• Published 30th Jul 2012
  • 1,176 Views, 13 Comments

White Eclipse - portaljumper339

Princess Luna finds friendship in a filly who shares her love of the night. Pre-banishment story.

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White Eclipse Pt. 1

White Eclipse Part 1 - A Chance Occurrence

It was another lonely night for a certain navy alicorn. Another night spent staring at the sky she had carefully crafted, knowing in her heart that nopony else was going to see it. They were always too busy working during the day. They couldn't be bothered to stay up for even a few minutes to look at the sky and think "Wow, Luna certainly did a great job tonight."

Luna stared at her sky spitefully, filled to the brim with anger. Anger at the ponies, at her sister, at the world. Looking over to a nearby rock, she decided that it had sat there being complacent long enough. All her anger spilled out as she struck the rock, only to be brought back two-fold when a fierce pain shot through her hoof.

"Ow, oh horse apples," she swore. "Do you wish to fully taste my wrath?" she yelled as she let loose a bolt of lightning, leaving a nice smoking crater with a few pebbles scattered around it. Finally satisfied that it had gotten what it so richly deserved, she fell back to her haunches and stared up at the full moon, feeling worse than she had.

No amount of destroyed rocks would change the facts; nopony appreciated her night, and she knew it. Luna hung her head, ready to let her tears at least dull the pain of being ignored.

"Your highness?" said a small voice from behind the moon princess. The voice caused Luna to perk her ears. What pony would be awake at this time of night?

"Yes, 'tis I," she answered, head still hung. "And to who am I speaking, pray tell?"

"Um, i-it's, uh," she stuttered.

"Well, if you wish to speak, then speak!" snapped Luna, turning her head to see who she was addressing, and almost immediately regretting her tone.

"M-my name is White Eclipse," squeaked the white filly. Her golden hair shone in the moonlight, accented with a rose red bow, and Luna noticed with a certain wonder that her eyes were very similar in color to her own.

"And what are you doing out at such an hour? Surely your parents are wondering where you have gone?"

"My parents don't know I have left the house. I-I came outside to, well, to..."

"To what?"

"To look at the moon."

Luna could not believe her own ears. Was there actually a pony out there who appreciated her night, one who wished to revel in its glory?

"Surely you jest. Everypony else is asleep at this time, and a filly of your age should be as well."

"Oh, I know that I should be asleep right now, but the night is just too beautiful to miss. The moon's really big tonight, and all the stars are especially sparkly. You always do such a good job, it's a shame that nopony takes the time to look at it."

Luna's mind reeled. A pony who actually looked at her night, who loved it even! She felt like jumping for joy, but thought better of it. She was one of the Royal Sisters, and she needed to look the part.

"Do you mean to say that you watch my night every night?"

"Well, not every night. Everypony needs to sleep, but I sneak out whenever I can, mostly when my parents have gone to sleep. Sometimes I stay out here all night, only to fall asleep under the stars. I really like those nights."

The moon princess' eyes began to water, and try though she might, she could not keep the tears from falling, even as they were accented by a loving smile.

"Are you alright, your highness?" asked White Eclipse, wondering why such a powerful pony was crying.

"I am better than alright, young Eclipse. Your words of kindness have brought a joy to my heart that I have not felt in ages. If it would be alright, would you perhaps stay here with me, just for a moment?" she asked, drying her eyes as she did so.

"Oh, sure." replied the white filly as she sat down next to the princess. "I was going to anyway, but I've never had company out here before. Everypony else is always saying that I'm weird for wanting to look at the moon, but I just tell them that I'll like what I like, and they'll like what they like."

"Truly words to live by, my little pony," said Luna as she wrapped a leg around her newfound friend. After thinking for a moment, she asked, "Would you like to see something?"

"Ooh, what is it?" asked White Eclipse, giving the princess an eager glance.

"Just watch the sky," she answered as her horn lit up with indigo magic. Soon there were dozens of stars shooting across the sky, illuminating it even further.

"Wow! They're so pretty! I don't think I've ever seen this many shooting stars at once before!" The filly's teal eyes were transfixed on the skies, an awestruck smile spread across her face.

"I only do this particular feat for truly momentous occasions, and I think tonight qualifies as one."

"What do you mean?" asked Eclipse, brow furrowing even as her eyes stayed locked to the sky. "How is tonight momentous?"

"It was the night I found out that somepony cared," she answered, nuzzling her nose against the filly's head as a single tear leaked from her eye.


White Eclipse yawned as the sun started to creep up over the horizon. The cool dew of the grass tickled her nose as she looked up, only to find that she was alone.

"Your highness?" she called out, looking around. The only thing around was a single tree a few yards off. There was no sign of the princess, and she was starting to wonder if it was all just a dream. She got to her hooves, ready to get back home before her parents woke up. Her gut told her that she was definitely going to be grounded for staying out so late again.

She took a few steps towards home when she heard a crinkling sound underneath her hoof. She lifted it gingerly to reveal a sealed envelope on the ground, one emblazoned with a crescent moon.

Eclipse quickly undid the seal and spread the note out on the grass.

Dear White Eclipse,

I would like to thank you for your kind words last night, and for staying by my side as we witnessed the beauty of the night together. Your kindness has touched my heart, and spread a joy through me that I have not felt in quite a long time.

I would also like to apologize for not being with you when you wake up, but my duties over the nighttime sky are tantamount, and Princess Celestia required my presence so that we could exchange control over the sky.

If you wish it, I would like to extend an invitation for you to the Castle of the Royal Sisters, where my sister and I would wish to speak and make merry with you and yours. Please discuss this with your family, and send a message back as soon as possible.

Once again, thank you for bringing some modicum of happiness to this weary soul.

Sincerely, Princess Luna of Equestria

The white filly could hardly believe what she was reading. The princesses wanted to meet her?! No longer was she thinking of being grounded, oh no. Now her parents were probably going to give her a raise on her allowance when they saw her with this note, written in the princess' own hoof.

White Eclipse quickly took the letter up in her mouth and began her trip back to town, a spring in her step and a song in her heart.

The trip home didn't take too long, certainly less time than it had taken to get out to the field, but ponies were already bustling around her small village. The scent of freshly picked apples and peaches, the clang of hot steel against an anvil, and the sight of her own father setting up for a nice long day of selling produce. It was really the best home that a filly could ask for

"Papa, papa!" exclaimed Eclipse, trying to grab her father's attention as a gray pegasus mare was concluding her business dealings with him.

