• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 521 Views, 7 Comments

TMMDW:The Weathermare - Equinoxx

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Episode 8: Winter is coming -part 1

Winter had finally begun, meaning that Rainbow was super excited about the day. She was ready for anything that life could throw her way. She left her house and checked her mailbox just in case. To her surprise she saw an envelope. She took it out of the mailbox, assuming that it was just some advertisement.

Though as she opened it, she saw that it wasn't an advertisement. It was a message telling her that she was needed in Fillydelphia. She made a sound of annoyance and flew back up to her house. She really didn't understand why they didn't ask somepony else, why her? Even though she found it annoying, she knew that somepony had to do it, and that somepony was unfortunately her.

She put some winter clothes on and was about to head out when she suddenly looked back. After pondering about it, she decided to bring her costume with her just in case. With that done she began her flight to Fillydelphia. After only flying a relatively short distance, she saw heavy blizzard clouds above where Fillydelphia would be over the horizon.

'That blizzard looks too dangerous for a city, who set that up?' She wondered, but she decided to save her questions for later. For now she picked up her pace and began forwarding for mach three speeds. She would have gone faster, but that would be too dangerous in this kind of weather.

She arrived about an hour later, finding that the blizzard, while bad still wasn't bad enough to knock buildings over. She noticed a team of Pegasi struggling to stop the blizzard, but they didn't seem to be affecting it at all. She flew over to who she assumed was the captain, a grey Pegasus who looked like he was really pissed off.

"Hey!" Rainbow yelled over the bellowing wind of the blizzard. She was able to draw the stallion's attention. "Are you the captain!?" He gave a simple nod, obviously easier then trying to speak louder than the storm roars. "I'm Rainbow Dash, the one they sent to help your team!"

"Then get to helpin' us!" The captain shouted back.

Rainbow firmly nodded then flew closer to the giant blizzard cloud to examine it. Thankfully Pegasi are better at dealing with drastic weather conditions, or else she would be a multicolored Popsicle. She touched the cloud, only for it to feel as sturdy as freshly cut wood. It was like the clouds that made up Cloudsdale, but even stronger.

But it takes a good amount of time to make hardcloud. How did the blizzard suddenly show up, but be even tougher than Cloudsdale? Rainbow decided to test her theory by back up, then charging at full speed at the cloud. As she made contact it felt like she just faceplanted into a steel wall, not very fun. The next thing she knew and she was plummeting to the ground.

She twisted through the air so her underside was facing the ground. She then stabilized her wings, allowing her to safely glide. She would have continued gliding in one direction if it wasn't for the wind picking up. She continued adjusting her wings until she came to a somewhat rough landing onto a building.

Now out of sight, she decided to change into her Weathermare costume. It could help her last against the weather for much longer. She flew back towards the cloud, this time checking for weak spots. If she could punch a hole into the cloud, then she could hopefully destroy it from the inside.

She searched for quite a while, but couldn't find any flaws in the cloud. She looked around herself, checking to see how much the blizzard had become worse. Just then, she spotted something that seemed to be the source of the problem. A continuous stream of clouds was rising from a specific point on the ground. Weathermare flew towards the seemingly source of the blizzard, finding that it was coming from the police department.

She then saw somepony who she didn't expect to see at all; Mare do Well. The caped crusader was gliding through the air towards the police department, seemingly already aware of where the blizzard originated from. Weathermare followed her and watched in awe as Mare do Well effortlessly bucked the door into next year.

MDW was about to go in, but Weathermare had some questions first. "Hold up! Why are you here? How'd you get here?" She asked. Mare do Well had turned to face her mid sentence.

"I'd ask the same thing, but I'm pretty busy at the moment." Mare do Well said, then turned around and continued walking.

"Hold on!" Weathermare caught up to MDW. "I'm going too."

"Good, I may need assistance." Weathermare's wings got de-synced, but she caught herself. She was expecting to be told that she shouldn't.

They continued through the building and into a hallway. They saw several ponies, but they weren't alive. They were frozen solid, terrified expressions on their faces. Some were cowering, others looked like they were screaming. Either they were crying for help, or they were screaming in pain. Rainbow honestly felt sick. Eventually they came to a two way split, meaning they'd have to split up.

"So who goes which way?" Weathermare asked.

"I'll go left, you go right." Mare do Well decided.

"What?! Do I not get a say in this? One of us is going to find whoever did this!" Weathermare said in concern.

Mare do Well pulled a device out of a pocket and held it out for Weathermare to take. "Take this, it'll allow us to communicate from wherever we are in a one thousand mile radius." Weathermare took the device in her hoof. "Put it in your ear and press the button on it to speak to me. If I come across the pony who did this then I'll tell you on the device. The same goes for you." Mare do Well explained.

"Okay? I think I get it." Weathermare said as she put the device in her ear.

"Also if you flip a switch on it then you'll be able to speak to a friend of mine. She can assist you with bio's and information in general."

"Wait, you have friends?" Weathermare joked.

"Very original." Mare do Well said sarcastically as she began walking through the left hall. "Good luck."

Weathermare released a deep breath, now faced with only her objective. With a sigh, she walked into the right hall and began her way deeper into the building.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

What will Rainbow find down the frostbitten halls of the police department.

If you want to see Mare do Well's perspective then head on over to The Mysterious Mare do Well Episode 15: L'hiver arrive -part 1.