• Published 26th Jun 2021
  • 935 Views, 2 Comments

The Book of Ages. Volume 1. Harmony and Immortality - Rune Singer

Once in a lifetime of an alicorn the Book of Ages appears. What they learn and choose to become is their greatest test. In a time of brewing unrest among the ponies, Twilight's turn has come.

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The frigid northern wind announced the advance of the first really cold month of the Mareterranean region. November in Marelantis would come down with a torrent of week long rain and then brightly sunny but icy cold days. That morning required the use of a double cotton undergarment if a Pegasus was to survive the lower currents about the southeast cliffs.

Aneris landed shortly on a cliff outcropping, and raised her goggles over her forehead to have a better look at the sea horizon. The winds where being erratic lately and unpredictable. True it was good sport for training and gave a little flavour to otherwise boring patrols. Aneris felt uneasy to the core of her being, there was something wrong, it felt like a sign that no one saw. Pegasi navigators and elders with weather expertise reassured her and her aunt that these changes happen every so often. They were reminded to not forget the fabled cold October, that froze the vineyards to the root, about a hundred years before. Or even the unique gale that struck an bygone September, ruining crops and levelling villages.

Her aunt had gone with her to the elders, but she was not really interested or took it seriously. Aneris felt it more as a favour that remained non reciprocated on her part. She tried to be extra careful with her duties and drive the cadets harder towards results. Other times she sighed and let it go, as it might be due to her excitement. Even though they nothing was said yet, in person, everypony saw and knew what happened. Aneris kept that as hope and truth, even then when another gust of wind blew her wings almost open, as if to remind her that something was not right with the world.

Another matter was that the sea creatures habits also changed. Very few seals bore their young in the numerous hidden caverns all along the base of the cliffs. No turtles where reported to have lain their eggs in any beach. Although schools of fish where abundant, they avoided nearing the island and very often the gulls that followed them, returned in fewer numbers. She planned to ask the Earth ponies at their temple come next visit. Word on land said its all because of the earthquakes, it disturbed flora and fauna alike. Even the lodestones were rumoured to not attune correctly. Whatever that means she thought. She lowered her goggles thankful for this fine piece of alchemy that protected the eyes during flight, behind a pair of specially constructed, almost unbreakable glass. Also very grateful for the cotton lining she was supplied with the day before she looked about to see if she had been spotted yet. She wanted at least a few of her wing of ponies to learn how to swoop down from such direction that is would force their target to look into the sun.

A pair flew by performing a scissors manoeuvre, both ponies trying to reduce their forward velocity vector, which is their speed along a straight line around which they are both reversing. The winner would be the pony with the slowest forward velocity as he will finish up astern of his opponent. All this would be easy if not for the unpredictable air currents. Shrugging it off as another lesson to be learnt, Aneris spotted Blacktip just the second she moved into her blind spot. Well done she thought. The mare attempted a spiral dive that would have been flawless if not for another blast of wind. Nevertheless she ended her swoop at the right mark. Namely before Aneris herself. Communicating with sign language the flew off on a low course along the cliff line, to act as targets for another pony.

After five more performed amicably, they flew south and rested a moment by Herb Island. Removing leather helmet and goggles, six pegasi looked at her standing in a half circle. Aneris walked amidst them and commented on their performances.

“…oh that Vertical reverse was absolutely gorgeous Bright Sunset and Featherweight?…look…don’t beat yourself up over Cloudancer, his high speed barrel roll cannot be out flown…so, take a moment all, until…”

A mare flew towards them displaying messenger colours and landed skillfully beside the group. She saluted Aneris and handed her scroll tube. “Here is the report on the cadet training…its a good one!” the mare winked, set her packs more comfortably by rolling her shoulders and departed.

“Oh boy” Aneris exclaimed “lets see, I hope my sister did not pull a blunder the last two days” she laughed, relieved that the other pegasi were snickering ass well and unscrewed the light metal tube and unrolled the scroll within, it was from Aeolus. She read struggling not to let her glee show. Even though the report was written in a formal customary hand, she imagined it was just for her and her alone.

Greetings Squadron Leader,
As of the fourth hour past dawn the special cadet training has finished.
The guest Cadet reported on time yesterday and in satisfactory attire. Even though I did not request unicorn armour, she donned one as well as a weapon. I ordered the latter withheld for this day, due to it not being necessary at this instant. She was instructed to use non lethal attacks from behind magical shielding. The attacks would mark the pony with colourant but would not be harming in any other way. I must admit I did not instruct her as to the colour of the attacks and…your sister took initiative…colourfully.

