• Published 14th Jul 2012
  • 1,532 Views, 16 Comments

furred angel - ervn92

A humans get´s pulled on the not so peacefull land of equestria

  • ...

Chapter 1 :New body, new faces

Disclaimer: MLP FiM is owned by Hasbro and Lauren Faust not me please comment feedback is necessary! Enjoy!

This is the edited chapter 2.0 version, DarkShockBro thank you again (not big changes in the plot, just 20%cooler)

Furred angel: Chapter 1: New body, new faces

As my mind reached consciousness, I opened my eyes, but the bright glare of the sun forced me to shut them quickly.

With that, I decided to survey the damage of Luna’s transportation spell without the use of my eyes. My face felt funny, and everything was out of place. However, considering that it was still there, I was greatly relieved.

Next, I checked my limbs; my legs, feet, toes, and everything seemed to be OK, but they still felt out of place. Honestly, I couldn’t put my finger as to why that was.

I started to be able to piece it together, and then discovered how thick and powerful my arms were, which was weird. Enough to prompt me to stand up, with the strength finally returning to my body.

I stood up as quickly as I could and...I fell on my face. Son of a ..

I rubbed my face brutally to ease the pain but instead of my hand, I realized that paws had come to my aid. Wait, what?

Greatly confused, I looked at my hands. My fingers were there, but they were much sturdier. However, that wasn’t the strange part. No, no, that was my thumb. Gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans all have the same type of thumb, and yet...my hand clearly resembled a paw!

Now afraid, I flexed my hand, and to my amazement, everything moved as it did when I was a human! . Don’t believe me? Well, my paws had little black pads, and literally every inch of my body was covered in fur!

With some knowledge about what I had turned into, I finally took in my surroundings; a forest with thick canopy.

I sighed, and then said, “So...let’s see. I’m in a foreign forest, I’m this weird creature, and I’m alone, helpless, and hungry. God, could this day get any worse?!”

At that, a rustle come from a nearby bush.

A sudden need for walking took over me, after I reminded myself that complaining is useless, and a journey of a thousand miles starts with one step.

I wasn’t afraid. Why would you think that?

Meh, probably because as I was walking away from the bush, an ear splitting roar came from the same direction.

I took this time to start running like my life depended on it, which was probably true.

It’s funny, one would think that running in in four legs will be hard, right? Not the case here.
I was running much faster that I could in my original body. In fact, I tripped in the first minutes, getting horrible cuts and bruises but I didn’t felt them. My stamina also increased tenfold! As I devoured the miles like they were nothing

Anyway, an hour of running later, I needed a rest badly, lucky me I smelled water nearby after fifteen minutes of following my nose I found it. It was long but shallow with clean water. The instant I saw it, and knew I was alone, I began greedily lapping up the pure, delicious water from that river. Once I concluded my drink, I began breathing normally. At this point, I also decided to look at my reflection in the river, so I could see my new self.

Turns out, I had become some sort of leonine creature with bat wings and a scorpion tail apparently full with poison. Just use a Mad Lib animal designer and you’ll eventually get what I became. Still, if I could fly and inject poison, I could either fight or flight easily when I got into fights. Topped with my buff arms, I was a killing machine! Still, it didn’t conceal that fact that I had no idea where I was or what to do. So, I began making a to-do list after my stomach took this time to remind me that I was hungry with a cacophonous growl. Anyway, my list went like this:

To-do list

1. Find something to eat.
2. Find shelter
3. Find Luna, and probably kill her.(make that SURELY kill her)

With a plan in mind and hope in my heart, I jumped to cross the river. Couldn’t get
worse, right?

I really...really need to stop tempting fate.

I really do. Why? Oh, no reason, all that happened as I was about to cross the river. A creature with purple scales and long serrated teeth erupted from the river, flowing hair, and a weird mustache, erupted from the water with a malevolent gleam in his eyes.

But don’t worry, surely a creature ten times smaller than him could fight him off! Oh sarcasm how much I missed you¡

Looks like I had to evacuate the premises, or my bladder whatever comes handy.

What? After all, it’s kind of tough not to piss yourself when a creature ten times bigger than you opens his mouth, as if he was about to eat you.

,I started praying:

Jesus, I’m too young to die
Ala, please save me!
Yoda, bring the force

Oh, shut up. you’ve would have done the same¡

Since I didn’t get any response, I had to take it as a man

However, as my guts returned, the creature did the last thing I ever expected to happen.

He said, in a rather high-pitched voice, “Go, little creature, shoo, shoo!” complete with shooing motions.

