• Published 26th Jul 2017
  • 1,209 Views, 9 Comments

The Visitor - Teal

As Luna prepares to conduct her nightly duties, she receives a surprise visitor.

  • ...

A Quiet Night

The night was as peaceful as ever, the calm glowing moon shining ever so gently on the land like the touch of a mother’s hoof on her foal. Giving off a small smile and feeling relaxed and accomplished, I sat at the balcony of my tower and looked on, enjoying the serenity of it all and lavishing at tranquility of the night. It was always nice to be able to sit here before going to work, to enjoy the beautiful sight before having to go into the dream realm.

Letting out a sigh, I let my body relax as I enjoyed the scene before me. Through the moon’s light, I was able to see the dim outlines of the buildings of the city below, quiet structures that remained silent as their inhabitants lay asleep in their beds. Even for such a busy city, it was quite amazing how Canterlot remained so quiet and asleep at night.

Once in a while, my eyes would sight one or two buildings still lit at this time at night, as well as the occasional group of ponies trotting around for the nightshift or some kind of nightclub. But aside from those few scattered ponies, eveypony else was asleep.

Canterlot was a quiet, traditional, and old fashioned place, where the ponies actions were similar to those of their ancestors. Unlike more modern cities like Manehattan, they failed to embrace the nightlife, choosing to stop all work once the sun fell and the moon rose. Deciding to head home to sleep and lay on their beds, they ignored the possibilities the night might bring and instead enjoyed a quite night of slumber.

It saddened me a bit to know this, seeing that the ponies here still ignored the beauty of the night. To work so hard to create such a majestic sight, only for them to pay not much any attention to it. It was disappointing and annoying.

But I didn’t let it get to me too much. I knew better now that to allow such a thing.

I have learned my lesson from past events and although still not too happy at seeing all these ponies sleeping through my night, I reminded myself that I shouldn’t get too annoyed. Although there are those who slept, there were also those who stayed up to enjoy the beauty I created. There were ponies who loved my night just as much as I do and would not dare disappoint them by turning into the nightmare I once was. They enjoyed the night and waited for its calming, and knowing that warmed my heart.

There was also one pony whom I held dear and special, whom I knew loved the night and me, with all of her heart.

My sister, who has eternally been my number one admirer and has always been there for me. Whenever I felt ignored by the other ponies, whenever I felt that they take no note of my night, all I had to do was think of Celestia and I knew I would feel better. If ever the ponies would turn their backs and forget about me, I knew she would be there, comforting me and loving me as always.

It made me smile thinking of that, knowing that it was true and would always will be so.

Having returned to a happier mood, I decided that I have wasted enough time in letting my mind wander and that it was now time to get to my nightly work. The dreamscape did not protect itself, I thought to myself, knowing that it was once again time for me to patrol the dreams of the slumbering ponies. Although they decided to sleep and ignore my wonderful night, it was still my duty to protect them from any nightmare they may hold.

Well, if they didn’t sleep through such a wonderful night, maybe they wouldn’t be having such nightmares, I mused to myself as I got up.

Standing up on the balcony and giving one last glance at the night sky, I gave a small smile and turned around, ready to head for my bed and enter the dreamscape. But as I did so, I noticed a tall silhouette standing in my dimly lit room.

Standing still and looking back at the outline before me, the silhouette remained at its place, just by the entrance of my room, waiting there as if it were a predator stalking its prey. Freezing in my spot and staring back at the silhouette before me, I gave it a shocked and confused expression, as I wondered how somepony managed to get into my room without me noticing.

But it didn’t take me long before I changed my expression to an annoyed one, as I moved closer towards the silhouette.

“Celestia, what in Faust’s name are you doing in my room?” I said, having recognized such a familiar looking tall silhouette. “You could have at least knocked before entering.”

Moving slowly, as if hesitantly, I watched as Celestia moved into the light, illuminating her figure as I moved closer to her. At first annoyed at having her enter my room without my permission, I soon noticed that something different about her.

Although I couldn’t tell what it was, looking at her face, I could tell that something was wrong. Though her expression remained neutral, her usual look when feeling some kind of emotion or worry within her, I could tell that there was something in her mind, something that was bothering her deeply.

Studying her intently with my eyes, I tried to see if there was something different about her. But after a careful rundown, I failed to see anything odd or out of place. Wearing her regalia and looking just like how I saw her earlier before I went for my room, there seemed to be nothing wrong with her, at least none that I could see.

