We apologize; we were thinking about having a relationship without even telling you or proving our love...please forgive us."

"It's just that we felt an extreme connection to each other, a love bond that's growing between us," The Princess explained, both hippogriffs feeling like they had to hide and cower like little foal-cubs.

"This Equestrian hippogriff named Silver has only truly known ponies as his family, and I have only really known hippogriffs as my family. I guess our isolation and common interests of being competitive added to a need to be near each other just blossomed our friendship."

"Yes," Silver Quill butted in, "And if you want, I'll totally enter those dangerous races for your daughters love and friendship, Queen Novo."

"It's just that, well..." Skystar started and hastily blurted out: "we thought you were really scary, so we DID think of eloping to avoid you, sorry. I went against your orders again by saving Silver and turning him into a seapony...I repeated the same mistake AGAIN...."

Silver gave Skyla a look as if to say: "Why did you do that; how could you?! I liked living...."

Skyla shot a saddened glance back as if you explain: "Yes, but I had to tell the truth - she was going to find out anyway. Plus, she is the queen, my mom, and your probable mother-in-law...she was already onto us."

Silver cleared his throat and smirked, while Skystar giggled. Both ponies realized that they could communicate with each other their thoughts and feelings, unbeknownst to the Queen. Both seagriffs looked away and blushed in embarrassment. At least they were going down together.

Or so they thought.

"*AHEM!* Well then," The Queen spoke up, "I see I that I now have TWO little rebels in the colony. I was young and naive once too, you know - but not for long. If you promise to sea-colt up so you can protect yourselves, and the Kingdom, as well as care for each other well, I will allow two to date."

The two pony-hybrids glanced at each other and nodded - hiding quiet gulps.

"Now, since you two have already disobeyed my laws and conducts ever since Silver Quill fell down here - my daughter ever since the Mane 6 almost drowned - I will allow this union. You two seem to be compatible with each other, and I hate to see my daughter so lonely all the time. Since you two are so alike, I think that Silver will be a suitable companion. Building friendships outside of Equestria is not easy - even for Skystar. However, I am trusting that Silver Quill will be able to learn how to run a kingdom - especially with you, my little Seastar. I don't want my kingdom to do down in, well, FLAMES, just because of incompetent and naive seaponies in love. You understand all this?"

Silver nodded. "Yes, ma'am!"

"Now run along and play now - Pony Nation marriage now mostly works when you fall in love with your partner. I now pronounce you, 'officially dating!' Have fun!"

"YAY! Freeeeedoooooom!" The seaponies shouted in their heads; pumping their hooves into the air triumphantly.

"Yes!" The screamed aloud, starting to swim away.

"I can't hide it any longer," Silver whispered to his new sea-filly friend, "I love you."

"I can't conceal my emotions either - I love you too!" Skyla whispered back.


Queen Novo, now relaxed and pleased for the new couple, sat on her throne smiling.

The seapony chuckled - it was a genuine one that she had not done since the Mane 6 left.

That was until she remembered something. It meant something scary for young Silver Quill.

The two millennia-old seapony realized that she had to take action sooner or later.

"S-Silver Quill..." She paused. "My 'boy'...could you return here for a sec?"

Queen Novo was ecstatic that she was slowly starting to accept the other Hippogriff as part of the family, but at the same time, she HAD to be firm.

It was time for the 'the TALK.'

Despite them almost being out of the water, the Queen could still feel their fear from in the Throneroom.

Silver was scared - he knew what this meant. He had seen this before when he tried to date Gilda (since 1,000-year-old dates or less do not mean anything for creatures with high life expectancies,) and had been chewed up, spat out and broken down by Gilda's parents to try to make him less of a doormat.

The pairing did not last long, and Gilda soon left him because he was a 'whimp' and a 'dweeb,' but that still did not mean that he did not enjoy the dates that he did have. Minus the scary, nagging parents of course. He was worried - being threatened by an already intimidating Queen was worrisome enough - strict MOM status did not seem to help the situation out. Silver Quill shivered again.

Skystar knew what this meant as well. She had seen this on countless other suitors, including her longest one - Star Bright. He was a snobbish son of Duke Nova and had been friends with Skystar since she was small.

EverySea-Pone assumed that the duo would make a great couple since they were developing a romantic attraction to each other, and their parents had similar names. Alas, this was before Star became an angsty teen who now only hang out with his friends in Silver Star coral reef.

This action would not have been so bad if seaponies did not live as adolescents long as they did, and if Star Bright had not designed a dangerous gang of his own friends. He would not have have been dumped, or forced to slowly tread water home with sore tail-slapped cheeks if he had not have asked his special somepony to join his rank of "the one who makes lives miserable."

Star Bright's Talks with the Queen before dating and after breaking up were horrific - Skystar refused to speak about him or the talks ever again. She knew she should have listened to her mom when she said Star was "changing."

Queen Novo could feel the tension of fear in the sea as Silver stopped in his aqua-tracks. She could practically see Skystar's distressed face and almost hear her chewing her hoof-fin.

"You can stay there, Princess," She reassured her daughter formally, "Don't worry yourself about it."


Queen Novo could physically hear the fear of both seaponies melting away.

"Thank you!" The seaponies cried, and Skyla rested a reassuring hoof on Silver Quill, who was now ceasing his shivering.