"Excuse me for a moment," he said as he turned to his excited daughter. "Honey, can't you see that daddy's busy? And where were you this morning?"

"That's what I need to tell you!" she said, sitting down on a crate of celery in the back of the stall. "You'll never believe who I met last night!"

"I swear, sometimes you are too smart for your own good, managing to sneak out whenever you want. How did you get past the locks your mother put on the door again?"

"Easy, all you need is a hairpin or needle and a screwdriver! By the way, whoever sold you those locks swindled you, they were easier to crack than my toy lockbox."

"I'll be sure to let Keystone know that. Oh hay, the line's starting to build," he said, glancing at the ponies who were milling in front of the stall. "Hold that thought sweetie, daddy has customers."

"But papa-" she whined.

"Just hold on for a second, Eclipse. I have ponies waiting for their produce." he said, turning his attention away from his daughter and back to the line of customers that had started to grow. The seconds soon turned into minutes, the minutes into hours, and with each passing moment she felt the urge to drag her father away from the counter only grow.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, but the ponies in this town sure do like their vegetables," he said after the last satisfied customer had departed. "Now what is it that you wanted to tell me?"

"Wuh, huh?" asked Eclipse bewilderedly as a small pebble dropped from her hoof.

"What happened last night?"

"Oh right, that. Well, I was out late last night, and I was going to watch the moon and the stars like I always do, but there was somepony else there, and you will never believe who it was!"

"Well, who was it? Was it one of your friends from school?"

"No, even better! It was Princess Luna!"

"Princess Lu... young filly, it is not very nice to tell tales, especially to your father. Now who was really out there?"

"But I'm not telling a tale! It really was Princess Luna! She was feeling kind of sad that nopony else would stay up to watch the night with her, so I decided to stay up with her. She is really nice once you get to know her, and she even invited us to the castle!" she added, pulling the note out to show to her father. "See?"

The copper coated stallion quickly scanned over the note, his eyes widening with each passing word. No sooner had he finished it that he posted the "Closed for the Day" sign, tossed his daughter onto his back, and sped off towards home.

"Papa, why are we going home?" asked Eclipse, trying desperately to hold onto her galloping father. "The market isn't over for at least five hours."

"Honey, if what that letter says is true, then we may not need to worry about the market ever again!" he exclaimed as their homestead came into view. It was a small cottage, only one story, with a medium sized vegetable garden off to the side. Smoke was rising gently out of the chimney, and a khaki unicorn mare with deep maroon hair and glasses balanced on the bridge of her nose was busy doing the laundry out front.

White Eclipse quickly jumped off of her father's back as he went tearing through the front gate. At first bewildered by his appearance, her mother's expression quickly changed as he read the letter to her. Soon they were both jumping for joy, a sight that had Eclipse wondering just what they were so happy about.

"Eclipse, my darling daughter, please come to mummy," called her mother from the front porch. Hesitantly she drew towards her parents, only to have the air driven from her lungs as her mother smothered her with affection.

"Oh, you wonderful, amazing child!"

"Mama, what are you and Papa so happy about? We only got invited to the castle."

"'Only invited to the castle' she says," said her father as her mother put her down. "Eclipse, dear, let me explain this to you. If we make a good impression to the princesses, then we just might be able to get them to give us a... let's say 'generous' donation to our family. We may never need to worry about money ever again!"

Eclipse's eyes narrowed when she realized what her father was saying, and that she didn't like the idea at all.

"Are you saying that you want to use my friendship with Princess Luna to try and get money from her and Princess Celestia?"

"Well," replied her mother, eyes shifting back and forth slightly, "Maybe not exactly in those terms, but that is sort of the idea."

"I can't believe you two!" she exclaimed, stomping a hoof on the ground. Just the idea that her parents would do something like this made her sick to her stomach.

"But just think about it for a moment, please," said her father, getting down on his knees so he could look his daughter in the eyes. "We'll finally be able to get you all the things that you want. Remember last month when you wanted that astronomy book, and we couldn't afford it? Well, if we play our cards right, we could buy it for you. We could get the entire set so you could learn all about the planets and the stars. Wouldn't that be nice?"

"Plus," added her mother, "we could afford to give you your own room, instead of having to share one with your father and I every night. I know you've been wanting that ever since you could speak, and with the princess' help, we could build it for you."

The white filly thought over her parent's offer carefully, trying as hard as she could to see the pros and cons of what they were saying. It was true, having to share a room with her parents was irksome, particularly because of her father's snoring, and she had been wanting that astronomy book for quite a while. The list of things that she could get with that sort of money soon grew too large for her to handle, and she buckled.

"Well, when you put it like that, it doesn't seem so bad, and it would be nice to have my own room for once, but you need to promise me one thing."

"Anything sweetie, just name it."

"You have to promise me that you won't ask her for money. I don't want Luna to think that we- that I- just want her money. If they want to give it to you then you can take it, but otherwise hooves off!" The look of desperation in her eyes gave her parents pause for thought, and the pair looked at each other.

Her parents conferred among themselves for a bit, speaking in hushed voices as they thought over their daughter's proposal. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, they turned to face her.

"Alright Eclipse, your mother and I promise that we won't ask for money."

"Oh, thank you Papa!" Her vigor and joy restored, she bounced into the house with a smile spread wide across her face.

She turned to look back at her father, but as he passed she saw the faintest glimpse of her mother. She looked like she was trying to kill her father with just a glare. Shaking her head slightly, she went back to the laundry, rubbing away at the clothes more harshly than she had before.

It was a sight that made poor White Eclipse worry, wondering if her mother was going to keep up her end of the bargain.

"Eclipse, honey, why don't you help me in the kitchen with washing the vegetables?" called her father when he noticed her staring out the door. Taken out of her momentary daze, she trotted over to her father and set to work. She was still happy, there was no doubt about that, but she now knew that she would have to keep an eye on her mother, for both of their sakes.


Luna paced the floor of her bedchambers, anxiety flooding her mind as she thought of the events that were soon to come.

White Eclipse had sent word back a week ago, saying that her parents would love to come to dinner. She had been happy at the time, and Celestia had been particularly thrilled to hear that somepony appreciated the night as much as her sister did, but nervous thoughts still swirled in the her mind.

What would her parents be like? Did they accept the night as much as their daughter did? Would they have anything at all in common? Luna felt like a filly again, worrying over such trivial, and yet not so trivial concerns.