But despite the lack of any outward signs, this bond we had, this sisterly connection that always brought us together, told me that she was thinking of something deep, something she seemed to be hiding from me. I could feel that there was something was wrong, I could sense it clearly and this worried me.

Trying to find out what was wrong with her, I gave a puzzled look when I realized that it might have something to do with me. I don’t know how to explain it, but I just felt it, sensed it. As if I could read her mind by just looking at her, I could tell that she was feeling nervous about me. It was as if she was uneasy in my presence, like she was afraid to have me in front of her.

But why?

Did I do something that made her feel so afraid, so uncertain before me? Searching my memory, I could not remember doing anything wrong to her recently, so it puzzled me on why she acted so strange.

Hoping to figure out what was, I gave her a quizzical look before gently asking:

“Is everything alright, dear sister?”

For a moment, she didn’t reply. Instead, she just stared at me with eyes that seemed to state disbelief and hesitation. But after a while, she gave off a small nod, adding a hesitant smile as she did so.

“Y…yes...” She said, her voice almost faltering. “…I’m…I’m perfectly fine, Luna.”

Not thoroughly convinced and still eyeing her with the same expression, I moved forward and closer towards her, keeping my eyes directly on her own eyes, studying them for any emotion she might emit. “Are you sure, Celestia?”

“Yes, sister…I’m sure.” She said. But I took note of that falter in her voice, the uncharacteristic hesitation in her actions. It was as if she was being overcome by something. But what?

“Alright…” I said, playing along with her. “Then, if everything is alright, why did you come to my room, unannounced and without even a knock on the door?”

I seemed to have gotten her there, as she bit her lip and allowed her eyes to wander around the room. Looking for an excuse.

Patiently waiting and still watching her intently, I stood there with an expressionless look on my face. What was she trying to do? What was she planning? Was she trying to play a prank on me? If so, well, this is certainly not the time for this and I would have to reprimand her for it. Older sister or not, she sometimes acts so childish, which sometimes makes me wonder which one of us is truly the older sibling.

“I just…” She said, before pausing, something she seemed to be doing a lot tonight. “I just wanted…I just wanted to be with my sister tonight and spend some time together, enjoy each other’s presence. Is there anything wrong with that?”

Adding a wavering smile to this, she tried her best to meet my steady gaze, as I gave her a cautious look.

“To spend time with me? Celestia, are you aware what time it is right now?”

Turning my head towards the clock I had on the wall, I saw that it was already closing to eleven o’clock. Gesturing to the clock, I tried to point out that the time was already late for a pony like her who would have to wake early for a busy day tomorrow. But as I stared once more at her face, I noticed a hurt look plastered on it. Although not obvious and easy to spot, I knew her too well to miss such an expression on her face.

“Now, it isn’t that I don’t want to spend time to you. I would love to do that, I truly do.” I told her. “It’s just that, we’re both busy ponies and this doesn’t seem to be the right time to spend some time together. I have to patrol the dreamscape soon and you, don’t you have a lot of work tomorrow? Wouldn’t you need all the sleep you can get in order to have all the energy for tomorrow?”

“No!” She said, almost in a cry, as if she were desperate.

Taken by shock, I backed up by a bit, as I stared at her with wide eyes. What was wrong with her tonight?

“I mean, no, I’m not that busy tomorrow.” Celestia said carefully. “I can afford losing a couple of hours of sleep, just to spend time with you. Family is more important that work, right?”

Hearing this got me even more worried, for she seemed so desperate to spend time with me tonight. Although it was heartwarming to know that my sister would like to spend her precious time with me, it was also concerning because of the suddenness of it all.

“I guess it is.” I told her. “But I’m sorry, sister, because I don’t think that I really can’t spend some time with you tonight. I have a duty to protect the dream realm, and unlike the bureaucratic work that you have to do every day, which I know is important, my work cannot be placed on hold. Nightmares plague many ponies and I must be there to help them.”

Staring at her, I could see that she was obviously hurt by what I said and the façade she had seemed to collapse as I saw the disappointment and sadness now plastered on her face. Head hanging low and remaining silent, she looked down on the floor and stared on in disappointment. Feeling concern and guilt, I felt terrible for what I said, even if she was acting strange and that I didn’t know what made her so emotional tonight.