"Don't worry about her," Skystar whispered, "It's OK. She won't hurt you - she LIKES you...unlike my horrible ex-colt-friend. She hurt him by waking him with her tail into the dining room table, waking me up from my sleep at midnight. She did NOT like him in the end."

Silver gasped, eyes growing wide.Skystar mimicked his action, covering her mouth with a hoof. "Sorry."

Silver Quill nodded his apology, gulping.

After fixing her blabbermouth mistake, she remedied: "But don't worry - I have had loads of boyfriends in my lifetime; all of which thought of me to be cute or pretty. You actually like me for who I am - past my princess status; thank you."

"You're welcome, Princess." Silver winked.

"As I said before," Skystar reiterated, "My mum now likes you..as a son. You'll be fine! Now go out their, and show her who's boss! And by that, I mean show her she can REALLY trust you. Mom's waning trust of Equestrians was severed to the point of danger after Twilight almost stole our precious orb. Afer that valuable trinket escapade; she has not fully trusted me or anypony else since then, not even when I want to eat a small bowl of kelp ice cream - show her that she can still trust in general; and you will win her approval. Now go out there, and meet your future mom-in-law!"

"Yeah!" Silver shouted, being shoved out by his marefriend.

The marefriend's mum had heard the some of the conversation from the middle to the end.

Novo facefinned. It seemed that her sweet daughter could not stop herself from announcing private information to strangers.

Maybe her daughter really did secretly detest danger, and she felt obligated to save Seaquestria with as many friends as she could rally up.

Regardless of that, she still ended up getting in trouble with new friends, though.

"Hello?" Silver Quill chirped.

"Hello, Silver Quill, what brings you here?"

The Queen facehoofed mentally this time. She knew EXACTLY why he was here, but her brain had not remembered WHY she had called him over after being taken from her internal monologue.

"You call-"

"Don't answer that."

The Queen sighed, saying:

"So, as you said while conversing with your daughter this morning, you said you were born in Equestria and lost your parents during baby foal hood- causing you to lose touch with Seaquestria?"

"Yes ma'am, that's about it, Ms. Queen."

"You did not truly know anything about Ponydum until you moved to Ponyville after breaking out of foalhood and learned of our adventured from the Mane 6? Also, your original family might not have survived the Storm King's attack when we went into hiding?"

"You are correct. That's about it, Madame Queen." Silver announced, leaving the complicated part about the fact of him being a Brony.

"Well then," the Queen continued, "I only have one more thing to say to you. I love you like a son, but if you lay ONE CLAW on my daughter the wrong way, mistreat her, or even abuse her in any way possible, it shall be payback time. My concealed prying eyes will notice you, and MAKE YOU PAY; with all of the fury, a Queen and a Mom can muster. Judgment day will come hard and fast, with the force of a thousand swords or asteroids. A terrible breakup and tail-flick, (or wack) to the body into a robust coral table and wall should be the LAST things that you should worry about if you break my daughter's heart. The same thing goes for my daughter too; if she does the same."

"You hear that, Seastar?! You too, Quill?"

"*Gulp!* Uh-huh, yes miss!" The ponies shivered and shakily respond.

"Well, that's about it," The Queen pronounced nonchalantly. "If you need anything, do not be alarmed to think about calling for me or my help. Take our ancestral orb with you in case of any danger - stay near our original home, and bring my daughter back safely....or die trying. I am NOT joking. Have fun!"

Silver gulped.

"Ok, will do! I will uphold your laws, and I WILL impress you, you can trust me to do that! See you later mom!"

Just when Silver gasped and covered his mouth at this surprising word escaped his beak, the Queen grinned and rolled with it.

"See you, son, have fun, kids!"

Silver Quill smiled back warmly and swam over the throne chair to retrieve the seaponies' glowing orb thing. Silver did not know if it knew Silver had permission from the Queen, or if he was no considered a family member despite not being part of Seaquestrian culture, but it fell into his hooves from the leaf-cocoon all the same.

"Nice! This is sweet; neato! Thank you, Queen Mom!"

As Queen Novo waved her goodbye, the Equestrian hippogriff swam back to his marefriend. He was getting the hang of this permanent swimming thing.

He had to remember that he had to train himself to swim this well in his original form.

The seaponies' orb glowed in his hooves as if he was meant to use it.

The new young couple nuzzled, pressed the orb to their chests to transform, and begin to rise to the surface.

"So, how'd it go?" The marefriend aked. I" told you it wouldn't be so bad! It was not as testifying as the last one! I should know - I was there!"

Silver Quill shuddered. He was glad the experience was not WORSE. He was physically, mentally, and spiritually drained.

"Any last words? Before we arise completely, I mean, other than 'I love you." We already did that. Haha!"

Silver laughed again, explaining that he wanted to answer whether the Talk was terrifying or not. He told her that it really was a frightening talk, but at least he went through it in one quick phrase.

Right before the ponies rose from the water in a bubble majestically, he retracted and apologized for his next sentence after expressing his emotion towards the whole ordeal - he did not want to be TOO mean to his girl. He sugarcoated the phrase sweetly.

"Shut the hay up."

*Part 2: Cuddles and Fluffiness*

The ponies are raised up to the surface, excited.


