• Published 26th Jun 2021
  • 936 Views, 2 Comments

The Book of Ages. Volume 1. Harmony and Immortality - Rune Singer

Once in a lifetime of an alicorn the Book of Ages appears. What they learn and choose to become is their greatest test. In a time of brewing unrest among the ponies, Twilight's turn has come.

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“…dread may gnaw and fears may rend…
For friends we will fight
until the bitter end.”
Rune Singer ~2014

The following morning, while exiting their favourite Canterlot inn alone , Twilight did notice Starlight Glimmer’s mentioning of more Unicorn ponies on the street. Not only there but within The Frog & Cauldron Inn only the innkeeper’s wife remained the only non-Unicorn of the regular staff. Less shops where open as well making her wonder if the same is happening in the other cities the rest of this trend have their base of operation. Eager to find out more, she trotted up to the castle and paused at the base of the main stairway, looking back in thought. Oh!I hope Spike is all right on his own after the way he was ordered to stay back. I don’t mind staying in a Inn either, but is the Castle so full with guests? Looking up to the Royal Castle she wondered what could have caused such cautious and abnormal behaviour on Princess Celestia’s part. Especially since she found all our concerns trivial.Well…there is only one way to find out. Twilight thought as she politely greeted the guards on top of the outer stairs and let herself in.

Almost halfway through the empty reception hall she recognised Starburst cantering towards her from an adjacent room. Retreating half a hoof back she visibly reddened and looked around for onlookers.
“Twilight!” was all Starburst said before he hugged her and drew his head back to briefly touch foreheads with her. They had not seen each other in more than a month, and his presence now filled her with anticipation and joy.
Starburst's eyes shone as he slowly bent his head seeking to kiss her.

“I-” was all Twilight could answered when with a flash Princess Celestia appeared before them. The couple had just time to part stepping back in haste and looking abashed. The Princess looked stoic and tense. Nodding curtly in Starburst’s general direction she gave him no heed and turned her attention to her protege.

“Follow, I have gathered the others already and we are waiting to start. We did have an important issue to discuss with you, yet circumstances have changed the situation.” She said regally all the while looking down at Twilight with stony eyes. Briefly they flickered to sadness or was it stress, Twilight could not tell. Twilight did step up to follow Celestia turning her head quizzically to Starburst. The stallion simply shook his head slowly, sharing her perplexion. He then moved his chin forward to urge her on and set to follow himself many paces apart, thoughtful.

Within the throne room seats had been drawn for all present and as soon as Celestia flew up and over the congregation, Twilight ran to where her friends sat already rising, running or flying to meet her. A confusion of “Hello, Howdy, Hi” and mixed words about what has been going on followed hugging and a small loop de loop in the air from Rainbow Dash. All seized when a loud “ahem!” turned all heads in the direction of the thrones.

Princess Luna had stepped up and loudly -but careful not to deafen the audience- proclaimed
“You will have plenty of time to chatter after the meeting is adjourned. If you please be seated we could begin” and pointed at the seats.

Walking back the ponies whispered to each other.

“Chatter? We have not seen each other for ages!” Rarity mouthed, eyes wide open at the admonishment.

“Whaaat’s up with them?” Rainbow Dash wondered, sitting into her seat with a plump.

Applejack simply walked but before Twilight went by her, she nudged her shoulder to shoulder, winking to reassure her friend.

Fluttershy was back-stepping slowly but treaded right onto Sunburst who had just entered the room.

“Yaouch!” he shouted a tad too loudly and as Fluttershy started mouthing quietly “I am so so sorry, are you hurt? I am so sorry!”

Starburst helped Fluttershy settle into her seat and then looked about for one to sit in himself. Finding none he placed himself behind the row of occupied seats, where Starlight Glimmer already stood, having no seat of her own as well.

Princess Celestia, having surveyed the room once, then spoke, her voice overshadowing everyone “You may stay Sunburst, I would not have it but this does concern you” turning her head towards Starlight Glimmer she added “you as well since you’ve concerned yourself already.”

Starlight was taken aback but tried to hide it. Celestia had never talked to her in this manner before. What had they all done? Was what seemed to be written on her face as she watched her newfound friends sitting, faces attentive towards the Royal Sisters.

Twilight felt mortified for reasons she could not fathom. Taking a breath to steady her thoughts she decided to rise from her chair and move a few paces towards the dais and confront the matter.

“Princesses, I might not know what it is that we have done but I am sure we can all try to rectify the situation. Pleas-” she was cut of by Luna’s unfurled right wing. Luna nodded for her to stop and furling her wing back, turned to her sister, an unspoken agreement in their eyes. Luna then stepped forward and addressed all.

