• Published 26th Jun 2021
  • 938 Views, 2 Comments

The Book of Ages. Volume 1. Harmony and Immortality - Rune Singer

Once in a lifetime of an alicorn the Book of Ages appears. What they learn and choose to become is their greatest test. In a time of brewing unrest among the ponies, Twilight's turn has come.

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The Fall of Marelantis

Back at the Earth Temple.

As the gate closed behind the twins, they did not see how it sealed itself only heard it. In the pitch black the slithering, liquid sounds where amplified and frightening. Concordia summoned a small light blob and let it float merrily before them. Even thought their parents where only a few paces ahead and constituted a source of light in on themselves, the little bubble was comforting. Briefly Aneris nodded a thanks to her sister and they walked on.

The walls around the ponies never seized to writhe and coil and they had to be careful to step only where the taint had recoiled from the hoof steps of their parents. The smell was appalling, something akin to sweet rot and magical debris. The thrumming sound was more eerie and alien within the temple, sometimes akin to a hornet nest or a low sleepy heartbeat.

It was obvious that everything the lodestone was previously providing, giving, nurturing and enhancing, it now somehow not only took greedily but also degenerated it.
Aneris whispered more to herself but she was walking so close to her sister that she could have spoken to her directly.

“Why…why has this happened?”
“I don’t know Ane…” whispered Concordia “but I feel a dark purpose. Somepony did this, someone started it at least and it…this “ she indicated with her head all around “ the tree or what was the tree, has had its intentions altered.”

“Yeah…” Aneris mouthed as they rounded the last bend.

Where in the past they would have met with the warm magical energy and be bathed in the glow of the lodestone, now an assault of dark malice caught them like a vice.
Concordia was forced to her knees and wretched dryly, as Aneris steadied her. Together they looked ahead, seeking their parents. But they could only see the dark green and black lodestone until from behind the royal pair shone like twin suns.
A shield bubbled about them, the taint recoiling and the air within clearing. The voice of their father soothingly echoed through.

“Stay there my daughters and witness your birthright. Concordia keep this shield up and you Aneris, steady her as you have been taught, lend her life-force.”

“Father!” Concordia called but got no reply, just felt the spell around them fade and she had no other choice than to take it up, like a relay, and concentrate. At the touch of her sister’s hoof she felt energy filling her, like a second heart pumping new blood. As with any magus linked to a Source, a pony lending life-force, they could now commune telepathically.Concordia sent apologetic emotions through the bond and felt an emotional reply in kind. Perhaps their rift could be bridged, yet it was not to be.

Before them the King must have asked Queen Rhea to be his source, but need no touch to bond with her. A strand of energy connected them, pulsating in lavender and magenta waves. He rose on his hind-legs and touched plummeted his forehooves directly into the taint ooze that sloshed about the lodestone surface. He clenched his eyes tightly then opened them wide as he established a connection to it. Their mother was opened eyes as well, her eyes slowly being replaced with magesight, like a glass being filled, as her mouth opened in a silent gasp. Colour and light, scent and sound, it all visibly reverted back to normal in a wave, whose edge shimmered like a rainbow.

The twins watched in awe around them and then back at their parents. They did it they thought in unison, it will all be OK. With pride they sought their fathers eyes as he turned slowly to look at them. Their father though, looked at both of them with love, smiled briefly and then mouthed “I am sorry!”

Surprise and worry filled the sisters as the shimmering rainbow spell was pushed back, the blight returning en masse. A rumbling from deep beneath them startled all. The very bowels of the earth seemed to stir and roil. Aneris steadied her stance on the ground and send more energy to her sister, as the latter strengthened the spell around them. Panic in both of their eyes they felt a surge of power wafting up, from the direction of the lodestone. In a few heartbeats it was visible, a bright green glow, like a band around it reaching steadily up.

For a moment that seemed all too long, the royal pair repelled that infernal energy, until tendrils that crackled and sizzled with sparks shot out, catching the king by all limbs. Cronus shot a direct, blinding pure light towards the tendrils, which was met by a new tentacle of energy. Briefly the powers met in the middle of the distance but as the taint, so this power won ground.