Taking a glance in her mirror, Luna tried to calm her mind and take stock of the situation. What did she have to worry about? She was one of the Royal Sisters, the Regent of the Moon. If anything, Eclipse's parents were more anxious to meet her than she was to meet them.

Luna held onto that thought, and felt a renewed confidence rise in her chest. Tonight was going to be just fine. Everypony was going to eat, drink, and make merry, and furthermore she would be able to get to know White Eclipse and her family better.

Yes, tonight was going to be just fine.

A soft knock from the other side of her door sounded, and the heavy oak door opened with a soft creak. A familiar white face and flowing rainbow mane edged its way into her room, bringing a smile to Luna's face.

"Greetings, sister," said Luna, opening the door the rest of the way to allow her sister entrance. "How do you do?"

"Well enough, Luna," answered Celestia, stepping inside. "We were just wondering how thou art doing. We understand that thou art feeling nervous for tonight's festivities, and we came to see if you required anything to ease your mind."

"Sister, you need not use the royal 'we' tonight," chastised Luna playfully. Celestia had always been a stickler for the proper Canterlot mannerisms and tone, even though their palace was nestled far away from the mountain city, in the heart of the magnificent Everfree Forest. "We are not meeting with some foreign dignitary or holding a grand gala for Equestria's elite. Tonight we are having but a simple meal with a close friend of mine, so you would be encouraged to behave a bit more... casually."

"I shall do my best Luna, but I have an appearance to maintain in the eyes of the populace, one of dignity and class. I at times envy you and your nocturnal vocation, as the ponies do not demand as much of you as they do of me."

"Celestia, you have no idea how much I wish our roles were reversed, even for a day. I wish that the populace paid more attention to me and my contributions to the kingdom. It seems like it's been this way all of our lives." Luna laid down on her bed and covered up her head with her pillow. The fears and anxieties came flooding back into her mind, as well as new ones. She had never gotten the attention that Celestia had, even when they were fillies and were just learning of their roles in Equestria's future.

It had always been about Celestia, and what she needed to succeed. She was sent to the best schools, received the best care, and Luna had been left to mainly fend for herself. Sure, she was still doted on and sent to good magical schools, but it always seemed that she was the one getting the spillover from Celestia. Never once had their parents really put Luna's wants and needs before Celestia's, and it showed. Celestia was all manners and proper behavior, whereas Luna could more identify with the common pony, if only because she had been forced to live in a setting closer to their level.

A rustling of feathers and a soft weight across Luna's back brought her out of her brooding, and she took a look up from her pillow. Celestia had gotten up onto the bed with her draped one of her substantially sized wings along Luna's back, gently rubbing it back and forth. Even when they were fillies Celestia would do this to calm her younger sister.

"Luna," said Celestia, speaking more as a sister and less as a ruler, "You know that I love you, and there are no two ponies in all of Equestria who are more alike than us. I know that mother and father always paid me more attention then they did you, and that is a true shame. You are the smartest, most talented mare that I know, and don't you forget it. If you ever feel the need to come and talk to me, just say the word, and I'm all ears."

"Thank you, Tia," said Luna as she wrapped her front legs around her sister's neck, "and you're right. I can't spend all of my time moping and complaining. There is plenty to enjoy in this life we share, and I'd say it's high time that I started enjoying it a little more."

A fanfare sounded from across the castle courtyard, and Celestia rose from the bed and went to the open balcony. "Well, it would seem that thy time to begin enjoying life is nigh," she said, slipping back into the traditional Canterlot vocabulary as quickly as she had slipped out of it. "Your friend and her family hath arrived. Art thou ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," answered Luna as she slipped into her horseshoes while levitating her collar and tiara to their right positions. Taking a moment to get her tiara to fit snugly onto the base of her horn, she opened the door to her chambers. She and Celestia descended the spiral staircase from Luna's tower, making sure to keep a few paces ahead of her sister.

Tonight was going to be a good night indeed.


"Mama, why did you make me wear this dress?" asked White Eclipse as she tugged and shifted her best Sunday dress around, a gaudy golden number covered in lace and frills that made it incredibly hard to maneuver in. "It's too tight around the middle, and I can barely breath."

"Eclipse, we are going to be sharing a meal with the princesses, and we want to make a good first impression."

"But I've already made a good first impression. That's why we're coming here in the first place."

"Sweetie, just listen to your mother, alright?" interjected her father, always the voice of reason in the family, especially when it came to his daughter's nocturnal habits. "Ooh look, we're almost there! You can see the castle from here. Take a look"

Eclipse leaned her head out the window of the ivory colored carriage, and her eyes widened as she saw their destination.

Over the canopy of the Everfree Forest large golden and midnight blue spires loomed. Adorned at the top of each were banners displaying the royal insignia, that of the sun and moon intertwined while the two princesses circled around the combined sphere. The rooftops shone in the evening sun, adding even more grandeur to the scene.

As they entered the wrought iron gate a fanfare sounded their arrival, and the carriage ground to a halt in the cobblestone courtyard. The princesses were awaiting them, Luna looking more than eager to see her newfound friend again.

White Eclipse took off at a gallop as soon as her hooves hit the ground, even managing to run despite her constricting dress. As soon as she was close enough she leaped up and wrapped her front legs around the Luna, sending them both to the ground in a giggling pile.

"Eclipse, get off of her, what do you think you're doing!?" shrieked her mother, practically beside herself with shock. Her father, on the other hoof, was doing his best to not laugh at his wife's reaction to their daughter's exuberance.

"I assure you madam that it is quite alright," answered Luna as the two of them got up off of the ground. "Your daughter is a friend of mine, and therefore should be allowed to behave as one would towards any other friend. If that entails the odd tackle-hug, then so be it," she added, tussling Eclipse's mane as she did so.

"Now onto more pressing matters," interjected Celestia, "I do not believe that we have been properly introduced. As I am sure that thou knowest, I am Princess Celestia, and this is my sister and co-ruler, Princess Luna."

"It is an honor to meet you, Your Hignesses," replied Eclipse's mother, her parents getting down on one knee. "I am Midnight Juniper, and this is my husband Herb Keeper."

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance. And this spirited young filly must be the one and only White Eclipse of whom my sister has spoken so highly," said Celestia, leaning forward to get down to the filly's height.

"Wow, you're a lot bigger than the pictures in our school books," she said, staring up at the sun princess in wonder. "Say, I've always wondered, what is your mane made out of? The way it flows and swishes is really pretty."

