• Published 14th Jul 2012
  • 1,533 Views, 16 Comments

furred angel - ervn92

A humans get´s pulled on the not so peacefull land of equestria

  • ...

Chapter 3 :Setting course

Disclaimer: MLP FiM is owned by Hasbro and Lauren Faust not me please comment feedback is necessary! Enjoy!

This is the unedited version, changes will be made at some point. Or not your decision if you think this is good enough.

Sorry for the late update but something bad happened and I really don`t have the time to do it sorry.

In other news chpt4 is ready but unedited like this one if you prefer the edited one (slow but better) or the unedited (fast but sloppier) your choice again.

With all news done for now enjoy your reading!

Setting course

I woke up at dawn...damn rooster

After my abrupt wake up call, I watched the sun rising in the horizon and decided it was still too early to be up.

Hoping to catch more hours of sleep, I stepped out of the cottage; the one by now was getting louder with all the early animals in there.

Thanks to a few extra hours of sleep, I finally got my so much needed beauty sleep,. I waked up with a poking in my ribs.

"wake up please, Mr. Manticore” I flicked my ears in irritation. But I started my wake up routine, in two legs stretching myself, releasing a mighty yawn and regained my bearings.

I slept outside the cottage in a patch of grass as bed. The sun was in a more agreed position with my usual`s waking up schedule, and my hearing catch the sound of flapping wings above of the normal sound of the forest…odd, Fluttershy was the one calling me up though; I really need to find a better name, at least something better than 'Mr. Manticore' the name really make me feel old.

I kept stretching on my four paws this time, trying to pop my back.

Weird question time¡ Have you ever felt a couple of hooves at high speed in your chest?

Well I have let me tell you something, it's not funny

"Leave her alone” the rainbow and cyan blur that hit me screamed as she prepared a second pass

Fortunately for both Fluttershy intercede "! Rainbowdash, stop this instant!" this was he first time I heard some volume in her voice, which surprised me, or would have if my new found instincts didn’t tried to swap my paws at rainbow, with my claws extended to kill her.

Whoa¡ I got claws¡¡ oh body of mine, when you are going to stop surprise me, and try to murder people.

She stopped in midair my paw pounced at nothing, fortunately “he’s hurt and you will leave him alone!” Fluttershy stopped the second attack to my person, which I was grateful. I really not felt like murder right now.

The thing that stirred in me yesterday wanted revenge for the blow. I put it down clearing my thoughts.

I’m calling it ' wild side' because it`s was really hard to make me do that kind of things back home, and I almost never act on the impulse. It was like having other version of me inside, one more aggressive and angry, it really scared me.

I stood up catching my breath and feeling my chest, which… surprisingly didn't hurt. Checking my body. Nothing felted hurt or sore anymore, I actually feel top shape. Like nothing had happened

I regained my bearings. Fluttershy was arguing with rainbow, I ignored that because at the moment my ears heard the distinct sound of other hoof steps in the road.

Other mare appeared this one was a unicorn with a lavender coat, black mane with purple highlights; she quickly got in the discussion and put an end on the discussion. In agreement they all nodded and got close to me.

"Sorry" Rainbowdash said to me, obviously obligated by the other girls.

Fluttershy was all over me checking for injuries.

As much I appreciated her worry, that mare really doesn’t know what personal space is?! The unicorn just looked at me closely while Rainbow sulked at the entrance

"We should get inside, I need to check those bandages” we all followed her inside and settled in the living room.

Fluttershy went in to the kitchen and made some tea for all of them. now al settled comfortably; she started to take off my bandages.

"How have you been?" The unicorn asked

"So busy, the animals lately had started to come hurt a lot more and I been having a hard time healing them all" Fluttershy responded. She was really kind, even worrying for strange and wild animals, maybe almost too kind.

"I figured that much, so we bring you this" the unicorn levitated. An envelope to Fluttershy

"Can you open it for me?"

"Sure, *ahem*

You have been invited by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, to the grand galloping gala at Canterlot


I perked up at that

"Oh, here's something else:

Also in consideration in the events of the last gala and your service to Equestria; you have been invited to a private tour to the royal garden, with two conditions:

A guard escort

The tour it’s not at the time of the gala

Yours truly:
Princess Celestia"

“Oh it’s so nice of her, but I don’t think I should go”

“Well may be if you...”

*gasp* Fluttershy gasped and everybody stop moving

“What`s going on Fluttershy? You’re fine?” Twilight being the first to grab a hold on the situation

“He… He’s fine” she said with urgency like it was supposed to explain it.

Watching my body without all the bandages, I realized what she was talking about, all my bruises had healed, and even my broken rib was fine. The only evidence of my wounds were little pinks scars, even them were already growing fur.

“Is that a bad thing?” Rainbow asked

“He shouldn’t, at least for another week or so”

Twilight with her brow furrowed “have you treated another manticore before? Maybe it’s normal to them”

“Well no, but I don’t think it´s normal”

“What?” Rainbow asked, god even with my upgraded senses it was difficult to hear it.

I saw angel bunny going through the back door, and with all of them distracted. I followed closely behind.

Time to get some answers.


Fairy tail land……………….check
Chasing a white rabbit………check

Oh my god, now I know what Alice felt like.