She performed remarkably well with the simulated light spears, fire bolts and energy bolts in a radial region. Although her stamina lacks after the first hour. Our cadets where just warming up by then. She had supplied herself with restorative concoctions which was a pleasant diversion and enabled her to go on with my instructions to add fire-at-will and some unexpected tactics thrown here and there for good measure. I dare say the utilisation of unicorn troops, correctly trained that is, would be an added advantage to our forces. If only their inert pride could be broken a notch, then we would advance the forces of Marelantis by leaps and bounds.
The second day, I ordered the training to take place at dusk for added stealth and difficulty. The guest Cadet was to erect as many physical shields as she wished, simulating a centaur’s mage potential. Namely, not much of arcane magic at all and mostly elemental. Her fort was to be breached and she captured if possible. Although I view teleportation a most foul manoeuvre, it nonetheless is utilised in war, thus sadly it was allowed. Our ponies were permitted to use whatever means they deemed effective to attack. I am very disappointed to say the least with her performance. The point was to train the cadets and to give her whatever Mages believe a satisfactory victory is. She was instructed to display and act in a simulation of combat, not outwit and outshine.
Make our clan proud on your part of the training and don’t let their ways intimidate you. Remember, within the mage halls you may utilise weather control. I believe this would be of great help.
I look forward to discuss the results of this endeavour, come next joint patrol.
Wind to thy wings
Aeolus of Tirre

Acting nonchalantly she rolled the scroll tightly and placed it back into the tube. That she secured in a small pack they all carried, strapped underneath their left wings. Within herself she rejoiced. Did he open up his thoughts to her. She was sure he did. He even told me of his wishes and feelings! The pegasus thought. and Concordia…what will I do with her…she really does not understand combat the way we do… wait till she sees this letter. He even looks forward to see me and discuss.

Today was going to her first day of visiting the unicorn keep and she looked forward to it even more, now that she had proof of Aeolus’s devotion. She had to carry her armour and lance, best she decided if she’d wear it and appear like that. “Who said a pegasus cant be a tad vain and look the part” she said to non in particular.

“What was that?” Bright Sunset asked.

More looks where upon her now.

“Well, I thought since I should take my armour with me to the unicorn keep, why not take the orichalcum, they like shiny stuff don’t they?” she strutted around, then flew high and swooped down landing with a thud and a conquerors posture. “…and then I’ll dive down in the courtyard, lance and shield and show them ponies some Marelantean steel!” Cheers and whoops rose to her satisfaction


Aneris knew exactly where shields were deployed above the unicorn keep and calculated her landing to be precise, also allowing the way for a little flourish. Her mother stood upon the courtyard stairs and waited for her daughter to walk up to her. Aneris saluted but was drawn into a hug, armour and all, causing her lance and shield to clatter to the floor.


“Oh hush Aneris” Queen Rhea said laughingly and bent to pick up the weapon, inspecting its tip.

“Hmm you brought a blunt weapon but you wore the real deal in armour? I did not have you up for the showy type daughter!” said she and continued laughing as she watched Aneris puff up and pout.

“Mum do we have to go through the keep? Cant we go around the grounds, its faster even…” Aneris asked

“Pish posh! I get to see you so rarely honey, and I wanted to have the court look upon you on your visit, its good for morale as to say, especially since somebody got some exciting news!” and elbowed her daughter’s side as she walked on into the keep.

Following her mother into the castle Aneris smiled and thought how lucky she was indeed and then ran up to her mother’s side to ask her directly.

“Umh… how did you find out? I mean I know news travels fast and such but I did not know ponies had such an interest in…in my…”

The queen stopped and looked quizzically at her daughter, then her demeanour warmed and she toucher her hoof.

“Oh sweety, haven't we been over this for so many times in yours and Concordia’s lives? You are princesses, off course you may ahem, have a fling or two, but when matters become more formal lets say, your consort is eligible to be presented to the Lodestones and might be chosen to become King. Your father and I, and off course ponies of the court have always had our eyes on your development as mares.”

She walked onward now, Aneris at her side. Guards everywhere saluted, if perhaps with more vigour, the princess’s fiancee being a wing commander and all. The pair climbed up the stairs leading to the balconies that oversaw the inner courtyard, and stopped by one of the arches, to be in view of all below. To Aneri’s surprise a gentile row of clapping greeted her, along with some outcries of congratulations and well wishes.

