• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 520 Views, 7 Comments

TMMDW:The Weathermare - Equinoxx

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Episode 5: The black void (part two)

Rainbow quickly flew to Twilight's library and crashed through a first floor window, startling Spike. "Woah, Rainbow are you okay?" Spike asked the obviously not okay Pegasus.

Rainbow stood up and zoomed past Spike. "Not now Spike!" She called as she disappeared up the flight of stairs. Rainbow broke through Twilight's door, grabbed her and flew out the window.

"Dah! Rainbow what are you doing!?" Twilight screamed, confused would be too weak of a word to describe how she was feeling.

Rainbow stopped in front of the weather managing building and put Twilight down. "Okay I need your help to find out what in Tartarus caused me to somehow appear in a black room, see Scootaloo dead and see you and the rest of the girls lifeless bodies wither away!" Rainbow panicked.

Twilight took a moment to process what Rainbow said. "Is this a prank?" She asked.

Rainbow's right eye twitched, then she shook Twilight violently. "Do I look or sound like I'm pulling a bucking prank!?" She let go of Twilight and took a step back. "Sorry... But no. This isn't a prank, I'm serious."

Twilight regained her composer. "I-i'm sorry too. I shouldn't have assumed that you would pull a prank on me with something like that."

"Let's not get all mushy, we still have to find out what made me see all those things." Rainbow said, determination clear in her voice.

"Right." Twilight stood up. "How are we gonna figure it out though. I don't know any spell that could make somepony see those type of things."

"You don't have to know of any, just use a spell that can detect if any strong magic has been used recently in this area." Twilight turned to Rainbow with wide eyes. "What?" Rainbow asked.

"When did you get so smart when it comes to magic?" Twilight asked.

"It's not very difficult to use common sense, Twilight." Rainbow rolled her eyes.

Twilight blinked. "Are you the same Rainbow I know?"

Rainbow glared at Twilight. "Just cast the spell."

Twilight nodded and walked into the building, Rainbow right behind. Twilight started casting the spell. "Woah." Twilight said, taking a step back.

"What is it?" Rainbow asked, her annoyance now turned concerned.

"You were right. The magical energy in this room is massive, but it's not a natural cause, it was by a pony!" Twilight exclaimed.

"So somepony is getting their kicks from seeing ponies freak out." Rainbow summarized, venom stinging her tone.

"In short, yes." Twilight shuddered.

"Is there any way to track them?" Rainbow asked.

"Unfortunately, no." Twilight hung her head.

Rainbow contemplated what to do. "We should wait for the next time this pony strikes again." She figured.

"I guess that's the only thing we can do, isn't it?" Twilight asked solemnly. Rainbow could only nod in response.

Roll credits

Author's Note:

This takes place alongside The Mysterious Mare do Well episode 11: The feeling of being watched.

(This chapter has been edited.)