• Published 14th Jul 2017
  • 2,461 Views, 5 Comments

Little You switcharoo - Yosh-E-O

Twilight and Spike are having a friendship problem requiring some special magic to resolve.

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Chapter 2 - Regression Transformation

Twilight stirred, feeling the world come back to her as she blinked a few times. She saw the strange vessel lay dormant next to her, but she gasped upon seeing the state Spike was in. The drake appeared to be laying on his back, but he was quite awake. What was very alarming, however, was he appeared to be drooling slightly while he suckled on one of his claws; not unlike an actual baby.

“Spike, what’s wrong with… you?” She said, trailing off while she went to get up. Her mind blanked as she noticed that, where her hooves should be, were now two lavender looking dragon claws. She flexed them slightly, each digit feeling completely alien to her mind. “Oh Celestia, what’s happened!”

Twilight’s eyes continued to widen in pure shock and horror. She moved the alien-feeling arm up and down as Spike tilted his head from side to side, following it. It feels so weird… what am I gonna do? she thought as the baby drake broke out into a fit of high squeaked giggles. “And what am I gonna do with you, Spike?”

“Ga ba good dee,” he replied while rubbing his lips up and down awkwardly.

She went to stand, but tripped over her new feet and fell right onto her back. “Uh, right. Learn to- to walk first and then help Spike,” she stated firmly after several very long deep breaths. “It’ll be okay- I’ll just get Spike to send a letter to the princess and then, uh…” She looked up again and saw the drake attempting to put his tail into his mouth. “Or not,” she said while sighing. Twilight then flopped her new webbed feet about and pushed her new body back onto them.

“Okay, it can’t be too hard to walk. Spike does it all the time! Just- just one hoof, erm, foot in front of the other,” she muttered while shakingly standing up. She felt something odd on her back and looked around, noticing that her new reptilian tail appeared to be pushing toward the ground. “I guess that’s for balance? Yeah, that- that makes sense.”

Twilight placed her arms outward as if the gesture would steady her already shaky balance. She closed her eyes and took in a few more deep breathes. “Right,” she said, stalling while she glanced back to the giggling Spike. “I can do this, just one step- woah!” She lurched forward as her left foot slipped and she fell face first into a pile of books. “- In front of the other,” she said in a daze, her head shaking.

“Ow… how do you walk like this?” she asked Spike. “Huh?” She scratched her head and watched the baby drake get onto all fours and begin to crawl around, naturally. He continued to launch as his ever curious eyes swiveled around, looking at everything in sight. “Well… at least it’s something I’m used to,” she said, copying his movements. Still doesn’t feel right, she thought as she pushed her body onto all fours. She slowly moved her front right arm and back leg upwards, just like she had when she was a pony, and then brought it forcefully down. Her body moved forward ever slightly and she smiled. “Heh, I’m a natural!”

Spike then proceeded to speed up, crawling around the dragon-turned-mare in wide circles.

Twilight sighed. “Or- or not,” she muttered.

“Okay, I just need to get to my desk and write a letter. Then have Spike… hopefully send it,” she said with a shaky breath. Can he even breath fire in his state? she thought. “And- and then hopefully Princess Celestia can use the stone and-- The stone!” she practically screamed, noticing the scorched remains of what had been the Dragon Vessel.

Twilight panicked and shot to her feet, forgetting about her momentary balance issues while she ran over to the thing. “No, no, no!” she screamed again, holding the charred remains of the now crumpled up rock. Her face remained frozen in shock until she saw Spike crawl up to her and proceed to stick a piece of the vessel into his mouth as he suckled away.

“Ok- okay, uh. If Princess Celestia finds out about this, I’ll be sent to- to,” she muttered, but couldn’t finish the sentence. Magic Kindergarten- no… worse. “Magic daycare,” she uttered. Spike smiled up at her as he suckled and laid his head on her knee. “Spike will be locked away in some psychiatric ward and our lives will be ruined!”

The baby drake spit the rock out and then proceeded to suckel on one of Twilight’s new digits. She sighed again. “No, okay- okay, I can fix this, Spike. We just have to retrace our steps. Spike! Give me some paper and quill!” she announced with a calm smile.

“Gah boo?”

“Oh, r-right,” she said. “Okay, I’ll just go get some and… learn to write without my horn and perform complex spells too, yeah,” she said, again with a shaky breath. She then shook her head and looked back toward her desk confidently. “Right, I’m Twilight Sparkle, and I can solve anything! Right, Spike? Wait-” she paused to sniff the air. “Ew, what’s that- oh dear Celestia,” she uttered, as she watched the baby drake pee all over the floor while babbling to himself.

Twilight scrambled to her feet as the yellow puddle just barely missed her. “And- and, I’ll get you some protection. I took care of you when you were an actual baby, how hard can this be?”