In the transformation, Silver Quill was the same except now; he was 20% fluffier in his neck, limbs, and back. Skystar had not changed much, except for the fact that her orb of power was now in her heart. The magical item was now in her rather than with her - she was probably more potent than her usual seapony form now.

Her pony ears were now yellow and feathery, she was taller than him at her full height, her new orange claws replace her hooves and fins, and her chest band had disappeared. Skyla's red coral flower was still placed next to her left ear in between her mane, but the hair was now dry and not as silky.

Her twin-ponytails were blue, and her hair was harder in general. Silver could tell that he could still try to snuggle in them though. Finally, Skystar's necklace hung around an even longer neck, her winds were now alicorn ones, her new tan beak had an adorable smile, and she had a cutie mark now. It was an orange and red heart, with a star in its center, and wings at the heart's sides.

Silver Quill admitted it aloud - she was adorable.

Other than those minor details, Skyla remained the same, the same perfect cheery attitude, the same cute smile, the same body type, a TON of new fluffiness, and a sweet personality. She was a lovely, kind, and floofy girl.

"I look much cooler than you, to be honest, you look kinda lame," Silver stated impudently.

"HEY! I can't believe you would say that!" Skystar cried, incredulous.

"Sorry, sorry!" Replied Silver quill, using his claws to block his body from any sucker punches she might have thrown.

"You're beautiful."

"Thank you, and I forgive you."

Both hippogriffs blushed, and the tension calmed down again.'

Silver and Skyla looked at each other dreamily, until Silver realized something.

"What in Faust's name has Hasbro done to you?! I just realized that not only are you are a pony of fluff, but something's missing from the top of your nose. ....AH! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR MARVELOUSLY CUTE FRECKLES?!"

The couple laughs.

"I can wiggle my toes - I'm ME again!" Silver announced.

"Oh yeah, Silver? I look more natural than you! YOU look like an artificial hippogriff." Skyla countered, laughing to soften the blow of her mic drop. "And...haha! I'm 100% fluffier than before!"

They both laughed again.


After being provided with air bubbles from who knows where, they ponies dive (with their eyes closed) into the sea again, ready to shoot out and see if their wings would dry from the air pressure.

They comment n how successful the date is, and how they rose like a toy ship in a bathtub.

"Yeah," Silver Quill said, but this isn't your local ship - it is lucky it didn't sink!"

"Yes," Skyla said. "What's a bathtub? is that the thing you wash in when you are a normal pony?"


"Well then, I declare this ship unsinkable and new, and unsinkable!"

For the third time, the couple rolls around with joy and laughter.

The two hippogriffs continue to laugh with their eyes closed- their warm breaths heating each other's fur, until it was expelled out in a continuous cycle. This happiness lasted until a gigantic figure of a shadow is cast over them - shattering the joyful momentous occasion and replacing it with a fearful one. They both whispered in unison.

"Oh, pony feathers."

The previously mentioned figure shoots behind them and smiles evilly. It was way bigger than Queen Novo's shadow...that was not a good sign.

The hippogriffs turned around in shock and fear - despite the fact that they had the orb with them, the protective magic of their home was weakening - they were not outside the colony - they were still barely in it. It looks like the seaponies would have to rebuild the magical wall again. Uh oh, that was not a good sign.

The hippogriffs held claws again while turning around.

The sight that "graced" their eyes with its presence was very frightening.

The creature that swam behind them was a massive set of sharp gleaming-white fangs. Wait, that wasn't right - the predator HAD a huge collection of sharp gleaming-white teeth.

The creature that they were staring at was a gigantic shark that had the shape and mannerisms of an ordinary shark, as well as the dark royal-blue and black coloring and power of a Sharpedo.

The Shark widened his cruel smile, letting all of his dagger-sharp pearly whites gleam in the sunshine.

He allowed the hippogriffs to catch their breaths and speak up.

"So...um...nice to meet you, sir!" Silver Quill started, "SOrry to ask, but are you related to a shark named Bruce from 'Finding Nemo?' You know...the clownfish rescue movie by Equisney and Ponsnar?"

"Well," The shark started, "I AM related to Bruce from the movie - in fact, I'm his cousin named "Bruce Lee," or 'Chomper.' I am called those names because I am very strong physically, especially with my jaws."

*Gulp!* "I can SEE that," Silver inwardly noted as the shark flexed his fin, while his dorsal fin shone in the sunlight above - looking like it could cut more than just butter.

"Well, sorry kids," Chomper stated, "I can't stick around for long - I must be going. I cannot come all the way here and leave without a snack though."

Still smiling, Chomper licked his lips and growled.

Silver would have asked the shark: "how old do you think I am? I'm older than you!," But decided against it to prolong his own life.

Silver and Skyla dogged an incoming strike from Chomper, his teeth clamping around water; his fangs barely missing their necks.

Afer getting attacked by the shark, the daters were quite displeased with their treatment, as Chomper had given the duo a false sense of security and nearly popped their air bubbles. They started to swim to the surface, their new "friend" following along in hot pursuit.

"I'm sorry I have to do this to you two, but I'm afraid that I'm just too hungry to let you guys escape."

"GO TO THE SUSHI STORE OR SOMETHING!" Skystar yelled, shocking both miles with her angry high-pitched scream.

"Wow," said her colt--friend, "That was great! Remind ME not to make you cross."

Skystar nodded an "I will," and Bruce Lee protested.

