• Published 21st Aug 2017
  • 1,775 Views, 98 Comments

Dark Star of Shadows - Super Ponyman

There will always be good and evil in Equestia, but one cannot exist without the other. When the shadow king Sombra returns after hiding for four years, he plots his revenge. This time, he has a student of his own, and he shows no mercy

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Chapter 2: the Princesses Greatest Fear

Author's Note:

Chapter 1 is here. This chapter is the kickstart for the main story, before this was the intro. Now we are in the meaty Stuff.

(Present Day)

Twilight Sparkle was bored, really, really bored... despite being a pony of intelligence, even she had a point where her brain just shut off.

Being an Alicorn and princess was amazing. she was respected, she had her own castle, however she had responsibility to her ponies. That included sitting in on a meeting on where the next grain field should be put.

"So, Princess Celestia. I proposed that the new grain field will be dug next to Sweet Apple Acres!" Said Lord Frilly Frock.

Twilight sighed and thought to herself, "Sweet Celestia, end this already..." Celestia shot her a disappointed look, "Sorry." Twilight shrunk back into her chair.

After what felt like hours, the meeting ended, Twilight Sparkle and Celestia exited the grand meeting hall. Celestia was the first to talk,

"Listen Twilight, I was very aware of your boredom during the meeting, trust me." Celestia sighed, "you were not alone, I need a spa day. Why don't You, Rarity, and I get together for a Spa Day this weekend?"

Twilight hugged her mentor, "Of Course! I was thinking the same thing myself, not the idea of a spa day with you, but something... else." Twilight was as red as Big Macintosh.

Celestia rolled her eyes, "I didn't mean that Twilight, it would be a relaxing day of fun. No debates, no meetings, nothing. Now, I'm going to speak with Luna. Apparently we have a special guest today. But, you have to be back in Ponyville." Celestia said with tiredness in her voice.

Twilight Sparkle nodded, "ok! I will see you this weekend Princess-, I mean Celestia!" The white alicorn smiled.

Celestia finally returned to the throne room, Luna was tapping her hooves, obviously impatient.

"What took you so long! It's nearly sundown, you got to lower the sun you know." Luna said with slight annoyance in her voice.

Celestia responded, "Ok, give me a second. I'll go lower the sun so you can raise the moon. You know we have a special guest from the Frozen North coming today."

Luna looked confused, "I wasn't aware of that. When did you find out about this?"

Celestia replied in a confused tone, "I got a letter this morning. now that I'm thinking about it, it does seem a bit out of the ordinary. I sent Twilight Sparkle home, she seemed to be exhausted from today."

Luna smirked, "you're just trying to keep her away from the tough decisions, am I right?"

Celestia blushed, embarrassed. "Yeah, she isn't ready for things like this. Now, let's see who this visitor is, shall we?"

About an hour after sunset, a pair of stallions wearing dark cloaks bearing an unknown royal crest walked in.

The lead one spoke first, "good evening your graces, my associate and I represent the Black Ice tribe. We have come with important news."

Celestia asked the stallion, "and what would that news be? Surely it would be good news."

Luna looked on with worry, she spoke to herself. "There is something wrong with those ponies, darkness shrouds them." Celestia could see the worried look on Luna's face, she sensed great evil.

Celestia asked the lead pony, "Who is your lord exactly?"

The pony in back if the Leader responded, "One of your old friends, Princess. He is here right now."

The lead pony spoke in a deep, threatening voice. "Hello again Princess, I AM BACK FOR REVENGE!"

Within an instant, the lead pony and the pony to his side were engulfed in a beam of black energy, revealing the lead pony to be none other that the Shadow King, King Sombra!

Celestia and Luna stood back, eyes wide and filled with terror. "This isn't possible. We saw you shatter into pieces! You were dead! How are you back?!"

Sombra laughed and bowed, "Oh sweet and innocent Celestia, did you really think that I was gone for good? Good cannot exist without bad, you know..." Sombra hissed out.

Luna was the first to arm herself for battle, "Leave here Sombra! You are not welcome in Equestria!"

King Sombra just smiled, showing his sharp teeth. "Oh I'm not here to kill you, I'm here to congratulate the new Alicorn. Where would the little one be?"

Celestia opened fire with a blast of magic, Sombra blocked it with little effort. "You will not go after Twilight Sparkle, she is my student." Celestia said, trying to be intimidate the dark stallion.

King Sombra's gaze softened. "Well, I just so happen to have a surprise for you. I took a page out of your book and got myself a student as well."

The hooded unicorn behind Sombra stepped forwards, "may I introduce to you, my prized and cherished student, and your killer, DARK STAR!"

