• Published 14th Jul 2017
  • 2,460 Views, 5 Comments

Little You switcharoo - Yosh-E-O

Twilight and Spike are having a friendship problem requiring some special magic to resolve.

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Chapter 4 - Scaled Down

“Uh, um,” Twilight cleared her throat. “Be down in a minute!” She said in a passable mimc to Spike’s voice.” She took one last look around upstairs and sighed. No sign of him, she noted.

“Oh, ur, hello Spike,” Fluttershy said in her usual timid composure.

Twilight walked to the top of the stairs but then froze in her tracks. Did I even look enough like him?! Stupid brain! Stupid! Sweating quite profoundly, Twilight gave the pegasus mare a shaky smile and a wave.

“How are you?”

“G- well, well. Um, what can I do for you?” Twilight asked in the same disguised voice.

“Is- is something wrong with your voice?”

Deeper, talk deeper, she thought. “N-no, nothing. What’s up?”

“Well, I was hoping to see Twilight over--”

Twilight shook her head and rudely forced her claw over the pony’s muzzle. “Can’t, she’s pretty busy,” she stated hastily.


“Well it was nice seeing you, Fluttershy. But lots of work to do, dusting the shelves and all, so would you please--” Twilight tried to get out, while hastily shoving her friend out the door.

“Sp-Spike,” Fluttershy stuttered while grunting against the weight of the door; Twilight had been grunting herself while trying to shove it closed.

“Come back later! K, bye!” She exclaimed, finally slamming shot only to hear a loud eep on the other end. The obvious crack in her Spike impersonation didn’t go unnoticed by either party, but Twilight didn’t care. “Gotta find that dragon!”

Thankfully, she didn’t have to wait long as Spike appeared to be hiding behind one of their couches; his tail poking up high into the air as an obvious giveaway. Twilight smiled slyly. “Oh Spike~,” she said in a slow, almost motherly tone. The drake giggled, fidgeting some. “Oh no, where did Spike go?” She asked loudly while tiptoeing toward the couch. From her position, she could see the baby drake biting his lip, eagerly anticipating the return of his new ‘mommy’. “Hmm, I wonder if he’s… here! Got ya,” she announced while quickly grabbing his shoulders.

“Gahh bee!” Spike babbled while squealing and kicking his feet. Twilight sighed and wasted no time in fitting the diaper around his waist while looping his tail through the back.

“Careful… “ Twilight muttered. She finished it up by closing the final tape just above his tail. “Right,” she said to the squirming dragon, “so that’s taken care of and…” she paused to sniff the air. “Did you…” Glancing down, she noticed the slight discoloration of his new protection and sighed again. “Yep, that’s pee… again.”

If Spike felt upset by his new accident, he didn’t show it as he continued to try and struggle out of her very weak grasp. “Spike, stop it.”

“Gah! Gah!” Spike yelled back while he kicked again, his diaper crinkling with every move. Finally, he stopped and instead decided to lay his head on Twilight’s knee.

“Uh…” Twilight muttered, scratching her head. Spike snuggled his head in deeper and seemed to breathe in her- Scents, he’s getting used to my scent again. I remember this when I was raising him as a filly. Is he actually regressing that far? she thought. Her answer was for the baby drake to smile up at her as he suckled on his claw.

“Oh Spike,” she said and began to awkwardly scratch him behind the ear. “What are we gonna do?” She felt around, noticing that his diaper hadn’t exactly been soaked to the brim. “Heh, that’s one good thing about dragon skin: it can’t get diaper rash.”

“Ah ba!” Spike exclaimed, as if agreeing.

“Hmm, yes, ah ba,” she muttered without thinking. Flexing her new claws experimentally, she began to idly scratch behind Spike’s ears. The little drake made a very quiet odd clicking noise, almost as if it was trying to purr like a cat. He continued to suckle on his thumb and lazily smiled up at her. “Oh Spike…” she muttered with a frown.

The two shared a tranquil moment together until the library front door was practically banged out of existence. They both jumped as the door was banged again and again. And then Twilight heard them, the three voices she really didn’t need to hear at a time like this.

“Howdy, Twilight!”

No… it’s Apple Bloom! Twilight thought, her eyes nervously glancing down to the drooling Spike.

“Twilight!” A petite sounding voice squeaked out, followed by more knocking.

And Sweetie Belle! A million horrible outcomes flashed through Twilight’s mind in that very instant. They find Spike and myself in our changed states, they’ll tell their guardians and then the princess will find out that I’ve ruined everything!

“Spike! We’ve got to hide you, now!”

“Aaa, boo?”