Concordia felt the given energy wane, as she saw her sister pounding against the shield walls. She shouted “Father! Mother! Get out of there.” With tears running down her cheeks she shrieked at her sister “Dia! Talk to them, its coming, its coming!”
“I caaan’t… words don't get through. Oh no…ah!” Concordia strained as blood trickled down from her nostrils.
Aneris recoiled momentarily and gathered her wits. She braced and touched her sister’s side once more, biting back sudden pain as energy was sucked from her.
Cant you help him? Aneris thought at her sister.
I…no…but! No mother NO! Concordia thought back and that mental scream shot through her sister like a migraine.

Behind them, with a battlecry amplified with the royal voice, Queen Rhea spread her wings and shouted in challenge.

“You will not have him, abomination!” and closed her eyes as she floated up, wings unmoving. She let herself transform as if from within, the same rainbow shimmer as the one used on the taint, appearing across her body. When it left her, her mane had a new colour strand, one gleaming like polished gold to complement the white and cream. Her wings longer, larger where adorned in three hues ranging from aquamarine to sea green and ending in steel blue pinions . A magnificent being of colour and light flew before her mate, right in the path of the tendrils. With a spreading motion she shot a rainbow coloured wave towards the taint and lodestone. It was too late for them though as the tainted energy beam reached King Cronus.

Light and darkness shot out and for a moment there was a complete absence of sound. Air was sucked towards the lodestone as if in implosion and then shot out in a radius. Crystallise! Concordia thought at her spell, before both of the ponies where hurled to the ground as the wave of the explosion smashed against the shield. A deep wail followed, almost a whiny from an infernal equine demon, echoed all about and then diminished leaving the sisters in silence.

Concordia opened her eyes to grey specks falling and and sliding down the dome of their shield, that was singed and partly cracked. Achingly gathering her legs about her she tried to focus, her eyes finding the shape of her sister near her.
“Ane” she croaked with an all too dry throat “Ane! wake up!”
“Gnn Dia..” Her sister muttered.
Inching closer, Concordia asked
“Are you all right? Can you see anything?”
Aneris, perhaps from years of training, got up to a wobbly position remarkably faster than her sister. Shaking her head she also seemed to try to focus. Blinking she touched the shield that was now a solid barrier.

“What are these things, ash?” and then regaining memory she cried out “Father!Mother! Dia take this down!” and thunk the walls anew.

Concordia mirroring the worry, swiftly stood and after forcing nausea down, disintegrated the magical crystal about them. Aneris shot forward and Concordia wanted to shout after her, but her sister’s hoof beats seized only a few meters ahead.

The air about was rife with dust and burned matter and the atmosphere was cool, almost cold. Visibility was limited to about two meters ahead and Concordia made out three body shapes immediately. Surging forward as well she met with a sight she never imagined or wanted to have seen.

The kings’s body, thrown to the side displayed no open wounds, but was exuding heat. His mane and tail where burned to the root. The worst where the masses that used to be his hooves. As a conduit, his horn must have absorbed the onslaught of the energy and it exited from his limbs, leaving his hooves in a horrible magical injury.
Swiftly but gently Concordia propped his head into her arms and touched horns with him, sending a diagnostic spell and soothing thoughts.
“He is alive!” she called in exaltation, as her brows furrowed, finding very little magic within the body of her father. A keening moan was heard to her right and she turned to see Aneris cradling their mother in her arms. Concordia lifted her head, breaking the connection to her father, and looked about. Aneris! Mother! She thought. Straining to look over her shoulder and also to hold her father’s head, she saw with the corner of her eyes.

Aneris was looking ahead hear eyes unblinking and immensely large, making that keening noise, almost bovine. Concordia let her father down gently and crawled towards her sister.
“Diaaa!What is it…is she…does she LIVE?” Concordia called and met with a worse sight. Her sister still keening and rocking their mother slowly, spasmodically.
“Her wings…aaahhh! Dia! Her wiiiiings..aahhh!” was all that was tangible.

The Queen’s body was also strangely unwounded, apart from her wings, or what was left. Only cauterized stumps up to the height of their humerus where left with a sorry couple of feathers clinging to them, fused with sinew, tissue and skin. Upon a quick spell, Concordia found a shallow heartbeat and tended to her sister.

“Ane! Ane!” she shook her until the pony’s eyes focused and looked down to the mother they held.
“Oh Dia! Oh Dia!!!” she looked up and cried, wailing loudly as her sister hugged her,crying as well.