"But I'll only take a litttttle nibble; I am traveling far in an hour - pat all of the fish and grub stores for a family reunion. I need some food!"

Not my problem," Skyla returned, and Silver was surprised about how harsh she was - as if she believed she was with her ex-boyfriend.

The griffons flew out of the water, rising out of the ocean majestically. Chomper stopped once he got to the surface, not bothering to try to catch them by failing a jump to their high altitude.

Both hippogriffs warned him to stay there, and Chomper pleaded to for them to "get in (his) belly."

The two refused, and flew around their adversary, hitting him with brilliantly choreographed tricks - as if they had rehearsed it their whole lives.

"Owwww, owww, owww!" Chomper groaned.

The magical areal performance lasted a while, until the hippogriffs found that they could draw power from their orbs, and blasted the shark with everything they had.


The hippogriffs used the orb to transform again, and slapped the shark with their tails, forcing him to tumble deep down into the water.

"Woah, Woah....WOAH!"

Bruce Lee regained full consciousness once he almost reached the seapony palace.

I'm sorry!" He whimpered He shook in fear and covered his face with his fins - "I will never do that again!"

He licked his lips.

"Hey, yo seapony-hybrids made me full again! Nice power! I've overstayed my welcome, see ya!"

"Thank you, and bye!" The seagriffs shouted, waving.

As Brucey swam away, the item realized that their orbs indeed held a mysterious power in them. Chomper felt full - amazing!

"Soo magicaaaaal!"

After the ponies chased away the shark, they chased away relaxed near the opening of the palace. What they didn't know was that Queen Novo sometimes knows what is going on wherever the orb is - as long as it is safe. As her twin antenna mane extensions glowed, she documented the shark encounter and was pleased with Silver and her daughter's braveness. She smiled, deciding to have a relaxing spa treatment. No need to be concerned about these two anymore. Well, for now at least.

Silver started to wonder where Pinkie Pie was.

He did not want to doubt her - he thought that she had called for backup. He then wondered....why was Pinkie Pie at the Hippogriff Kingdom the first place? Did she hop ALL the way there just to visit her friend? Apparently so. Maybe Pinkie knew that Silver would be alright.

Silver shakes his head vigorously to shake himself from almost falling asleep in his comfortable state. Being this deep in thought made Silver Quill sleepy. He explains this to his fillyfriend, and she excuses him.

"Hey, what are these things made out of?" Silver says, pointing to an oxygen bubble Skystar was blowing with her mouth.

"Oh, these?" Skyla asks, pretending to be formal, "They are top secret official Seapony bubbles - don't pop! These will prolong your life underwater using magic and oxygen. Glad you asked. :)"

The dating sea ponies chuckled. Both ponies started to cry as they looked up to the surface under the opaque-royal blue sea.

"Thank you for being my mare-friend," Silver whispered, lowering the mode of the conversation, "It really means a lot to me. I had been so lonely for most of my life, and the former meanie-griffon Gilda was my only friend and cubfriend for a long time. That was until I met my pony friends of the Brony community. The human fans of this world really are comforting to have as true friends. I was so depressed after my parents and family were wiped out; with only a relative few of my species left."

"Thank you for being my boyfriend!" Skyla whispered back, snuggling her head into Silver's fluffy and scaley chest.

She started to cry a bit.

"I had it worse than YOU." She said,"Even though everypony I knew was alive, we had to make some sacrifices. I lost most of my fluffiness, I almost never saw the light of day again, our home got destroyed even got destroyed - the only reason of our safety was the fact that we were hiding away; making the Storm King think we were dead. We weren't allowed to stay omnivores anymore; having to switch to full herbivore mode, communicate with the outside world, check to see if we were safe from an invading army, touch the land, outside air, go beyond our home, or even save a pony from drowning. We were trapped in confinement for over 1,000 years! It was awful!"

Skyla cried into her boyfriend's chest, Silver stroking her silky mane to comfort her.

"The worst part it," She continued, "I felt worse than anypony else about the whole ordeal. I wanted to kick Storm King in the rump - even tear him apart if I could have."

Silver Quill winced.

"Sorry...that was morbid. Anyway, it turns out that I DID end up having a hoof in saving Equestria with my friend Pinkie and the others. In the end, we DID get revenge for the King's mass destruction - we had defeated him together; as friends."

Silver nodded, not being able to say another word, or hold back his tears anymore. The hybrids sob and nuzzle into each other's chests and "shh" each other to calm down, thankful they have each other.

After sharing sentiments, Skystar picked up Shelly and Sheldon, who had been resting on the front of the palace doors.

The hippogriffs reassured the seashells that they didn't need to feel jealous - they still had Skystar's love worry or. Skyla had just found somepony who made her feel special, and one who and a colt who truly cared for her. The seashells blew raspberries at Silver but said:

"Yeah, I guess he is alright."

After the shells accepted Silver, the couple decided to see or "sea" - how cuddling would work when switching between both forms.

The orb glowed every time they tried to do so; each time the glow made an increasingly beautiful transformation possible.

The ponies relished in each other's fluffiness - cuddling in each other's bosoms, peeking out of each other's neck fluff, and popping out of each other's backs. It was a wonderful sensation - especially Silver Quill, who was enjoying the hug of a lifetime; especially while switching between both forms. That action just made the snuggle more enjoyable.

