• Published 3rd Jan 2018
  • 1,765 Views, 114 Comments

Super Stallion - PioneerofImagination

Mild mannered janitor Squeaky Clean finds a strange sphere that can change him into the superhero of Equestria and has decided to use this gift to battle the forces of evil.

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Chapter 47 Family Reunion

After the defeat of Shadow Paradox and the rogues, peace had become quite common in Equestria and beyond with the defeat of the Storm King. Things had been changing across Equestria as well. Twilight opened a School of Friendship that creatures from all over came to join. Although just because there weren't any major threats didn't mean Super Stallion didn't need to help out once in a while.

"Thanks a lot Super Stallion," Rainbow Dash said.

She and Applejack had brought half a dozen students on a field trip that went horribly wrong in an attempt for 1 of them to be teacher of the month.

"If y’all hadn't shown up we'd be in quite a pickle," Applejack said.

"Well perhaps it would be best if you 2 cut this field trip short."

"Well ah wouldn't go that far," Applejack said with Rainbow Dash backing her up.

"Actually I'm on Super Stallion's side on this one," Twilight said. "Super Stallion, can you get the students back to school." Suddenly the students cheered as they would be getting rides home from a superhero who got right on that.

"Well with all things considered this trip wasn't so bad," Rainbow Dash said with Applejack backing her up. Twilight however turned around and glared at her friends.

"My office first thing in the morning."


"All right Cozy Glow how about we try an easy one?" Spike said as he was helping teach a class.

"Okay," Cozy Glow, a young adorable pegasus replied.

"Who is the element of magic?"

"...Your mom?" Hearing that Spike felt a little uncomfortable and would soon excuse himself from the class. "Was it something I said?"

But all things weren't unpleasant for Spike as he had finally gone on his date with his beloved Rarity which went swimmingly.

"Did you have a nice time Rarity?"

"I had a great time my precious little Spikey Wikey," Rarity answered and then suddenly she placed her lips right on Spike's.

"I-I thought you never kissed on the 1st date," Spike said, fighting the urge to faint.

"This time I made an exception. You are such a dear after all my precious Spike."

"You're precious to me too Rarity." Spike then flew up to meet Rarity eye to eye before returning a kiss. After that Spike spent more time with Rarity than usual and that was saying a lot. But he'd still help out Twilight who despite running a school managed to still have some free time to put on a play that Celestia wanted to be in.

"Wow Princess Celestia herself," Starlight said surprised. "We're going to have an actual princess with us in the play."

"Uh Starlight, I'm an actual princess," Twilight said.

"Well yeah but you're not a princess princess you're just you," Starlight responded. Hearing that Twilight used her magic to lift a nearby paint can and then bonked Starlight right on her head. "OW! Okay maybe I deserved that.”

Squeaky Clean entered the play as well and helped his wife with her acting or lack thereof.

After the play Spike was still getting the hang of flying but as he continued to practice he got better and better. After flying around a bit Spike flew into the open window of the castle and landed not too far away from Twilight. "Oh hello Spike how is it going with your flying practice?"

"Still a little tricky but I'm getting there. Was it this hard for you when you got your wings?"

"It took quite some getting used to and don't even get me started on how hard it was to try and sleep with them."

Suddenly a large dragon flew by the window to Spike and Twilight's surprise. They rushed out of the castle to see what the dragon was doing in Ponyville and hoped it wasn't anything bad. Turns out there were 2 dragons, the first a blue male dragon that was almost the size of Twilight's castle with horns that had stripes. The other dragon was a female dragon that was much smaller and had scales that were purple just like Spike's with long horns that also had stripes.

"I think this is the place honey."

"Don't call me honey around these ponies, it'll show weakness," the smaller dragon ordered.

"Sorry honey."

"Excuse me," Twilight said, getting the attention of the dragons right away. "Can I help you?"

"Or rather maybe I can help you," Spike said. "After all I am kind of an ambassador between ponies and dragons after all. I'm Spike and this is Twilight Sparkle the Princess of Friendship."

"What kind of title is that?" The female dragon asked the male.

"Well I'm Coal Diamond and this is my wife Scales we're trying to find our son."