“We greet the Princess Twilight and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, the latter being connected to this meeting by a voice-only portal spell. We have already been informed in detail about the enquiries Princess Twilight has sent the Ladies Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy to, as well as the findings of Starlight Glimmer. My sister and I must apologise for not taking the matter seriously but we assure you that skilled ponies acting as spies, members and even supporters of these upstart groups have been sent and are in constant contact with us.

The Lady Pinkie Pie is still abroad on ambassadorial duties and we wish for her to remain in situ, placing her there as the first of a number of envoys to our allied nations. Unless Princess Cadenza wishes otherwise we strongly urge towards sending the Royal Crystaller Sunburst back to Seaquestria to resume his function there."
She seized the flow of words abruptly to pierce Twilight with her gaze.
"And as we see a Princess here itching to ask her questions, you may proceed Twilight.”

Twilight immediately ceased her nervous trotting on the spot and looked about whispering sorry! Her head tilted slightly to the side, she walked forward a few paces more as if trying to shield her friends from the Sisters. Composing herself and also to add severity to her words she thought I can play that tune as well, if formal they want then formal they’ll get, and After clearing her throat she spoke

“Royal Princesses, I and the Ladies of my court acknowledge your apology though it is unnecessary. We are glad the severity of our findings in these three situations has been taken seriously although is it not a joyous matter. I have not had time to confer with my court about the details yet and we have not come to a unanimous decision as to how disrupting or even dangerous the situation is. I-” again she was interrupted by an outstretched wing.

This time Celestia’s. Twilight was rewarded with a smile from her mentor albeit it did not feel warm.
Celestia spoke coolly then.

“It pleases me greatly that you have come to address your court as what it is and before I continue, I would ask you to join us here by your throne. Your station and status is not just a name or mere advancement; it is a function and to function correctly you should stand at your correct place.”

Twilight made as if to heed the order, to follow and stand next to the regal sisters and… do what? She thought in what could only be thought of as retaliation. What was this pompous show of etiquette all about if not to intimidate. But intimidate whom? Anypony who was here, knew Celestia and Luna already. Her friends are important ponies in their right and especially did not require any intimidation or impressing. Why now of all times did princess Celestia especially, choose to use titles and segregate her and her friends by status. This is absurd and no pony is talking about it! she almost spoke aloud.

Not moving she then stomped a fore-hoof softly on the carpeted floor.
The princesses slightly tilted their heads almost in unison at this, looking at her.
“Curiously the Princess Twilight chooses to take her time to come up here.” said Celestia in cold jest.

More spiteful Twilight thought, Is she goading me to lose it and get mad? What will that achieve? She chose to take the moral high ground and spoke back.

“Curious! Actually I am curious about two things but lets start with this! Why if the initial problem is one of a separatist nature and in this case, if I am not mistaken by your deployment actions, of a right out DIVISION among the pony races, why -I repeat- should I divide myself from my friends and join you up next to the thrones!”

These last words slipped out more garish than she wanted but she was starting to lose her temper.

“Because you ARE separate from them Twilight!” Celestia intoned her eyes stressing the fact.

Twilight was now completely positive that Princess Celestia, her beloved mentor, was goading her.

“Is it my Alicorn nature? Aren’t we ALL different then? The ponies, the dragons, the Changelings, need I go on?” Twilight answered, losing the trail of her thoughts among the current problem and this irritating, alien and utterly disrupting behaviour of the royal sisters. What was separating her so much from the others and why was it so important now?


The word was deafening, heavy with meaning but did not come from the direction everyone expected it to. Celestia whose mouth could possibly have been ready to utter the same, hung open. No they came from Discord who for once did not appear with a flash or bang of bizarrely transmogrified inanimate objects. He had just appeared, leaning against a column next to the throne dais. He walked slowly on two hind feet, picking up a bit of bravado and his usual loony ways.

“You see dear Twilight, my Friend -” and interrupting himself turned completely around to face Celestia squarely in the eyes. There in their gaze, seemed a moment at which a minuscule war was waged and then retracted by both parties and Discord turned about, sitting next to Fluttershy in mid air, going on.

“-as said before, as a friend I do advise you to take my answer and keep the escalation of this delightful drama for the conversation the Royal Sun a’ Moon up there have in store for your ears only. Indulge those poor old dears in their Royal game and do go on with your second enquiry”. Disappearing and reappearing right next to Twilight he leaned close and said in but a whisper “…for all your Friend’s sake”.

Twilights eyes opened wider at that but found Discord had shooed her off by levitating her hind-legs a bit. Twilight was about to stumble but caught herself and looking once back to her friends and once more at Discord, spoke in a voice slightly shaken.

“Right, where was I, eh, am also curious as to what has caused you to change your mind about the actions of the new factions not being trivial.”

Celestia was silent and Luna stepped in and answered “We were just about going to tell you. While...”