The queen having leaned Aneri’s lance and shield against a wall, waved and the clapping subsided. Upon being prodded by her, Aneris waved as well and followed her mother as she went on towards the stairs leading down on the other end of the balcony. Aneris walked silently and thoughtfully, her mother glancing a few times over to her.

“Oh don’t be so silent about it? You have not told me a thing you know?”

“Oh mum I… I am kind not ready to talk about it, it happened all so suddenly…and now I am…”

“Betrothed!” her mother said happily, shaking her head a few times “ah I remember when your father proposed…we thought the world knew nothing, saw nothing but then…banquets, celebrations, visitations…the LOT!” upon seeing her daughter’s eyes open a little wider she toucher her gently above her heart and said soothingly.

“But you will never lose this, little one. What you and he feel will always be yours and only yours, the rest of us just relate. So don’t worry too much, everything you will now endure and go through together, as a pair and a team.”

Aneris nodded, swallowing hard. She felt a pang of the unknown, as if she did not really understand how this world of ‘being a pair’ felt exactly. But she yearned to be part of it, to belong to those-who-related-to-this, to be a pair with Aeolus. I will make it happen, and as long as Aeolus loves me back, it is just be a matter of time until we get this pair thing! she thought and brightened again.

They had gone down the stairs and walked over the path connecting the keep to the Mage Hall. The mossy granite slabs beneath their hooves where slippery with humidity and all around the tall pines dripped with moisture from the night before. About an hour or so the sun would rise over the cliffs and reach the walls surrounding the entirety of the unicorn keep. Aneris remembered how the plumes of condensation rose over the grass and the trees rendering the air even more heavy with humidity. How had she ever liked this as a foal she wondered now and longed for the clear windswept plains she resided in now. Overt humidity was a hassle to flight and a bother to the lungs, a pegasus exerted almost double the energy to breathe in such environment. Earth ponies where much more suited for campaigns in woodland and -she shuddered- swamplands…

The pair rounded a small hill and saw before them an oblong field, perhaps five hundred meters long and half of that wide. In contrast to the pegasi ground training fields this was minuscule, without any benches for onlookers and no tents or pavilions. It was just a grassy field with tall pines and cypresses surrounding it. At first glance the area seemed just another cultivated garden area but then signs where magic had been used, stood out. Here and there small impact craters where naked of grass and in irregular intervals, angular slabs of earth jutted out of the ground.

Queen Rhea broke the silence from behind Aneris when she greeted somepony who must have come upon them.

“Good morning Spell Wright! How have you been, I’ve rarely seen you the last days. Don’t overdo it with your studies, look at you your eyes are hollowed out and dark.” She shook her head all motherly ”Tsk… Tsk… Life is not all about training young mage, you’ve got the attunement to the lodestone in your pocket, take some time to live life, life with the ponies next to you.” Retreating from having arranged his mane as she liked “Ah but I am just an old mare seeing the world from a different angle. Ah to be young and bothered with all these emotions…have a nice time now!” She stopped walking and turned to her daughter with a grin “Get them good Aneris, show them a piece of what those wings can do!” and resumed leaving the two of them alone.

Spell Wright cleared his throat gently and bowed his head in greeting.

“Lady Aneris, we are honoured to have you among us for these days. If there is anything you require to make your stay comfortable, don’t hesitate to ask.”

To Aneris he seemed to look and not look at her at the same time. As if the outside world was an afterthought to be going through as a necessity and another more important one took up his attention. She waved the offer off hastily

“Oh no I won’t we staying the nights, I will be returning to my barracks. My duties you see, do not end just because I will train in another field for a few hours. Our training take us around Marelantis daily and further even.” She remembered then with a fright about her lance.

“You know, I…the queen left my lance and my shield against a wall up on the balconies of the inner courtyard. Do you think somepony can fetch them over so that I wont miss my appointment here?”

Spell Wright smiled curtly at something to do and break the awkwardness they both felt.

“Your appointment is with me my Lady and I will send word at once for your…implements to be brought to you.”

With that his horn shone brightly as he sent a message to another unicorn. Aneris knew from her sister’s tellings that all unicorns who have passed the third degree of their magical studies, could use communicate nonverbally with each other. This was done by gaining a fraction of the attunement to the lodestone their will receive later, thus using that magical source as a conduit to send and receive messages. The stallion’s eyes focused on her now, semi translucent already by the amount of time he spent conversing with the lodestone.