King Sombra backed up and the hooded unicorn stepped forwards, all Celestia could see was his Jet Black horn and bright red eyes, which seemed to emitting smoke. "Dark Star, do me a huge favor and kill them. I have a princess to find, a kingdom to conquer, and a Throne to reclaim. Dark Star, erase them!"

Dark Star nodded and said in an emotionless tone, "As you command King Sombra."

With that, King Sombra transformed into his shadow form and dashed towards Ponyville. Celestia and Luna tried to block him, but were slammed with a burst of magic.

"You are going to be fighting me, you will feel my wrath."

Dark Star began to pace in a circle, Celestia and Luna mimicked his movements.

"TASTE THIS!" Dark Star opened the battle with a blast of Red Lightning bolts, Celestia and Luna blocked them, but they hit the walls and carpet, leaving dark scorch marks. Luna blasted a ball of bright blue energy and Celestia flared her wings and sent a gust of wind out towards the dark Unicorn. Almost instantly, Dark Star put up a shield and the attacks were blocked perfectly.

"You think that I did not see this coming? My king has prepared me for this battle for four long years... I'm not going to mess up now!" Dark Star shouted as he sent a volley of fire balls towards Luna. Celestia shielded her sister and retaliated with a swarm of light Arrows. Luna assisted with a ball of explosive magic. The two attacks collided with Dark Star, slamming him into the wall, leaving a visible crater, but he still got up and staggered to his feet. Celestia took this opportunity to unleash a stream of light to assault his head. The impact ripped the hood off the pony, revealing his face.

Dark Star was jet black with a scarlet mane akin to fire. He has several cuts underneath his eyes and chin. His eyes were emanating the smoke of Dark Magic,

Luna looked to her sister and said, "I think Sombra is using his magic to control him! Instead of attacking his body, attack his mind!"

Celestia nodded and locked eyes with Dark Star. Dark Star squirmed and clutched his head, screaming as he fell backwards, the dark magic leaving his eyes.

When he got up, Celestia and Luna bound him to the floor with magic chains.

Dark Star looked confused and said in a drunken state, "what... where... what happened?"

Celestia grabbed his head with her hooves, "WHO ARE YOU TO ATTACK THE PRINCESSES OF EQUESTRIA! HAVE YOU NO RESPECT!" She shouted in the Royal Canterlot voice.

Luna pulled her sister back and said in a much calmer tone, "I'm sorry about that, but who are you and why did you attack us?"

Dark Star replied in a growling tone, "What do you mean I Attacked you? All I remember is King Sombra telling me that we were headed to Canterlot, then everything went black."

Luna sensed sincerity in his voice, "He must have used a mind control spell on you. However, You are still in deep trouble for attacking us. Surrender. NOW." Luna began to raise her voice.

Dark Star began to narrow his eyes and bear his teeth, "Stop it, Stop telling me to surrender."

Celestia noticed the air was starting to heat up drastically, "Luna, get back! Quickly!" Celestia shouted as she pulled Luna next to her.

Dark Star started to struggle and snarl, and snapped the magic chains apart!

"Sombra betrayed me... he promised that I could rule by his side... HE LIED TO ME!"

Luna began to notice Dark Star's mane and fur starting to glow.

"I'll kill him! I WILL KILL HIM AND EVERYTHING HE CREATED!" Dark Star roared. Then, His horn started to glow and fire erupted from his mane and tail, transforming it into moving fire. His fur turned from jet black to bright red instantly and his eyes filled up with bright orange fire.

Celestia and Luna had to put up a shield to protect themselves from the sheer heat and magic discharge.

Dark Star raised his front hooves and screamed, "But First, I'LL BURN YOU TO ASHES!"

Dark Star slammed down his hooves, and a massive explosion of fire went off, causing the throne room to explode, Celestia and Luna were slammed into the back of thier shields as they watched as the Throne Room burned.

Dark Star ran off, leaving firey hoofprints.

Luna looked to her sister and said, "Sister, you know where he is going don't you?"

Celestia nodded with a worried expression. "He is heading to Ponyville... chasing after King Sombra. He is extremely powerful, if he could destroy our shields..."

Luna finished her sentence.
"Then he could possibly wipe out Ponyville completely."

Dark Star ran recklessly down the road, leaving tracks of fire and ash wherever he ran.

"I got to find this Alicorn before Sombra does... maybe he or she can help me destroy King Sombra.

An idea popped into the fiery stallions mind. "Yes, that's what I'll do, I'll persuade this Alicorn into sheltering me, getting him/her to teach me magic, and I will use that magic to destroy King Sombra! Perfect, now don't you worry little Alicorn, I am no longer Dark Star..."

"Your hero, Burning Star, is coming to save you..."