The pony-hybrids literally get lost in each other's fluff, having to call for one another when the one partner could not find the other. Skyla's jelly-like anemone accessory in her mane bounced every time they changed forms, and each time she changed back into a hippogriff, Silver Quill would keep comment, much to his sea-marefriend's amusement; saying that:

"Ya keep losing those cute freckles."

Silver snuggles into her watery chest fluff, and the hippogriffs talk about the fluff, how they love it, as well as how it is so fluffy. They feel the heat and warmth of each other increase and move around to warm up their cold limbs on the sea rock which they were on. The waves kept crashing on the rock - meaning that cold seawater forced them to band together, and 'keep in the fluffy,' like a band of penguins.

The heat kept being expelled from their bodies, but they did not care. The couple was cuddling there for hours, basking on the rock in the (now) cloudy afternoon, feeling every soft individual puff of feather or fur. So much floof!

The heat of their happiness and joy nearly burned them - though they were subsequently cooled down by the blizzard-like waves. The griffons were adorable amazed at their static bond.

"H-h-hey-hey-hey-hey, Silver!" A blushing Skystar stammered.


"Guess what?! We're on HEAT haha!~"

Silver inched away from her, though he could not get far since he was trapped in a mess of fluff right then. Since he was stuck, he used another form of communication. He growled lightly.

"Sorry, that was inappropriate," Skyla apologized. Despite his current disgust, Sliver asked.

"Hey, um, Sweetie...can I nuzzle deeper into your chest fluff?"

"Oh, no! Don't you start now, Honey!" Skyla laughed, "Yes you may, anyway, tee hee!"

While Silver's feathers and fluff naturally smelled like peanut butter, vanilla and lemonade, (an excellent combination for Summertime,) Skystar's fluff smelled like frosted lemonade, strawberries, and milk.

No - Silver wasn't implying anything when the thought that. He JUST meant that it was a warm and fun-loving motherly smell.

It was the best chest fluff embarrassing moment they would ever have, and Silver popped his head out of it before it got awkward...much to his own dismay. Skystar did the same to him, and stayed in the chest for too long- outstaying her welcome - smelling his manly lemonade scent.

Both hippogriffs still blushing - they kiss, cuddle in a hug, and snuggle in the fluff. They taste strawberry lemonade as they press beaks, neither willing to let the other go.

Both blushing ponies feel their chest orbs heating up and glowing at the unity - as if their spheres were magically connected.

"Hmm?" Both hippogriffs answered, muffled.

"Eh..." They let the mystery of the glowing orbs go.

Both ponies felt the warmth of their live for each other, heating up. They had moved up in life. After so many hardships, they had conquered evil. They had found each other - special someponies to fight 'till the end.

They felt so in love, in the moment, and in the fluff.

Nothing could ruin this moment.

Absolutely nothing.


Gosh, dang it.

Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich pop up out of the water with their blue, and green scuba gear - matching their eye colors. The second new couple interrupts the kiss and causing the reunion with Pinkie and Silver to come too soon. Silver and Skyla wondered how both ponies could breathe with gills and with lungs at the same time - the ponies appeared seagriffons, despite defying the laws of both seaponies and griffons; even common sense - since the ponies had obviously been told that the Orb was not there for them to transform WITH!

"What'cha doin' How're ya doin'? Oh! You're kissing, oh, that's good to know - Cheese and I were just doing the same thing! Being in between hipposea is a strange experience, isn't it, guys?"

The hippogriffs could ignore the other couple no longer. They sighed, using the orb to transform back into seaponies again, so the sake of conveniences. They broke their hug and kiss, the transformation returning them to their aquastrian states.

"Yes Pinkie," They answered, "We were in love before you broke tour kiss, and we were enjoying the fluff. Yes, it does feel nice to be in between both forms."

At the moment, they were in between both forms, and Silver Quill remembered something.

"Oh yeah, I am Officially CANOOOONNNNNN!"

"Pinkie," Skyla said, ignoring the ringing in her wonderful fish-ears, "My boyfriend here told me about the portal. It seems to be a place in between-"

"Cannon and sub-cannon!" Both ponies finished off.

"Yeah!" Pinkie pronounced, "And I DID tell him about our adventure, - don't worry - he's not a creep."

The younger ponies smiled, only Cheese noticing the fact that Silver coughed: "hehe, heh!," And was blushing and shuffling from side-to-side awkwardly.

Cheese grinned. "I see you hybrids have a REAL love for each other! So do we, don't we, Pinkie?"

"Yes, indeedy!" Pinkie declared, pulling Cheese in for a kiss.

Just like how "Cheesepie" though of "Skyquill" when they kissed, the hippogriffs thought the ponies were a cute ship when they kissed as well.

The kissing ponies tasted chocolate cotton candy, and their tails whirred when they notice their owner's reuniting.

"Bleh," Shelly and Sheldon watched from the sea below on a sea cliff and dove back down to the palace.

"Too mushy."

What most ponies did not know was that the Shells and Boulder were actually sentient, they just pretended to act inanimate whenever they were not alone with their owners.

The seashells rested in the cupholders of the Quen's throne chair. The Queen felt the bubbles of their descent into the holders, making her wake up slightly from her nap.

"Ah, so that's where you two were for the past thirty minutes."

Pinkie an Cheese stopped kissing, asking if Silver was ready to go yet.

