• Published 21st Aug 2017
  • 1,773 Views, 98 Comments

Dark Star of Shadows - Super Ponyman

There will always be good and evil in Equestia, but one cannot exist without the other. When the shadow king Sombra returns after hiding for four years, he plots his revenge. This time, he has a student of his own, and he shows no mercy

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Chapter 16: Behold the Ultimate Power!

Author's Note:

Here's the big reveal everyone! Time to see everypony (and Minotaur) reaction. This will be a more peaceful chapter, but it may turn sad as The Minotaur talks with Twilight about Daybreaker.

Also, Sootaloo reappears, singing a very familiar tune.

(Sweet Apple Acres)

"Sweet Celestia..." Twilight said, eyes wide with amazement

"O-oh my..." Stammered Fluttershy,

"Well I'll be..." said Applejack, rubbing her eyes.

"Holy s--t..." said Rainbow Dash, still staring

Everypony and Tirek stared slack-jawed at Burning Star.

he had taken off his cloak, and on his back were a pair of large black Wings!

Burning Star looked around, confused that nopony and Minotaur was speaking.

"Sweet Celestia, I haven't stretched these things in days... Well, what do you think?" He said, stretching his wings out, showing the sheer immensity of Burning Star's wings.

Unlike Twilight's wings which were smooth and elegant, Burning Star's wings were rough and strong, probably from years of secret use before and while King Sombra took him in as a student. They probably were about 6-7 feet in length.

Tirek was the first one to say a complete sentence.

"Well, this certainly is a surprise... I'm impressed Burning Star. You were an Alicorn this entire time?"

Tirek stomped over and looked closer at his friends wings. "How did you get these?"

Burning Star answered his Question.

"I... had these since I was born. Ponies ether teased me, and when they saw my wings they bowed before me. I didn't know why me having wings made me so important."

Burning Star stood there, preening his wings when Twilight Sparkle finally squeaked out a sentence

"You're... You're... You're an..."

The Fire Alicorn finished her sentence, snickering a bit.

"An Alicorn? Yes, that's what I am... does that change your opinion of me, Twilight? It also explains why I'm so much stronger than a unicorn."

Burning Star walked up to her and put his wings out to show Twilight the size, they were longer than Celestia's.

Maybe that was because he was a stallion? They tend to be a lot stockier than mares.

She looked at them, noticing that while the wing limbs themselves were jet black like the rest of his fur, the feathers were colored red, orange, and yellow, and shined bright when the light of the sun passed through them, like they were made of crystallized fire.

Rainbow Dash flew into the air and dashed towards the Alicorn Stallion, amazement in her eyes.

"So this is what you've been hiding? I must say this is awesome, seeing that there are Alicorn STALLIONS as well."

Burning Star shrugged, "Hey, if there are Alicorn mares, why would there not be Alicorn Stallions? How would the species reproduce?"

Rarity walked up to him and stared into the feathers, they were prettier than the brightest diamond.

"Darling... these are beautiful... why have you been hiding these from us?"

Burning Star bent his head and said, "Because I thought that you would all treat me like you treat every other Alicorn you meet, like Royalty. Where I come from, royals weren't allowed to socialize with the commoners... they were treated like fragile glass statues."

Pinkie Pie bounced over to him and put one of her front hooves on his nose.

"No silly! We don't treat Twilight like snobby royal nobles, so why should we treat you any different than any other pony?"

Burning Star looked at Twilight, a smirk on his face as he wrapped one of his massive wings around her, making Twilight blush.

"What's the matter, Twilight? You look as red as me when I ignite my mane. Do you see something you like?" He said, knowing that Twilight saw something she liked about him.

Burning Star stretched both his wings out, and swung them downward, sending him straight up into the sky like a Arrow.

After going above the clouds, He then turned downwards and dived though the air, landing with a resounding boom that knocked everypony off their feet and staggering even Tirek's massive form backwards.

Burning Star took off again, this time hovering mid air, "Come on Twilight, you want to go flying with me?"

Twilight took flight as well, and hovered next to him. Rainbow Dash took off, "Try to catch me Burning Star!"

Burning Star, a smile on his face, gladly accepted the challenge and dashed after the so called "Fastest Flier in Equestria" to possibly take her title. He left red embers behind him as he dashed across the sky, tailing the cyan Pegasus.

Tirek did something he never thought he'd do, he smiled. Not an evil one, but a kind one.

"Good for you Burning Star..."

Suddenly, Tirek heard a booming noise and saw something fast approaching him, he charged his magic, but the orange and silver blur dashed over him, cutting his horns off!