She was interrupted though by the up to that point, silent and unresponsive ponies forgotten in the audience.

“Before you asked to separate herself from us!” this from an assertive Rarity who stepped next to her friend.

“Or made her speak to you in fancy speech and all!” Applejack added also stepping next to Twilight.

“Yeah she did all the work sending us places and warning you a hundred times!” Rainbow Dash said loudly, landing next to her.

Sunburst forgotten in the back, looked to and fro his friends, Twilight, the royal sisters, even Princess Candace in her portal and felt inhibited to speak out. He also had some hash words in the defence of Twilight and hated himself for not being able to speak out. Next to him Starlight Glimmer also visibly longed to spring forward and defend her friend. As she looked ahead with worried eyes, he thought "She has it worse than I! While I am being held back by decorum, she is haunted by guilt. How sad we two stand here, like side characters..."
Watching her profile he found that his childhood friend had positively changed the past year. She had grown and expanded her horizons. If only situations like these did not hold her back from finding herself a niche in Equestria. Turning to watch the confrontation before them he spoke in a low tone only for Starlight's ears.
"All we can do now is support our friends with our thoughts and later, with the best we can do..."

Princess Celestia had just stood there unmoved, throughout all the accusations Twilight’s friends had hurled her way. In a trance like state she appeared to listen and take note, but also being far away, in thought. Twilight did for a fleeting second think that her mentor must have been through this before. But that does not excuse herself from not speaking up, not explaining to them. Was it her fault or her friend’s that in her lifetime she’s been though it before?

Luna who was looking from one speaker to another, tried in vain to speak up, confused at this breach of protocol. This was a royal hearing, not a country club! Her eyes seemed to express.

Fluttershy had gone up to Twilight as well and was just about to speak her piece when Discord clapped his hands audibly “Ladies! Ladies! Do try to keep it civil. Speaking of that aren’t we all tapping around the subject of Civil War?”

“Civil War?” Fluttershy spoke up.

Discord put a paw under her chin and spoke calmly and kindly.
“Indeed dearest, and if Miss Victrix Omnium up there is to be believed she knows ALL about wars.”

At last the Princess spoke up, seeming have to come back to the present while she was in her thoughts. Dismissing Twilight’s friends utterly she had her eyes only on the Draconequus.

“Don’t you start Discord. If you not wish to help then don’t interrupt. You were summoned in all formality for a later meeting. The last thing I need right now is one of your disruptive activities.”

“You meant this?” and materialised a tattered envelope, waving it in the air “I thought it was spam!” and turned it into a can of spam. Rainbow Dash snorted and Applejack tried to keep a chortling herself. Discord smiled warmly at the laughing ponies and after shortly looking over his shoulder at a smouldering duo of princesses, he sighed and bent his back forward in mock dejection.

In the first show of any usual emotion, Celestia brought a fore-hoof to the bridge of her nose, and moved her head slightly side to side. “Discord please…” she uttered frustrated.

Discord moaned audibly as in a tantrum and rolled his eyes.
“Oh but I am being disruptive, let me sulk in a corner and watch the wall” with those words he transformed his ears to those of a cat and chased an invisible ball of yarn. Stopping at a far corner he stared up into nothingness.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack giggled silently while Rarity and Fluttershy intoned an “aww” his way. Twilight was looking about, seconds away from an exclamation of “what is going on!” when she caught Starlight’s and Sunburst’s eyes, both looking about confused, perplexed.

Up at the thrones, Luna was whispering in her sister’s ear, causing her to momentarily frown, almost blush and then compose herself, albeit not standing so unapproachable as before.

"Twilight you may stay with your court if they so wish it and Sunburst ? if you may, bring forth the map." Celestia intoned with a little less hostility, causing him and the pony next to him to look up at the dais. Even her stature seemed to have softened a bit, breaking the ever-present tension in the room slightly.

The up to this point silent and forgotten stallion conjured a map table in the centre of the circle of chairs. This seemed to ground everypony’s temper and so Twilight and her friends turned and went back to their seats silent and watching the moving symbols on the elaborate map of the entire world. Equestria was depicted at its uppermost left corner and the view shifted to it including the lands up to Abyssinia and Griffonstone.

Celestia went about explaining the indicators that started to appear in the forms of arrows, circles and crosses.