“Daughters…” a dry rasp came from their father’s direction. There was urgency tinged within the word and both sisters where compelled to go to their father.
Aneris reached him first and covered his body with the tatters of her cloak as Concordia clasped his outstretched hoof. His eyes slid open so a mere sliver and he tried to utter words.
“I sense…Help is on its way…”

Aneris shushed him.
“Father..don't speak…we will…”
“No” came a harsh intonation followed by a cough. “Come to me my daughters and listen.”
The twins inched even closer as a feeble light shone from the King’s horn.
Telepathically, the words came easier to him, his inner voice strangely calm.
“My beloved, beautiful,brave daughters. I… your mother and I wont die here, but…we are spent. We cannot…uphold the stewardship or our land. I bestow it upon you and may you prosper and keep us all safe. United…Marelantis won’t fall…” and opened his eyes wide, as that rainbow gleam surged from his horn to envelope his daughters.

When it had passed over them, they looked at each other in wonderment, as the chrism was bestowed and seemed not to fade. Their manes and tails fluttered in current of their own and deep understanding of the land around them was apparent as if it had always been there.


An indefinite time had passed, yet both sisters stood up on alert, back to back as soon as they sensed the approach of ponies. A full wing of Pegasi flew down in groups of twos and threes and unicorns started appearing. No earth ponies as of yet, thought their keep was not far away. As if on cue, a strong wind blew and took the misty dust away, revealing an alien terrain. The twin sisters where more surprised at how little the arriving rescue parties concerned themselves with the terrain but more at them. No doubt they must have seen the terrain from above, Aneris thought and looked about along with her sister.

Appart from a looming cavity in the ground, everything from the tree, the pathways, the vegetation and landmarks where gone. They stood upon whitened soil, as far as Lake Lotus, whose surface had seized to bubble like thick boiling molasses. A black rim along its shore indicated a good amount of water having evaporated and a few trees stood blackened or withered. Far in the distance a great crowd congregated about the gates o the earth keep, that was being held back by guards. And in the horizon thick clouds bespoke of heavy rainfall soon.

The sisters where not permitted to move as their parents where already being taken away on stretchers, an entourage of unicorns spiriting them away in a flash. Who ever saw the twins at first, bowed deeply and then stood in awed attention awaiting.

What are they waiting for? Concordia wondered and then saw her sister anew and thought of herself. The Crism! We are stewards of Marelantis now. Off course they stand in attention. Swallowing hard she stepped forward to assume command but was sidestepped by her aunt and off course! she thought glibly Aeolus!

Her Aunt had cut her off rudely and stood as tall as she could.
“Dare you assume leadership, unicorn princess? Who bestowed the singular right upon you?” she spoke loudly, mockingly, demanding the attention of all.
“Aneris!” she called and bowed deeply, opening her wings wide in overt obedience “Come and lead Marelantis!”
Behind Azure Gale, her adoptive sun bowed curtly and pierced Aneris with his gaze. As the latter did not know what to do, her aunt intoned “ah! Off course who am I to call the future Queen to me like a lapdog” and moved behind Aneris, promptly followed by Aeolus. Immediately most pegasi flew or walked past Concordia, to stand by their princess.

Concordia was not to stand long alone, as promptly Crystal Quill, followed by his son Spell Wright, appeared by her side.
“Nor shall that pegasus have sole rule of Marelantis” the first mage called.
Hard stares and a tangible challenge was filling up the atmosphere, while in the back, thunderclaps rang. Concordia was just about to burst out in anger, especially since Aeolus was present but was halted by the look in Aneri’s face. The Pegasus tried to show military stature but was clearly caught off guard by the escalation of events. Concordia was not better off, but Aeolus being there, threatened to bring her emotions overboard. Again Aneris pleaded with her eyes and Concordia sighed, sparing a look of indignation Aeolus’s way.

Slowly the sisters walked forward alone, each seeing each other’s entourage. When at last they met, inaudibly Aneris spoke, looking about almost relieved she had somepony familiar around.
“Concordia I did not plan this, I mean… lets not do this…”

Her sister was about to speak when she glimpsed Aeolus speaking into his mother’s ear, both showing a small grin. When they saw Concordia having seen them, they showed no sign of remorse or hiding anything. On the contrary, Aeolus drew his head high and grinned wider, and Azure Gale smiled. Chills ran down Concordia’s body and as she looked back at her sister, she found her rubbing one elbow and looking to the ground. Rage ran through her but she swallowed it. Equally quiet she said.
“I agree, but please come over to the keep and keep vigil over our parents”

Aneris nodded, looking relieved but then she in turned saw something behind Concordia that had her turn abruptly steel eyed.
“I will, but look not at me with such false love sister! Your troops show me otherwise” and turned proud to join her fellows and giving a short order to fly.