"My mane is made out of hair, just as is thy own," answered the princess with a chuckle, "but the magic flowing through it is what makes it move the way it does."

"Ooh, that's really neat! Can you make your mane do that, Luna?"

"Eclipse, you will refer to her majesty as 'Princess Luna'," interjected Juniper, reprimanding her daughter for her lack of social graces.

"Please, let there not be any ire among us," replied Luna. "Your daughter may refer to my sister and I however she wishes. To answer your question, yes I can, but I simply prefer to let it style itself."

"Now, I believe that we have spent enough time on pleasantries. If you'll follow us," she said, gesturing to the entrance "we will show you to the dining hall, where the royal chefs have no doubt prepared an elegant meal."

The group strode toward the large oak doors, White Eclipse bouncing alongside Luna as she asked question after question about the princesses, what it was like ruling the kingdom, and other such things. Luna answered every question with a smile, as she told the filly everything she wished to know. The cascade of questions was a welcome change of pace from the solitude that was her role in the celestial ballet.

Just as Luna had said, the dining hall was as decadent as Eclipse had pictured it. There were butlers and waiters all along the walls, each holding a silver covered platter. The round table that had been set up was larger than her family's whole kitchen, and the centerpiece probably cost twice as much. Needless to say, she was impressed.

"And this is all for us?" she asked, looking up to Luna in wonder.

"Indeed it is. Only the best is reserved for a personal friend of the princess. Please, take a seat," she added, gesturing to one of the many cushions situated around the low table.

Eclipse quickly galloped over to one of the larger cushions, and settled into it as the others made their way over. "Um, your majesty," she said as she tried to look over the rim of the table which, despite its proximity to the ground, was only eye level to her.

Luna chuckled as she saw the small filly try to look over the table before levitating a few more cushions over to her and stacking them. "Better?"

"Much, thank you," she answered as everypony else sat down. With a single stomp of Celestia's hoof, the serving ponies were off, setting down all sorts of dishes and flatware. They moved with lightning speed, and soon the entire table was covered. With a single nod from the head butler, all the unicorns in the group lifted the covers off of the silver trays to reveal their contents. Eclipse's eyes widened to the size of her dinner plate when she saw what had been laid out before them.

Everywhere she looked, there were grilled vegetables, creamy soups, various pastes and sauces with flatbread wedges to dip, and desserts of every shape and size imaginable. The scents and colors of the feast that had been set before them made the filly's mouth water and stomach practically scream in protest. The only hard decision that she would have to make would be what to eat first.

"Oh my goodness," said Juniper, hooves covering her mouth, "I don't think I've ever seen this much food in one place in all my life!"

"Well, surely thou hast been to a feast before, perhaps to commemorate some special occasion for thy community?" asked Celestia as the butlers began to serve them.

"Oh of course your highness, it's just that we live in a very small village, and everypony there brings something whenever we have a little get together. It's ample enough, but not nearly at this level," she added, gesturing to the banquet before them.

"Well then, please, eat and enjoy yourself," replied Luna, taking a drink of cider from her crystal goblet. "There is plenty more where this came from, I assure you."

"With pleasure, your highness." Soon enough the air was filled with the sounds of chewing, drinking, and idle chit-chat, Eclipse and her family savoring every bite of the decadent meal, as well as every minute spent in the princess' presence. The white filly couldn't remember having ever tasted something as rich in all her life as the potato and leek soup she was eating, and she would have to remember to get the recipe for her father.

"So, Herb Keeper, tell me, what do you do for employment?" asked Luna.

"Oh, nothing much, I just run a vegetable stand in town. It's hard work growing all those vegetables, but it's honest pay and keeps a roof over our heads, and what more could a pony ask for, really?"

"And tell me, what is your opinion on your daughter's nighttime activities?"

"Well, we always try to keep tabs on where she is, but she always seems to just barely slip through our hooves," he said, giving his daughter a knowing smile as she took a bite of cake. "I honestly don't mind so much, just as long as she stays within sight of the town and comes back at a reasonable hour. Everypony else knows about what she does, so they always have a pony or two stay out just to be sure she's alright."

"And what about you, Juniper? Your husband seems to have a rather relaxed stance on your daughter's midnight wanderings."

"Hmm... in all honesty, I don't think it's natural, a filly her age being out and about all hours of the night. She needs to focus more on her schoolwork, not sit up all night staring at the sky. No offense intended, your majesty," she added quickly.

"None taken," replied Luna before returning to her dessert.

"Say, Eclipse, it is getting near the time for me to raise the moon," said Luna, getting onto a more pleasant topic. "Would you like to come watch?"

"Would I!" she squealed with excitement, scarfing down the last bits of her cake before galloping up and onto the princess' back. Luna chuckled a little at her exuberance before taking her leave.

The pair walked back out to the courtyard, and already a nice red glow was settling over the horizon, signaling that it was Luna's turn to take over as conductor for this celestial orchestra.

"Now, hang on tight," she cautioned the filly on her back, unfurling her wings as she did so.

"Why do you say th-AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" she shrieked as the princess rocketed up to the highest tower, Eclipse's hooves practically choking the princess as they ascended. Luna laughed harder than she had in quite a while at her friend's reaction, even taking her into a loop-de-loop and a barrel roll just to hear her squeal with equal parts terror and sheer joy.

White Eclipse jumped off as soon as Luna landed on the balcony of the tallest tower, shaking head to hoof but wearing an ear to ear smile. "That was SO COOL!!" she exclaimed, hugging Luna's leg. "Can we do it again?"

"In just a moment, right after you see me raise the moon," she said, tussling the filly's hair playfully as she turned her to face the horizon. "Now, pay close attention to the sun. Notice how you can just barely see it poking up there?" she said, pointing to the edge of the tree line, where there was just a sliver of the golden orb.

"Mm-hmm," she answered, nodding.

"Now, watch that," she said as her horn glowed. She reached out to the celestial orb, intertwining its own magic with hers. Soon, there was the faintest of indigo aura's surrounding the golden sphere as it edged closer and closer to the bottom of the horizon, letting the stars shine through.

"Ooh, that's so pretty," said Eclipse. "It should have blue around it all the time!"

"Rest assured, if Celestia let me have my way it would. And now that the sun is taken care of, I need you to turn and face behind you."

"Okay," answered the filly, turning to face the eastern horizon even as Luna redirected her magic, sending it to the moon, her old friend. She couldn't really raise it as she could any other object through telekinesis. No, she had to coax it up, like leading a child. Some nights it would rise willingly, and others it would be as stubborn as a mule, but she always managed to make it rise and set, one way or the other.