“Before our own investigations three simple but vocal groups had started to organise. The Affiliation of the Earth in Manehattan, The Winged Coalition in Cloudsdale and The Magical Amalgamation in Canterlot. For the moment these groups have members and followers spreading rumours and falsehoods but also helping select few in need to help them out for the sake of face. We are certain this will not stay at mere words though, discrimination is next and then outright civil unrest. This has happened before in pony history. Even before my and my sister’s lifetime and two times so far within it.
Regions will splinter apart and defencive measures will be taken. For the present our sources can confirm that: The Affiliation of the Earth -A.E. for short- continues to spread and organise forces in the Southeast from Manehattan to Appleloosa.” Pulsating green arrows showed a dispersion from the cities and over each one hovered the old quarterly banner of the Earth Pony Tribe.
“The influence of The Winged Coalition -W.Cl.- has reached from below Cloudsdale to Rainbow Falls while Las Pegasus has stayed out of the game and most probably will” Celestia continued while above the cities and villages mentioned, the old Pegasi banner became visible.
“Lastly The Magical Amalgamation -M.E.- is not centred in Canterlot but in Vanhoover” respectively the old banner of the Unicorn race came to view.

The map dimmed visibly and everypony’s eyes turned back to the Sisters. Celestia showed a small amount of worry and Luna continued the speech.

“If left to their own devices the groups will depose ponies from their homes and cause economic instability. The next step is an establishment of capitals, leader’s regimes and formulation of an army. If by then riots, individual unchecked squabbles and downright violence had not claimed any victims, the imminent conflict of mentioned forces is inevitable.” Luna was going to continue what started to sound like war council albeit in a matter of fact tone, if not for Rainbow Dash.
“But what can we to do now? We cannot go up to people and tell them believe this or that!” She intoned.

Here a loud huff sounded from Discord’s corner. Rainbow continued after looking his way momentarily “Or send them to Tartarus for organising this”.

Two loud huffs from Discord’s direction this time.

Celestia replied “Luna did say that if they were left unchecked the outcome would be thus. And as stated before, we have seen Equestria safely through similar instances. Ponies have risen to question the balance of powers before but I'd have thought by this age, they would feel satisfy, sheltered and engaged enough. Never-mind, the past is not the issue today and thus with a heavy heart I will have to order you, as Guardians of Harmony, to return and act in favour of your Races faction respectably. You shall-” But all hell broke loose.

Shouts of what, where, you cannot do this, sounded all about but one stood still. Twilight who looked across the loud group to a silent Stallion, smiled briefly and used the Royal Voice herself.

All commotion stopped. Neither Luna not Celestia, nor Cadence through her mirror had spoken. All eyes where upon Twilight. In a normal tone now Twilight said “Enough all, please, this is necessary and I have to agree with the Sisters. How else can we prevent this getting our of hand, surely not by having simple spies around. I believe, if I understand this plan, we must bring all the ponies to a confrontation. I mean at some point gather them together and talk this out.”

Every-creature continued to look at her, expecting more.

Applejack put her chin on her right hoof and then spoke up.
“Won’t it just cause them to fight it out a day earlier? You cant think this will go just like the Founders summit, they had a Blizzard to fight against and unite them, what have we got?” she asked.

The ponies paused in thought.

“We’ve got you!” Celestia answered in a heartier tone, startling all and filling them with admiration. All apart from herself, Discord and perhaps Cadence, although Twilight did not know the workings of that particular portal mirror. The rest seemed to have been taken back to adoration and attentiveness by the sheer charisma in Celestia’s voice. Twilight stood corrected in so many ways as she realised the subtle nuances of an alicorn’s powers, powers she had as well. If Celestia could woo them just like that, she thought, then why had she not done so from the beginning, why that display from before that they must have forgotten by now, by this charisma in her voice. Was it…for me to see? To…learn? To learn to…use?? Why doesn’t she talk to me, why did she use my friends and why now!

She came to from her thoughts only when Starlight, who had silently approached her, slightly touched her hoof. The sensation cleared her mind and grounded her. In his eyes she saw that he had picked up, at something being different by only the slightest bit. His magic is not on par to an alicorns after all,where the others have nil resistance he might have a bit, perhaps through our… bond. She thought again while searching for Starlight Glimmer to gage if she with all her immense magic potential could resist that amount of charisma. When Twilight spotted her, she found her as attentive as the others, not mesmerised per se, but not as aware as herself. Still Twilight felt slighted. It seemed as if her mentor weaselled herself out of an awkward situation and it did not fit her role in Twilight’s eyes.

Celestia continued unperturbed, addressing the ponies before her. Her kind eyes full of faith in their abilities, inspiring them to act, shocked Twilight, as she had once been the target of such a praise, such trust. Nevertheless she listened, unbelieving that her mentor was faking her emotions, yet not knowing how to perceive them.

“You have been approached by the factions for a reason, its quite obvious if you ask me. Everypony knows how important you are and even though the Pillars are now among us again, they have kept decisively hidden in places only my sister and I know.” Celestia spoke aloud, looking at each face earnestly and kindly.
Raising her head to shout above the group of ponies she said to the other end of the room, “And before you huff a third time Discord, the Pillars have requested it themselves! I did not banish anypony away!”

