• Published 14th Jul 2012
  • 1,533 Views, 16 Comments

furred angel - ervn92

A humans get´s pulled on the not so peacefull land of equestria

  • ...

Chapter 2 :Another long day

Disclaimer: MLP FiM is owned by Hasbro and Lauren Faust not me, this my fist fic so be as hard as it needed to improve; with that said
have a nice reading!

Chapter Two: Another Long Day

At the end of the path I begin to see the canopy decrease until it abruptly stopped. The sun hung low in the sky.

As it was the late afternoon and would set soon. True to Steven’s word, I could
See the cottage in a meadow soon after I exited the forest...

To my amazement, the cottage was composed out of a hollowed willow tree, kind of like a hobbit house in the Lord of the Rings. Honestly, it was really…idyllic. I felt like I was in a storybook, considering birds were chirping happily, and there were little animals everywhere. Damn, I think Snow White could burst out of the door singing and she wouldn’t feel out of place.

Still, to say I had mixed feelings about this endeavor would be a colossal understatement.

I’ll try to put my feelings into words. My inner child was having the time of his life, my logic was telling me that I was high or dead…maybe both, my practical side told them to shut it and get help, of course my cynical side was saying, ‘Sure, go and follow the advice of some serpent, who you know nothing about!, I totally want to survive here!’

I simply sighed, and with a shrug, I pressed on. It may be the wrong choice, but I felt the positives outweighed the negatives. Oh, shut up. I was nervous as hell, and I didn’t know where the heck I even was.

As I come closer to the cottage the meadow grew quiet; responding to the predator coming.
The only sound that didn’t go quiet was a whistling; soft but steady cadence coming from, can you believe it? A butter colored horse…no, it was too little for a horse...a pony with a pink colored mane! I couldn’t put my finger on where I heard stuff like that before...but those thoughts stirred memories in me.

I grew closer finally watching completely the pony, or more accurately, the Pegasus...wait, what?!

It had wings!!

No...wait, it was female!!!


You see… remember Mark? Yes, the guy I talked about before I came here...he’s a brony. I discovered this one day after returning from work..


“What a day!” I yelled. Normally, I arrived home later from work, but today, my day was slow and monotonous, so my boss let us go early. Because of that, I was at my home hours earlier than normal. Mark, my roommate, was also supposed to be home today, when I came home. With a shrug, I thought maybe we could grab some beers and relax, but when I opened the front door, I heard the television and voices in the living room.

“Really, Nightmare Moon appears?” That was definitely Mark’s voice.

“I couldn’t believe it also!” I didn’t know that voice and assumed it was just one of Mark’s friends; they were watching something on the television. With that, I sighed, and decided to make myself known by coughing.

Mark´s face went pale, he looked like I was catching him with a smoking gun and a dead
body. His friend only waved at me so I waved back. Even then, it did not break any of the awkwardness present at that time.

Subsequently, Mark stood up and said, “Why, hello! You...came here early!”

I sighed. “Well it is my home after all. What are you seeing?”

“Nothing! Just some show!”

I could clearly tell he was hiding something. That suspicion was only heightened when his friend wanted to say something, and he just glared at him in a successful attempt to get him to keep his mouth shut.

With that, Mark facepalmed.

I just snickered. “Heh, guess I’ll go into my room now.” Finally, I gave him a pat in the
back, and he just stared at nothing, clearly in disbelief about our conversation as I entered my room.


Later on he explained what a brony was, showing me the memes… all that stuff. I decided to give some punch lines about the show, trying to relax the seriousness, his posture stiff as a board and the edge on his voice ,all filed so I decided to tease him a little, but my attempts were cut short when I hinted that Mark was gay. I was joking, OK? Sheesh, relax. Mark drew a line once I made that hint and I respected it. Heck, he even tried to make me a brony but I shut him off, and didn’t even gave too much of a chance. However, I still recognized her because of those attempts.


Now every little thing I could remember from the show came to me with clarity, but wouldn’t you know it; it wasn’t much. For starters, I did know Fluttershy was...well, really shy and loved animals, so I guess that’s a good sign for my current state.

Anyway, Fluttershy spotted me from the corner of her eye...and retreated behind a tree. Ugh, this really isn’t going well for me, you do know that, right? In response, I stood there completely still. We keep staring at each other for several minutes, but we never moved. She never moved out of fear, most likely, and I never moved out of shock. Then...just when you thought you could cut the tension in the air with a knife, a huge branch snapped. Guess who it fell on. Just guess. That’s right...it was me! I think the god in this place don’t have much appreciation for people like me.