“My lady, today you will not participate in our field training but acclimate yourself to what we do. Tomorrow we will supply you with an enchanted weapon and commence with moving target practice. The last day we will rely upon your expertise with the tactics different flying species use.”

Aneris looked at him sideways trying to decide why everything he spoke of seemed too detached from reality. War, combat is not an embellished book…

“Spell Wright, you don't have enchanted dummies for this? “

“Oh no dear Lady, dummies are sufficient to train alertness and speed yes, but a dummy cant be brutal, it cannot be passionate with rage and…” he twirled his hoof in the air… ”you know, be unpredictable and carnal”

Aneris wanted to add a few embellished words about being called a sub pony and a animalistic heathen but was startled by the on rush of unicorns appearing out of thin air, in a neat group. Does no pony here ever walk somewhere? At least she thought they appear in ranks and positions.

Spell Wright walked up to the group and nodded shortly.

“Good morning everyone. I see that more of your mare classmates have graduated and left.”

The ponies mostly colts and a few mares among them, all wore short cloaks of earthen colours. Aneris knew this indicated the lowest of ranks, and was relieve that she did not have to endure fillies of no degree at all. Spell Wright continued in same tone, walking back slowly.

“It is also good to see that at least two want to try to reach the second degree, unlikely as it might be. If a mare does advance to become a mage then she is a valuable asset to our bloodlines.”

He had stopped and raised the chin of the closest mare, to look into her eyes. He smiled then and went on in a humorous manner.

“Anyhow, you get to hear this from our elders constantly I bet and I think its starting to rub off on me as well. I am not that old and wizened yet!”

Everypony chuckled and some laughed and Aneris tried to chime in but did could not feel where the joke was.

“Mandrake here will lead you through your drill and be good sports will you? We have a princess among us today.” With that he bowed her way and vanished with the toned down flash that unicorns like to disappear with when not wanting to make a show.

Mandrake had a deep red coat and ochre mane with white highlights. He kept his mane long and he swept it back with a flourish as he walked towards Aneris. While he spoke to her, the pegasus watched as he levitated a ribbon while also braiding his mane into a tight running braid. Aneris was mesmerised as the divided hair braided itself and looked about as the other ponies similarly either fixed up their manes and tails or had already started a light canter around the field. Mandrake stepped aside as the two mares came closer to them, their eyes opening wide as they took in the metal armour, and gasped as a unicorn colt appeared holding Aneris’s shield awkwardly and then teleported her lance in as well.

“Will…we be using that today Lady Aneris?” the one with the elaborate diamond woven mane asked eyeing the lance as if it was a snake.

“Err. No, not today.” Aneris answered and brought the tip to the front offering it up for display “besides its blunt you see? Not that it cannot injure you but its blunt, its a training weapon or for parades and such”

The mares went back a step but seemed to want to stay, glancing constantly around for the attention of others. As soon as a few stallions came over they started to pelt her with questions.

“Uhm does the armour weigh a lot? Its looks heavy.”

“We will start weapon enchantments next season, is this enchanted?”

“Do you aim the tip or does it find its target alone?”

“Do you sleep in that stuff?”

Aneris was being overwhelmed by the ponies closing in, not used to such brash breach of personal space. Was she like that we she was younger and living away from pegasi troops? A loud yell saved her from shouting the masses to back off herself.

“Go do your warm up folks, on the double or you get to sit this one out, Lord Crystal Quill always needs somepony to catalogue scrolls for him…”

The area cleared in seconds. The pegasus sighed in relief and joined Mandrake who was now overseeing the cantering ponies. Aneris frowned slightly as the ones who had finished their number of rounds sat on the grass chatting. Was that it? She noticed most where performing little cantrips or forming and imploding little bubbles with their horns.

Mandrake clapped his hooves twice and started sending pairs of ponies to various posts along the field where they awaited. About six of them where placed at the far end where stone rectangles, big as a grown pony stood. They had shallow basins carved into them and at Mandrake’s command filled themselves one after the other with one element each. Water gurgled from one, fire blazed burning no fuel from the next, a small whirlwind moved perpetually in the third and in the fourth animated sand churned like a soup. These were used to draw from for elemental offence and defence magic, apparently so as not to use the surroundings themselves.

At first it was interesting, then as nothing new happened other than whatever combinations of elements the young magicians came up with, Aneris grew bored. She started listening into the conversations around her and a specific one drew her attention.

One of the mares, this one with small crystals braided into her mane style was talking to a colt about her sister.

“You heard the rumours about you know who and their under-captain or whatever getting betrothed? Figures right?”

