• Member Since 26th Apr, 2016
  • offline last seen Yesterday

The Better Scotsman Duck

Editor to those who seek editing. i also am going to eventually start writing a fanfiction.


My friend is at risk of becoming homeless. · 8:20am Nov 19th, 2023

I have a friend who may very well lose her job and home this winter due to an unavoidable scheduling conflict that her job refuses to accommodate. I know many of us are short on cash these days, but if you could just spare a 5 or 10 dollar donation to her Ko-fi I'm sure it would help. And I'm 100% positive that she'd appreciate it. I'll leave the link below in case any of you are interested.


Happy holidays!! ✌️

Comments ( 12 )
  • Viewing 8 - 12 of 12

I'm going to be honest, i have no recollection of following you.... ...wait. Are you an editor? Cause that could've been the reason I followed your profile.

2422044 not all wiccan's are female there are thousands that are male. But I understand why that happened as well so there is no worries at all. I look forward to your continued thoughts on 'Why? A tale of Anon-a-Miss' and hope to hear from you again.

2421694 im sorry. i had just assumed because of your user name that you were a women

2421674 uh try sir I am a male not a female but thank you so much for the comment I look so much forward to reading your next comment on the next chapter once I get it posted.

2419826 ma'am your writing on Why is some of the best I've seen in fanfiction:twilightsmile:. i'm honestly looking forward to see where you go from here.:ajsmug:

  • Viewing 8 - 12 of 12
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