• Published 21st Aug 2017
  • 1,773 Views, 98 Comments

Dark Star of Shadows - Super Ponyman

There will always be good and evil in Equestia, but one cannot exist without the other. When the shadow king Sombra returns after hiding for four years, he plots his revenge. This time, he has a student of his own, and he shows no mercy

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Chapter 7: Day 1, The Element of Kindness

Author's Note:

So, Burning Star is going to Fluttershy's place for his first lesson! This could only turn out well ;) he may also meet a certain dracoequess as well...

(Twilight Sparkle's Castle, Grand Library)

The library was always Twilight's favorite thing in the castle, after all, she lived in one as her home before she became an alicorn. It held hundreds books of varied genres. Twilight Sparkle loved books with a passion, it was a borderline obsession by now.

However, when Burning Star mentioned that he was writing a book on the various species in Equestria, she was positively giddy. But, she still had suspicions about her new unicorn student.

Twilight Sparkle woke up suddenly, it was still dark outside. She looked at her clock, "5:30 am... gosh it's early. I'll just go back to sleep..."

Just as Twilight was about to fall back asleep, she noticed a light coming from downstairs.

Twilight Sparkle yawned, "Who in Equestria would be up this early? The sun isn't even up yet... *yawn"

Twilight got up and walked downstairs, she opened her eyes a little bit to see Burning Star sitting on his flank, watching the fire and reading a book.

It was their Friendship Journal, he was on the page where Twilight had finished Starswirl's spell and became an Alicorn...

"What are you *yawn doing up this early Burning Star? The sun isn't even up... don't you need sleep too?" Twilight yawned, wiping her eyes.

Burning Star turned around and said to the princess, "Oh... I didn't realize I woke you Twilight Sparkle. I do need sleep, but this is the time that I would wake up to start my training with my mentor." He put the book back on the shelf, "I also liked watching the sun rise. You want to join me?" He said, eyes filled with regret.

Burning Star put his book back in his bag and moved towards the window Twilight Sparkle sat down next to him and said, "You seem upset Burning Star, what's the matter? Can I help?"

Burning Star looked at the young Alicorn and said in a depressed tone, "I was just thinking about the other day, I am... sorry that I said all those nasty things to you..."

Twilight Sparkle put her hoof on his back and smiled, "It's ok. I forgive you, I just don't understand why you said them. You seem to have a grudge larger than a mountain against Celestia and Luna. Do you want to tell me why you do?"

Burning Star shook his head, "Not now, maybe later today. I don't think I should ruin the sunrise with my stories."

Twilight nodded her head and put her wing around Burning Star's body. A few moments later, the sun began to rise.

"Don't worry, I'll help you..."

(Road to Fluttershy's home, Outskirts of Ponyville)

Burning Star walked behind Twilight, a small grin on his face. He was honestly excited to go learn from Fluttershy. After all, it's not every day you meet with one of the bearers of elements of harmony.

Then again, it's not every day you can convince an ALICORN to trust you, even after beating her to a pulp...

Twilight Sparkle looked behind her, Burning Star was writing in his personal book with his raven feather pen.

"Day 1 of Friendship Lessons."

"I am going with the Alicorn mare known as Princess Twilight Sparkle to learn about the magic of friendship from Fluttershy, the element of kindness. I have heard that she is rather timid, so I will try not to appear dark and scary around her. Maybe, one day when I have the trust of all of the elements of harmony, I'll reveal that I'm..."

Twilight Sparkle yelled to her new student, "Hurry Up! We don't have all day Burning Star!"

Burning Star put his pen and journal away, and ran after Twilight. He stopped and said to her, "So, when we are done learning about the magic of friendship, I would like to get together with your friends for a party. You want to come?"

Twilight Sparkle smiled, "Sure! I can get Pinkie Pie to plan it for you. She is the primer party pony after all."

Burning Star smiled, "I'll talk to her about it when we get to her lesson. For now, I want to focus on today. Somepony once said, Carpe Diem!

(Fluttershy's Cottage, Outskirts of Everfree Forest)

Burning Star stood behind Twilight as she knocked on the door. Twilight called out, "Fluttershy! We are here!"

She turned around, "Now, behave yourself, and try not to look so scary."

The two ponies heard a distant "coming." and Burning Star tried to smile out of happiness, not his trademark menacing smirk.

Burning Star stood behind Twilight as Fluttershy opened the door, "Oh, hello Twilight, is he h-here now?" The cream colored Pegasus said, trying to stay calm.

Twilight Sparkle stepped aside as she said, "Yes. I believe you have not been properly introduced. This is Burning Star. He will be learning about kindness from you today."

Fluttershy looked up and her light blue eyes shrunk to pinpricks, she shook with fear. Burning Star was huge and intimidating, with his jet black fur, dark blue eyes, and red and orange mane.