The colt answered conspiratorially while chewing on a blade of grass.

“Yeah, I only find it stupid they beat us to it. I mean…everypony knows Spell Wright has it in for you-know-too..” Here he laughed at his own pun, while the other finished his thoughts

“Don’t you I know it. Miss brains in the clouds has never seen to ask anypony else out so she must like him right? I like her sister though, not so stuck up as Quill’s favourite.”

The colt drew in closer then to say something almost inaudibly, Aneris perked her ears shutting out all other noises.

“Since Concordia got her mark, Crystal Quill treats her better than his own son you know. Disses him left and right whenever he can, I feel for poor Spell Wright sometimes…when he is the best this place has seen for ages…just saying.” And bumped hooves with his friend who sighed, swooning.

“Ah, Spell Wright, I will gladly have him if she won’t! Call him Lord and everything if he wants to”

“Yuck!” the colt stuck his tongue out and then poked her before getting up. “Come on race you to the drinks”

Aneris followed them with her gaze, her frown deepening. Thirsty she got up herself, wondering why drinks and even food where so readily available during training. She was even more perplexed when she saw the kind of food provided. Most where confections, pastry and glazed fruit. Whatever else might have been hearty was no doubt also sugar laden. Swallowing a small cream filled dough pasty she decided to have a drink and chose the least colourful one. To her confusion it was a mildly alcoholic elderberry drink off course with added syrup. She started to think she walked into a holiday picnic among the court, topped with sport events and gossip.

She would have none of this thank you very much and decided to exit while she was not noticed, perhaps to find her sister. Now that she thought of it, she had not seen her all day… The mage library was off bounds for non initiated into a degree but she could ask around starting from there. Not sure if flying was disallowed, Aneris chose to walk carefully off, keeping to paths she knew since childhood to be less busy. She had only just reached the austere building that housed library and the grandest of the indoor halls ponies had ever constructed in know history, when she saw her sister.

“Dia!” She shouted and flew without thinking towards her.

“Ane!” the sisters embraced and Concordia said apologetically “Good to see you, forgive me for sending mother to welcome you home today. I was held back by Lord Crystal Quill and… Ane why are you laughing”

Aneris had started to snicker trying to hide it behind her hoof.

“I am …pffd… I dont snicker!…pffd”

“Aneris tell me at once what is so funny, is it a prank they put you up to? Its the mares right? Ouuu I am going to singe their manes to a crisp…if only I…” said Concordia annoyed looking about for the perpetrators.

“No Dia…no, hehe” its just so funny that you were busy by Lord Quilly himself when he…”

“Dont call him that! Ane we are not fillies any longer…please don’t make me look the fool.”

Aneris bumped her sister with her elbow.

“I know right, don’t wanna look bad for his dad.”

“What are you talking about. Speak normal will you?”

Rolling her eyes, Aneris spoke matter of factly.

“I mean you an Spell Wright…his father would be your father in law…you getting this?”

“ANE!” Concordia shushed her sister and dragged her along “not here, follow we’ll go to my study.”

“You’ve got a study?” Aneris asked bewildered, disengaging from her sister’s grip, choosing to fly after her.

“I am the only one in the mare’s dormitory so I utilise the empty space as a study. Now come! Down these steps and the second door”

Upon following her sister through the small door she entered in, Aneris looked around in awe. This building could easily have housed fifty or more ponies and was being used by a single one? What a waste of space, especially since from the beds and up the walls where empty as far as the slanted rood. Concordia lit up enormous glass balls that hung from the rafters and the rest of the long one room dorm was revealed. It should have been cold but the temperature was pleasant. Concordia turned and arms crossed looked at her.

“Now, do you think it was funny to make talk like that up?” she asked annoyed.

“Diaaaa…why are you so easy to anger lately? To be honest I did not know till a moment ago that there was anything between you two.” Aneris said defensively.

“Who? You mean Spell Wright? He and I? You’ve got to be kidding me. We spend all day together, we…we;ve been training all these years side by side…he…”

“You see my point?” Aneris looked smug.

“What point Ane?” Concordia’s temper was ready to spill over.

“Come ON! Now you are seriously bugging me! You mean to tell me you have not realised he wants you like crazy for ages now?”

“I…well…I have suspected it…”

“Suspected it? Am I speaking to my sister or a filly of ten years? I happen to have heard, just now and out in the open mind you, two of your first degree’s talking about just that. It did not even seem like old news either!”