Reluctantly, Silver said "yes," not wanting his friends to become worried.

"Hey, Pinkie...why didn't you come back for me and rescue me?"

"Oh," Pinkie replied, "The water was so deep that I wasn't sure how rescue you myself. I went for back up, but you see how I got sidetracked! Hee-hee! I did know you would be save though - as long as you didn't anger the Queen. Did you?"

"Not really," Silver started, "I made friends with her more than anything. And thanks for the "help," Pinkie.

"That's awesome, and you're welcome!" Pinkie chimed, oblivious.

"OK, let's GO!" Pinkie shouted, as the two ponies and two hippogriffs flew into the air, leaving the sea palace behind - after a which transformation of them, of course.

Skystar knew how much her mom hated goodbyes, so she did not trouble her in her royal naptime. A queen needs her beauty sleep after all.

She could tell her mom of Silver's departure later.

Back outside Hippogriffia, Cheese went through the portal first.

As the hippogriffs hugged, Pinkie looked at her watch.

"Come on guys, hurry up!Silver's friends are going to see if he is up by now!"

"Oh, right,....sorry!"

Cheese Sandwich comes back through the portal, realizing that he cannot stay with a yellow tail with a brown fish's tip on it, tan fins (the back one with showed off his cheese sandwich cutie mark on it. His eagle beak and fluffy forelegs would not to either. Pinkie was the same, except she had her three ballons as her cutie mark, no attached to hooves and beak, fluffy forelegs w brown fins with eagle talons, and her pink tail and fuchsia fish-tip.

Both couples giggle, and the hippogriffs press the orb to the ponies' heads (Skyla had been carrying it with her the whole time,) and let the other ponies transform back into ponies before the hippogriffs hug, kiss, snuggle, and wave goodbye.

Both hippogriffs say their goodbyes and shout: I"I love you!" to each other before Silver finishes departing into the portal.

Skyla cries for an added effect, and sniffs, wiping her face with a handkerchief that came out of nowhere.

"I Love you, my prince 'Silver Lining.'

Back in the Rift Cafe, Silver Quill is messily pulling his body out of his bedsheets - for he had been flung upon it in the messiest way possible.

"W-Well, that was fun. I hope I get to see Skystar again soon!"

He blushed at the fact that before he left, he and Pinkie had created a way for Skyla to message her boyfriend from overseas. This involved writing letters and kissing the notes - they would then transport themselves by delivery air-mail to the other world via the portal. Silver Quill still didn't know how Pinkie did her antics.

Silver remembered how just before he jumped through the portal, he kissed Skystar's hoof kisses her hoof, and with an outstretched foreleg, she blushed, thanking him for his kindness.

Silver came back to reality and started to stretch when he heard a knock at the door.

"Knock, KNOCK!"

When he answered it, he was got by a "good morning" from his previous girlfriend, Mage.

"Good morning, Silver," the white unicorn with wavy purple locks said. "How was your sleep? Not very good by the looks of it."

She looked at his messy bed.

"I came over to ask you if you saw a portal at the exit to the rift...something magical happened when I touched it."

Silver interrupted, unable to contain his excitement.

"I touched it too! I was transported to Equestria and fell in love with Princess Skystar! We had an awesome adventure, and we are an item now! Do you mind?"

"Of course I don't mind," Mage assured, "I loved you, but you only liked me as a crush - especially because of our different interest and my love for magic. Have fun with Skystar - she's a princess after all. In fact, I just came from the portal and talked with Skyystar over tea. Pinkie was there alone, too, for some reason Anyway, Skystar said that you were an amazing boyfriend, a great protector, and she said that you have a kind heart. You were a wonderful boyfriend on your first date that was meant to be. She found out that the shark Chomper was able to get near the palace due to the returned magic of the returned hippogriffs not being strong enough to maintain it at first. Skyla says "hi," by the way!"

"Thanks, Mage!" Silver blushes, giving his ex-girlfriend a peck on the cheek. He had not broken up on bad terms with her, and he had kept the first date with Skystar on good terms as well. That was a good sign; Silver's luck with girls was changing.

"Anyway, my cats, dogs, and Pheonix are waking up right about now," Mage smiled, waving, "I have to go feed them - see you later, Silver Gator!"

"In a while, Mage-i-dile!" Silver answered, waving back.

He trotted over to his diary on his bedside desk, taking notes on the previous few hours.

Silver could not wait for Dr. Wolf to hear about THIS!

Silver was blessed to have such good fortune - if he had enough favor, this adorkable sweet and fluffy Princess girl would stick around with him for the rest of eternity.

After writing, he kissed his diary and set it down, going over the events of that day again -all over again in his mind.

"Goodbye, for now, Princess Skyla...I know you will always there for the adorable, fluffy, snuggly cuddles."

"MWAH! ALWAYS....:')"


Epilogue - Prince Silver Lining:

~A month after the first Hippogriff date in more than a millenia~

The ancestral orb of the hippogriffs shone for all to see; choosing not to return inside its cocoon of sea leaves - levitating just under it, while the leaves were open instead.

The light from the ball illuminated the screen below.

A humming Skystar was 'dusting" the spiral stairway that leads to the bedroom chambers and bathrooms, clearing any underwater dust-bunny seaweed and algae on the side of the staircase.

