• Published 21st Aug 2017
  • 1,773 Views, 98 Comments

Dark Star of Shadows - Super Ponyman

There will always be good and evil in Equestia, but one cannot exist without the other. When the shadow king Sombra returns after hiding for four years, he plots his revenge. This time, he has a student of his own, and he shows no mercy

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Chapter 4: Apple Farm Intruder

Author's Note:

Time for the next chapter! :) Will Twilight Sparkle find this Burning Star character? Or will somepony else see him first? Find out right now!

Burning Star ran through the woods, mouth in a smirk and eyes filled with satisfaction.

"Come on Alicorn... follow the trail I left for you..." Burning Star said as he left a trail of magic fire that only Twilight would be able to see, he may of hated being taught under King Sombra, but he did follow through on his promises and taught him about great powers, including how to use Dark Magic. Burning Star looked to the horizon, Dawn was starting to break,

He knew that the Princesses could see him again. "I better find shelter."

He was not looking where he was going when he spotted a barn in the distance, he was running too fast to stop in time.

"Oh Craaaaap!" He said as he smashed through the barn door, landing in crates full of apples.

Burning Star shook his mane free of the crushed apples and broken pieces of wood.

"Well this works, I guess."

His crash caused a noise that caused the birds in the tree to flee in terror. It also got the attention of a tall earth pony out plowing the fields. That pony's name was Big Macintosh.

"What was that?" He said, before noticing the large hole in the barn door. Big Macintosh shook his head and ran over. "Please don't be Timberwolves."

Big Mac reached the barn door, it had a hole Larger than him in it, "Oh please don't be dem timberwolves. Or it could be Fluttershy going all batty again. Because I really would not want to face that nightmare again." He said as he peered into the barn, noticing the broken crates and carts of apples.

"Hello? Anypony in here? Ah'm not going to hurt you." Big Mac saw the pile of apples rustle, he stepped closer. "Come on out."

The apple pile shuddered, and out popped a jet black unicorn stallion. he looked kind of threatening, with the combination of black fur with scarlet mane and tail. Big Mac looked at him, he was huge, possibly the size of Princess Luna.

Burning Star popped out of the apple pile and landed with a thud, he stared down the stallion, he was very large for an earth pony, and muscular. That was probably a result of working in the fields that he rushed by. His own muscles were a result of rigorous training and combat with his mentor... well... ex-mentor King Sombra, but they were more lean and flexible than the Earth Pony in front of him.

"Who are you and what are ya doin in my barn?" The earth pony said with a combination of determination and slight fear.

"Who are you?" Burning Star asked the earth pony.

"I'm Big Macintosh Apple, a member of the Apple family, and your tresspassin on our farm."

Burning Star looked visibly agitated, "My name is Burning Star. What do you mean trespassing? I'm looking for shelter, and I accidentally crashed into your barn."

Big Macintosh noticed the rudeness in Burning Star's voice, "Listen here ya unicorn. I'm a pretty understandin stallion, but you can't just barge into our barn and smash our apples. You better leave before I make you leave." He said in a determined tone, which made Burning Star laugh.

"If you're trying to intimidate me, you impudent pest... it won't work, I've seen things that could make you faint from the sheer terror. Besides, what's a simple earth pony going to do to me?" Burning Star mocked, before ducking as a crate flew over his head.

Big Macintosh lost his patience, he would not take this anymore. So, He bucked a crate full of apples at the Unicorn. Burning Star ducked and rushed him, horn out, eyes full of rage. Big Macintosh turned around raised his front hooves, stopping Burning Star cold.

"Sorry pal, I've dealt with things much stronger than you!" Burning Star sneered as he shoved harder, causing Big Macintosh to skid back.

"So have I!" He was trying to throw Big Mac off balance so he could stomp on his chest to knock the wind out of him.

Big Mac did the thing he wanted and shoved him into the floor and pressed his hooves on him, "You can't beat me in strength pal!"