Looking at her and seeing her silent sad form, I noticed that she didn’t seem to insist on spending the night with me anymore. Did she feel defeated? Did she feel that I turned her down?

Realizing this and now feeling hurt too as I thought of it, I couldn’t help but shake my head and find a compromise.

“Well…” I began. “…I guess you can join me while I patrol the dreamscape. I may not be able to spend time with you in the physical world, but I would at least be able to do so in the dream realm. Besides, having another pony help me would make my job a lot easier.”

“You mean, I can join you?” She said, raising her head as she seemed to have been revived by what I said. “To spend time with you in the dreamscape?”

“Yes, Celestia, yes you can.” I said, giving a small smile, as my heart felt lighter to see such joy on her face.

Then, taking me by surprise, she lunged forward and wrapped me in her fore hooves, grasping me tightly into a hug. Taking all the air from my lungs and giving me no time to think, I allowed her to squeeze me tightly as she said something incomprehensible, while her muzzle was buried in my mane.

Not sure how to react, I decided to just follow my instincts and hug her back. This only made her hug me tighter, as she continued to murmur incomprehensible words.

This was probably the strangest night I will ever spend with her.

“Wow!” Celestia said, her voice obviously impressed as we floated around the dreamscape. “It’s been so long since I’ve last been here… I could barely remember the last time you invited me to the dreamscape.”

Giving her a puzzled look, I turned my attention at my floating sister as I said in a confused voice:

“But you were just here last week? Don’t you remember?”

“Last week?” She repeated, a worried look plastered on her face as her eyes darted left and right.

“Yes, last week.” I said with a nod. “Starlight Glimmer, switching our cutie marks, swapping jobs? Don’t tell me you have forgotten already. I swear sister, I think we need to bring you to a doctor, for I am starting to worry about you.”

“No, no, no need for a doctor.” Celestia said, flailing her hooves in dismissal. “I just simply forgot…” She said with a nervous laugh. “….I’ve been so busy with work that it just slipped my mind.”

“Uhu, yes, slip your mind.” I said, narrowing my eyes and her, but soon letting it go. I’ll just have to take note of it for now and worry about it later. “So, sister, where would you like us to begin?”

Scanning the land of dreams and staring that the floating orbs around her, Celestia looked around the dreamscape, trying to look for a path in which we should take. Sensing no nightmares going at the moment, I decided to patiently wait. It seemed tonight would be a quiet and easy one, which I would be a good thing, for it meant that I would be able to spend some time and do some careful observations on my sister.

For a moment, I noticed Celestia glance towards a certain orb in panic and caution. But trying to find which orb it was in the realm which had millions was impossible. Whatever that orb she saw was, it brought great alarm and panic to her, for she immediately looked away from it and turned towards a different direction.

“Let’s go this way.” She told me, and, without waiting for me to nod in acknowledgement, she led the way leaving me to follow her.

Soon enough though I managed to catch up and as we moved on we ended up gliding side by side. I would have to admit that it was quite a relaxing experience and to have my sister here while sensing no nightmares nearby, everything seemed to be perfect.

As we glided on in silence, patrolling the realm for any nightmares, Celestia, who turned her head towards me, decided to brake the quietness between us with a simple question that I, for some reason, felt odd and out of place.

“So, how’s your life been going, Luna?”

The night was indeed a quiet one and I was happy to see that there were only a couple of small nightmares we had to vanquish in order to bring sweet dreams to the ponies who had them. Most of the night in the dream realm was spent talking to my sister, enjoying each other’s company and seemingly talking about some mundane things. Although some of the things she asked were quite confusing and sometimes embarrassing to me, like when she inquired on whether I have taking a fancy on anypony, I ultimately enjoyed talking to her, since it has been a long time since we were able to talk freely in complete privacy.

Celestia seemed to have enjoyed our time together more than I did, since I never saw her smile more brightly and genuinely than during those conversations we had. Whether the topic be small or big, she loved every moment of it. It was quite nice to have her so excited and happy and although I still failed to understand why she randomly wanted to spend so much time with me during I felt no reason to complain about it.

Ending the night by waking up and returning to the physical world, I opened my eyes to see Celestia gently opening her own eyes, as the smile she had in the dreamscape was still plastered on her face. Meeting my gaze and keeping the smile, she pulled me into another hug, keeping a tight hold on me once more.