In response, Fluttershy gasped, and turned away, but she quickly returned her gaze to me. During all of this, I didn’t and couldn’t move an inch.

Fluttershy gulped visibly starting to come closer at me, while I was playing the part of a

She was reeking fear and as she trotted closer to me, something new happened. A part of me was telling me ‘she is prey’ this new feeling make me shudder and not exactly from the pain, but before I could snap out of it, I heard a loud crash, and all of a sudden, intense pain coursed throughout my body, and I almost felt like I had to faint!

What the hell was that?!?!

With that, she lost her apprehension quickly, and was all over me. She started to mutter things like: “Oh dear, what happened to you?” “Where does it hurt?”

Obviously she was concerned shyness forgotten, and I could actually understand her, apparently the pony`s talk English.

The concerns in her eyes make me regain my feet, although I was still suffering big time. She then ushered me to her house. I could hear all the noises making a return, as she did this, but by the time we were inside her house, they pretty much dissipated.

Finally breathing normally, I looked around the living room.

It was neat and tidy even the immense amount of animals, who were watching me curiously, and without fear. The ceiling had little wooden houses for the birds, there were dens in the walls for the little critters and all of them were recovering from something; a broken wing, a fracture, or cuts.

Suddenly, I felt like the stray cat brought to a foreign home. Heh, I guess that’s, another complex to my list! Anyway, Fluttershy told me she was bringing a first aid kit and she would be right back, so I waited.

In the forest, I had something to distract me, the desire to escape, so I felt like I could actually think in here for the first time since I was dropped into this realm. So, my mind started racing with questions, such as, what am I going to do? How could I survive that lightning? How come everything can talk except me? How in the hell am I going to find Luna, and murder her?

However, all my self interrogation was stopped when a white furry ball launched in my face and hit me in the jaw.

I wish it would have stopped there so I didn’t have to murder the little nuisance, but he returned, and tried to get another face shot in. Damn, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

Still, during his return, I was better prepared, and with a swipe of my paw, I snatched him and held him at my face.

Turns out, my attacker was a bunny white as snow and since he continued to struggle; trying to release himself from my vice-grip, I glared at him. Fortunately, he was scared enough to stop struggling with my glare, but he still put on a brave face. What a hopeless facade.

“I won't let you hurt Fluttershy!” he screamed at me. Does this thing think he can beat me? And why would I hurt her? In an attempt to avoid confrontation, I decided to go to with the second one. The diplomatic approach

I asked him, “Why would I hurt her? She only had helped me!”

That took him by surprise, but he continued his defiance. “Because…because you’re a manticore!!!”

Wait, he understood me? Finally, something I can talk to! Even better, now I knew what I was! It was definitely worth it to come here!

I continued. “Well, you’re a bunny, so you should hide at the presence of a predator. Now, we both are different from normal creatures like us, so we have something in common, truce?”

He nodded, of course, he didn’t have any options. So I put him down and shook paws with him.

At that moment, I saw fluttershy going down stairs.

With a smile, she said, “Oh, it’s good to see you’re getting along nicely, and remember Angel, be nice to our guest.”

I laughed. “Angel?” With that, he blushed out of anger and scampered off. Concurrently, I gave him a toothy grin.

Afterwards, Fluttershy cure my wounds gently, clearly afraid to hurt me, and after she finished successfully, she gave me some surprisingly tasty, and comforting tomato soup. What a relief, at least I can eat veggies. With a full belly, I curled up in the sofa awkwardly, and with this day having many events, I was tired and fell asleep quickly. However, my thoughts continued to be plagued by a burning question, what am I going to do now? I kept asking to myself I finally fel asleep.

A/N: thanks again to DarkShockBro for his lovely editing, sadly he`s computer it`s not working but when he get`s, I will let you know,
About the updates I got another two ready tomorrow I will upload the next one, next sorry for the time between updates but RL has been difficult; so I bring you three, this time bigger but a little less good

Again tell your pals about the story, did you notice the new and flaming cover give him a visit and if you liked mine, he`s totally a cool guy and open to commissions!!

And before i forget the thing that mark`s friend wanted to show was that nightmare moon apear in the hourglasse`s library in canterlot, check it if you dont believe me.