• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 521 Views, 7 Comments

TMMDW:The Weathermare - Equinoxx

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Episode 10: Leave me alone! (Accidental Halloween special)

It was in the middle of the night and Rainbow was sleeping in her bed, nothing out of the ordinary. That was until a sudden loud clanging noise woke her up with a start. Her eyelids sprung open and her eyes darted around the room, searching for any danger that she may have woken up to. Seeing nothing, she decided to simply lay her head on her pillow and go back to sleep. Or she was going to until she heard another clang, this time louder. She groaned in irritation and concluded that she wasn't going to sleep until she found out what was making that noise.

She got out of bed and sleepily trotted to her bedroom door and opened it. As she did, she heard another clang, once again louder. Her anger slowly bubbling, she searched the rooms upstairs, but found nothing. She grumbled as she finally decided to go downstairs, then she heard another clang. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she noticed she wasn't in her cloud home anymore. She quickly spun around, only to find a stone wall before her.

She narrowed her eyes and turned back around, now ready to fight if she had to. Though what she saw wasn't exactly something she was prepared for. It was her, Rainbow Dash, beating a filly to a bloody pulp. Her heart began to pump faster as her brain registered what she was seeing. She managed to find it within herself to know it wasn't real, but it didn't make the scene any less graphic. Some part of her mind told her to get closer, and though she didn't entirely want to, she did it anyway. Upon closer inspection she could see who the filly was: Scootaloo.

Rainbow gasped sharply and shut her eyes, then looked away, not wanting to see the scene continue on. After waiting ten minutes she believed it would be over, so she opened her eyes. This time she saw only Scootaloo, but not all of her, only her head. She took a sharp breath then quickly exhaled and stepped back.

"It's not real." She breathed out, reminding herself once again. As she said that, she realised that this is similar to when she was in the weather managing place. With that in mind she continued to repeat the thought 'It isn't real.' in her head while closing her eyes. After several moments she opened her eyes again, but found that she was now tied to a wooden table with a single light in the room. She began to struggle in her binds in panic as she found that the nightmare hadn't stopped. Why didn't it stop?!

Rainbow eventually heard a familiar voice. "Oh Dashie~!" The voice of her bouncy pink friend sang. Out from the darkness came the pink pony, but she looked... Different; her coat and mane looked like they were grayer. Speaking of her mane, it was straight down, like when she thought her friends didn't like her parties and didn't want to be her friends anymore. But this time she still held a large grin, but it looked more menacing and sadistic.

"Pinkie?" Rainbow asked, completely forgetting that she was in a nightmare, almost as if it was forcibly removed. "Why am I strapped down?"

"Oh that? Well I was gonna have fun with you, remember?" Pinkie giggled.

The nightmare forged a memory of what might have happened before. Ate cupcake, passed out, pinkie standing over her with a devilish grin. As the 'memory's' came flooding back Rainbow tilted her head in a questioning manner, or at least as much as she could. "I-i guess? Is this a prank or somethin' 'cause, this is a bit too much."

Pinkie giggled again. "Oh silly, this isn't a prank, this is simply play time, then we get to make cupcakes!" She said as she slowly trotted towards Rainbow.

"P-playtime? Th-this doesn't look very fun then." Rainbow said, becoming more and more wary.

"Well, it may not be very fun to you." Pinkie said as she took a scalpel out of her hair and held it to Dash's cutiemark, making Rainbow's eyes widen and her fur start to stain with sweat. "But I'll have a blast!" Pinkie shouted in enjoyment as she stabbed the knife into Rainbow's thigh, just bellow her cutiemark.

Pinkie Pie was humming to herself as she was making a random midnight cupcake as a snack. She was in the middle of putting on the icing when she heard a scream, which made her spray the icing everywhere. "Oops." She muttered nervously. She put the icing down and decided to put off on cleaning the newly made mess so that she could investigate where the scream came from.

Leaving Sugercube Corner, she began bouncing in a random direction as she thought back on what the scream sounded like, all the while having her tongue sticking out of her mouth. "Iph phounded ike Raimbow Daph." Pinkie said to herself as she continued hopping in the surprisingly right direction and her tongue still sticking out.

As she approached the cloud mansion she put her tongue back in it's proper place, then looked up at it. "Dashie!" She called her friend's name, but got nothing as an answer. She decided to simply yell again. "Hello, Dashie!?" And again, no reply. She was now just a bit concerned and she yelled once again. "Dashie, you up there?!"

Rainbow had just lost consciousness and was suddenly jolted back into a groggy stupor. "Dashie!" She heard Pinkamena call to her, probably giddy for more brutal dismemberment. "Hello, Dashie!?" That was odd, why was Pinkie yelling so loudly. "Dashie, you up there!?" Now that was out of place. Rainbow opened her eyes and found that she was back in her cloud house, safe from Pinkamena and whatever else the nightmare might have thrown at her. She slowly got up as she heard her friend call for her again. "Dashie! Are you okay!?" Pinkie sounded really worried.

Rainbow shook her head to clear her thoughts, then went outside to see why her friend was there and probably thank her. She looked down and caught sight of Pinkie, who also saw Rainbow. Pinkie breathed out in relief. "Oh good, you're okay." She then laughed. "Pretty silly of me to get so worked up isn't it?"

Rainbow flew down to her and landed on the ground, still having flashes of what she saw, making her a bit cautious of Pinkie. "N-not really." Rainbow admitted.

Pinkie tilted her head and raised a curious eyebrow. "Not really? What do you mean by that?" She asked.

"Well, I don't know if Twilight told you, but a few weeks ago there was an incident at the weather managing building. Everypony just began hallucination for what seemed like no reason. So me and Twilight decided to see if we could figure it out, but the most we found out was that a Unicorn must have caused it." Rainbow explained.

"Sooo, what?" Pinkie questioned, a little confused on how this was relevant.

"Basically I just had it happen to me again. Luckily you came and, woke me up? I dunno, anyway thanks." Rainbow said, still a little confused herself.

"Oh. What happened in your hallucination, dream, nightmare, thingymabobber?" Pinkie asked, to which Rainbow grimaced.

"I-i'd rather not talk about it." Rainbow said quickly. How would she tell Pinkie that she had a nightmare of being tortured by her without making Pinkie feel bad? She decided she just wouldn't tell her.

"Okie-dokie-lokie, you don't have to tell me." Pinkie smiled and turned to leave. "But don't be afraid to!" She shouted as she bounced away. Rainbow was about to fly back up to her cloud house until she heard Pinkie again. "Stay safe!!!" Rainbow rolled her eyes and hopped into flight. She had to tell Twilight about this when morning came around, but for now she wanted to do some digging for herself and maybe actually get some sleep.

Author's Note:

Halfway through writing this chapter I realised how perfect it was for Halloween and I didn't even mean to do that. Anyways, if you've noticed (and you probably have) then you can tell I referenced two Grimdarks: The Rainbow Factory and Cupcakes.

This takes place after Heavy Steel's Prologue: Loosely knitted.