As the pegasi flew off just as fast, Concordia stood utterly the fool, as she only then heard the crackle of spell shields behind her. While the pegasi had waited unmoving and she feeling slighted by their leader, the unicorns had offered a downright hostile display. Concerned at the multiple misunderstandings she joined the unicorns to give them orders in turn, only then realising that all this went on while their parents lay wounded.

From above, Aneris had a short view of the damage below. It was as it seemed from the ground, a blast radius of two kilometres encompassed lake lotus and most of what where the Evergreen fields. The land was not even burning, so flat and clean did it seem. Then she spotted her sister and her entourage where she had left them. Concordia was talking to the unicorns, gesturing behind towards where the pegasi had stood, accusingly and dismissively.

Anger and disappointment filled Aneris as it was obvious at the disgust in Concordia’s face and the actions of the unicorns behind her. That despite the catastrophe, their parents injured, her sister did not trust her and had clearly telepathically spoken to them to attack. A few tears fell and streaked sideways along her cheek. This proves it, she thought, her disgust at me, at Aeolus, her actions… I mean she really wanted to take leadership of Marelantis there and then… I can’t believe it… Averting her eyes, she flew on-wards, surpassing the pegasi, her aunt and Aeolus. Before them now the signalled a spearhead formation and gave high speed towards the Pegasi Citadel.


At the Citadel, she was escorted to a private chamber where Aneris cleaned herself in haste. I want to go back,Father, Mother…please get well she thought as she buttoned up a clean uniform shirt.
A knock on the door interrupted this and at her call, a scribe of the elder court nudged herself in, carrying clothing and a thick scroll. Aneris had never seen him, or rather, they all looked the same to her. Scribes and servants and whatnot, she thought, they all are meekly grovelling at the Elder’s seats, dressed in those sacks they call robes… Indeed the simple attire of those residing in the Citadel and in the employ of the Elder Court of Pegasi, was neither functional nor flashy. The garment permitted simple flying, not that they need it, Aneris thought again looking at the pony in contempt, they almost never fly down to the surface.

“What is this? I must hurry to my parents, don't delay me!” Aneris spoke down to the dark blue pony, who looked ahead, avoiding her eyes. He answered in a stacatto strangelky confused as to what to call her.

“Princess, eerr Regent… The Elders have ordered you to appear before them at once and you should… wear these.“ And propped the garments on an ottoman before Aneris, bowing low, yet tucking the scroll under an arm.

“They order me huh?” Aneris said more as an afterthought. She really hated the rare occasions when she accompanied her Aunt to see the Court. The wizened pegasi, incapable of flight in their old age sat like harpies on a nest, in their alcoves inside a circular spire. Up and up the ceiling went, which really served to awe and cow the supplicant. Supplicant, Aneris loathed the word, we never went to beg there… It is them who stand in the way of simple Pegasi law, with their decorums, ancient rules and traditions…
With a sigh she started to unbutton her shirt while unfurling the brought garments with a pinion. She looked up at the retreating pony and called
“What is in that scroll?”

The scribe halted, turned around on the spot and deftly grasped the scroll from under his arm with a flourish while it started unfurling. Aneris almost rolled her eyesz as the doscument almost reached the floor. In a trained melodic voice the pony started reading.
“ Upon Pegasi Regency of Marelantis.
As established by the esteemed fifth council of Elders, upon the Citadel in the year of our King Ambrosius the second.
Shall any pegasus, of royal birth or otherwise, be bestowed upon with the mandate of the Lodestone, the they shall be equal to any pegasus of leadership. Equal to the council and above all other pony-like folk.
A regent of the CItadel is to act as follows : “