"Oh my... hello there..." Fluttershy said, shaking in her hooves.

Burning Star bent down and said in the nicest voice he could. "Hello Fluttershy, you don't need to be scared of me, you know. I'm not so scary."

Fluttershy walked inside and said, "o-ok. So today I am going to teach you about what kindness is, would you like some tea?"

Burning Star walked inside, banging his head on the top of the doorway. "Do you have ginseng tea? Because that would be great."

Fluttershy responded quietly, "I think I do. Give me a minute..." she was stopped by Burning Star.

"I'll get it, I asked for it. You don't have to make it, I know how to make tea." He said, walking into the kitchen. He noticed the teapot was already on the stove.

Burning Star opened the cupboard to get the tea bags, he saw ginseng and took it out, humming to himself. He lifted the teapot lid to put the teabags in, and out popped a face that said to Burning Star.

"Thanks! You have no idea how cramped it is in there. Oh! Who are you?"

"What the hell!" Burning Star yelled as he fell backwards, startled by the weird creature. He shouted into the living room. "FLUTTERSHY! SOME... THING IS IN YOUR TEA POT!"

That... thing appeared in front of him and said, "Excuse me? I am not a thing, I Am Discord," Discord put on a suit and tie, "the spirit of chaos and disharmony! You are being very rude calling me a thing."

Discord was about to say something else when he ducked out of the way of a fireball that flew out the window and exploded, which knocked over some trees.

Twilight ran in to see Discord floating above a very angry Burning Star, Discord teleported outside. "Okay pal, I'm sorry I spooked you." A halo appeared over his head. "I won't do it again."

Burning Star went outside and snorted, "You're Discord! Last time I heard about you from my mentor you were still a garden ornament. I mean seriously, who would trust you?"

Discord shot back, "yeah, last time I heard about your mentor he was in pieces. Yes, I know about you Burning Star. You're the..."

Both Burning Star and Discord were cut off by Fluttershy screaming, "What is wrong with you two?!"

Burning Star go up and walked over to her, "Sorry Fluttershy, i let my temper get the better of me."

He walked over to Discord, "I'm sorry Discord, I didn't know you were in there and my instincts took over."

Discord teleported to Burning Star and patted him on the back, "Apology accepted. I'm sorry for scaring you, I could of gotten myself incinerated."

Twilight Sparkle dragged Burning Star into the house again, Fluttershy looked at her draconequess friend. "That wasnt very nice of you Discord, why did you do that?"

Discord lowered his head in shame. "I heard that someone was coming to be friends with you and I got a bit jealous."

Twilight Sparkle sat Burning Star down on the couch and gave him a venomous stare. "You were supposed to behave yourself today! Why did you try to attack Discord!"

Burning Star just said, "Let's drop this subject for now. I need to study kindness today, so please don't bring this up?"

Twilight Sparkle snorted, "Fine... but you and I are going to talk later!"

After everything calmed down, Fluttershy sat in her chair, trying to explain to Burning Star the foundations of kindness.

"You see, kindness is when to try to be as nice as you can, no matter what." She said, her eyes fixed firmly on Burning Star's deep blue ones.

"So Fluttershy, what was the kindnest thing you have ever done?" He asked

The cream colored Pegasus pointed to Discord, who was sleeping on the ceiling. "Reforming him, no matter how much chaos he created for me, I kept trying. Look at him now, he has finally started to understand friendship truly. Burning Star, did you have any friends growing up?"

The black unicorn's eyes dropped, "I did... but they are gone now. They... all left a few years ago. Up until now, you have been the only people to show genuine friendship to me."

Burning Star stood up and grabbed Fluttershy's hooves and said in a amazed tone, "Fluttershy, I think you are a lot stronger than you know. Not many ponies can sit in the same room as me and not run for their lives. I bet underneath that timid personality is a will harder than the hardest diamond. That is a true privilege not given to everypony... you will need it in the battles to come."

Fluttershy blushed, "th-thank you. You're pretty kind for saying that."

Twilight Sparkle motioned for Burning Star to leave, "I've got to go, remember this Fluttershy. Burning Star gave Fluttershy a hug and whispered into her ear, "True courage is the Resistance of fear, mastery of fear, not the absence of fear."

With that, Burning Star exited the cottage and started to walk next to Twilight, a small grin on her face.

Burning Star finally asked, "So how did I do?"

The purple Alicorn gave him a hug, "You passed with flying colors. Not many ponies can make Fluttershy blush from complements that hard."

He sighed, "I'm just doing what I gotta do. You wanted to talk later right?"

Twilight Sparkle nodded, "Yes. I want to find out why King Sombra picked you as his student."

Burning Star gave the Alicorn next to him a smirk.

"As you wish, Princess Twilight Sparkle."