Tonight it seemed to sense that there was somepony else who was witnessing the sacred ritual, and it endeavored to put on a good show for its prospective audience. Not only did it rise, but it glowed with a glory and power that Luna had never seen before. Even the might of the Everfree Forest, or dare she say the sun itself, paled in comparison to her great sphere that night.

"And how anypony could sleep through THAT," said Luna, powering down her magic to let the moon take its course, "is truly beyond me. Was it everything that you dreamed it would be, young Eclipse?"

"All that and more! I've never seen it glow and shine like that before, and even the stars look like they're trying to get in on it. Look, they're shining brighter too!" she said, gesturing up to one of the moon princess' many constellations. Sure enough, the constellations were glowing brighter than ever, and there were even stars visible that she had not seen before.

"Thank you so much Luna!" continued Eclipse, hugging the princess' leg again as the two sat together and beheld the tapestry of the night.

"I wonder if Mama and Papa saw that?" asked Eclipse after a time, eyes still fixed on the sky.

"Well, what say we go and ask them? Hop on," she added, patting a spot on her back.

While still exhilarating, Luna decided not to terrify her friend again with more aerial maneuvers, instead gliding gently to the ground and landing just as Celestia, Midnight Juniper, and Herb Keeper were leaving the castle.

"Ah, just who we wanted to see," said Herb, removing his hat in reverence. "I must say, wonderful job tonight. The sky is more beautiful than I have seen in years."

"Please, you flatter me," answered Luna, blushing a little at the comment. She so rarely got compliments that she was unsure of how to handle them when somepony did give one to her.

"Yes, very nice indeed," said Juniper, a little more off-handedly then her husband. "Now Eclipse, I believe that it is way past your bedtime. Come on, we need to get you home and into bed."

"Aww, but I wanted to stay here with Luna and Celestia," whined Eclipse sticking out her lower lip in a resolute pout.

"Eclipse, NOW," replied her mother sternly, before being interrupted by her husband.

"Now dear, don't you think it's a little unfair to take her home after just now getting to know her majesty? Besides, it'll be well past midnight by the time the train pulls into the station, so she'll be late for bed either way. I say, let her stay, and then she'll come home tomorrow afternoon. It'll give her some good bonding time with the princess, and she doesn't have school tomorrow so she won't miss any of her classes."

"Please?" pleaded both White Eclipse and Princess Luna in unison, putting on the best cheesy grins that they could muster. Luna even went so far as to magically enlarge her irises just to get the point across.

"... Oh, alright," relented Juniper. "You had better be ready to work in the garden when you get home tomorrow, though."

Luna and Eclipse both jumped for joy, and after saying farewells and well-wishes to Juniper and Herb as the carriage left, the pair pranced towards the castle door, Celestia barely staying ahead of her sister and the filly that was bringing so much joy to her life.

"I say Luna," she said as they walked into the entrance hall, "the last time I saw you use the eye trick we were both fillies and you were trying to get the cookie jar from mother and father."

"It worked then, did it not?" she retorted.

"You were fillies once? And you had parents?" asked Eclipse, slightly perplexed by the princess' conversation.

"Of course, we're ponies just like everypony else, so we had to have had a mother and father, just as you do."

"Could you tell me about them?"

Luna turned to her sister, eyes uncertain. They had tried to keep their origins a secret from the rest of Equestria, mainly to help maintain the illusion of omnipotence that they shared. To tell Eclipse of their parents and of their lives as fillies would certainly be a dent in that armor, but a single approving nod and a smile from Celestia was all that Luna needed before she went off, telling the precocious little filly everything that she wanted to know as they went upstairs to her bedchambers.

It was a relief, not only to get some of the burden off of her own shoulders, but to be able to confide in somepony other than her sister, and it was an experience that the navy alicorn wouldn't trade for the world.


"Wow, I didn't know that Celestia had pink hair when she was little," said Eclipse as she and Luna looked through some of her old memories. Horn lit up with magic, Luna had thrown a screen up on a large blank wall of her room, and was busy showing pictures and small snippets of memory from when the princesses were still fillies.

It was the wee hours of the night, the moon high in the sky. Eclipse had been full of questions about when the princesses had been little, and before they knew it Luna was spilling everything to this wonderful child. Every secret she ever had was laid out in the open, and the two shared in a rollicking good time as they got to know each other better.

"Would you believe that it still is?" asked Luna, giving Eclipse a sly smile.

"It is?"

"Indeed, see here," she said, flipping to a snippet of Celestia surrounded by several unicorns, each coloring a section of her hair with their magic until it was the pastel rainbow mane that she was known for. "Ooh, sister would have my horn if she knew I was showing this to you," she added with a chuckle.

"I think it looks prettier in pink," replied Eclipse, trying to stifle a laugh at seeing such a powerful pony in such a way. She knew that she shouldn't go around telling any of the princess' secrets, but her parents at least had to know this one.

"Hey, you've been spending all this time on just yourself and Celestia," said Eclipse, rolling onto her back. "Could I maybe see your parents?"

"Certainly," she answered as the image on the wall changed. Standing before them were Celestia and Luna as fillies, and behind them stood two very powerful looking alicorns. The mother was tall and svelte, and her blue eyes held a caring tenderness. She was a cream white color, with burgundy hair that had been styled so that it lay flat. Their father was an imposing stallion, with a strong stature and a steely gaze. His coat was a hard cast iron color, and his mane was a shock of gold that lay close to his head. They each wore various forms of royal regalia, topped off by a matching set of crowns.

"They must have been really important if they had all those fancy clothes and jewelry," said Eclipse, hopping up onto Luna's bed and wriggling up under her leg.

"More than you could possibly know. They were the rulers of a country very far away, and they were loved by their subjects. When Celestia and I were born they immediately started grooming us for our own rule here, training us for the day when we would ascend to Equestria's throne."

"You see, before sister and I began our rule, Equestria was ruled by a tyrannical madman. He was a draconequus by the name of Discord, and he made life miserable for the ponies here with his chaotic rule and manic whims."

"Mother and Father knew that eventually, if given the chance, he would soon invade our kingdom, and so Father made the decision to invade Equestria and stop Discord. Celestia and I were already adults by this point, and we led the charge. It was a long hard struggle, but we eventually succeeded, and the ponies of Equestria put us on the throne."