“Ok ok enough” Aneris said quite loudly and waved the pony to seize reading. Annoyed and almost enraged she neared the scribe and pointed at his chest, poking it twice to intonate her words.
“You go now to the elders and tell them that I decided to appear. I am not… your… servant.” The scribe retreated a step, bowed while furling up his scroll and left.
Aneris went back to see herself in a mirror. Astounded she found herself looking regal and majestic. The garments had felt good when she donned them on, but now she saw that they looked good as well.
Upon smooth silk, wafer thin scales of orichalcum, oxidised to an astounding blue where woven. The shimmer of the garment complemented her light olive green coat perfectly. The filly within her rejoiced at looking so princess-like and the warrior within, found the garments awe-inspiring. Looking behind to the ottoman she found the matching hoofguards and a short-cloak that complemented the ensemble perfectly. Returning to the mirror she spoke while raising her head. “Now I am ready.”
Walking out her room, she gave no heed at guards positioned there, and only fleetingly saw that her Aunt and Aeolus also had been waiting. Smiling at how she felt with grasping command and status she walked on through the corridors, her confidence boosted with every bowing pegasus. “This is what Aeolus wants in a bride! I will lead and command all and he will love me!” she thought with anticipation, as aroudn them the incessant wind seized for a moment, before thunder rumbled and clouds blackened the windows. It will rain hard tonight, she thought in instinct as she neared the immense doors of the Council hall.
Her entire attitude almost melted then as she foudn that she did not know what to say, was she to enter the hall. She followed what she knew by default but that knowledge seized there. She was never prepared for such…matters.
To her utmost relief, her aunt Azure Gale touched her briefly on the shoulder. Aneris turned and broke off a salute in mid air.
“Yes Captain Madam…”

Azure Gale smiled briefly and hushed her niece.
“Not any more, Aneris. You are regent now” and the way she said the words, intoning them almost with a breath each, disconcerted Aneris more than calming her.
“It will not do to salute me thus.” Propping her hoof under Aneri’s chin she lifted her head and fussed about her attire.
“Lift you chin, stand steady and oh does this not look lovely on you…” she went on.
Nervously Aneris stepped aside, momentarily having her Aunt recoil.
“Ermm Capt… Aunt Azure” she spoke as she swallowed once and stepped closed to her aunt. “ I would need… I mean, I want to go see my parents and I really don't know what…”

Azure Gale looked prideful and gently at her niece. “Aneris… my Regent… you have nothing to fear. I stand with you and I will speak for you, if you so announce it to the council.”
This seemed to Aneris more an indication than advice, but she would take what she could at the moment. Her Aunt seemed to have everything in grasp and she felt more and more relieved. When Aeolus then stepped forward and took her hoof to kiss it, she almost lost her footing.

“Now walk within, Aneris, Aeolus will escort you and let me handle it all. They would have you speak for days, hollow words and no action. I will curb their mouths and we will confer later with your true council.”

“My true council?” Aneris asked while Aeolus propped right hoof over his, to escort her in all honours within.

Behind them Azure Gale said soothingly

“Why, who else would you have beside you in this hour of need. Marelantis is in a dire situation and your captain” she indicated herself “your Prince” and she looked gleefully at Aeolus “and all your trusted wing-mates” will await you in the map room below.

The conference with the Elder Council took more than two hours after all and all through it, Aneris was in a haze. After she had spoken out for Captain Azure Gale to speak in her stead, she only half heard what was fervently debated about. The high walls turned around in her vision and only Aeolus beside her was a fixed point. Still propping up her forehoof like some precious gem, he intoned bold words when addressed by the elders and spoke clearly and matter of factly. His words where those that Aneris stood in attention for and got her out of the haze.
“Since you do not acknowledge my status beside the princess and regent of Marelantis, I state by my honour and all to hear, that in three days she will wed me and I will walk the path of Kings.”
A gasp among the council, onlookers and even the guards woke her up completely.
Aneris felt all eyes on her, especially those of the elders who now bent forward too look down upon her, as if they only now took notice. One bellowed.
“Is this she? This one is your regent warrior who would lead? I see but a maiden, lost…”
Azure Gale’s hoof clanged in the polish marble floor reverberating, and she turned a haughty stare towards her niece as if saying “there, you take it from here”.
The collar of her shirt seemed too tight and she was unable to look too high up, seeing only the gleaming eyes of the pegasi in their alcoves.”They look like gargoyles. They just sit there talking so much and doing nothing. Aunt Azure is right… They must go down.”
Everypony was poised, waiting for her words. Like an automaton she stepped once forward without needing to, the walls turning about her slowly in her vision and spoke loudly, trying the royal voice for the first time.