Looking down to the ponies but in a way excluding Twilight she said in the most kindly way she had sounded all day “You Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Starlight Glimmer are hereby appointed to take leadership of your factions, prevent violence and the most of collateral damage. Most importantly you have to rise to the call of joining a last conference of sorts that we will coordinate amongst ourselves. If you may now please move on to the adjacent hall, Luna here will guide you through this. Be assured that We will not abandon you and you shall never be without allies hidden or otherwise.Now go with my blessing”.

No one expected Celestia to bow down deeply, wings outstretched in the most submissive of bows. No one knew what to do but Luna passed her still bowing sister and ushered the mentioned three on-wards. As soon as the door closed behind them Celestia rose and turned to the rest “The allies that we are short on communications with are: Seaquestria, Yakyakistan, Griffonstone and the Dragon Lands. The Changelings have even less to gain from joining a faction than the Kirin, Abyssinia and Saddle Arabia. Thus at least they are for now not to be concerned with. Starburst and Pinkie Pie are already ambassadors and can continue their tasks. Shining Armour -as Flurry Heart would hardly stay back from her mother- will be most fitting to handle the aggressive character of the Griffins. Fluttershy’s mission is to stay secret to all but my sister and I. And that leaves you Rarity, to take the difficult task of accompanying Spike to the Dragon Lands.”

Rarity seemed ready to faint but Twilight steadied her and nodded her encouragement.
“Go now with my Blessing” Celestia intoned and bowed again, normally this time.

Sunburst had already positioned himself to the door opposite the one the other three ponies had gone out from. He cleared his throat and opened the door indicating that the rest should pass through.
Twilight began to follow Rarity when she turned to ask “What about Spike? He is back at the inn.”

A small voice answered from the door they were heading to “I am here Twi, the Princess had sent for me after you left”, he sounded worried and afraid. Twilight felt completely sidestepped at that moment. Everything up till then was panned and executed without her presence or council. The Princesses must be fully aware I don't succumb to the charismatic spell that calms the others. So all this was done with me to watch it, and now even Spike is taken from me without my opinion Twilight started to move to hug the little dragon but a command from Celestia held her back. Twilight stood still, her eyes closed, her back to the Princess.

“Twilight! You were not excused. Stay back” Celestia repeated sounding cold and unapproachable again.

Rarity returned and hugged her friend for reasons even she did not know. “Remember Twilight, friendship is worth fighting for and we will never be apart.” She said when they parted and levitating Spike to sit astride her she hurried into the other room. Fluttershy hugged her as well, eyes watering but seeming calmer and before leaving told her “Don’t let anyone talk you down, you’ve got this!”.
Lastly Sunburst walked the few steps forward and gave a short bow with is head. In an undertone he reassured Twilight that they would meet later which brought a tentative smile to her face. She watched him leave knowing not what to do.

When the door shut leaving her, Discord, the mirror and the sisters alone.
Twilight turned and walked, her head hanging low but stopped when she bumped against Discord, who suddenly stood in the middle of the room. Looking up she smiled at him. In this moment she still had the most unlikely friend, but one nonetheless to stand by her. Raising her head she looked at Celestia and throwing all caution to the wind, she said her piece, come what may.

“Can you perhaps now tell me what I have done wrong? Why you orchestrated all this pompous talk and show, only to… to charisma them into adoring you. What was this about? What are you showing me, without telling me? Why did you send everyone to important missions and left me behind like a school-foal in detention. I understand the whole impending doom and stuff but why act as if I did something you are afraid I might make worse. At least TELL me!”
By now she panted and did not realise she was speaking louder than normal.

Celestia measured her with her stare.
“Don’t you know or are you not telling?” she said, spreading her wings high. Biting her teeth at her body’s betrayal of her emotions.

“Telling what?” Twilight shrieked.

Celestia also seemed to have lost her temper and her voice boomed causing the very light to flicker. “Has it appeared or not?”

Next to her, Twilight saw Discord’s fists clench with a grating sound as if stone bit into stone.
He knows she thought.

“You know too?” she asked him timidly, moving directly between him and Celestia, facing him with a pleading look. “Tell me, please, because I don’t know a thing you two are talking about!” tears were forming in her eyes as she looked up at him, seeing that he was still staring into Celestia’s eyes, holding himself back.

“Tell me!” she cried out and Discord looking down, placed both paw and talon on her shoulders, showing her an expression he reserved only for Fluttershy. He wiped a running tear off Twilight’s face and said “The book little pony. The book that spoke to you?”

“A book? No book SPOKE to me…” said she now wiping her own tears with the back of her hooves.
Discord’s eyes opened wider and blazed crimson for a second. He sidestepped her and pointed an accusing talon at Celestia, practically shouting.