One part of me was happy that he was not going to kill me. The other was angry at the “little” part. My jaw hung so low that...wait, it really was on the ground! Still, I was safe, so whatever.

Emergency vault of intern processed water at normal pressure: No worries, just a simulation!

Finally, I became relieved, and said, with happiness ringing in my voice, “You can talk? Wow! Could tell me where I am as well and the closest direction to a town?”

In response, he continued his “shoo” motions.

I became annoyed. “Hello? You understand me right?” but he kept up with the motions as if he was swatting a fly.

At this point, I got pissed. “Well if being nice didn’t work...you horrible beast! Your hair is horrible! “ No response. “Your moustache makes you look like a freak of nature!”

Darn it! Based on his actions, that was probably the worst insult I could muster, and there was still no response. Yep, he can’t understand me.

With a sigh, I took the second best option.

I created a time out sign with my hands…I mean paws.

He understood the message, but looked at me with confusion. So, I continued, shifting my paw into the peace and love sign, at which he nodded. To seal the deal, I gave my paw in a friendship manner, which he smiled at, and finally, we shook paws.

“Hellooo! I’m Steven Magnet the sea serpent!” he finalizes with a bow, which I returned happily.

He continued. “so are you moving too?”

Animals moved? It was season or what? Or are other reasons? I knew I couldn’t raise my questions so I just kept the conversation going, by merely shaking my head and pointing at him.

“Me? Oh, yes! I’m moving to the fabulous upper river; those ruffians will never find me there!” I gave him a questioning look but he ignored it.

He continued. “So...where are you headed?” I merely shrugged, however as I did, a hiss escaped my mouth because one of my cuts opened, causing pain to reverberate throughout my body.

“My, my you don’t look so good yourself, actually you look terrible! You should visit
Fluttershy’s cottage; she will patch you up nicely!” he said with a firm nod.

I made a questioning sign in the air and a arrow hoping he will get the message

He did. “Hmm? Ah! Fluttershy`s cottage is that way!”

With that, he pointed to a path in the other side of the river. “It’s at the end of the road in a hollowed tree, just in the outskirts of ponyville; you can’t miss it!” I nodded and bowed in thanks

However, as I was about to enter the path he said one more thing, “Take care and good luck!” while waving at me. Then, I pointed at him and put up two fingers, conveying the message, you
too. With a final wave, I entered the dark part of the forest.

I was so happy I took careless steps, and felt like I could just burst out singing at any time. After all, maybe in the town I can find a way back, and give Luna a piece of my mind. Probably several!

However, my happiness was soon corrupted when I saw a pair of floating golden eyes.

I wish I could said that I played cool and scared the mighty beast before it could attack me, and
even brag that I killed it. But...you all know better, don’t you.

Alright, what I did was give a mighty leap at one of the lower branches of a gigantic oak tree and dug my claws into it, effectively hanging on the branch upside down.

Looking above me, in my reversed vision, I could see a zebra with a calm smile. Damn it, was I really afraid of a zebra? I’m a loser!

With that, I face pawed , and realized that I was still on the tree upside down. I sighed, then with my free paw, I grabbed the branch and ceremoniously stood on top of it.

Then, she spoke, in somewhat of a gypsy-like tone, “Sorry I startled you, my friend. But I didn’t know how’d you end.”

Did she make fun of me...in rhyme nonetheless? I become more annoyed so I merely started
looking around like it was my plan all along to survey the perimeter.

I’m such a bad liar..

She nodded, not bothering to question me, and continued. “Have a nice day, maybe we will meet along the way”. With that, she left…and I started questioning how I would get down from this damn tree!

After some pondering, I realized I had wings! Well, using them is better than doing something stupid like throwing myself off a cliff.

With that, somewhere in equestria, a certain griffin pirate sneezed.

Anyway, I flapped my wings a few times, and eventually, I was able to nearly take off, while also managing my own weight. I’m cool with this. With that, I jumped into the void and did some laps around the forest, until I became tired. Subsequently, to my good fortune, I found the path that led to a cottage, appearing as a speck in the sky, but I could still tell that was where my destination was.

Finally, I managed to use my cycle of flapping my wings to gain speed, and stopping when they cause friction, to land safely on the path to Fluttershy’s cottage. At last, I would reach my first stop in a this strange land and my real adventure...would start

A/N:thanks again for reading this and to my editor DarkShockBro for his patience and support. go and give him a shout or a thumbs up in my behalf..
Also a treat for who read this. maybe you have noticed that i never get to named the manticore or not but here´s the deal:
you can name it! the name with most logic and support will be the winner, leave your ideas in the comments