• Published 1st Nov 2017
  • 351 Views, 1 Comments

A "Nightmare Night" in the Different View Universe - Polaris Solarmoon

Glitter Brightstar tries to get her friends to go Trick or Treating with her.

  • ...

This will not end well...

Author's Note:

Quick note before this begins, I do not want to hear any complaints on why Nightmare Night is called Darklight Day or you'll be the first to meet Darklight Flare herself and she's not a friendly pony... Furthermore the reason why I have to call Nightmare Night "Darklight Day" is because in the Different View Universe,Princess Celestia is Luna and Princess Luna is Celestia, which means that in this world,Celestia is the younger sister and Luna is the older one.

Ps: I still do not have alt names for these two... Please can somepony out there suggest names for these two. ( I also want to apologize for the short story but I had to make it that way if I wanted to get it done before Halloween was over...)

(This will not end well...)

"Yay! It's Darklight Day!" A certain loud and cheerful unicorn says as she bounces across Ponyville passing by a few shops on her way to the library, her plan to go Trick or Treating with her friends, that is if they what to go at all.

[meanwhile at Canterlot Castle]

"SISTER THY DAY HATH FINALLY COME AT LAST!" Princess Luna says in the Royal Canterlot Voice.

"What day Luna?" A confused Princess Celestia says as she walks up to her older sister with curiosity.

"Darklight Day, it tis a day that I have set up for you to get reintegrated into our modem time! Isn't that exciting!" Luna says cheerfully.

"Darklight Day? We do not know if we can go... What if the ponies don't accept us?" Celestia said unsure if the ponies of Ponyville would accept her.

"Do not fear my dear sister, is tis a time of fun and you should at least be able to try." Luna says to comfort her younger sister.

"Alright we'll go and see.." Celestia said.

"Great! Go then have fun and enjoy yourself Tia!" Luna said.

"Don't call me that..." Celestia says as she leaves for Ponyville.

While Celestia is on her way to Ponyville, Let us see what Glitter Brightstar is up to...

Glitter Brightstar was currently at the door of the library and was about to knock when it opens and an unamused Dianne walks out.

"Glitter Brightstar, I have no time for your childish antics today." Dianne says in a monotone.

"Aww but don't you want to Trick or Treat with me?" Glitter said.

"Sigh... Fine then I'll go, it is a holiday after all." Dianne said.

"Yay! Now we go find somepony else to come!" Glitter says cheerfully before bouncing away in a random direction.

"This won't end well..." Dianne mutters to herself as she follows behind the hyper unicorn.

The two mares didn't have to go far as Glitter Brightstar finds Prism Shine nearby, Prism was in a bee costume.

"Hi Prism Shine!"Glitter says to the somewhat timid pegasus.

"Yeek! King Thorax! D-don't hurt me!" Prism Shine says as she immediately hides behind a bush.

"Prism Shine it is only Glitter Brightstar and myself." Dianne said.

Prism eventually comes out of her hiding spot and then nervously giggles at the Changeling King costume that Glitter Brightstar was wearing.

"Silly me, I'm really sorry Glitter... I really thought you were that monster." Prism Shine says apologetically.

"That's okay Prism, it looks really good though doesn't it?! " Glitter said.

"Oh um... Dianne are you going as anything?" Prism Shine asks.

" I'm going as Princess Radiant Eclipse Dawn."Dianne said, To further prove her point,Dianne reveals the fake horn and wings that she had hidden quite well on her body, she even had the cutie mark down, the only difference was her flat mane and reading glasses.

"Wowie! You look so cool!" Glitter Brightstar says happily.

"Thank you Glitter, now let find the others."Dianne said.

"Okie Dokie Lokie!" Glitter said.

"Wait can I come too?" Prism Shine asks.

"Of course you can silly! Come on!" Glitter says cheerfully before bouncing away once more, Dianne and Prism Shine following close behind.

The three ponies then made there way to Sweet Apple Acres and found Quartz Bell who was dressed as a scarecrow.

"Hi Quartz! Wanna go Trick or Treating with us?" Glitter asks her.

"Sure why not, ah ain't got nuthin else ta to anyway." Quartz said.

"Yay!" Glitter says happily as she bounces off once again, her friends doing everything they can to keep up with her.

(What Sam's hill is wrong with that pony?) Quartz thought to herself as the group stopped near the Carousel Boutique.

Glitter then goes to knock on the door and wait, after about a minute or so of waiting the door open revealing a rather shocking sight, Jeweled Apple dressed as a Farmer.

"What in tarnation?! Are ya makin' fun o' me or somethin' ?"Quartz said.

"Sorry dear, that was not my intention." Jeweled Apple says before suddenly switching to a country accent.

"Ah'm only dressed this cause my sister wanted me to." Jeweled Apple said.

"Alright ah git it,just don't ever use that tone of voice with me!" Quartz says accidentally dropping her own accent near the end of her protest.

Next thing either mare knew they were enveloped by a purple aura and then lifted off the ground and then brought over to a rather angry Glitter Brightstar, when they both saw the angered unicorn, they had both turned white as ghosts and shuttered in fear.

"If I hear anymore arguing from either of you two, I will personally send both of you to the moon understand!?" Glitter says, her born glowing with magic.

The two mares nodded and then apologized to one another.

(Wow... I never I'd see the day when Glitter ever got serious.) Dianne remarkes in her thoughts.

"Sheesh Glitter, you can really tell off somepony can ya?" a voice says from above.

"Phoenix Firewing! I'm happy your here!" Glitter says cheerfully as if she were never angry in the first place.

"Happy to be here I guess, so what's up?" Phoenix asks, Phoenix was in her Wonderblots Uniform.

"Wanna go Trick or Treating with us?" Glitter asks.

"Sounds fun, count me in!" Phoenix said.

"Pardon our intrusion,but what tis this fun thou speakest of?" A very familiar voice says nearby.

"Princess Celestia!?" everypony had said at once.

"You do not need to shout... We are right here." Celestia said.

"Oooo! Hi Princess are you here to Trick or Treat with us too?" Glitter said.

"Sadly no, I'm here to learn more about this modern time that I'm in." Celestia said.

"Oh... Okay!" Glitter says cheerfully.

"If that's really all your here for we can gladly help you Princess." Dianne said.

"You can?" the Princess asks.

"Of course, we can even get some Trick or Treating done on the side!" Glitter Brightstar says.

"I thank ye so much for this, we defenetly will not forget this." Princess Celestia said.

"Yay! Let's go!" Glitter says before bouncing off to places unknown.

"So... Do we follow her or..." Prism Shine said.

"Beats me, I've got no clue what goes on in that head of hers." Phoenix Firewing said.

"Well let's just hope she does get too hyper from all the candy that we get from all of this... I hope." Jeweled Apple says as she watches Glitter Brightstar bounce away...

[The end?]

Comments ( 1 )

Blueberry Cake:
A really sweet,though naive and gullible,girl who routinely gets lost in thought. It's not that she's dumb,she's just so creative she gets lost in thought while trying to keep up with all of the ideas that are in her mind.

She wields the Element of Kindness.

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