“She does not know yet! If she is biased it… it will all your fault! Couldn’t you have waited?”

Twilight was stunned with that outburst. Discord rarely expressed so much pained emotion and certainly not for her sake. He shook his head and sounding quieter but more menacing, continued “no you couldn’t Celestia, you and I have made more mistakes than any, but this one I wouldn’t have made, not even if you’d hand over your reign to me for eternity.” He let his arms fall to the side still looking ahead, almost dejected. His fists clenched yet again and a growl escaped his teeth.

Twilight stood aghast turning to see Celestia hastily wiping a tear of her own with the bend of a wing. Luna had approached her sister again and now they conferred visibly disconcerted. Yet Discord was not to be stopped, it seemed to Twilight that he was deeply involved with that book of theirs and she could hear the hurt in his outrage. His eyes slitted and his voice dripped taunting words, startling the sisters out of their council.

“Don't weasel out of this Celestia! Did you WANT the book to perhaps move on?” he added spitefully “to go to Changeling-Prince-Bumpkin or even to little Flurry-hurl-y? That must be it eh? You wanted it to skip Twilight altogether… but no Celestia, you and I will see them ALL read it…we will pay for this mess of ours for eternity!”

“ENOUGH!” Celestia bellowed, again the light all about dimmed.

Discord paused and asked quietly no-one in particular “You know what? I wash my hands of all of you!”. He then turned and was stopped by Luna’s bellow when he was next to Twilight.

“DISCORD! Remember your promise!” Celestia shouted more in fear than outrage.
The draconequus stood looking at Twilight, his back to the sisters and mumbled, knowing it would reach their ears.

“That promise was not made to you even through you presume to control Her choices as well…” To Twilight he added “You know how to call me if you need me. But NOT about the book” and vanished. Just vanished.

Celestia stifled a cry and teleported away herself, leaving Twilight alone in the vast Throne room. When she galloped over to the mirror, she saw Cadence’s face, tears streaming down her cheeks. Startled the other looked up into twilight’s face but could managed only “I… I can’t Twilight, its…I don’t know how to start, I am so sorry…” and let the portal fold into itself causing her to feel even more useless and alone.

She looked once to the left where Discord had vanished, once to the right at the doors that took her friends and turned about to gallop out of the Castle, aloft in seconds, heading to the one place she hoped she could find some shelter. By the time she arrived at the old Castle of the Two Sisters she had been crying out loud and was short of breath. She teleported into her secret room and upon seeing him, she ran straight into Sunburst’s arms sobbing loudly anew.

An indistinct time later she found herself still in his arms but he had moved her to the duvet on the floor. He rocked her gently levitating tissues to dry her face. Twilight saw that the fireplace was lit and tea was being kept warm in a heat bubble. Looking up she saw Starburst looking into the fire and fell in love with him even more for these quiet ways of his. He noticed her moving and looked down at her. “Do you feel better dearest?” he asked blushing even as he said it. To Twilight it seemed he might have tried to rehearse words of endearment for her sake, but the fact that he wanted to say them mattered more.

She smiled warmly and rubbed at her eyes catching a cup of tea that he held aloft towards her.
“Yes, so much better. Thank you. I did not tell you-”

“Shh” he interrupted “you cried for a long time and I made out the most of it though your sobs. And no, I have no idea what Book they were talking about. I was thinking about it right now.”

“Any ideas?” she asked, her rising mood falling a little.

“No, love, and you know? I think it does not matter, well yes it does, but it does not matter since the Book is bound to appear and it seems Celestia really expected you to have met it by now. For all intents and purposes she cannot meet it herself and it might be needed now for Equestria’s problem.”

At that they both fell silent contemplating.
“You think so?” she asked doubting herself.

Sunburst leaned back into the pillows and cupped her chin.
“Twi, why else keep you away from any other mission. I trust this is it. Wait for it to appear for you or help out those it will find and stand by them. I bet my beard you have the most important task. And you know what?” he smirked at her.

“Whaaat?” she laughed

“I loved it when Discord called them dear old ones!” he added laughing.

She joined in and watched him, delighted.
“I think that was one if his best jabs at them so far” she said chuckling anew, falling back onto the pillows.
His laughter was cut off as he remained still, looking down at her, her mane strewn wildly over the cushions, her eyes mirthful, she looked almost otherworldly at that moment.

“You know what?” she said managing to grin and blush at the same time.

“Whaaat?” he asked, blushing himself.

“You called me love…” she said and bit her tongue playfully

“I… I meant to...” he stammered

He did not have time to come up with an appropriate reply because Twilight lifted her face a breath away from his.
“No… I liked it…” and kissed him deeply.