Not so sudden or as surprising as before, I returned the hug with a gentle, yet firm, one of my own, smiling as we shared in this sisterly moment. Holding each other under each other’s hooves for quite a long time, we enjoyed the warmth of one another as I felt a loving caring feeling emit out of Celestia.

Soon pulling away and looking at each other once more, I noticed that a hollow look was now on my sister’s face.

Although she still held a small smile, a hurt and saddened expression was clearly on her eyes. I could sense that something was wrong again and that she was holding back something. But once again, the only thing I could do was wonder what it was.

It was clear that she wasn’t feeling alright and it felt that right now she felt somewhat depressed. Worried and concerned for her, I gave her a saddened look of my own and prepared to ask if she was truly alright.

But seeing my concern and placing a hoof on my mouth before I could speak, she shook her head and let out a sad sigh, a sigh that I have never heard her do before. Closing her eyes and trying to hold the feeling within her, she let out something that sounded like a whimper, before speaking.

“Luna, you know that I love you dearly right?”

Having lowered her hoof from my mouth, she gave me the opportunity to finally speak. But the randomness of the question and the sadness in her voice made it hard for me to say a thing and I ended up only nodding my head.

A small smile went on her face as she heard this and I also couldn’t help but notice a small tear run down from her eye. “You are the best sister a pony can have, Luna, and don’t you forget that…” Her voice began to trail, but she soon recovered and looked me directly in the eyes. “I am sorry for the mistake I have done, for banishing you. It was my greatest mistake. I’m sorry sister, I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to do that.”

By now, the smile on her face was gone, as a clear sad look was spread all over her. As if hit by a sudden realization, she let out an aura of sadness that Luna could clearly feel.

Soon she broke down, her cries coming out, as tears began rolling down her face. Shocked by this and left silent, I watched on as my sister let out some built up emotion within her and allowed the sadness overcome her. Soaking the pillow her head laid on and letting out uncontrollable cries, she presented herself in a state I have never seen her in before.

What I was seeing was a far more emotional sight which she had never allowed me to see before. And staring at her, it hurt me very much to see her like this. She was hurt, hurt very much, as if it were a pain that she hadn’t let out a many years.

Frowning and saddened by the sight, I pulled my hoof towards her face and wiped away a tear running down her face, trying my best to let her know that everything was alright.

“Sister, please do not worry about such things anymore. That was in the past and all has been forgiven. I do not blame you for what you did, for you were only doing it for the sake of Equestria. I love you very much, Celestia, and you too are the best sister a pony can have. So please, no more tears.”

Adding a smile, I did my best to calm my sister down. It was truly odd that Celestia was having such a break down, especially one regarding her banishment. For a long time I have thought she had gotten over that already, but it’s quite clear that my assumptions were wrong.

To see her this weak, so broken, it was just terrible. She shouldn’t be this sad, she should feel this hurt.

Studying Celestia’s face, I could see her gently nod to my statement, as she did her best to calm down and stop the tears running down her face. She too was now wiping her tears, trying to stop her crying, yet struggling to do so. Still sniffling and continuing to nod, I soon pulled her into a hug, trying to make sure that what I meant was true to the heart.

Once I felt that she managed to control emotions, I soon pulled away from the hug and gave her the same smile I had earlier.

“Now…” I began. “…I think its best that you get some rest. Although our bodies have been asleep while we roamed the dreamscape, our minds have not. And to those who aren’t experienced to being in the dreamscape all night long, it would mean that you would still feel tired and worm out, as if you didn’t have any sleep at all. So I suggest that after you raise the sun, you should cancel all of your plans for today and get some rest. Do not worry, Celestia, I can cover for you duties today. Trust me, I can handle it.”

“Yes…” She said in her faltering voice. “…yes, that sounds good.”

Slowly getting up, I watched her stand up from my bed, as I myself got up too. Keeping a careful eye on her, I watched her wipe away another tear before slowly trotting away and towards the door. But after opening the door and stepping out, she gave one last glance towards me before saying in quiet voice:

“Thank you, Luna. I’ll miss you…”

I was quite confused when I heard this and I gave her a puzzled look as I tried to understand what she meant by that. I was going to also attempt to ask her for what she was trying to tell me, but before I could she had already closed the door.

Entering the dining room, I let out a small yawn, before heading towards the table to get some breakfast. I knew that I had a long day ahead of me and if I wanted to survive the day, I would need all the energy I could get. Based on experience, I knew that Celestia always had a long list of tasks which all needed to be accomplished by the end of the day, and having promised to do them all for her I knew that I must start my day with a hefty breakfast in order to get all the energy I needed.