She accomplished her goal of cleaning the whole staircase by flicking it clean with her tail, anticipating her sea-colt friend's upcoming visit.

A motherly figure was watching from the darkness, contemplating her daughter's behavior.

There were many signs that the little princess was happier than usual. One, the orb seemed to be conscious enough to want to watch her happiness, two - Skyla was cleaning up and renovating huge objects before Spring Cleaning. Three, Skyla had a steadfast and continuous grin on her face while doing work and strengthening those tail muscles. Lastly - she was humming the tune to her and Pinkie's song the whole colony had made up lyrics to.

The Queen concluded that her daughter's gleam in her eyes was back - she verbally declared that she was smitten - madly in love. Skystar started having flashbacks of the day she and Silver met.

Letting herself become immersed in the beautiful and succulent memories, Skystar gleefully shouted:

"Silver Quill is now officially CANNON! YAY!"

During her flashback, she remembered what happened right before Silver left. Both ponies had been hungry, so Skystar took her sea-coltfriend to the garden to feed on her lovely seaweed. Silver Quill had protested: "No, no, I'm alright."

But Skystar was persistent, she shoved the food into his mouth and made him swallow, knowing that he would enjoy it.

"HEY! That's pretty good!"

Later on, Skyla and Silver attend a ceremony just for them, the crowd of all the seaponies in the land had gathered for the momentous occasion, resting necklaces of seaweed and flowers onto Sliver's neck. As he and his sea-fillyfriend swam to the throne, Silver chewed some of his mechanics of vegetation; only stopping once the duo were in front of their ruler.

"Citizens of Seaquesria! For This air-hippogriff hath saved my daughter from certain doom - both of them worked hard to fend off a mighty shark that could have spelled the end of us all! We must rebuild the wall to keep safe again! For my little seaponies' bravery and love for each other - not to mention, restoring my faith in ponykind - I give you....Prince Silver Quil and his marefriend!"

The crowd went wild, throwing more of Skylla's specially grown seaweed. Silver did not know what to do with himself.

"Thank you everyseapony! We hope we will become great rulers for you!" The young ponies shouted, waving.

Finally, they hugged until it was the late afternoon, Silver knew that it was high time to high-tail it out of there before his friends missed him.

At the Brony Reviewer portal...

The hippogriffs walked to the portal with their orb; Pinkie was waiting for them since Cheese had already gone back to Equestria.


Pinkie and Silver shouted, waving as they teleported back to Brony-Equestria - closing the portal behind them temporarily. Pinkie was going to visit some brony friends and make her way back to the mane six the next day; obviously telling them why she had disappeared.

Skystar waved saved a handkerchief and cried, "Goodbye you two! Goodbye, my love!"

"Bye, Sweetie!"


Skyla sniffed one more time.

"I love you, my Prince Silver Lining."

After the portal disappeared, Skyla used the Orb to transform into her old seapony self again. She wiped her tears with her wet handkerchief - she was a strange one.

"Well, that was fun! I can't wait to see him next time!" She chirped.

"I can't wait to snuggle him again!"

After finishing the cleaning, Skystar wakes up from her memory daydream. She remarks that she WAS head over tails for Silver Quill - she could not wait for her next date with him!

"That may be so," "Queen Novo responded, "But do not forget the Talk all three of us had - I now can safely trust most ponies again. Silver may have saved you, but both of you still need to learn how to rule a kingdom responsibly. I accept your appoligy from this morning, but you cannot just be doing your own thing from now on. What if you rescue a harmful pony or creature next time? Don't do things without telling me - consult your monarch first before nearly destroying Seaquestria."

Princess Skystar nodded and snickered, her mum's thick accent and small sense of humor made threats sound funny sometimes.

"Yes it's true! At least the orb didn't get stolen this time!"

"Yes, and why didn't that almost happen.?"

"I think," Skystar answered, I think that he already knew about the alarm and your wrath in general. Pinkie must have told him."

"Yes, ponies must learn to be wary of my wrath!"

"M-mahom!" Skyla chuckled! "You sound so funny when you say that, it'll be a little embarrassing! Haha, how're my precious little seashells?"

"They are well behaved," The Queen replied, laughing. The sound of her laughter vibrating through her belly sounded like an echo of a low bass.

"I think they really took a liking to the thought of you and Silver Quill."

"Yes, but that was after some coaxing," her daughter remarked, "NOW, they like Silver Quill, they think he is cool."

"I see that, but enough talk of those seashells. I wasn't my seashell to relax after that exciting adventure."

The mum let her daughter nuzzle her soft and slippery neck.

"Thanks, mom! I will not waste this time thinking about my BF! I will not disobey your pony-treatment rules again!"

Quen novo raised an eyebrow, unconvinced.

The princess chuckled and said:

"I'll try, anyway! :3"

"If you don't keep your word, I am taking your favorite shell-neckless away for a YEAR."

Queen Novo stomped her hoof, kicking up bubbles in the water for emphasis.

The joyous duo laughed as Skyla swam up the stairs jovially.

"Haha! The mom-threatening! It never get's old - good times, good times."

"Night, mum!"

"Night sweetheart! Oh yes, Seashell, hold on- wait-!"

"Yes, mum? :3"

Queen Novo wiped her brown and continued, slyly smirking. Novo had that evil gleam in her eye again - that was not a good sigh...for her daughter.