"You lost your son?" Spike asked out of empathy.

"Oh that's so sad," Twilight added.

"Yeah we lost him a long time ago when he was just a little purple and green egg," Coal Diamond said. "We came here to look for him because we heard rumors of a young dragon living here in this town."

"Wow, that's rough, I know how you feel," Spike said.

"You do?" Coal Diamond asked.

"I never knew my parents or where I came from. I was raised by Twilight and her family but I've always wanted to know what happened to them."

"I can see why," Coal Diamond said. "Well I'd love to stay and chat but we gotta go look for our son." Coal Diamond said as he turned around and started to walk off.

"Uh Mr. Coal Diamond-"

"Give him a minute," Scales interrupted Twilight as she flew over to where Spike was and then suddenly Coal Diamond stopped in his tracks and then turned around to face Spike again.


"Yes Coal Diamond," Scales said as she hugged Spike out of nowhere. "Son at long last," Scales said out of pure bliss.

"Son at long last!" Coal Diamond said as he jumped over to where Spike was when suddenly Twilight stopped him with a barrier causing his head to slam into it.

"What's the big idea!?" Scales asked with some fire coming out of her mouth while still holding Spike in her arms. "You got a problem with family reunions?!"

"Oh my gosh I'm sorry," Twilight said. "I just didn't want him to slam against my castle and knock it down or something."

"Oh okay I guess that makes sense. I am rather big," Coal Diamond said with his head and neck still crammed against Twilight's spell.

"Don't defend her, she could have damaged your brain," Scales said, still holding Spike. "Although I suppose it would be rather hard to tell the difference."


Twilight informed the other members of the mane 6 about the arrival of Spike's parents who showed up before long after seeing Coal Diamond by the castle as he was hard to miss. "Wow Spikey Wikey's parents," Rarity said amazed.

"Yeah you know what that means?" Pinkie Pie asked. "The biggest family reunion party I can muster."

"That would be pretty big," Rainbow Dash said.

"Hold on now, slow your roll Pinkie," Applejack said, ready to use her lasso if she needed to. "Let's hold off on a party for the moment."

"Yeah I wanna know a thing or 2 about these 2," Rainbow Dash said.

"Well I think you're gonna have to wait a minute for that," Fluttershy said as she pointed out that Spike was flying around Coal Diamond and Scales showing the wings he got not so long ago.

"My gosh he's already gone through his molt," Coal Diamond said.

"Why couldn't we have found Sun Stone sooner?" Scales said as she teared up a bit.

"Sun Stone?" Spike said as he stopped flying around to fly right in front of his parents.

"That was the name we picked out for you when you were still just an egg," Coal Diamond.

"That reminds me, what happened to me when I was an egg? How did I get separated from you and mom."

"That all happened what feels like a lifetime ago," Scales answered. "We were flying off taking you to the other dragon eggs to hatch with them and I was carrying you in my arms. Suddenly a horrible storm came out of nowhere causing you to slip right out of my claws and fall right into a nearby waterfall."

"We looked and looked around the edge of the falls and down the river trail but no matter how hard we looked we couldn't find any sign of you," Coal Diamond said.

"So we searched the area around the water and then where the water continued to lead even when it left dragon territory," Scales added as she teared up a bit. "But we never found you."

"Yeah but we never gave up, ever," Coal Diamond said. "We searched and searched and now after all this time we finally found you." Coal Diamond then picked up Spike and held him to his face as he hugged him and Scales joined in as well. But then she pulled away from it and pulled Spike out of it too.

"What did I say about showing weakness around the ponies?" Scales asked, trying not to show her soft side.

"Oh come on mom there's nothing wrong with hugs," Spike said as he hugged her as well. She tried to fight the urge but in the end she returned the hug and once again broke out in tears as she was in true bliss to finally hold her child in her arms. "Feels good doesn't it?"

"Yes," Scales answered as she continued to cry but then cleared them up and picked Spike up. "Well come along now little Sun Stone, it's about time we got going." Scales then started to fly off with Coal Diamond not too far behind.

"It was nice to meet all you ponies," Coal Diamond said with a wave.

"Wait a minute, where are we going?" Spike asked.

