• Published 14th Jul 2012
  • 1,531 Views, 16 Comments

furred angel - ervn92

A humans get´s pulled on the not so peacefull land of equestria

  • ...

Furred Angel: Prologue: A Beautiful Visitor

Disclaimer: MLP FiM is owned by Hasbro and Lauren Faust not me, this my fist fic so be as hard as it needed to improve; with that said

have a nice reading!

Furred Angel: Prologue: A Beautiful Visitor

Last Friday night. Whether it was a mess, a blessing, a curse, or a gift, the experience was quite noteworthy. Anyway, that day was the birthday of my roommate named Mark, so some of his friends at work and me decided to throw a party for him in my cousin’s restaurant.

I decided bring the food, mostly to see who could eat what, and how much they could eat.(after all they didn´t do anything!) Oh, and believe me, they ate so much, I wasn’t sure anyone could walk to work the next morning.

After all, at some point of the night; everyone was so drunk that they stopped caring; the poor bastards. They even started a stupid contest of who could chug the most hot sauce. It was so insane, I had to try not to pass out from laughing! It was so bad, that towards the end of the party, I started to put Mark far away from the food, but of course, in his drunken state, he didn’t listen. In response, to make a long story short, I led Mark to the bathroom, saying that there was more beer there, and locked the door behind him. It was such a wonderful prank, and it allowed me to drift away, happy and content.

Until the next morning ….

I woke with a start thanks to Mark’s loud bawling. Poor guy, he was probably hugging the toilet all night! Ah well, I ended up taking mercy of his poor soul. I gave him my secret family remedy to cure his hangover(it´s mine and you will never know it..evil lol), believing he would become sober in a few hours. With that, I walked up the stair, but before I could reach the top floor, Mark started bawling again. God damn it, I thought it would work! Ugh...

I talked with him, and he mentioned something about a meeting of a woman, also claiming that I was the reason he couldn’t meet her! Naturally, I denied his claims, but my stupid guilty bone started quivering, and in the end, I told him I would go in his place to meet with the mysterious woman.

Little I know that after the meeting nothing would make sense again. Looking back, I did sometimes wish I just left Mark to start making out with Mr. Toilet, but then, I asked myself, would I go through the sequence of events I decided to go through on that night if I were given the chance to re-live it?

And every time, the answer would be yes.


Throgh the window i spoted her.. The woman with dark blue hair, elegant blue clothes, and a
deep green eyes was just as beautiful as Mark decribed her as. Of course, the purple rose she held in her right hand, and her humungous eyes also helped! However, Mark failed to decribe her best feature, her face. It was difficult to decribe how beautiful her face was, but words like angelic and etherial would definitely be included in my description.

When I revealed myself to her, she instantly held out her hand and said, with a smile, “Hello, I’m Mark’s friend”

I shook hands with her, and replied, “Mark is sorry, he couldn’t make it, so I’m come here to tell you.”

With that, concern became evident in her face “Is he alright?”

I hated to see her lovely face displaying this sort of concern, so I quickly allivated her fears. “Yeah, he’s fine. Just a bad stomachache. I certainly hope he had learned his lesson, though.”

With that, her concern changed to confusion. “Well, I’m glad he’s OK, but which that are you referring to?”

I smiled. “Ah, to hear a friend’s advice, of course”i said with a wink

Subsequently, she smiled brightly, almost as if she was recieving an early Christmas present. “My name’s Luna! Could you walk me back home?....It’s raining outside”she said pointing to the street

Sure enough, as she said, there was a downpour outside. Still, I couldn’t let her go in a weather like this, even though I didn’t have a jacket. After all, chivalry is in my bones!

“Sure thing, but I don’t have a jacket.”

She winked. “There’s no need to worry”

With that, she pulled an umbrella from absolutely nowhere. That...was weird, but who am I to complain; Anyway,we go to the door at the entrance I opened the umbrella with one hand and with the other grabed her arm as we took of to her place.

She blushed. “Wow, what a gentleco...I mean man!”

Again wierd (This should have turned on my ´arachnid sense´ but I was too happy for the comment to care.)

“Chivalry isn’t dead, just in danger of extinction“ I said with a chuckle. Afterwards, I grabbed
her arm with one hand grabbed her umbrella with the other. I guided her across the street, but after a few minutes of walking, she stops, looks at me with her big green eyes, and asks me the question that will change my life forever.

“Would you go to a mysterious land and experience an unknown adventure?”

I nodded eagerly but before I truly accepted her offer, I had to pop a question.

“I’d be more than happy to, but...I know this is a stupid question could I use a phone where you are going to take me?”

Once again, her face showed evidence of being puzzled. “No, why?”

“It’s just...” I let out a sigh. “I know it’s stupid but…. I can’t live without my phone.”friends, work, family and the possibility to call the police in any moment are and always will be valid reasons to have you phone in hand!.

Once I choked that out, she appeared angry for the first time, but after a few minutes of sighs and groans, she said, “That….can be arranged. Deal?”

With that, she offered her hand in agreement, and I shook her hand . However, immediately afterwards, she step out of the proteccion the umbrella proyected, leaving her soaked.

Finally, she yelled, “I’m sorry!” and before I could say anything, a fucking bolt of
lightning struck me! At my feet,sudenly a perforation in the fabric of reality opened at my feet as i was sinking in the gap, I yelled the last word I would probably be able to say in this world.


In retrospect, this might have been a horrible choice of words...but it really hurt me¡¡, and in retrospective I should’ve also
learned to never do a favor to a roommate.. ever, but either way, my life was about to change...forever.

A/N: thaks again to my exelent editors:
DarkShockBro with his exelent editing and good nature in helping a noob, go and read him its awsome!!
Moon_Fire with his editing again and his advices wich made the fic 20% cooler (also read him really woth it)
and las but no least black wing and rust for the inspiration of the world(if you like this you should really read echo and griffin, those fic are awsome...but tell them i send you *wink")