In a few seconds I managed to sip past him realizing this I stopped and turned around just in time to watch angel crash in my forepaw

“I need to talk to you”

“What do you want?” he angrily responded. I didn’t care, I needed answers and he was the one with answers.

At least the only that could talk back to me.


“Why would I give anything to you?”

“Two reasons: if you help me I will be out of your hair… Err fur”

“The second one?” he looked already interested, probably was trying to keep the attitude.

“Its breakfast time” I gave him a disarming smile, with a lot of teeth. He didn’t know who was messing with.

(Insert troll face here)

“ok” his ears dropped on his back, you have to give some credit to the guy. He wasn’t shivering…much.

`prreeeeyyy` my wild side whispered to me in a sing song voice. I now had voices in my head, lovely.

*ahem*”where are we?”

“In Ponyville” angel said with his full voice, his ears stayed in the back though

Sigh “where’s Ponyville?”

“In Equestria” Really what’s up with the names? So far: Equestria, Canterlot, Ponyville?¡ puns about horses everywhere, I swear¡¡¡.

My anger must been leaking to my face because angel took a step back.

“Who are the Princesses Luna and Celestia?” after calming myself, time for the big questions.

“The rulers of this land”

“The rulers? Then why are they called princesses? And what can you tell me about them.”

“The princess thing, I don’t know” he shrugged “they are the rulers the control both had on the celestial cycle. One for the day. The other for the night” he spoke like a true story teller, an ominous tone “and Philomena, the pet of Celestia is a royal yerk” he said returning to his normal way of speaking. It felted like it was a story there may be later.

Moving on..

“Where’s Canterlot?”

Angel pointed behind me, to a side above the canopy of the trees. There at the top of a mountain stood the city of Canterlot.

“How could I miss that?” asking to myself

“Dunno” he shrugged and take that as an opening for him.

“can I ask you something?”

“sure, what`s up buddy”

“What`s your name?” with some thinking I gave myself a fitting name, at least one that was accord to my situation.

“Leon Truman, nice to meet you Angel”

“Nice to meet you Leon”

“I really need to finish this, now let`s continue. What do you know about the gala?”

“Only that its tomorrow, and I have to take care to the others animals. While Shy´s there having fun”

“What`s the fastest way to get there?”

“By train or flying are the only ways to get there fast, you…you want to be there?¡”

“I know. I don’t look exactly like gala material but” I was roughly cut short by the rabbit.

“You don’t get it¡ there are going to be guards there. You are walking to your doom; they are going to kill you.”

Waving his concern away, I dig to more pressing matters “change of subject, are all animals sentient?”

What, I love meat and the though of eating something that screamed for mercy a little before. Didn’t appeal me in the least.

“What do you mean?”.

“Every living thing can talk?” Putting simply.

“Well, no. I’ve never managed to talk to an insect, a plant or a fish”.

“I understand the first two, but the fish?”

“Well any fishes that had appeared in the river never had talked to me. But; the dolphins, turtles and other marine creatures that can breed air, can talk. To be honest, I didn’t knew `monsters` could speak either. My guess is that I never tried to, to busy running for my life and all.

“How do you know all of that?”.

“I live with the non official veterinary of Ponyville, one learn all kind of stuff”

“Why I can communicate with some creatures and with others I cant?”

“As far is I know, we just can`t, they simply can`t hear our voice or something”

“You’ve said that you we can communicate with anything?”

“Almost but yeah”

“But then why, nobody had talked to me, except you?”

“Mm you understand that you are a carnivore to all of things, right?”

“So they are they just afraid off me? I can talk to them, just like that?” he nodded” And you, why aren’t you running?”

“well first you are in Fluttershy cottage, it`s a peace place, even for the injured carnivores.
Secondly if I were in real danger, Fluttershy would save me”.

“If I really wanted to hurt you, she can’t stop me”

“Really?” in a second he gave me a smirk.

“Sure” the shy pony trying to convince me, big manticore to leave angel alone. Even the idea seemed rather funny

Angel started running back to the tree. Starting the proverbial mouse and cat game, but in a bigger scale. I played his game just to see what exactly he had planned.

We got near to the tree and Fluttershy galloped to our encounter and she looked to my eyes with her steely blue eyes, showing an attitude totally unknown to me

I was being stared down by a pony, who would have though.

How could I explain the `stare` to you, it was like she could see through mu soul bringing up all the things I was ashamed, or I regretted doing, I fell to the ground literally whimpering.

As you could expect `angel` was rolling in the floor with laughter. The bastard soon received a good dose of karma, as Fluttershy turned around and watched him, she understood what had happened. She gave him also a `stare’.

Apparently this wasn’t the first time he did something like this. ‘Angel’ My tail. He was the devil incarnate

As the stare effect passed, I needed to get out of there now, not only to escape from that spawn of hell, But to finish the last of my `things to do list`

Find Luna

So with my silent thanks to Fluttershy and a glare to certain white bunny, I marched to my new destination, Canterlot.

A/n: well please comment about the editing options.

The name came from redpyramid1, thanks red, the thing about the name... He was the only one who tried and he got the opportunity. What I’m trying to say is: that every input is important, even if its only one of you said yes or no. I will do it, so please send me a PM or comment below

Thanks for reading!

PS: If you want to help me with the editing you’re also welcome.