In her dream Twilight was back in the throne room for the meeting. She had just turned to watch her friends and saw them smiling and laughing at something funny. She could hear nothing at first and only when her friends pointed hooves at her, laughing mockingly did she perceive the muffled echoes of their taunts. Their smiles turned toothy and stretched grotesquely, as Twilight strained to move and failed. When she succeeded, it felt as if her hooves trudged through mud, each step being drawn down to the floor as if magnetised. After managing a few steps away from the ponies that morphed more and more into something horrible, Celestia’s voice came loud and clear, repeating her words from the day prior.

“Twilight! You were not excused. Stay back”

When Twilight did turn, her mentor looked down at her as if she was a blemish in creation. The alicorn’s nose was tilted abnormally high and her eyes where large and menacing. These eyes became blanc like scrying pools and then lit up. Within them Twilight could see all the instances where Celestia treated her differently than what she was used to. All the times where she was reprimanded, diminished and ordered around. Every moment where her view of her beloved mentor was ruined and replaced with that of a tyrannical, uppity and fearsome ruler. As with her friends, Celestia’s form was loosening, moulding to downright ugly, a lopsided mouth not stopping for breath.

“You will have plenty of time to chatter with your friends Twilight.”
“Because you ARE separate from them Twilight!”
“Has it appeared Twilight?”

Twilight looked around, for Discord, Princess Luna or Princess Cadence and remembered her friends. Upon turning to see them, she collided with a material akin to cardboard. Shoving the surface back she realised it was cardboard after all, in fact a cardboard figure of Applejack. Beyond the figure which was now face up on the floor, her friends also frozen in cardboard figure forms, toppled one after another.

Behind her Celestia cackled shrilly and Twilight strained against the pull to turn and see how the princess looked now. At the pivotal moment when she would have seen anything, her view was parted like a knife through taut fabric. Through the rift, Princess Luna stepped in and with beat of her wings dissolved everything from Twilight’s dream-scape, leaving it to that of a soothing stars strewn night.

Twilight was frozen in place, aching to externalise what she felt but being unable to. Only when Luna surged forward uncannily did she fall into her embrace.

“Oh Luna” she sobbed strangely tear-less “what is happening, why has she changed, why..”

“Shh” Luna quieted her “calm now. It is all gone and banished” and looked far into the distance. She then scoffed once, her words in mock irony “I swear, the dreams of you young ones are getting more vivid and demanding as the generations pass. I mean… Tia, tyrannical? She will love the lopsided mouth once I tell her…”

“Don’t…” Twilight whispered, sitting back with her head bent.

“What was that?” Luna asked kindly.

“Don’t tell her, please Luna.” Twilight looked up beseechingly and when she met with Luna’s smile, her words tumbled out, “She has been so mad at me and I… I don’t know what this book is and I… why is this all demanded of me…all this that I don’t know of… why does she not trust me, why is she so evil…”

Luna stopped her by gently touching Twilight’s cheek. She paused a few times, to find the right words but it seemed to Twilight that Celestia’s sister was meaning to have this talk either with her or with Twilight.

“Now now Twilight. My sister… ah… I am struggling to avoid speaking of matters that are not mine to convey. First and foremost, though Celestia has literally thousands of years of experience as a ruler sometimes even she is bound to falter.”

“Falter in what way Luna?”

“She… I don’t say she has done this often, but when it comes to protecting those she loves most, Celestia tends to clam up and rather not converse at all than steering them towards the wrong direction.”

“You mean that book. THE book?”

“I…yes. At least now you know that you are supposed to make your own impression of it and draw your own conclusions without any influence. Elaborating further would negate its purpose, yet I do not entirely agree with not at least offering some words instead of shunning you.”

Upon seeing Twilight's eyes tear up again, Luna hugged her again briefly. Upon releasing her awkwardly, Luna watched the imaginary nebulae swim by. She continued more seriously leaving Twilight with a strange feeling of foreboding.

“What I can tell you is that usually the book… occurs instantaneously and afterwards the alicorn has read it, they and the older alicorns know of the same… content and all is settled. In your case we all felt it appearing and thought it… that you… read it. The sheer uniqueness of this situation amidst the current crisis no less, has Celestia shunning you. She… you…”

Luna bit her lower lip and looked away. When Twilight inched closer, she was startled by Luna’s abrupt turn of her head. Her expression was pained and sad.

“I mean you must have felt it a little… Celestia thinks of you not only as a pupil, you have become somepony akin to a surrogate daughter to her. A matter so deeply paining her that she never allowed her feelings to surface before… before meeting you.
She loves Cadence as much but not so truly like a daughter as you.”