Twilight sighed and smacked her head. “C’mon, Spike, we gotta get you somewhere safe,” she muttered while grunting and dragging him on the floor. “Hurry, Spike, we’ve gotta hide you or--”

“Twilight! Hurry and open the door!” a third voice yelled in an almost scruffy sounding voice.

“Before Scootaloo and the others find you in this state and our lives are ruined!” She practically yelled and hastily shoved him into a broom closet of theirs, located in the kitchen. Spike tilted his head curiously while a thin line of drool leaked out, but Twilight shoved the door shut on him. “Okay, hopefully he’ll stay quiet in there… hopefully.”

“R-right, I’ll just see what they want and they’ll be on their way!” she announced and then slowly unlocked the door while gently opening it. “Hello, may I help you?” she asked in her normal voice, then quickly corrected herself. “Uh, I mean, what’s up?” That’s something Spike would say, right?

“Aw, it’s just Spike,” the three said in unison.

“Um, yeah it’s me,” she fibbed. “What did you three need?”

Scootaloo pushed her way in past Spike and looked around. “We need to see Twilight for something. Have you seen her?”

“Ye- uh, not lately. Maybe I can help though?” she asked in a hopeful tone and a smile.

Scootaloo shook her head. “I don’t think so, Spike. Remember the last time you tried to help us with our crusading?” she asked bluntly.

“Um,” Twilight wracked her brain for any memory regarding Spike hanging out with the trio. “No? What do you mean?”

Sweetie Belle walked up to her while squinting her eyes. The other two rubbed the back of their necks awkwardly while avoiding eye contact with Twilight. Sweetie shook her head. “Spike, were you coloring?” she asked, while her two friends tried not to snicker.

“Huh?” What is she… she thought, trying to clear her thoughts.

“Well it’s just your spikes are all white now, and um, your face looks all--”

“Why’s your face all white and pink?!” the other crusaders screamed and then broke into a fit of giggles.

“What?” Twilight grabbed her new face and felt around for anything odd, and then it hit her. I need a mirror! She scrambled to her feet as quickly as possible and tried to dart away, until she felt herself being lifted from the ground. “Hey!” she said, her voice squeaking.

Sweetie Belle had taken this opportunity to practice a bit of magic as she swiftly lifted Twilight's body off the ground in her field of levitation. The filly grunted, but was able to hold the drake up high above them; she twisted Twilight around a few times as they scrutinized her.

Is this what Spike feels like when I do this? she thought while trying not to throw up.

“You can put me down now,” she said, irritably.

She got her wish when the filly’s magic was suddenly snuffed out of existence and she landed squarely on her butt with a yelp. She grunted and rubbed her tail in agony. “I miss my horn,” she muttered.

“What was that?”

“N-nothing,” she stuttered to Sweetie Belle. She then stood up and resisted the urge to glare at the three. “Look, Twilight’s not here right now. I’m sure I can help you find a book for your crusading though?”

The trio shook their heads. “Where’s Twilight, Spike?” Scootaloo asked with a sigh. “No offense, but, um, dragons don’t know much about cutie marks.” Then she laughed again. “And you're still covered in crayons…”

“I am not- !”

“Yeah, Spike, you should really wash yourself off,” Apple Bloom interrupted. She then sniffed the air and wrinkled her nose in mild disgust. “And maybe a bath wouldn’t hurt… hmm.”

The crusaders glanced at each other, a knowing smile shared among them. Twilight blinked in confusion while shaking her head. “What? What’s wrong?”

“Cutie mark crusaders dragon bathers!” They screamed, but then they all blinked in confusion while shaking their heads.

“Um, girls? I don’t think we can earn a cutie mark at bathing critters; that’s, uh, kind of a stretch,” Scootaloo said.

Sweetie Belle, who had inexplicably summoned up a large basin filled with soapy water, and a brush, shoved it aside with a frown. “Awww….”

“Well, something smells,” Sweetie Belle muttered, “Uh, but I don’t think it’s you, Spike.”

“Thanks I guess,” Twilight said sourly. “Now listen you three. I’m very busy, so if you wouldn’t mind, could you possibly take your crusading business elsewhere?”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I can see your real busy,” she said, indicating to her face. “Now where’s Twilight already? Don’t make us tickle you for the answer,” Scootaloo exclaimed and removed a feather of hers from her wing. “Cause I’ll do it!”

They sure treat m- Spike awfully rude, Twilight thought. But was forced to back away as Scootaloo and her little gang rounded on her. “Easy, Scootaloo,” she said with a gulp. I miss being taller than them. She started backing away quicker, her back now facing the broom closet from earlier. And my magic, she thought while thinking of what even Sweetie Belle could do to her now. She felt her head collide with the door handle and everything inside spilled out as the door was forcefully shoved open.