• Published 21st Jul 2017
  • 722 Views, 70 Comments

Tread Lightly's Trigger Happy Journey - Fiaura

A scientist takes new friends onto an adventure to recover an Ancient stone, For Science!

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There was the sound of an improvised wagon wheel that rolled along. Messer's eyes were in and out of focus. He was trying to wake up but the rain and heavy sheet on him; made him want to close his eyes again. He could barely make out the imagine of what appeared to be the bloody shape of a pony under a sheet. “Messer, Rest....don't die on me, just rest.” He heard Tread Lightly's voice and slowly the world around him went black.

“He's lost a lot of blood. Are you sure we should?” Came an unknown voice as Messer Schmitt was staring into a bright light near the ceiling.

“Shut up and get to work, get some blood in him. We're the same blood type. If we do this now there is a good chance it will work.” The voice of Tread ordered with a determination that felt like it could shatter someone's world.

“Alright fine, nurse Fairhooves, put him under we'll get to work.”

Messer slowly woke up and felt like he had been hit by a sledgehammer. His flanks ached and his spine was on fire. Tread Lightly was passed out next to him, holding his hoof against her chest. He felt like her grip would never let go, as though she had died and was holding on for dear life as her final action. Then he saw her chest rise and felt the blow of hot breath over his leg. He started to move and Tread Lightly slowly came awake.

“Tread? Where...what?” He started to say and Tread Lightly silenced him by placing her cheek upon his and giving a soft nuzzle.

“You need rest, I am glad you are awake. I just....I couldn't lose you.” She whispered to him.

Messer tried to spread his wings around her and she let out a hoof as she felt his wing hit her in the gut. The wing was faster and there was a metallic shine to it. Then the pegasus remembered what happened in the cave. “I thought...did you? Did you get it work? Where is Marigold?” He asked as his mind was fuzzy at everything past the point where the ceiling of crystal exploded.

Tread Lightly looked up at him tears in her eyes, “I..she....I couldn't save her. She was too far gone. I...I'm sorry...I'm sorry I got both of you into this and I understand if you never want to....” A hoof hit her in the mouth and kept her lips silent.

“Don't finish that sentence. I don't care if my wing does or does not work. I am here for you; I may be your student but I am your friend. Even till the grips of death, I will die with a smile knowing we will both see you on the other side." He explained with a soft sigh. "As much as we will miss Morning Marigold. I think she would like us to have happy lives till we see her again don't you?" He slowly stood up next to Tread Lightly who rose from her pallet on the floor. "Now let's go outside and try out this new wing if the doctor will let me get up. I think we'd all like to find out if her sacrifice was worth it."

Comments ( 9 )

yup. It's too bad he couldn't be reasoned with. Maybe with better preparation... But no. Too little too late, immediate solutions were required.
That's two ponies Tread will likely get blamed for the death of now. That's going to be tough working out of...
Good fun, we enjoyed this fic.

you will find when I write stories about her, I am placing one of my friends who is gone into the story and they are dying in a way similar to how they passed in real life. Life lessons though loss.

Your life must therefore be more flavorful than ours.

it has been a flavorful enough life that someone got me to admit my life is that of a mary sue and I am basically twilight.

And that's the last chapter. Any chance of us seeing Messer again?

There is a chance ;) Though this story compared to my new stuff is awful! I need to rewrite the whole thing.

to be honest it aint that bad i remember reading much more cringey stuff this was you just getting back into the swing of things miss fi.

Yes but my other stories are much better

dang this was a odd story it started all hopeful then it just got sad,,,, its a nice story but odd for me.

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