Twilight stood without meaning to, causing the cloud they sat upon to billow in small flurries. Addressing Luna but mostly talking to herself she spoke anxiously.
“This wasn’t what I wanted to hear… I mean, I was her pupil and I sort of… grew up with her but… if she feels this way… then why is she acting so different now… I understand she…and you… have seen problems like the ones I am facing many times before… but why don’t you talk to me…why don’t we sit down and TALK. I also understand that she feels like a parent when I make choices and rule my own kingdom and face dangers…”

Princess Luna drew back a bit, and waited for Twilight’s voice to tone down.
“Forgive me Twilight, but you don’t understand. You perceive yes, but you don’t understand. She fears for you so much, she would rather lock you up and keep you hidden. Being the wise pony that she is, she has given you all manner of freedom to make your own choices. Just… this new matter is harder to live through, especially since you have not read the book and know not of the same events…”

“What events?” Twilight exclaimed but raised a hoof “No, no don’t. Sorry. I understand this much and wont press for what you wont say. But haven’t I been sent blindly into quests before? Why did she not just tell me that she cant tell me anything and that this is another test. She has been unambiguous before you must admit. Sometimes it even feels she does not want to have responsibility of the events. You know what I mean?” The last part Twilight said in jest but recoiled at Luna’s unamused face, looking away.

Luna shook her head slowly, twice.
“Do you think it should have been?” she asked.

“What do…” Twilight strained to understand as her eyes opened wide at the pain, of all things, in Luna's face.

“Everything! Should everything be her responsibility when you are also a ruler now, as you put it? What do you know, in the span of less than a lifetime, about the right way to rule. Its easy isn’t it? Its so easy to hurl accusations of tyranny, mistreatment and ruthlessness at the mere touch of assertiveness.”

Twilight swallowed trying to gain some ground.
“Luna she has not been assertive, she mocked me. Celestia was distrusting and unfair. She used us all as tools and then vanished when Discord put her in her place” she said panting from exertion.

Luna shook her head again, visibly trying to indulge Twilight but still remaining stern.
“Again you speak of matters that you don’t know of. Honestly Twilight, you are putting Discord before Celestia? Think back for a moment, with your logic and not with your feelings. Celestia is one of the few of her age and calibre that never fell from grace. Discord is reformed yes, but reformation does not fall from the sky and transforms one. Its a continuous conscious process. Discord could return to his old ways in a heartbeat, I can take Nightmare moon within my soul anytime, and your friend Starlight Glimmer can betray you as well if she chose so, we all could if we chose so.
You have not the knowledge nor the experience to understand the compromise Celestia, Discord and I have come to. That event is also in the book. What you saw was not a putting in one’s place, but an old argument about the fate of Equestria, whom both want to keep safe, believe it or not.
I must admit now, witnessing the amount of events you know nothing of, that experiencing this book, is very important to understanding many a thing and conveniently, in a very small amount of time. Neither of this anguish and misunderstanding would have been necessary if it would just have appeared for you as it had for others so far. Its an important event in one’s life… oh what is the word…”

“Rite of passage?” Twilight added.

Luna looked up and turned to look Twilight deeply in the eyes. Smiling she nodded.

“Indeed. To the point in fact. What best to describe the amount of information and experience gained than within...a rite of passage. I am afraid it is one that none of us can control. And I include all the races upon Equestria and beyond.
Now I know we could talk endlessly deep into the night yet I have a duty to more than just you you know…” she booped Twilight’s nose and then went on

“One last word upon rulers. Celestia, more than myself I have to admit, has been a benevolent ruler since she and I took up the stewardship of Equestria. Not once have the ponies rebelled or contested her. At least not enough to warrant an uprising against the rulership of Equestria. Not out of fear, not out of necessity, but out of love and thankfulness. Equestria is a happy, peaceful and mostly protected land. Its abundant, free and has seen little anguish since Discord’s rule was thwarted. Its safety and survival have always been first in my sister’s priorities, as are the quality of life, the serenity and uninterrupted lives of her subjects.
Other than a misplaced manner to keep you from making the wrong choice, my sister has started to treat you as an equal. Your alicorn nature cannot be changed and I know you are not one to shirk responsibility, yet you have to come to terms with not expecting to be guided and coddled any more.”

Rising she shook her mane and offered Twilight a hoof to help her up.

“Be at ease for now as much as it is possible. At least my sister has not changed nor has she stopped loving you, she did overdo it I must admit. Her actions hurt her more that you can imagine and she regretted every word afterwards. We all must focus on finding a solution to the current issue of Equestria. If you are composed, she will feel no need to lose focus over you.”
Seeing how Twilight’s heart softened a little, she stroked her cheek and shone a gentle light over her.
“Sleep now my friend.” She whispered and spread her wings wide.

Twilight felt a warm drowsiness surround her as Luna flew away into the star scape. A soothing, falling sensation brought her briefly into reality as she found herself within Sunburst’s arms. The cushions were warm and fluffy and the duvet covering them felt like a soft barrier, shielding the two of them against everything else.