"Wow, that must've been really scary," said Eclipse as the pair continued to stare up at the picture on the wall. "I can't imagine what that must've been like, growing up knowing that you're going to be in charge of everything someday."

"It certainly wasn't easy, I'll tell you that much. All the information, the history, the politics, the magic that we were force fed. I still find myself waking up at night, realizing that something I thought was right is in fact the opposite. It did seem that Celestia got her way more often than I did, though," she added as she flipped to a memory of their parents playing with Celestia as a foal.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, when we were younger, Mother and Father always paid Celestia more attention than they gave me. It seemed that if Celestia wanted something done, it was done in a heartbeat, whereas I was just a little annoying voice in the backs of their heads. I knew that my parents loved me, but they just never seemed to show it. More than once they would commend Celestia for a spell or service rendered, but would condemn me for the exact same thing."

"I know how you feel," said Eclipse with a sigh. "I used to have an older brother who lived at home when I was still real little, and Mama and Papa were always more focused on him than me. Papa even says that I had to learn to change myself when I was still a foal. It got better when he moved off to Canterlot, but Mama still sometimes treats me like a thing she dug out of her ear."

"Yes, I did sense a bit of hostility between your mother and yourself when she was here."

"Yeah. Papa looks out for me a bit more now that my brother is out of the house, and he keeps most of my nighttime wanderings a secret from Mama whenever he catches me awake and trying to sneak in through the back door."

"You are fortunate to have such a caring father. My own was a stallion of war, one always concerned with how best to maintain his hold over our lands. He would always try to get Celestia and I to be more competitive, even to the point where he would give one of us a toy and not the other just to see if we would fight over it."

"That's awful! How could he have been so mean?"

"He always thought pragmatically, wanting the solution that would work out best in the end, despite what means are used to achieve that end. Mother, on the other hoof, was a kind and caring mare, and would often stop Father from using us like that. I understand why Father thought the way he did, but I think it may be what led to Celestia exerting more control than I did."

"Well, whatever your parents were like, I think that you and your sister turned out just fine," said Eclipse, laying a hoof across the princess' shoulders. "Everypony loves you, and that is the best reward for a job well done, if you ask me."

"Your kind words are like salve for the soul, White Eclipse."

"Just call me 'Clipsey," she interrupted, getting out from under the princess' leg and standing up on the bed. "The ponies back home call me that, and since you're my friend I think that you should too."

"Alright then, 'Clipsey'. Now that the trip down memory lane is over with, what say we take our respite? It is nearly midnight, after all."

"Not yet, there's still one thing that we need to do."

"And that would be?" asked Luna, raising an eyebrow

"PILLOW FIGHT!!" yelled Eclipse before grabbing up one of the large blue cushions and whipping it at the princess, slapping her right in the face and spreading feathers and cotton from a fresh new hole in it.

"Eclipse, what was the meaning of that?" asked the princess indignantly as she pulled the pillow off of her horn. "These cushions are quite expensive, I'll have you know."

"Don't tell me you've never had a pillow fight before?" asked Eclipse in between spurts of giggling after seeing the princess with a pillow hanging off of her like a door knocker.

"I can't say that I have. Why don't you elucidate the matter for me?"

"Well, basically, it's something that you do at sleepovers, and you pretty much just hit each other with pillows until you get tired."

"Ah, you mean like THIS?" asked the princess as she threw the pillow back at Eclipse, knocking her flat on her back.

"Exactly!" answered the filly as she looked over the pillow on her stomach, only to see Luna looming over her with three pillows wrapped tightly in her magic and a wicked smile adorning her face. With a shriek of terror, Eclipse quickly picked up her own damaged pillow and ran for cover on the other end of the bed.

No sooner had she ducked behind the bed that three pillows zipped over and landed with a soft thud on the vanity. Thus resupplied, she quickly ran to the pillows and hoarded them all in her little bastion of safety. Hesitantly she took a look over the bed only to be slapped in the face with a fourth cushion, landing on her ammunition with a laugh.

"That's the spirit!" she said to Luna, guarding her hoard like a miser guards their purse. Taking a chance, she flung the damaged pillow over to the other side of the bed, where it landed atop Luna's horn again, causing a second round of laughter from the both of them.

"Good throw, 'Clipsey!" called Luna, pulling the pillow off of her horn with magic, "However, it seems that have you severely underestimated my supplies." Stepping to the side, the moon princess revealed a veritable mountain of pillows, no doubt culled from every corner of the castle by the princess' teleportation magic.

"Bring it on, vile scum!" Eclipse teased. "I will hang your horseshoes over my fireplace, and your crown will be made into my drinking flagon!"

"Songs shall be sung of my victory here today, in the Great Equestrian Pillow War!" retorted Luna, pillows levitating into place. "Prepare to meet thy judgement at the hooves of the Regent of the Moon!"

The two fought and laughed and played long into the night, their laughter and shrieks and hollering echoing throughout the halls of the old castle. Never in her whole life had Luna had this much fun, and it was an experience that would live long in her memory.

it was nearly one thirty in the morning when their good time was cut dramatically short by a sudden third arrival, one wearing a pink nightgown, yellow slippers, and a glare that could curdle milk.

"WHAT is going on in here?!" demanded Celestia, bags under her eyes betraying her lack of sleep.

"My apologies sister, we were simply indulging in some childish tomfoolery," replied Luna as Eclipse walked over, still clutching a pillow in her teeth.

"Be that as it may, some of us need to get up in the morning, and the last thing the ponies of Equestria need is a sunless day because the princess forgot to wake up and raise the sun! You will cease and desist with this at once, and get the sleep that you two so richly need. Do I make myself clear?" she asked, staring the two of them down.

The pair exchanged a quick glance and, mischievous smiles creeping onto their faces, they quickly flung their respective pillows right in Celestia's face, sending her to the floor in a spray of cotton.

Celestia could practically feel her face heating up from the rage. Moving the cushions out of her eyes, she was ready to give the two of them a severe verbal thrashing when she saw a sight that made her heart melt like ice on a hot day.

Luna and Eclipse were falling over themselves, laughing and giggling at their well played prank. To see her sister laughing, sharing in mirth and merriment with somepony else after such a long time as a solitary mare, would crack even a stone cold heart.

Angered glare melting away into a smile, Celestia removed the pillows from her horn and tossed them back to the two, who were just now rising to their hooves.

"You two have a good night," she said before shutting the door. Trying to say any more than that probably would have made her tear up, so she simply turned on her hoof and went back to her own room.