“I, Regent Princess of Marelantis, attest to these words. In three days time, I will wed Aeolus of Tirre and charge him to take the path of Kings. Let the Mother Lodestone itself crown him King of Marelantis”.
More than ghasps burst out, cheers came from niches in the walls and the elders could not silence the enthusiasm this time. Bowing curtly, Aneris walked out not seeing that Azure Gale and Aeolus exchanged a worried look. When they met to follow the princess, Azure whispered to her son.
“The mother Lodestone? Why did you not tell her? It should take place at OUR lodestone.”
Aeolus equally unnerved, thought momentarily, then whispered back
“It will be the same, our lodestone, this lodestone, as soon as I am wed to her I will get the chrism and become King!” pausing he the asked “did you get it?”
“Yes” his mother said and signalled a pony with a preplanned order.

The same pony followed the group through a side corridor and appeared before Aneris. Panting in mock exertion her handed her a message.
“Here Regent Princess, from the Unicorn Keep”
Anxiously Aneris opened it and read the simple lines.

“Esteemed Princess of the Pegasi, I Concordia Regent of Marelantis am relieved to inform you that our parents are safe and recuperating. As they need rest and isolation, it is not necessary for you to pay a visit. Marelantis needs a steady hoof to guide it out of this crisis and I believe its best for each of us to govern their own.
With my compliments,
Regent Princess Concordia of Marelantis”

“What?WHAT?” Aneris shouted and ran forward.
Azure Gale ran, only after she smiled conspiratorially to her son.
“Princess! Aneris,what is it?” she called after her.
She reached her niece within the room she had dressed in.
“What where the news Aneris?” she asked again soothingly, almost like a mother.
Aneris stifled a sob and thrust the message into Azure’s chest.
“Here read it yourself”, her tone was angered and with a loathing she did not know she could feel, she looked up at her aunt who finished reading the few lines.
“I don't have a sister any more! I don't care. As long as my parents are…are well…” and bit the back of a fore-hoof.

“What shall we do Aneris?” Azure spoke wonderingly “this is… this is a challenge”
Pacing around Aneris thought, stopped, paced again and then kicked the mirror in frustration.
“Send her something… words… that…I don’t need to visit as she put it. Let her see how she governs when in three days I will be Queen” looking up she grinned. “Yes, aunt say that too… invite her for the occasion”
Azure Gale bowed and retreated.
“Yes my princess I will handle it…”
No pony noticed the darkening of the pendant about Aneris’s neck.


In the Unicorn Keep, Concordia paced outside the King's and Queen’s bedchanber. As the hall of healers, and in fact any hall and room where packed with wounded, sick and homeless, her parents where being treated in there. Plead she she might, she was not allowed inside. She know it herself, in fact she sensed the multiple layer of healing, protective and nourishing spells that where placed. There was really not much to do and she dared not commune with them through the lodestone. It was still behaving erratic which was no help either.
With a wave of cool air preceding him, Crystal Quill walked towards her. Shuddering at the wrongness that surrounded the First mage, she acknowledged hm with a short bow of her head.
“Princess you need not bow to me! I am to do that from now on.” He thrust his fore hooves upwards in a overt dramatic show “oh what fortune upon you but with what price! To be Regent now when Marelantis needs a King most, and your parents injured and ill!”
Concordia cut him off, feeling utterly awkward around him, her body rejecting the tough of his aura with a small shudder.

“First Mage, I mean… I am not alone, my sister and I will take control of this. Marelantis must not fear. We will keep her safe until father and mother will recover. We need them to get well!”

Crystal Quill nodded sagely, but bent forward to add words as if he’d always spoken to her like that.
“Child…oh forgive me” he waved before him with his hoof as if to shoo his words ”Princess, rumours have it that that all pegasi have withdrawn to their Keep and a council of Elders was summoned in the Citadel…”
Concordia’s eyes narrowed but let herself not be goaded by rumours
“A council is always going on in the Citadel. In fact all they do up there is confer”

“But princess what if a faction rebels and takes power…lets say the warriors, then the Elder’s are powerless before such numbers. What if…”

Annoyed Concordia interrupted him again.

“What is this talk of rebellion.” She gestured at the closed door and then about her “My parents are in there, they almost died, your king and Queen Crystal Quill. This castle is filled with ponies that escaped the danger out there. Yes Marelantis is in ruins and you talk of petty rebellions and old councils.”

