• Published 20th Oct 2017
  • 872 Views, 2 Comments

Onwards and Upwards - Sauce

[2nd person HiE] One year after moving from Ponyville to Manehatten, your mistakes catch up to you.

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1. The Station

Today was the day.

You stood on the train platform, double and triple checking your luggage to make sure you had everything you needed. Looking down at your watch, you noted that the train should be here in the next ten minutes, assuming it wasn't late. Seeing this made your heart start to beat a little faster. Whether that was due to excitement, nervousness, fear, or some combination of the three, you didn't know. Last night you had repeated to yourself that you were ready for this, and though moving to the city was always your dream, leaving behind Ponyville was proving to be more difficult than you anticipated. Not because of money or laws, but because of the six mares waiting beside you.

They had all come to see you off and each one had tried to convince you to stay, to no success. As much as you didn't want to leave them behind, you knew that this was what you had to do. You felt a soft hoof brush your leg, causing you to look down to see Twilight looking back up you with a sad look on her face.

When you suddenly appeared in Equestria a little over a year ago, she let you stay at her place until you got settled in. When it became clear you weren't going to be able to make it back to Earth, you started taking odd jobs and paying her rent, though she was hesitant to accept payment at first. The room you stayed in was actually pretty nice as well, and it was most definitely larger and less expensive than the tiny apartment you were moving into.

"Do you really want to do this, Dan?" Twilight asked, "We can help you get a great job around here, then you wouldn't have to leave. A-A real job, though, not just part time work."

"Yeah, what's stinky old Manehatten have that Ponyville doesn't?" Rainbow piped in. They knew why you wanted to leave, but couldn't help asking once more. You chuckled at the offer, before leaning down to pull Twilight into a hug and motioning for the other girls to come join in. They obliged and soon you were practically drowning in hugs. You held them in for a little bit, relishing in the warmth surrounding you on this chilly autumn morning.

"I'm going to miss you girls." You confessed, "Did you write down your address for me? I want to at least be able to write you." This prompted Twilight to pull a piece of paper out of her saddle-bag, handing it to you.

You talked with them for several minutes until you heard a horn in the distance, approaching the station. As the train pulled up to the platform, you watched ponies departing. Some simply walked off the platform with their luggage, while others walked into the waiting hooves of their friends and family. Seeing this, you silently hoped that when you came back to Ponyville, you would be in the latter group.

You picked up your luggage, giving one last hug to each of the girls, thanking them for being great friends and promising to stay in contact. As you started to walk to the train, you felt a tug on your shirt. When you turned around, you saw Pinkie looking up at you with a brown paper bag in her mouth.

"I made you a cupcake for the train!" The pink mare let out, and a quick look inside the bag confirmed her words, "I figured it would be reeeeaaallllllyyyy boring just sitting in the train so I made you a super, duper yummy cupcake but I forgot what flavor was your favorite first I thought it was strawberry, but then I remembered you said you di-EEP" You leaned down to pull her in for a hug, stopping her before she could really get going. You saw her cheeks turn a darker shade of pink as she graciously returned the gesture and buried her face in your shoulder.

In your time here in Ponyville, Pinkie has probably been your best friend. She landed you your first real part-time job working for the Cakes, and was always there to make you laugh when you were in a bad mood. You spent too many off days just hanging out with her, taking walks through the White Tail Woods and eating cupcakes 'till you puked. As you held her close, all of those memories started coming back at you.

When you first landed on Equestria due to an accident in one of Twilight's spells, you recalled feeling lost and thinking you would never be accepted, even though everyone you met was nice to you. You could still recall the happiness you felt when you walked in on the party Pinkie threw for you. Now, with your arms around her, it almost seemed like you'd be leaving your happiness behind when you left.

"Promise me something." Pinkie began in a raspy whisper, her normal cheerful delivery gone. Some of the floof seemed to have left her mane, as it didn't appear to be as bouncy as it normally was.

"What's wrong?" You asked in a hoarse voice, feeling your eyes start to glaze over, ready to start crying.

"Promise me you'll come back." She let go of the hug for a moment, looking into your eyes before continuing the hug, "I wish I could go with you, but the Cakes need me..." The hug tightens, but not to an uncomfortable level. That look in her eyes though, that was anything but comfortable. You felt tears dampen your shoulder as she pressed her face against you. That was it. You let your tears fall, pressing your face into her mane. You knew you wanted to go, but this girl was making it so hard.

It felt like forever, that hug. The damp spot on your shoulder grew in size, a broken oil line of tears. You were nearly as bad, as clenching your eyes shut had proven to be wholly ineffective. You were going to miss her more than anything, and you knew it already.