"Where?" Scales asked. "We're taking you home. Back to the dragon lands."

"Yeah we have a lot of time to make up for." Suddenly Spike broke free of his mother's hold and flew back to Twilight and the others.

"Wait, you're taking me all the way to the dragon lands?"

"You're what?" The mane 6 all asked at the exact same time.

"Well why not that's where we live after all," Coal Diamond answered.

"It's where all of us dragons live," Scales added.

"Yeah that's why it's called the dragon lands."

"Yes Coal Diamond that's why it's called that," Scales said with her hand on her face and eyes closed.

"But you can't take Spike there," Rainbow Dash said.

"Why not?" Scales asked.

"Because I haven't thrown you all a giant family reunion party yet," Pinkie answered with a passion.

"And because Spike lives here," Twilight said as she looked at Pinkie.

"Right that too."

"Yeah that's right all of my friends live here so why don't you 2 just live here too?"

"Live in a village for ponies?" Scales asked. "That's absurd you should live with us with your kind."

"Yeah you'll love our cave, it's got lots of room and loads of gems for you to eat son."

"But all of my friends live here not to mention my," Spike paused as he looked over at Rarity for a moment who knew what he was about to say and blushed a little. "My very special somepony."

"Special somepony? What's that some kind of way of choosing which pony is the most valuable?" Coal Diamond asked.

"Wait, does that mean you and Rarity finally went on a date?" Twilight asked to the surprise of the rest of the mane 6 excluding Rarity and Spike's parents who were utterly shocked to hear that.

"Hold on a second, a date? Does that mean you tried to find a mate?" Scales asked.

"Well if it does I think he picked the best one of the bunch," Coal Diamond said which made Scales fly right in his face.

"And what the heck is that supposed to mean!" She asked, fire coming out her mouth again.

"Nothing I just kind of like how she got her mane in curls like that."

"Oh why thank you I do take very good care of my mane," Rarity said as she stroked her own mane a little. Scales then flew over to Spike.

"You can't get involved with her romantically!"

"There does seem to be a rather big age gap between the 2 of you," Coal Diamond said.

"That and the difference between you 2. She's a pony, you're a dragon!"

"Oh right, that should have been my first point."

"I don't care mom, she makes me feel happy. She's done that ever since I first met her." Spike then flew over to Rarity and held her hoof in a gentle manner. "And I hope that 1 day I can make her happy as well."

"Oh Spike that's so sweet," Rarity then kissed Spike right on the lips.

"You keep your lips off of my son!" Scales said.

"Mom, I love her!"

"No you don't, there are plenty of young female dragons not too far from our cave that would make a much better mate than this pony would."

"I beg your pardon, miss whatever your last name is?"

"Do dragons even have last names?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Can I throw the party now?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Enough come on now Sun Stone we're taking you home!"

"But I am already home."

"No you aren't!"

"ALL RIGHT THAT'S ENOUGH!" Twilight said using the royal Canterlot voice getting the attention of her friends, Spike's parents and even a few other ponies from not so far away. "All of this isn't going to help, maybe you 2 should stay here for a while at least for a day so we can get everything in order."

"Well I guess we can," Coal Diamond said as he rubbed his chin. "I mean we already found our son Scales, there isn't really a hurry to get him back home is there?"

"I guess we can stay here for a little bit," Scales said rather reluctantly with her arms crossed.


Spike brought his mother into the castle and his father after Twilight used a spell to make him the size of Scales. Once inside Pinkie threw her family reunion party for the 3 dragons right on the spot.

"Is she always like this?" Scales asked Spike.

"Yeah pretty much, but don't worry she grows on you really fast." Suddenly Pinkie Pie offered all 3 of the dragons cake on plates that they all grabbed.

"What's this?"

"It's cake dad."

"Oh, what do I do with it?"

"I think we're supposed to eat it but I'm not entirely sure," Scales answered as she began to examine the cake.

"Yes you do," Spike said as he had already eaten his cake and so his parents decided to do it as well. Upon eating the cake they loved it right away and gobbled their slices down.

"Oh please tell me there's more of these," Scales said.