“Well” Concordia’s tone changed to a more restrained one “it does show you have been away from court, its gossip dear sister and nothing else. As you have seen, we have only two mares -other than yours truly- in the Mage hall and they are the most stallion hungry pair I have ever met.”

“You could take a leaf out of their book you know…”

Concordia’s voice sounded shrill when she answered

“I beg your pardon?”

“Well, only three days ago you broke down when I got…betrothed, what those ponies said was true, you are dismissing any advance a stallion does on you and you seem to have your head in the clouds more than the ponies around you.”

“I don’t have my…wait what? Betrothed? Aneris you are not betrothed yet missy and you know what? I wanted to talk to you about that and I did not have the proper words back then”

“Oh that again…I don’t have to hear advice from somepony who has no concept of romance and intimacy…”

“Listen, I will sit and hear anything, anything you have to tell me about Spell Wright and I promice to even act upon it if you hear what I have to say. Will you Ane?” Concordia’s eyes had started to fill with tears. That and the nervousness she conveyed unsettle Aneris deeply.

“Fine, speak! Try to add more feeling into your words OK? None of that coy stuff you so love.”

“Coy stuff? Never mind, Aneris tell me technically speaking, have you had any intimacy, ever, so far with Aeolus? Or even a private talk?” Concordia asked, and speaking the very name of him bringing up bile to her throat.

“I…we…we cannot…” Aneris looked cornered, but then stood her ground, “we are not so foppish like you here. Drinking and eating candied stuff while hopping like foals on an outing. We follow rules and we cannot…”

Concordia smiled bitterly and said

“You have no idea have you. Well, unicorns need a lot of sugar i their diet to sustain prolonged use of magic. But why am I even telling you this...Do your realise that only you have mentioned your feelings to Aeolus?”

“He has declared his intent before witnesses if you want to be technical about it”

“Did he Ane’? DID HE?”

“Could it be that in all of Marelantis you might be the only one not knowing what that declaration meant?”

Concordia burst out “You fool! He did that for the eyes of everyone else and you bought it as well.”

Aneris shouted back “Why wont you believe me that he loves me, look! Look at this!” and shoved Aeolus’s report into her face.

Concordia took the letter, sniffed and wanting to hope that it contained the most passionate words ever written, read it silently. Disgusted she looked up.

“Its a report you naive pony. Its an uppity report, casting sand into your eyes when he knows you will swallow the bait, hook, line and sinker!”

Aneris snatched the letter back, straightening it and lovingly putting it back in its scroll case. She the looked up with such anger that Concordia recoiled.

“What is the matter with you Dia? What ever do you have against Aeolus? Everyone but you respects and loves him, I LOVE HIM! Tell me now or never speak to me again! Because ask the entire island…he and I will get married!”

Concordia swallowed hard, cornered by the words and how wrong they were. She shook away the trembling that threatened to start in her lower lip and said calmly, looking to the side.

“He is sleeping with someone else, he loves someone else”

The pegasus stood silent. The words being of those no one in love wants to hear. But as she was used to, she did so now, no longer even registering that she was excusing Aeolus again.

“If you have heard anywhere that he…took another mare to his bed…its normal Dia you cannot ask somepony to stay chaste if they don’t chose it…we aren’t earth priests and priestesses.”

Concordia still did not look at her, ashamed.

“Aneris…I overheard them”

The pegasus almost whispered the words like an exhalation “When?”

Concordia looked up trying to show the truth in what she reported

“The first day I came over, in the last tent of them all when I was looking for your stupid pauldron”

Here she started crying again.

“I heard them, he does not love you, he wants to get you drunk on your wedding day and have somepony else get you pregnant. Do you like them apples sister?”

“That is ridiculous Concordia! Why wont he..mate with me?”

“Aeolus needs you to be pregnant. He does not want to touch you though. He is an enemy of the state!”

“I think you misunderstand what a stallion does sister mine…” Aneris tried to sound mature.

Concordia stood up and shook her sister by the shoulders.

“Because he wants to run off to Tirre with another STALLION you stupid lovestruck git. He loves a stallion named Peregrine! There I said it, I snitched.” And began crying harder.

Aneris pulled her sister off of her, walking a few paces to slump against a wall. She turned abruptly and with eyes burning she shouted back

“I know now…I know what is going on. You…heard Peregrine talking about Cloud Cover, they’ve been together for ages.”

Concordia looked down and her crying stopped as if she lost all feeling. A cool chill came over her and she found herself wanting to harm the idiotic pony before her.