"Good one, Luna," said Eclipse as Luna sent all the pillows back to their homes all over the castle. "I bet she didn't see THAT coming!"

"That is a bet I would happily take. She did have a point, though. It is high time that we turned in for the night. Let me just get the bed ready," she added as she shifted the sheets around. Soon there was one blanket laying on top of the main covers, with its own pillow, so that Eclipse could share the bed without having to worry about stealing any of Luna's blankets. The two quickly hopped up onto the bed and took their respective spots with an exhausted and grateful sigh.

"I must say, this is certainly better than sharing a room with Tia," said Luna as she got comfortable.

"You and Celestia shared a room?"

"Oh heavens yes, and a bed. She was a notorious blanket hog, and a snorer to boot."

"You think that's bad? I have to share a bed with my parents, and my brother when he lived at home, and my Papa snores like a cow."

The two had one last laugh at their shared misfortune before Eclipse let out a long yawn. Her eyes began to sag, and soon enough she was sound asleep, her breathing even and soft.

Before nodding off herself, Luna rubbed a hoof through the filly's golden hair. This was what having a friend was like, she thought. Being able to share in each other's fun, as well as each other's pain. Knowing that there is a pony who likes you for being yourself, despite the flaws.

This is what it felt like to be loved.


Luna lifted her heavy eyelids as sunlight began to stream through the window. The chirping of the birds and the scent of fresh dew provided a wonderful start to the day, but none so much as seeing her little friend curled up in the crook of her leg, peacefully sleeping.

Giving the filly an affectionate nuzzle, Luna quietly rose from the bed and put her armored horseshoes and collar on. She took a moment to straighten out her mane with a bit of magic before placing her tiara on her head and walking downstairs, where breakfast was no doubt waiting.

The princess' private kitchen was filled with the sounds of a good morning, with the various clinking and clanking of pans mixing beautifully as Celestia hummed an old nursery rhyme they had learned when they were foals. It had been on Celestia's request that a separate kitchen be made exclusively for the use of the princesses, partly so that they didn't have to disturb the chefs for Celestia's frighteningly early schedule, but also so that they could have some modicum of privacy in the morning.

"Good morning sister," said Luna, placing herself on one of the barstools at the kitchen counter.

"And the very best of mornings to you as well. How didst thou sleep?"

"Just fine, probably the best night's sleep I've had in years. Sorry about waking you up last night," she added with a weak smile.

"It was no trouble at all. I was too harsh on the two of you anyway. If you want to stay up until all hours of the night, then I say go right ahead. Say, where is your friend?" asked Celestia. "After last night, one would think that the two of you would be inseparable."

"She is still sleeping, and I didn't want to disturb her. So, to completely digress, what's for breakfast?"

"Your favorite, a nice hearty spinach and cheese omelet with a side of hash browns. Think of it as an apology for my overreaction last night."

"Sounds delicious, thank you. Do you need a hoof?" she offered, picking up one of the potatoes in her magic.

"Please. This task is harder than it looks, even with magic. If you could peel and shred the potatoes, I would be most appreciative." Luna quickly set to work, and the two sisters shared in each other's company, passing idle chit-chat and gossip back and forth.

"Did you hear about the situation in Canterlot?" asked Celestia as she folded the first omelet.

"No, what's going on there?"

"Well, apparently, there has been a bit of strife in the great mountain city between two rival families, the Gray-Manes and the Battle-Borns I believe. They each have claimed ownership to a stretch of farmland, but somepony conveniently destroyed the deed to the property. There has been fighting in the streets between the two clans, and the Canterlot Guard can't seem to control it. They've petitioned to the Royal Guard to contain the situation, and so I have to leave immediately after breakfast."

"So sorry to hear that, Tia. Don't worry, 'Clipsey and I will hold down the fort while you're away."

"'Clipsey?" asked Celestia, cocking an eyebrow at her sister. "A nickname for your little friend, I suppose?"

"She suggested it, and I'm happy to call her whatever she wants to be called, if you don't mind. One would think that that would be small potatoes in your mind, considering what Mother used to call you."

"Please don't bring it up. I've spent the last three centuries trying to forget that atrocious pet name, and I have almost succeeded. The last thing that I need is you bringing it up again."

"Alright then," said Luna, before adding under her breath, "'Sunny Buns'." No sooner had the words left her mouth that Celestia whipped an egg at her sister's head, which she only narrowly dodged.

"Why don't you go see if your friend is awake yet, while I finish breakfast," said Celestia through gritted teeth.

"Very well then 'Sunny Buns'!" said Luna with a snicker as she skipped her way over to the stairs. That one misfortune had always been the one thing she could lord over Celestia, and she was determined to make the most of it.

Luna walked down the hallway to her room only to find the door cracked open, sounds of shuffling and hoof steps emanating from the other side. She slowly opened the door, and instantly wishing that she hadn't.

Her entire room had been torn apart in a display of disarray rarely seen outside of a tornado's touchdown zone. Her bed was a mess, every drawer on the vanity had been opened and gone through, and her closet was hanging wide open, not to mention the general detritus that covered the floor. The shuffling and hoof steps were coming from the closet, and Luna tiptoed her way over there, sure to get the jump on Eclipse.

Luna found her curious friend hunched over some of her regal attire, and in a display of childishness that she thought had gone away when she took the throne, she tapped her on the back. Eclipse nearly jumped out of her skin, and her shriek hit an octave normally reserved for calling dogs.

"Don't do that!" she yelped, breathing heavily and holding a hoof to her heart to try and calm the frantic beating. "You scared the daylights out of me!"

"I believe that it was just punishment for this... atrocity!" replied Luna, pointing to her disassembled room. "What were you doing in here?!"

"Oh, that," answered the filly, hanging her head and kicking her hoof. "I just got a little curious, that's all. I'll help clean up, I just wanted to see what you do with your time. You have some really beautiful clothes, by the way."

"I think so too, and I would like them to stay beautiful," replied Luna harshly, throwing a glare to the white filly as she started cleaning. "The last thing that they need is to be tossed about like last week's hay. Some of these cost more than an entire house, and they are not to be handled so callously."

Luna set herself to work, picking up one thing and rearranging another in sullen silence. Soon enough there was a sniffle from behind her, and she turned to find Eclipse sitting on her haunches, staring at the floor with tears in her eyes.

"Eclipse, what's wrong?" she asked, dropping her bedsheets.