"You bet your scales there are," Pinkie replied with a giggle. "Get it? Because that's your name?" Scales and Coal Diamond didn't even hear her as they already flew to where the cake was and helped themselves. After that Coal Diamond got into a little dancing and so did Spike with Rarity despite his mother not being very fond of him doing that. After the party Spike's parents sat down at the table that also works as a map for Equestria and beyond.

"How long did it take you to crave this table?" Coal Diamond asked as he was admiring the table.

"Actually it came with the castle," Rainbow Dash answered.

"Where did the castle come from?"

"Uh it's kind of a long story, Scales," Twilight said. "I'd like to get back on to what we were talking about earlier."

"Oh you mean how I want to take my son home but you won't let us?"

"I'm not sure I would have put it that way," Twilight replied after taking a bit of a deep breath. "You don't have to take him all the way to the dragon lands, why not stay here in Ponyville? There's plenty of room for you in the castle and I can keep using the shrink spell on Coal Diamond until we build a house or something."

"We already have a home we've become quite fond of," Scales replied. "You may not know this but dragons are very territorial."

"Well mom and dad with all due respect I've been to the dragon lands before and it wasn't exactly the most inviting of places."

"Oh come on it's not so bad once you get used to it," Coal Diamond said. "Sure it can be hard at first but once you meet with some dragons your own age and learn how to use all the things that make a dragon great. You know how to breathe fire right?"


"Well did you know that if done right certain dragons can use them to burn right through a solid mountain?" Hearing that shocked everypony in the room and Spike most of all.

"Really?" They all asked.

"Yes, however that is a very rare talent. But since both your father and I can do it it's more than a safe bet that you're capable of doing it as well."

"Wow, cool!" Spike said.

"And there's quite a few other things we can teach you but you're gonna need quite a bit of space for the practice," Coal Diamond said. "Because I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to light anything around here on fire, especially your mate."

"All the more reason for you to come back home with us there isn't much there to light on fire," Scales said.

"Uh can you please stop calling her my mate, we just started dating."

"That's not all, you need to spend time with your fellow dragon to show you what it means to be a dragon. How to walk like a dragon, fly like a dragon, how to raid like a dragon," Scales said.

"Uh what was that last thing you said?" Fluttershy asked.

"I just don't understand why you don't come with us, Sun Stone?"

"Well it's not that I don't want to go with you mom, it's just that I've been with Twilight literally all my life even if I wasn't supposed to. She's taken care of me along with her friends, family, and Princess Celestia. They taught me how to be kind, loyal, and true. I've done so many things with them I even managed to save an entire empire."

"You did?" Scales and Coal Diamond asked at the same time.

"Yeah," Spike answered. "Now I'm really famous at the Crystal Empire. They even made a crystal statue of me in my honor."

"Yes, the crystal ponies love Spike," Rainbow Dash said. "Just ask him. But then you probably couldn't get him to stop."

"Yer one to talk," Applejack mentioned.

"My precious little Spikey Wikey is such a brave and daring hero," Rarity said as she went over to her beloved dragon and hugged him while rubbing her head against his a little bit.

"Sounds like you've accomplished quite a lot at such a young age," Coal Diamond said.

"Yeah I have some on my own, some with the help of my friends. I've stayed here in Ponyville for so long I know so much about the ponies who live here, mom, dad, this place is my home. I want to come with you but I don't want to leave, I'm so confused," Spike said as he put his hands on his head and put his head on the table.

"Perhaps we were too hasty when we wanted to leave right away," Coal Diamond said as he walked over to his son and patted his head a little.

"We just wanted to bring you home Sun Stone before something else happened to you," Scales said as she also went over to her son to comfort him. "But what would you want to do if you were us?"

"Actually, maybe that's what we should have asked from the start," Twilight said, getting the other's attention including Spike who lifted his head up. "What do you want to do Spike?"

"Me? You want me to choose?"

"Well, yes. You aren't the baby dragon that was hatched from that little purple and green egg, you're becoming a big dragon, big enough to make your own decisions. So, I want you to choose whether to go with them or to stay here."

"Can, can I have some time to think about please?" Twilight gave a nod and Spike ran off to be by himself and think. Scales wanted to go after him but Coal Diamond grabbed her by the arm and shook his head a little bit at his wife.