“When will you open your eyes and see in earnest? You are making excuses for him all the time, you justify even his mistakes and you revere each word that comes out of that traitor’s mouth like a mandate from a god! Listen you naive mare if he gets a child with you in wedlock but also declares sovereignty over Tirre he owns both Marelantis and the greatest of the colonies”

Aneris heard the words but saw only her sister change before her, seeming cool and uncaring.

“If you care so much for Marelantis Concordia, then why don’t you marry Spell Wright and try him for King” Then she looked to the side, and slammed a hoof into the wall.

“I know now! You are so jealous of Aeolus, you envy the love we all have for him, wanting him to be King but you want it all for yourself. You are the enemy here not Aeolus.”

Concordia’s next words came hushed.

“I will not marry…”

“What was that Concordia?” Aneris shouted out of her mind.

Concordia stood and looked her sister squarely in the eyes.

“I will not marry. You will be queen and Aeolus will be king as he so obviously desires”

“Then WHY do you want to destroy my happiness” Aneris broke down crying herself.

Concordia made to comfort her but she found she could not move a muscle.

“Because I want to protect you. He is a monster who wont even bother to mate with you for appearances sake. He wants Marelantis by means of your foal and then run away with his stud. He wants the basket AND THE APPLES!”

Aneris rushed over and slapped her sister hard, causing her to fall backwards onto her desk. Maroon ink scattered everywhere like blood, Concordia raised her hoof to look at it, dripping. Aneris’s nerves shattered and she turned, rushing towards the door. Upon the doorstep she spoke over her shoulder before disappearing.

“If you won’t love him, you don’t love me…”

She galloped and galloped, through the inner court and around the keep to avoid anyone asking questions. As soon as she cleared the magic barrier that would keep her from flying away, she spread her wings. Aneris did not fly away yet, looking behind her in doubt. Should she go to her mother and ask what she should do? Surely their mother would convince Concordia that she was wrong? But what if this would darken the regard everypony had for the one she loved. No! Aneris stomped her hoof in anger, Concordia is too stubborn, and the only one able to convince her is Discord. With a few wing beats she was off the ground and flying towards east.

“Discord!” she thought with urgency while clutching her crystal “Discord! Can you hear me? Am I doing this right?”

She heard no reply though, not even a warming of the usually cool crystal. Reaching the area where their secret garden would be, she found only grumbled walls and a dishevelled clearing within. The area looked nothing alike what she and her sister knew, in fact it was smaller, no sight of the tree with its magical canopy, the fountain, the neat flowers…

Landing she shouted for Discord, ran to the middle of the clearing in order to perhaps see his portal. To no avail though, the secret garden had vanished. When Aneris heard a distant shout and hoof beats she hid behind a pile of ancient rubble.

“Discord!” Concordia shouted, and Aneris’s eyes opened wide. Not moving she tried to still her breathing and not make any sound.

“Oh no!” gasped her sister who must have seen the change or to be precise the absence of their secret hideout. Aneris would not dare turn to see and relied on her hearing. Her sister must have been attempting to talk to him because she heard her say

“Discord! Why won't you speak to me. I am sorry about walking off like that the other day! So sorry. You meant well and you alone believed me about Aneris. All I did was get mad at you when you where only being honest…Oh Discord where are you…I feel so alone without you…”

Aneris had enough. Her sister had not only made up lies, but talked to Discord about it? She wanted everything and now she wanted their friend to herself as well? Furious she stomped around the rubble to stand squarely before her sister, who looked up surprised. No pony had time to utter anything because then the earth shook.

From the first seconds it was clear this was not the usual seismic activity, the tremors where different. In the region about Marelantis the earthquakes where submarine,mostly originating from the north side of the island, therefore the earth would shake side to side. Now though, the ground beneath them seemed to heave, followed by a infernal grating, a moaning of the soil itself. The greatest fear from an normal event was the birth of a giant wave, from which the island was protected, by the half kilometre high northern cliffs. A quake of such magnitude though threatened the structural integrity of more than a few piers and fishing huts.

Yet the twin princesses had never experienced such a strong earthquake in their lifetimes. The effect to them was staggering, their minds numb and their bodies paralysed. The effects to the environment where quite different as well. To the north the remnants of the ancient temple shook, wobbled and crumbled almost artificially. In places the earth tore a few centimetres and in the distance trees fell.

The ponies had just time to look each other in the eyes and both saw within the other's that they had other priorities. Both Concordia and Aneris had the same thought while they left in different directions.

