• Published 14th Jul 2017
  • 2,460 Views, 5 Comments

Little You switcharoo - Yosh-E-O

Twilight and Spike are having a friendship problem requiring some special magic to resolve.

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Chapter 3 - Learning Curve

Feeling quite a bit more confident about walking around, Twilight grabbed some towels to soak up the mess and proceeded to clean up the soggy dragon. She then looked around as she wracked her brain for their entire inventory of toiletry items. “Right, we don’t have any real protection for you,” she stated while grunting as she dragged the baby drake upstairs, one by one. “But thankfully a certain Spikey Wikey still has bed wetting issues…”

“Gah bah,” Spike said intelligently.

“Yeah…” She sighed as she laid the drake down just at the top of the stairs. “You stay here,” she commanded. “Boy, I wonder how many unicorns have accidently turned themselves into a dragon before?” she asked while gulping. “Probably not a lot…”

She flipped Spike’s chest in his room and began to awkwardly rummage around; her new height making it difficult to even see. “Ah ha! Perfect,” she stated while holding up an odd pair of cloth padding. She puffed it out, noticing the third hole that would fit around Spike’s tail. “Bedwetting protection, okay now to just get him- where’d he go?!”

Her ears, which felt oddly fluffy, twitched slightly upon hearing some giggling off in the distance. Twilight craned her neck to try and spot him, but couldn’t see anything beyond the dreary looking room. “Boy, we need to redecorate in here… okay, no more stalling, Twilight. You walked earlier on- on two feet, you can do it again,” she said confidently. “I hope.”

She took a few tentative steps forward and sighed in relief when she realized how much easier it felt. It’s almost like it feels… natural now. I sure hope that’s a good sign, she thought worriedly while racking her brain for all book knowledge on accidental transformations. No, brain. Spike first, research after! she thought. But think of all you can learn; what pony can say they’ve transformed into a dragon before?!

“No! Spike first, brain!” She announced, darting out into the hallway, finding the giggling drake who continued to crawl around; poking his head in random places curiously

Overactive Research Brain 0, Twilight 1, she thought with a smirk.

“Hmm,” she muttered. “Oh Spike~, where’d you go? I’ve got some, erm, protection for you,” she said.

Spike continued to crawl around; the warm wooden floor and the light from the windows bathed in his scales. He felt a tickly sensation wash over him and he giggled again. Warm. he thought. Everything certainly felt warm. But what truly felt so silly was just how odd everything now seemed.

His curious eyes landed on a bookshelf, but all he could do was gape at it. What it? was what he thought. Hadn’t he known what it was before? He tried remembering, but everything seemed so cloudy and distant. Instead, all he did was giggle at the strange thing and move on; crawling about as Celestia intended!

Spike blinked upon turning around and staring at a massive book with an etched in image of a sun on it. What it? And that single thought had dominated the baby drake’s mind all morning, or so it seemed. He wanted to know what all of it did, what all of it was for, but Spike felt completely happy to just crawl about and gawk or giggle or coo.

He turned again and stopped in his tracks. Another dragon! And she looked just like him! She was bigger than him, or so it seemed from the other drake’s height. Spike looked down to his scales and back to the female’s, noticing the similar colors. After a few seconds of silent blinking, he broke out in a childish grin. “Mommy!” He announced, blurting it out as if it were the most natural thing to pronounce the new dragon as. She had to be mommy. Spike ran up to the confused dragon and rubbed his skin into hers as he sniffed the air around her. A familiar scent washed away his worries about the world around him; about its confusing objects and what to do with them. Mommy…

Twilight scratched her head while shaking it. “Maybe he thinks I’m his mom now? I… guess that makes sense,” she said and then held up the crinkling garment in her other claw. “Who am I kidding? None of this makes sense.”


“Heh, mommy needs to get you in these so she can think of a plan worry free,” she stated, holding up the training pants to him.

“Gah bah?”

She sighed. “Now just hold still, Spike,” she said in a sweet tone. “This won’t hurt one bit.” Twilight went to grab for Spike’s tail and lifted it up, but forgot to account for one thing. Spike yelped and darted from under her grasp, causing Twilight’s body to lurch forward as she landed face first into the wood paneling of the tree.

“Ow… great, I forgot that little tidbit when dealing with Spike: dragons hate having their tails yanked like that… oh, he could be anywhere!”

“Um, Twilight, is that you?”

...Fluttershy. Dear Luna, no!