"By the way, You are SO grounded."

"But - I - just-! *Groooooooaaaaaaarrrrrrrrr-!*"

The young matriarch had heard her mum loud and clear, all the way from the top of the elongated staircase.

Skystar's echoed groan was interrupted just before the daughter got to her room. Her grinned dangerously mum reiterated her statement.

"Can't hear you mum, I'm aslee-"

"*Ahem!* That will NOT work on me! Like I said-"

"You're grounded."

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading! I hope you all enjoyed it! :D :pinkiehappy:

1. This is my first Brony Reviewer/SilverQuill/Skystar/MLP Movie fic, so I'm sorry if the quality is meh.

2.This took five days to make; from Thanksgiving 2017. I started writing it in the week before for Categorical Grant's cuddlefic contest, but I had writer's block.

3. I made up a lot of backstories fro the two mane characters. What did you think? ;)

4. I was so lazy that this almost wasn't written in time LOL. Because this fic was written for a contest, I forced myself to do it, and enjoyed it! :D I think I went overboard with the story length ad characters, though! XD It was supposed to be 1,000 - 5, 000 words long, LOL.

5. Do you want a sequel? Let me know! A Christmas fic is coming soon; stay tuned! I hope people like this story, If you want to, please give me constructive criticism and kind words - I spent hours editing this, so I need to improve! :3 :yay: Thanks, everyone, love you all; God Bless! Have a great day and happy late Thanksgiving everypony! ;D Stay Brony, my friends! :)

Comments ( 19 )

*Canon. The rest of the story seems shite.

8576982 I dunno; I think the story could be shot out of a cannon. How about you?

Nah, that implies it would fly.

This took five days to make

and it feels like you did this in five hours.
This is an okay first rough draft, but this far from ready to be published. Go do your research and edit this.:ajsleepy:

Silver Quill is now Officially Cannon!

This shows quite a lot of promise.

the Brony hangout called the Rift

He then finds that there are actually real seaponies under the sea - even in the land of the Hippogriffs.

So, we've established that bronies exist in this universe. In what capacity? Do they watch the show? Do they have media related? If Silver Quill is in one of these brony hangouts, did he not see the MLP Movie and know the premise? This seems really convenient and full of holes.

He feels very misplaced to be accepted back into Hippogriff society,



but a young and smitten princess becomes a light in the darkness.

Oboi. Time to get muh romance on.

Warning: Mlp Movie and Brony Reviewer spoilers!

What is a Brony Reviewer, and how can there be spoilers for it?

Cover ART is by THIS person.

Maybe you should have given them the full title (missing a "now") and also not included the typo you also left in your own title (cannon).

Cuddles, Cannon, and Fluffiness!

I get the feeling this is going to become a recurring theme.

he had stayed up late watching an almost midnight viewing of the My Little Pony Movie at the theater

So we've established that he is a brony who has seen the My Little Pony Movie. After getting warped to Equestria, I question how he managed to forget one of the major plot points of the movie for story convenience.

his form now ridged

Unless he looks like a stegosaurus, it would be rigid.

The comedic scene was even funnier because Silver had a deadpan, blank stare adorned on his face.

Thank goodness you told me this scene was comedic, otherwise I wouldn't have laughed. :raritywink:

The now determined griffon-pony hybrid


It seems like this appeared a day after I wished I could be on the show."


"I wonder if it will teleport me there. I'm just guessing, but this event seems rather magical."

I wonder if questioning convenient plot twists will feel very artificial and reaching.

Silver reached out to grab a shining ball of a portal. Big mistake.

I don't know anyone who would grab a ball of portal. Maybe he just died instead of getting warped to Equestria. His brony friends are mourning his death because he got sucked into a black hole. The rest of this story is just wishful thinking from Tommy Westphall.

*Part 1: Cannon*

I'm booooored. I wanna go do something else.

"This is probably the best story that's come out this year. 2/10" --IGN

Did you even get his permission to use him in this story? And have you seen any of his latest videos? Because I know in one of them he said he wasn't going to change himself to the Hippogriffs of the movie because he's a different kind of Hippogriff.

If you didn't get his permission, I would take this down until you do.

3. The Pearl of Transformation.

Oh man, now that was a great story, I wonder what old Silver Quill himself will say when he finds and reads this story though, heck I bet he will even do a review on his Youtube Channel about it, I wonder what Lighning Bliss would say about this story though.

Did any of us get permission to use MLP characters and setting for....well everything on this entire site? Or the art? Or....well most things Bronies do using elements from a show owned by Hasbro?

It's a fanfic.

What is the Rift, and who thought it up?

They're cyberbullies who target Brony YouTuber's whose success outweighs their own. I feel nothing but contempt for them.

Now i want to see a reading of this with silver in it!!!

Well arent you just full of sunshine:ajbemused:

Thanks! I know it's not my best story, but it's a new thing so I'm still working out the kinks - I'm glad SOMEONE else likes it, though! :applejackunsure: XD

The comedic scene was even funnier because Silver had a deadpan, blank stare adorned on his face.

You mean more than usually.

Yep, and thanks for reading my old story! XD

Comment posted by spyrofan354 deleted May 11th, 2019

Before I answer I would like to clarify: are you talking about ForNoGoodReason or someone else? Because I'm not talking about Silverquil, Dr Wolf or any of their current possy.

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