• Published 26th Jun 2021
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The Book of Ages. Volume 1. Harmony and Immortality - Rune Singer

Once in a lifetime of an alicorn the Book of Ages appears. What they learn and choose to become is their greatest test. In a time of brewing unrest among the ponies, Twilight's turn has come.

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Interlude in three parts

“Twilight” Voice said, while the scene of the Earth Temple faded away to blurry colours.

“Twilight Sparkle” she repeated, kindly but insistent.

The pony on her part strained to recall that she even was somepony at all, so engrossed was she within the story. She felt her thoughts muffled and could not keep them to form something coherent before another thought began. The struggle to trudge through the quagmire of the specifics of who she was, the how’s and when’s and what’s of her situation, seemed to have taken far too long. At long last, or even not long at all, she could not tell, she replied.

“Yes voice, I… hear you. I mean… I’ve been hearing you all along, but its been difficult to…”

“To come out of the viewing?” Voice offered and went on before Twilight could agree.
“It is harrowing to say the least, especially if you had sat through the entirety of what I have to retell as all the alicorns before you have. Without any interruptions or pacts mind you. In this, you are unique I dare say.”

If Twilight could have physically do it, she would have rubbed her forehead while she spoke.

“Care to elaborate? You mean there is more apart from the obvious outcome of this story?”

Voice’s tome seemed no less kind and patient, yet came through ironic nonetheless.
“Oh Twilight. I don’t appear to every Alicorn, in order to solve their problems. I…”

“Yes yes I know. You appear before us, once in a lifetime and help us through the pivotal time of this… this change, and we come out of it changed… Some not as good ponies as others as you have hinted.”

Twilight wanted to add further to her retort but chose to leave it at that, feeling a bit triumphant. Yet Voice did not take it at heart or ignored her.

“As asked I will elaborate. Yes, there is more to the story as you care to put it. The story, each time I retell it, is of the past until the very time of each alicorn’s present.”

“The whole dang deal?” Twilight burst out “Mind you Voice, any other day I would cherish such an opportunity at our history, the scope, the information that ponies are missing, its… its amazing, but… the whole dang deal Voice? If I came out from the last bit like I did, how will I be when I get to return and save my friends? Save Equestria! They… they were right there, just a hair away to take my magic as well. I can’t be out of it for even a split second.”

Twilight felt faint, stressed, want for air and exasperated all at once. She wanted to vent, to make everything stop, but also to find out what she needed in order to undo what had been done, what was being done to her friends. A small voice withing herself was also curious about the lives she witnessed, what it would all culminate to, yet she was also angry, angry at voice and this pact…

“The pact!” Twilight exclaimed after a long drawn breath. “Voice! We had a pact. I listen until you tell me of the evil that is threatening my friends, my home and how to fight it. Then this… the rest. If that is true then why did you stop the narration now? If as you stated time is slowed then could you not have finished with the story instead of getting me stressed and worried all over again?”

“It was not within my maker’s wishes to have me be or act apologetic. Compassion, kindness and sincerity I can offer though and these you have. Now before you react, let me answer your requests anew. Our pact is not broken, unique as it is, even though I understand that the prospect of the entirety of the past is daunting. Forget not that I have been the tool of this endeavour many times. Alicorns have emerged of this experience traumatised, angry, depressed, shamed yet also strong, wise and more that the sum of their being had been before. In this at least you will find some solace once you emerge, amongst your fellows.
Furthermore I would not have interrupted the retelling for any reason other than that I have found myself at a crossroads. Initially I was going to bring the story to the point where you could discern the solution to your problem. Yet would you understand what to do when you saw it? Luckily you gave the solution yourself by asking it. Namely the manner of the evil that formed the base of what threatens your present. Fear not, for I will only briefly explain the circumstances, adding any interactions my maker could remember.
Only when you will explicitly declare that you know of what you will fight and how to fight it, will the first of our pact’s conditions have been met. As for any interruptions up to that point, I know of only one instance, where every alicorn has needed a minute pause. You will understand I believe, when it happens. Have your queries been seen to Twilight Sparkle?”

Twilight paused before replying, digesting the facts as best as she could. Voice, as the “book” that she was, was a construct and therefore preprogrammed with what she could and could not do. Yet she asked herself it would be worth the try, to press for a further request. Without, if she could help it, indenturing herself further to anything.

“Voice, if I may. You have answered very… accurately, but if I could ask just this teensy little thing. I mean… can you sort of shorten the story to the facts? You get to fulfil your… your reason of being and I get to hear the facts that I need. Seems a fair deal right?” said she, trying to sound as meek as she could.

“In truth, no. I cannot do that. I am unable to act against the conditions of what made me. The very fact of my purpose would be null would I was to be used as an encyclopedia to be riffled through for information. These are the facts Twilight sparkle and this is your current predicament.

“But… I never asked for this. For any of this. Why…” Twilight’s voice dwindled to a hoarse whisper. She felt as if her whole being bent its back and let the gloom swallow her. Yet some defiant part had simply had enough and her voice csame out croaked.

“I was going to stop myself from asking why “me” but I don’t want to anymore. Yes Voice, why in the name of everything does it have to be me! Why should I sit back again and be drawn into another plan, be a cog in a predestined scheme and fulfil yet another “destiny”… again. I don’t want to know of all these sad things. I don’t want to see what depressed other alicorns, what shamed them even less… Those alicorns are my friends as well don’t you see? Why cant I be what I was, simply solve friendship problems, do what I am asked to do and that be enough…”

“Oh don’t despair so Twilight” Voice seemed to try her best to help her. “Is it not comfort that I was made a clone of my maker’s soul with a voice to talk, with a semblance of emotions to relate to? I could just as well have been a cruel spell, meant to convey the same facts in a entirely different yet gruesome and intrusive manner.
And its not as if it is only you. All your fellow alicorns despaired at the prospect of what it ultimately means to be what you are. It is a step further than simply coming to terms with responsibility, immortality and yes even the stewardship of an entire race. Steel your resolve and stop pondering why it is you that has to take up responsibility. You are an alicorn, it will always be you.”

Twilight felt as if she had been hugged only to be slapped afterwards. Why did this… this book with a voice presume she had no sense of responsibility, that she know nothing of being a princess? Yet she started to fear she knew only the surface of things. Even that it was her fault, the fact that she never looked further than what was simply the good and the bad of being an alicorn. Had she perhaps for so long, just worn the horseshoes of an adult never really grasping that life had changed? Then where were those to guide her through this new realisation. Why did it feel so clear and painful… and lonely. Twilight longed for her closest friends more than ever, yet not to have the cushion the blow. Sunburst appeared in her thoughts beside them. A confidant, a trustee and a kindred soul, for a strange reason she longed for his presence the most. She would see this through she decided. She would do this and be a better friend and companion to them!

“Go on Voice. Tell your story.” She said more matter of factly than she had expected herself to.

“Very well. I will present you the facts in the form of an interlude, for I will visit the three who comprise the beginning of the trail of events that would lead to the emergence of the evil so far in the future, and so far away from where it began.”