"What the hell was that! It looked like a sword just cut through air and-"

Tirek reached up to his head, his horns were not there. "My horns! No!"

"Woooo! Aw Yeah!"

It was Scootaloo, and she was singing to the world as she flew past Ponyville.

Flying around at the speed of sound! Got places to go, gotta follow my rainbow."

She breezed past Ponyville, sending loose objects flying. She broke the glass windows on the older houses.

"Can't stick around gotta keep moving on! Guess what lies ahead, only one way to find out!"

Scootaloo dived into the streets of Canterlot, sending a powerful breeze across the city. Luna looked outside and saw Scootaloo screaming across the sky at supersonic speeds, Luna estimated that she was probably traveling at Mach 2.

"Just keep on moving ahead, no time for guessing, follow my plan instead! Trusting in what you can't see, take my hoof I'll set you free!"

Scootaloo reached Cloudsdale, and cut through several clouds with her wings, sending thunderbolts raining down to the ground.

"Follow Me! Set me Free! Trust me and we will escape from the city!

Scootaloo somehow reached The Crystal Empire, cutting though the snow clouds above the city.

"I'll make it through, follow me. Follow me, set me free. Trust me and we will escape from the city. I'll make it through, prove it to you."

Scootaloo finally hit Mach 3.

"Follow Me! Oh Yeah!"

King Sombra was out of his hospital bed and standing on the long balcony, enjoying his coffee and silently thanking Cadence for helping to save him from certain death.

Then, a strong breeze blew by his face and the little filly that caused him so much trouble cut his Coffee cup in half, causing the hot liquid to pour onto his bandages, He yowled in pain and Cadence grabbed him.

Scootaloo noticed a multicolored blur next to her, it was Rainbow Dash! She was flapping her wins as hard as she could to keep up with Scootaloo, Scootaloo saw a black and red blur pull up next to her as well.

It was Burning Star?!

Rainbow Dash told Scootaloo, "Sweet Celestia you are Fast Scoots! I'm barely keeping up with you while you look as you aren't even breaking a sweat!"

Burning Star smiled at Rainbow Dadh and said, "Magitek is also known to enhance the users body functions, Scootaloo can fly at these insane speeds as if it were a walk in the park. But, let's see if you can keep up with me!"

With a loud boom, Burning Star ignited his Wings and took off like a rocket, a five pointed star of fire trailing him. Rainbow Dash sprinted after him, while Scootaloo dashed after her hero.

"Wait for me Dashie! I'm coming for you!"

(Sweet Apple Acres, The Barn)

Meanwhile, Tirek and Twilight Sparkle were having a long talk, a really important talk.

Tirek grunted out, "You know Twilight, I'm not lying when I say that my friend Burning Star really likes you."

Twilight turned red, "What makes you think that? Why are you even asking me this Tirek?! Mind your own business!"

Tirek laughed, "it seems that the Princess of Friendship loves the Ruler of Fire... I'm glad that you share the same feelings that he does."

Twilight Sparkle blasted Tirek in the ear, "Shut up! It's not your business to take interest in my life. What are you trying to avoid?"

Tirek leaned in close, "it appears that your teacher has gone off the deep end, Twilight Sparkle. I believe you have heard about Daybreaker, yes?"

Twilight Sparkle's eyes shrunk to pinpricks, "Wait... you mean that's really Celestia attacking those innocent ponies? That's a lie! Celestia would never do that!"

Tirek snorted, "Why do you think Burning Star called me in to deal with this? I can absorb magic remember? He proposed that if I can suck Daybreaker's form out of Celestia, we could possibly destroy her and save your mentor's life... hopefully."

Twilight began to well up with tears, "what do you mean hopefully?"

Tirek narrowed his yellow eyes, "Celestia could die from the removal of Daybreaker. It's a very likely possibility that if it doesn't succeed, you and Burning Star will have to put her down permanently..."

Twilight cried, and Tirek did the most unexpected thing, he lowered his massive hand and wiped Twilight's tears away, "Just remember, Burning Star will always love you. And I'm starting to warm up to the idea of this good guy thing myself... it feels good to be good for once."

Twilight Sparkle put her hoof on his arm. "Yeah I know that it feels good to be he good pony, or in your case Minotaur/Centaur."

Triek picked up Twilight and placed her on his head. "Let's just watch the sunset, Twilight Sparkle... I don't see the sun down in Tartarus you know?"

Twilight smiled, "Sure. Tirek, You stay and watch the sunset with me."