Later that night Twilight was found by her friends walking back and forth in the dark and she seemed to have been doing that for quite some time. "Uh Twilight?" Applejack said, getting her attention.

"What are you all doing here?"

"We wanted to make sure you were all right," Fluttershy asked. "Did Spike make a decision yet?"

"He said he wanted to sleep on it. I want to respect whatever decision he's going to make but, but," Twilight said as she started to cry a bit. "I don't want him to go." Twilight's friends then went over to her and gave her a group hug which helped her stop crying.

"Well," Fluttershy said after the group hug broke apart. "Practically speaking, maybe he should go to be with his own kind. Birds of a feather and all that."

"But what if he doesn't like it in the dragon lands?!" Twilight asked, sounding a little hysterical. "What if all the other dragons are mean to him? He's only a baby."

"But you said he's not a baby anymore, remember?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yeah, you're right I did."

"Plus we kind of have to see it from his parent's point of view. They lost him a long time ago and just want him to come home," Pinkie Pie said. "I mean what if you lost your son and weren't sure when you were going to see him again how would you feel?"

"There's a chance I'm going to find out very soon," Twilight said.

Morning came and Spike brought everypony together as well as his parents to the map.

"So I thought a lot about all this," Spike said in a calm voice. "Twilight you took care of me literally all my life and we've been the closest of friends. Having thought about all this I realized you're more than a friend to me, you're all my family as well." Hearing that touched Twilight's heart. "But you've already raised me, my mom and dad haven't, so I'm going with them."

"You are?" Twilight said, trying not to cry in front of Spike.

"Yes but I get to visit them anytime I want. I was very firm with them when I talked to mom and dad."

"Wait, you already told them that you were going with them?" Applejack asked.

"Yes and if he asked us that from the start I would have said no," Scales replied. "But after spending time here learning about what Sun Stone has done at such a young age. I have to admit it's impressive and you did quite a job raising him princess."

"Yes when Dragon Lord Ember ordered us to get along with ponies and had a dragon or 2 go to that School of Friendship of yours a lot of dragons didn't like it," Coal Diamond added. "But maybe it's not so bad." After that Spike gathered a few things he'd be taking with him and said goodbye to each of the mane 6, Rarity and Twilight most of all.

"Oh Spike, such a cruel turn of fate we finally start going out and now you're leaving," Rarity said on the verge of falling onto her fainting couch.

"It can still work out can't it Rarity? Letters and like I said I can visit whenever I want."

"Oh Spike I'm not sure of a long distance relationship that has ever worked out." Spike then surprised Rarity with a passionate kiss right on the lips.

"Then I guess we'll have to be the first won't we?"

"Oh Spike, you hopeless romantic," Rarity said as she returned the kiss. Spike then made his way over to Twilight. They didn't say anything to each other, they just hugged each other and each one didn't really want to let go. But after they did Spike flew off into the sky with his parents who had a lot of catching up to do with this son.

"Oh wait," Coal Diamond said as he was still flying.

"What?" Scales asked.

"I was so used to being this size in such a short amount of time I forgot to ask her to-" Suddenly Coal Diamond became his original size again as the spell wore off right when he was talking. "Never mind." As the 3 dragons flew off Twilight watched her number 1 assistant until the very second he and his parents were out of sight.

"Are you okay Twilight?" Fluttershy asked.

"No, but I will be," Twilight answered as she was holding a framed picture of her and Spike.

The next day Twilight was having a hard time with the paperwork in her office at the School of Friendship. "I can't believe this is so much harder without Spike," she said to herself. "I may have to find a new assistant." Just then Cozy Glow came in and saw Twilight was having quite a bit of trouble.

"Want some help?"

"You would do that?"

"Of course Princess Twilight, let Cozy make it all better."

Author's Note:

Cozy Glow's answer to Spike's question was based on an MLP comic. Spike's parents were based on the dragons from Smolder's story from the episode the Hearth Warming Club because well, I guess I didn't feel like drawing 2 dragons.

I kind of wanted this chapter to be a little longer but I didn't want to pointlessly stretch it out. Short as it may be you probably still like it better then Father Knows Beast.

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