"I'll be back, Pinkie" You let go of her and took a step back, "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." You went through the motions of the Pinkie Pie promise, eliciting a giggle from the mare. "I know you don't want me to go, but this is something I need to do if I'm ever going to become anyone. I'll visit you all the time, and if I can't, I'll write!" This seemed to calm her down a bit, as she used the scarf around her neck to dry the fur around her eyes, then she held it out and motioned for you to kneel down.

"Take this, I hear it gets cold in Manehatten." Pinkie said quietly, putting the scarf around your neck. Before you had a chance to respond, you heard the train behind you blowing its horn, signifying that it was time for you to go. You leaned down and Pinkie gave you one last hug, tears threatening to stream from her eyes once more.

"Thanks Pinkie," You said softly, "I love it." With that said, you slowly left the hug, grabbing your bags and climbing on board the train.

Taking your seat by the window, you looked out to see all six girls waving goodbye. They all looked upset to varying degrees, but Pinkie was by far taking it the worst. Her mane had lost almost all of its fluff and you could see she was still fighting back tears. Another few toots of the horn signified that the train was about to leave and sure enough, you felt yourself moving not long after.

"I'll be back before you know it!" You yelled out the window, trying your hardest to be heard over the deafening engine, "Throw me the biggest party ever when I get back!" You saw a bit of Pinkie's fluff return as she smiled and yelled something back to you, but her voice was drowned out by the engine.

As the train moved down the platform, you watched the girls run alongside you until they couldn't any longer, though you suspect Rainbow would have had no problems keeping up if she really wanted to. Soon, they were nothing but colorful specs in the distance.

Once you could no longer see your friends, you turned around to get a good look at the train cabin. You were the only person, or pony, in the entire car. All of the above-seat luggage racks were empty except for yours. Seeing this, you shrugged and opened up the bag Pinkie gave you, taking out the cupcake.

It was bright pink and had a veritable mountain of frosting on top. You sighed, knowing how many times you have told her that she needed to tone it down on the frosting, only for her to put even more on the next time. Then something came to you: This was going to be the last Pinkie Pie cupcake you would eat for a long time.

You stared at the treat, hands shaking as the reality of your choice set in. You wouldn't be able to talk to Rarity about Earth fashion and designers, nor have her make you any special pieces of clothing. You wouldn't be drinking any genuine Apple Family cider. You wouldn't be helping Fluttershy with the animals. No more talking to Twilight for hours about the history of Earth. No more watching Rainbow Dash practice her flying.

And worst of all, no more parties from Pinkie. Although they were relatively tame by Earth standards, they were still a great time and you enjoyed getting drunk with your friends. In the back of your head, you did wish they had some weed at least, but you knew better than to expect stuff like that from Pinkie. Besides, you didn't even know if weed existed in Equestria.

Shaking your head, you returned your thoughts to the cupcake in your hands. Slowly, you took a small bite out of it, then another, and another. In less than a minute, the treat was history, and your blood-sugar levels were off the charts. It was delicious, despite the frosting, and you knew it would be. Pinkie had a way with frosted treats that you doubt anyone or pony could match. You let out a small burp of satisfaction and turn your attention to the outside of the train.

Looking out the window, you saw beautiful scenery turned into a green blur. You didn't even really know what you wanted to do in Manehatten, to be honest with yourself. Designing apartments would be cool, and so would fulfilling your pipe dream of becoming a rapper, but those were nothing more than just that; pipe dreams. Realistically speaking, you had no verifiable education and certainly no applicable skills, other than being the sole example of a human in Equestria.

You weren't super worried about that, as you had saved enough money to stay afloat for at least four months without income. The studio apartment you were moving into was in the Chineightown district and would cost 350 bits a month, which, from what gathered, was the equivalent of around $1250 dollars. You sighed, thinking about how you would make enough money to get by once your savings ran out.

Narrowing your eyes, you steeled yourself for the city. You would find a way to get by, you always did. A smile crept onto your face as thoughts of city life ran through your head. So much food! So many ponies! Shopping! Art! Beautiful architecture! Manehatten had everything you wanted and more! You'd make a name for yourself somehow, and you just knew that when you went back to Ponyville, you'd be better off than you've ever been.

"Onwards and upwards," You announced to nobody in particular, "Onwards and upwards."

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading my story! I've posted a few (terrible) stories in the past (as in 4ish years ago), but have since deleted the account and tried to forget about the stories.

I'll try to update this semi-regularly, but between college, a job, and searching for an internship, that could prove difficult.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed the story! If you have any constructive criticism, by all means leave a comment below!

Comments ( 2 )

I liked it. It's a good start and I look forward to reading more. Thank you for sharing it.

Pretty good so far

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