"I-I made you m-mad," she hiccuped, trying to speak through her tears, "a-and now you won't w-want to see m-me again."

"'Clipsey, what in the world would give you an idea like that?" asked Luna as she got down on her knees.

"B-because I al-always mess up, and pon-ponies get m-mad at me when I do. The other f-fillies and colts at sc-school won't b-be my friend because they th-think I'll just mess up their d-day with my weird ha-habits."

The little filly's tears fell in earnest as the emotions overwhelmed her fragile psyche, and Luna found herself at a loss for what to do. Should she let the filly cry herself out? Should she comfort her? Her centuries as a solitary mare were working their hardest against her, but in the end a light went off in her head.

Taking off her tiara, Luna let the magic in her body flow out into her mane, changing it into a floating indigo field of stars. She reached out to the weeping filly and enclosed the field around her, lifting her off the floor and cradling her like a foal. She rocked her gently back and forth and, thinking back to when her own mother had done this same thing, began to softly sing;

"Little Luna, Little Luna, don't you cry,
Little Luna, Little Luna, it will be alright,
Little Luna, Little Luna, don't be afraid,
Little Luna, Little Luna, everything's okay."

"Little Luna, Little Luna, I love you so,
Little Luna, Little Luna, I hope you know."

"Little Luna, Little Luna, my daughter dear,
Little Luna, Little Luna, I'll always be near,
Little Luna, Little Luna, you are my star,
Little Luna, Little Luna, stay as you are."

"Little Luna, Little Luna, I love you so,
Little Luna, Little Luna, I hope you know."

Her tears dried up as Luna sang, and with each passing refrain Eclipse grew more and more at ease. The gentle rocking and the slight chime sound that her magical mane made made Luna's remarkable voice all the more beautiful. If anypony had walked in at that moment, they could be forgiven for thinking that Luna was foal sitting.

As the last note escaped from Luna's throat she set Eclipse on the bed, quickly reforming her mane into its typical powder blue coif.

"Better?" asked Luna, smiling sheepishly. It had been ages since she had sung that lullaby, and she hoped she hadn't butchered it.

"*sniff* A little," she answered, wiping the few remaining tears from her eyes. "I-I'm sorry that I messed up your room."

"No, I should be the one to apologize for yelling at you like I did. I was in the wrong, not you, and I am truly sorry for my behavior. Now, what say we get this room picked up before our morning repast, hmm?"

"Okay," said Eclipse, hooves clattering against the stone floor as she hurried to and fro.

"'Clipsey, if you could indulge my curiosity for a moment, but why did you want to go through all of my things?"

"I just wanted to know what it was like to be you, really. I've only ever read about you and Celestia in storybooks and at school, so I wanted to know more about the mare behind the legend."

"I see. Tell you what, if you really want to know more about me, then there's something that I should give you."

"Really, what is it?" Once again, the filly's curiosity was getting the better of her, and she was following on the princess' heel as she rooted through her newly re-organized closet.

"Now, I know they're in here somewhere..." The princess dug for what seemed an eternity to Eclipse before finally announcing, "Aha! Here they are!"

Luna withdrew from the closet, holding a number of things in her magic. There were a few books in her grasp, but what really caught Eclipse's eye was the filly sized set of glittering blue horseshoes that matched the princess', with an accompanying midnight black collar and tiara.

"Are these... are these yours?" asked Eclipse.

"Indeed they are, all mine from when I was your age. I hung onto them for sentimental reasons, but I think it's time that they were passed on. Here, try them on," added Luna, placing the horseshoes on the floor, along with the collar and tiara. Eclipse practically leapt into her gifts, which all fit her perfectly. She smiled as wide as her face would allow, lifting one hoof and then another to get the best view of the princess' gift.

"They are so pretty! Thank you so much Luna!" The filly wrapped her legs as tightly as she could around the princess' neck, and Luna returned the gesture with just as much sincerity.

"You're welcome, my friend. What say we go get our breakfast?"

"Alright!" said the filly as she skipped her way across the room, shoes clattering and clinking against the stone with each step. "What're we having?"

"Spinach and cheese omelets with a side of hash browns, my absolute favorite meal," answered Luna as they left the room.

"Ooh, I don't know, I don't really like eggs that much."

"Trust me, the way sister makes them, you will fall in love with them. Just thinking about those light, fluffy, buttery delights are making my mouth water," added Luna, eyes cast dreamily upwards.

"Well, I guess I'll try them, if they're that good. C'mon, I'm hungry!" Eclipse galloped down the stone stairs, no doubt to see what all the fuss was over this supposedly perfect breakfast. Luna chuckled at the filly's exuberance before following her, a grateful smile touching her face.

Comments ( 13 )

How nice,Luna has a friend.

Loved the comic, loved the fic thumbs up!

I have read the comic also and it is good to see someone do it justice

999528 Thanks a bunch :scootangel:

As soon as I saw the comic, I thought "Oh, this is crying for a fic!" and so here we are.

This is so gorgeous..Honestly Luna is my favorite ponie, she makes me feel sad how nopony appreciates her.
I have seen the comic and i think the way your writing this im going to end up in tears, oh and by the way thank you i love the way this is going.:heart: Please continue


You are most welcome, and don't worry. I have a feeling that the ending will be satisfying for all. :scootangel:

I love this but one question what time. Period does this take place in.
is it before Luna became nightmare moon if so then you could say that the reason Luna became nightmare moon was someone murdered the only pony who actually cared about Luna.
If not then your completely wrong in terms that celestia used the "royal we" more then Luna.
Otherwise great story and I cant wait for more


It is pre-banishment, and I do have a conflict in mind that explains why she turned into Nightmare Moon.

As for the royal we, I did some digging, and monarchs would only do that when they were representing their land and their people, as they were speaking for the wants and needs of the kingdom. When speaking of themselves, they would stick to "I". The reason I have Celestia use it more often is twofold: first, Celestia is the one that receives more attention from the populace during this time period, and so she would be more used to having to keep up the mannerisms of a proper monarch. Secondly, it's a headcanon of mine that Luna would be more of the "pony's princess", in that she can relate better to the common folk of Equestria, and would be more likely to adopt their speech and mannerisms.

Thanks for the feedback, and I do hope you enjoy the rest of the story. :scootangel:

Dude, you just took me on all emotions possible for a story. I commend you. That was amazing. Green thumb, yellow star, black eye, the works, man. I don't believe how great that was, so well written.


Thank you so much for the kind words!:scootangel:

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