The old pony retreated a step and sat upon a stone wrought bench. He looked before him, as if conveying troubling news.
“The King’s coterie is now thine Princess. By the crism, you are Regent and you must take control of the situation.”
“Don't think I wont” Concordia intoned coldly. “My sister acts like a dullard, once wild as a banchee and then meek as a mouse.” She stomped her hoof hard on the granite floor.” I have no choice but to take control. Once my parents are…”

“You see Princess… I was going to tell you…” he looked as concerned as possible, a thing Concordia had never seen on him.

“What is it? Speak First Mage!” she ordered.

“Ah..Princess, the King and Queen don't seem to be able to recover. By all magical means and purposes they are bereft of magic. Not even through our lodestone are they recognised as anything other than alive. Therefore, you must confer with the coterie..”

Concordia recoiled and shouted, “I don't believe you. Its too soon. And…”
That was the moment a messenger arrived handing her a letter and a light olive green pinion, its tip dipped in orichalcum.

Crystal Quill rose and gasped.
“That is… oh Lodestones… its…”

Unnerved Concordia read the message.

“To the Princess of Unicorns.
Since no written invitation nor an escort has been sent to bring me in all honours before our parents, nor any message whatsoever about their state, I assume they are well and in adequate care.
In all this tragedy I come as messenger of hope, sister. By the metal tipped pinion I pronounce that a royal wedding will be held in three days forth. My Prince, Aeolus of Tirre shall be my champion and take the rite of Kings.
Rejoice as I will single-handedly save Marelantis and give her a King and Queen. Stay assured that I will govern with a strong hoof, repairing Marelantis’s wounds.

In utmost respect,
Regent Princess Aneris of the Pegasi.”

Concordia almost collapsed, falling back against the wall. The letter slid from her hooves and the pinion fluttered down. She held her head, thoughts whirling “How dare she? HOW? Not even a day’s worth of time and she…she…asks for an escort? And wedding? WEDDING? Our island is in ruins, thousands dead and lost and she thinks to fix it with a wedding! Who does she think I am…Am I not the same as she…”

She did not hear the first mage’s words nor did she realise she started walking, then running along the corridors, confused, overwhelmed. She stopped only when Spell Wright teleported before her, catching her in his hooves.

“There you go Princess.” Bending to look into her eyes, he saw her tears and tried to calm her “take a deep breath now, I heard…I heard the news. So terrible. So cruel.” Catching her eyes with his he spoke calmly “Princess we must clear this up with the Coterie, they know the laws and rules, together we will find a way!”

“Together?” Concordia looked up, seeking reassurance and guidance but found a glimpse of greed as he bowed deeply mistaking her look for sanction.

“Yes together! I will stand by you when we speak to them and speak up when they would ask for your champion.” Thus he drew her up on her feet but she drew away.

“Champion? What are you talking about?”
Abashed by determine to speak up, Spell Wright drew his chest up, tossing his mane once and spoke.
“Yes Concordia, my princess, Aneris has her sent her own to pass the test. He will be King in three days, what can you do other than decree a champion and have a King by your side. I “ he knelt “I wish to be that champion!”

Pulling back her body, lest he took her hoof in his or something. Concordia remembered her mother’s words and how she should, for Marelantis, take a mate.
“I cannot answer yet, Spell Wright, please get up and… meet me with the coterie later, I must clean and dress…” she said quietly almost as meek as Aneris answered their Aunt, a fact that felt her disgusted with herself. She turned and teleported to her bedchamber.

Spell Wright was satisfied even with the avoidance of Concordia’s words. The pegasi brat had played right into their hooves as he was certain that the Mother lodestone was surely to be choose a Mage as King rather than a simple warrior.