Taking my usual seat on one end of the table, I was about to call on a servant, when suddenly and surprisingly, a tall stack of pancakes were levitated in front of me and placed gently on the table.

“Good morning, Luna!” Came a cheery call from my sister, as she stood before me with a bottle of syrup. “I made your favorite pancakes today, blueberry!”

Staring at Celestia, I looked at her with amazement as she was beaming with joy right in front me. She looked quite the opposite now than what she looked like earlier when she left my room.

“Uhh…good morning, sister.” I said, acknowledging her greeting. “And thank you. But…but I thought you were going to get some rest today?”

“Rest?” She said, as she poured a generous amount of syrup on my stack of pancakes. “Why would I need some rest? I’m already well rested and ready for the day, and with another meeting with the nobles, I’m glad that I managed to get plenty of rest last night.”

“Plenty of rest?” I said. “But sister, we were chatting all night as we patrolled the dream realm. And earlier this morning, you looked tired and where about to pass out from exhaustion. How is it that you managed to get enough rest from the moment you left my room to now?”

“Patrolling the dream ream?” Celestia said, staring at me with confusion. “Luna, we did no such thing. I was sleeping quite comfortably all night and although I would love to join you in one of your patrols, I believe that we didn’t patrol the land of dreams last night.”

Staring at her in disbelief, I felt my mind freeze as I sat there still and unmoving. How could that be? She was with me last night, I remember every bit of it. But why does she say otherwise?

“Luna, are you alright?” Celestia said, placing a hoof on my forehead. “You don’t seem to have a fever… But do you want me to call the Royal doctor, just in case?”

But I did not reply, for I was too lost in my own thoughts.

Everything that happened last night was real, it was not my imagination. Nor was it a dream, for I knew how to differentiate dreams from reality. But why did it feel so unreal right now? Why didn’t Celestia remember what happened last night?

Letting my eyes dart to Celestia, I stared at her for a moment, as she stared back at me with concern in her eyes. Studying her and looking at her clearly, I began to notice something different, something odd. Celestia looked refreshed, happy, and full of energy. This was nowhere near to what she was earlier this morning.

She didn’t just looked diffrent, she felt different too. Her actions were lively and not like the depressed one I saw last night. She was also missing the regretful aura she had all over her.

No, this wasn’t her…

When that thought came into my mind, I felt my heart drop as a sudden realization ran through me. Feeling dread and confusion overcome me, I found it hard to believe. But I knew that this was the case.

This isn’t the same Celestia I was with last night.

The one who stood in front of me, staring at me with ever growing worry, was the Celestia I left last night after dinner. But this wasn’t the Celestia who came to visit me in my room. No. This wasn’t her.

So, who was I with then?

Author's Note:

“These parallel universes are not ghost worlds with an ephemeral existence; within each universe, we have the appearance of solid objects and concrete events as real and as objective as any.”

― Michio Kaku, Parallel Worlds: A Journey Through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos

Comments ( 8 )

Interesting, might as well throw it on the shelf. :moustache:

Complete? What the hell, man? I want to know who visited Luna :trixieshiftleft:

I half expected it to turn out to be chrysalis until they entered the dreamscape.

Well, if they didn’t sleep through such a wonderful night, maybe they wouldn’t be having such nightmares, I mused to myself as I got up.

Loony, ya gotta realize ponies can't stay up 24/7. Twilight did that once for a few days... she ended up going through time and creating a bootstrap paradox as a result. Ya don't want more of that. Trust me on this one.


8324239 One would think Chrysalis... but with Chrysalis out for vengeance, why would she exhibit the emotions she did? Why would she fail to utilize the opportunity to take the revenge she promised when last we saw her? And why would her appearance remain Celestia in the dream realm, where as far as we know Chrysalis has zero experience and would have no idea how to disguise herself in a mental form?

My problem with this story is... there is no possible answer. It's completely open-ended. There's nary a hint of what's really going on.

As such, it feels like a story fragment... perhaps the prologue of a story introducing what will become the central conflict.

Alt time line where the banishment has just occurred.

8326721 :raritywink: Close, very close.

I loved this story. The mystery was quite compelling.

I put my vote as an alternate reality where Luna was killed by the elements not just banished.

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