Burning Star roared in his face, "Well you just made as big mistake Big Macintosh."

Big Mac yowled in pain as Burning Star lit his mane and tail on fire, then whipped him with his tail.

The large stallion ran away, tail on fire, letting Burning Star get away, only to be stopped by the element on honesty, Applejack.

"Hey! You have a lot of nerve hurting my brother!" Applejack slammed her back legs into Burning Star's skull, causing a raging headache.

"Really? There's more of you Apples?! Faust on high, I don't have time for this, MOVE YOU BITCH!!!" Burning Star roared as he used his magic to throw Applejack into the air like a rag doll, then he ran off. But before he left, he carved another message in fire on the side of the barn.

"You're friends are wasting my time, Alicorn! Hurry up."

Your Savior,
Burning Star

Twilight arrived at Sweet Apple Acres only to see both Big Mac and Applejack limping, thier bodies covered in dark bruises. Twilight Sparkle ran over to them and helped them to stand.

"Applejack! Big Mac! What happened?!" Twilight yelled in nervousness.

Applejack responded, "We are ok Sugarcube, just ran into a unicorn that kicked out flanks hard..."

Big Mac spoke next, "Eeyup... he was covered in fire too, like some sorta demon right from Tartarus."

Twilight frowned, "I thought he was a good pony, I guess not." She said in a worried tone, then she noticed another message written in Fire and a trail of fiery hoof prints, only she could see the flame writing all over the ground.

She read out loud, "Your Friends are wasting my time, Alicorn. Hurry up!"

Applejack grabbed her friends shoulder, "You know this is a trap sugarcube, I don't have to be a Unicorn to see that."

Twilight Sparkle shook her head, "I have to confront him, his actions make no sense. First he saves me from a nightmare, then he beats your flanks into the dirt. I have find out why."

Applejack gave her a worried smile, "be careful Twi."

Twilight Sparkle gave Applejack a kind smile as she ran off into the woods, "Don't worry Applejack, I will. I'll make sure he... fixes your barn."

(Castle of the Two Sisters, Main Room)

Twilight Sparkle ran through the forest, following the fire hoof prints. She gasped when she saw where they led, into the Castle of the Two Sisters,

"Why in Equestria would he come here of all places?" She said as she walked in, not knowing that the person she was trailing was right behind her. She heard a voice, rough and powerful.

"Because, what's a good chase, without an awesome ending?" Said Burning Star as he leaned in, breathing on Twilight's neck.

She turned around to see Burning Star's massive form, his bright blue eyes filled with strength.

"Why did you hurt my friends? You saved me earlier from King Sombra. Or are you just part of his plot to enslave me? Who are you?" Twilight said, trying to be brave in the face of the massive black unicorn.

Burning Star walked in front of her and leaned to where his horn was touching hers, "Your friends were in my way, Alicorn... I am Burning Star, Unicorn of flames and ex-student to King Sombra. I brought you here to find out if you were brave enough to leave the safety of your castle to come find a dangerous unicorn like me... and you were and I'm honestly surprised." Said Burning Star as he gave her a sly smile.

Twilight Sparkle glared at him, "what gives you the right to hurt my friends? Also, You're not even an Alicorn, yet how are you able to use that level of magic so easily?"

Burning Star laughed, "Although I despise King Sombra, you learn a lot about magic when you are his student, its the same relationship between Sombra and I as it is between you and Princess Celestia. The only difference between you and me is, I do not have an unhealthy obsession with my teacher."

Twilight shouted at her opponent, "I am not obsessed with Celestia!"

Burning Star smile began to grow. "Then why are you getting so mad when I insult her? You are a princess now, Twilight Sparkle, you do not need her anymore."

Twilight Sparkle stepped back and charged her horn up. "You will not insult her anymore!

Burning Star also charged his horn up, "You wish to battle me?"

Twilight Sparkle shouted back at her opposition, "if it makes you shut up, then Yes!"