The next two days felt like a month to all. As if spurred on by the news, even though their homes, fields and everyday life was irreparably damaged, ponies of all races looked longingly towards the upcoming wedding. Memories of older ponies became treasure as everypony wanted to know what to expect. No pony expected as grand a celebration as in richer times but all added a sense of hope to it.
Many even expected the land to mends itself and crops to sprout as soon as a King walked over the waters to them. Pegasi expected their lodestone to fix the weather on the Kings single gesture, and make orichalcum burst from the rock. Unicorns where assured that rumours where true, their princess had chosen a champion and he would win the crown, bending the unicorn lodestone to his will and with a surge of magic repairing land and spirit.
A certain urgency to save earth ponies had befallen both unicorns and pegasi, that almost reached the point of a contest. While many wanted to remain in their keep, bleak as the prospect might have been, overlooking a lake of poison and barren flatland, most of the others let themselves be moved.
By necessity it was agreed upon, that the earth ponies where to be house in the tesserakonteres ship, along with anypony who could not be housed in pegasi or unicorn keep. Able to fit three thousand it was adequate for the remaining populous.
Curiously, or thankfully most ponies thought, no earthquakes came forth, nor any sign of the blight re-emerged. This added to the myth of Kings.
Surely the lodestone provides this. They mused in keep and hold as banners and garlands where prepared for the wedding, even though materials of any kind where in short supply.
They skies are clearing for the coming King! They marvelled as no more rain or wind blew their manes away, while they hammered at a wooden pier upon which the candidates would walk to the opposite side of the waters.
Our lodestone shines and is repaired! The sick heal faster! They called as indeed magical power surged over them once more.

Spell Wright walked the halls and was met with bows and curtsies. He was addressed as Prince or Regent at times, but not before the Princess. She was in seclusion, apart from when she coordinated her duties. He was not smiling though. The princess had never actually spoken out the words of championship, she never hinted or alluded to it and spoke against ponies calling him by any other name. Did she do it in jest? He thought or? He was met with a curtsying pair of mares, lavishly dressed. He nodded to them but they cut forward in his way.
“My…prince…we tried on these dresses for the wedding” once said gigging
“They are not much but…do you find us lovely?” the other asked batting her eyelashes.
“How brash, he thought but oh so mm… lovely indeed, if only Concordia would see how ravishing she’d look in one of these… she is so coy” and then had an idea. Walking between the mares and taking them by one arm each, he walked forward enthusiastically.
“Yes ladies you are indeed lovely. Now lets go and have a talk about dresses!”

The same night, Concordia had made her decision and wanted to talk about it in private with Spell Wright. It was the only fair to do! she thought. Rounding the bend to his rooms she saw as a mare, scantly dressed and tussle-maned escaped his rooms, giggling while she passed Concordia not having noticed who she was.
Looking after her in contempt she shuddered and peered within the door. Spell Wright was there immediately to close it and startled at whom he saw.
“Concordia! Uhm Princess! What…brings you here at this hour?..please come in.”
Stepping forward she peered within the small living room, opulent and warm. She was about to speak up when she saw the dress upon a mannequin. Layers upon layers of magesilk adorned a gown, studded with gems. Beside it on a cushion, lay a small golden circlet beside the very crown of Marelantis. These where her parent’s. In controlled outrage she pointed at them.
“Spell Wright? What are these doing here? Why are they not in with the treasurer behind lock and key and what is this all about!” she pointed at the gown. She turned to him now only to find not the pony she always could talk down upon. Not at all meek or inhibited he went forward and caught her hoof in vice-like grip.
“Come no Concordia, we are alone now. You may not have said so, but you have not said anything against it either. I understand you more than you yourself. It is alright to be shy and coy. I like this in my mate. You are regal beyond compare, intelligent and powerful. I just thought it a small gesture to offer this gown for you to wear tomorrow when I will take the Path of Kings. Look about you, all your people want this, they want me as King, surely you “ he drew closer “ surely, you want the same don't you.”
Trembling Concordia has heard through his speech, unable to escape the truths she’d been avoiding to acknowledge and infinitely afraid of this male touch she was Fagin stunned. She could not speak again, as if compelled and when she felt his breath upon her lips she shoved her head violently to the side, horn smashing against horn.

“Ah! What…” e said stumbling to the side holding his forehead and now it was his time to be stunned. Before him Concordia let the full chrism shine through, causing her too look larger. In the royal voice she spoke.
“You!you shall never touch me again thus. I forbid it. Yes I never called upon a champion because I have decided otherwise” with a sweeping gesture she levitated the gown and threw it into the large fireplace, where it caught and burned brightly. I also read the traditions and I have found that one needs not be a stallion to walk the Path. I will walk the Path tomorrow and Marelantis shall have a QUEEN!” with that she teleported away, taking the crowns with her.

Shocked and injured Spell Wright ran out his door, knowing that it was futile to go after her. His forehead throbbed and blood had ran from the base of his horn. He then gritted his teeth mouthing “you will regret this, ungrateful whore… I will subdue you one way or the other!” and took the long way towards the secret chamber below the lodestone.

Concordia never saw him alive again.