“She has other ponies more important than me. She loves them more…”

Concordia decided she should teleport to get to the mage hall faster. The barrier would permit her through and there where ponies that surely needed her help. Let her sister think whatever she wanted, pony’s lives where in danger. Arriving at the open area of the training field she found with dismay that the barrier was off. No, it was down all together! She could not begin feeling for its remnants though as she took in the damage to the inner court. In the immediate vicinity statues had fallen and here and there paths looked as if torn up and toppled to the side.In the far distance she could see dust clouds settling over the entrance to the keep a and she could smell smoke. With a pang of recognition, a second tremor began. Concordia ran towards the dormitories but apart from roof tiles falling off, acolytes had congregated in the small clear area. She frantically asked the first pony she saw, while about them the earth calmed.
“I anyone hurt? Who took down the barrier? Where is Spell Wright or Mandrake?”
The colt just looked at her.
“SPEAK!” she shouted, startling him.
“I…I don’t know” he stammered “we cannot communicate…but no one is hurt here.”
Concordia was far from relived but smiled at the pony and placed her hooves on his shoulders.
“Listen, I’ve got to see if I am needed elsewhere. I put you in charge of these ponies here. Keep them in the open and don’t wander off. Somepony will soon come for help. You’ve got this?”

The colt bit his lower lip, but nodded sternly. Everypony then felt the unicorn lodestone’s power return all around them in a wave. It registered then to Concordia that until that surge, she had felt the otherwise omnipresent lodestone’s power not at all but for a trickle, a pulse of magic. With its magic reawakened from whatever had disturbed it before, came an onslaught of voices sending desperate and shouting messages through the link that was cut off. Some ponies had collapsed from the sheer weight that put upon their minds and Concordia struggled, succeeding by a hairbreadth to shut the reception of all messages off leaving only one that burned like a light-tower.

“Concordia! Where are you? Are you both unharmed?” came the urgent message from King Cronus.

Concordia felt lost for words for a fraction of a moment, but opted fort he truth.
“Yes father I’m shaken but well. I am at the inner court, before the dorms.Aneris has flown to the Pegasi Keep.”

“Good!” came the relieved reply “we will establish triage there. Do oversee that everything runs smoothly as possible, there are a lot of injured and more are bound to arrive from Scala.”

“Scala?” Concordia mused as injured where already being carried over “Why from Scala?”
Little did she know that the harbour town lay in waste.

Aneris had just left the forest behind her and was forced to gain height as thick dust and smoke clouds made it too dangerous to fly as low as she did. Below the earth shook once more with less strength and duration. From her new vantage point she could discern where it originated from. Eyes wide, she felt a cold fist in her stomach as she saw the ruins of Scala. The harbour town had collapsed, tier by tier until all the rubble and soil amassed in the centre by the water. The promenade and pier where buried under the debris that spilt into the sea, burying even a couple of triremes under its weight.

The total destruction of any standing structure did not eliminate fires from having erupted and some brave souls where trying to put them out. Focusing on survivors she saw with dread how very few ponies seemed to be about. Bile rose in her throat as she thought of how many where buried under their own houses, dead or dying. Aneris was unsure whether she should land and help out or fly as fast as she could to the pegasi citadel. The powers that be might already be rallying every available pegasus in an organised effort to evacuate and treat survivors. With more guilt than she thought possible she clenched her eyes shut and flew towards the pegasi citadel.

When she arrived at the barracks she stayed in the last years, Cloud Cover by some twist of fate, came running towards her. The mare was anxious and stressed but unharmed, considering the Citadel on its cloud was by default unaffected by earthquakes. Aneris was nevertheless a responsible warrior and cared for those under her command.

“Cloud Cover, report! What of the ground facilities and nearby villages? Scala lies in ruins!”

The other pegasus saluted and began in a matter of fact tone to do just that.
“Most ground structures not of stone foundations are flattened. Several kilometres of cliff edge have broken off and taken any lookout tower with them as well as part of the northern trail.”

“The cape barracks?” Aneris asked with dread.
Cloud Cover shook her head biting her lips. The damage was worse than expected if the main refinery of orichalcum and the workshops within that site where irreparable.

“Before you ask Squadron Leader, there has been no time yet to scout for the mines. I was to find you for the first response teams”

Aneris tried not to imagine the manner of death the miners met with, in the deep orichalcum mines, with no escape other than the kilometre high cliffs.
“Lead the way” she said pushing the pictures out of her mind and steeled herself for the grim work ahead.