• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 521 Views, 7 Comments

TMMDW:The Weathermare - Equinoxx

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Episode 7: Silver-tongue

Rainbow quickly rolled through the air, determination in her eyes. She turned and flew directly towards the ground, quickly building up speed, the cool wind hitting her face and giving her even more of a rush. The speed she was going at began making a mach cone around her. Just before she hit the ground she made a sharp turn north, narrowly avoiding turning into a rainbow pizza.

The sudden movement also made the cone burst, signifying that the light barrier was broken, and emitting a giant rainbow rainbow spectrum. The sight was truly beautiful... And loud. After slowing down, Rainbow landed and looked to the sky, taking in her work of art.

Sure she'll probably have to explain to Twilight why she just suddenly caused a giant colour explosion, but she couldn't care less at the moment. After a moment or so, the rainbow disappeared. Rainbow lifted into the air and began flying to her house, fully done with practice for the day.

As she got home she heard a rally going on in Ponyville's town square, and so she decided to investigate. She went into town and immediately saw who the townsfolk were gathering around. It was a male Donkey, he was in a roughly similar shape to Cranky, but he looked younger and had brown hair almost completely concealed under a top hat he was wearing which was black. The donkey was also wearing a pinstripe suit and had two brown Minotaurs behind him as his guards. Something about him didn't seem right to Rainbow.

She got closer to the gathering so she could hear the donkey. She started hearing him half way through his sentence. "-stock market situation has been going down hill lately, prices have been rising and with it a good majority of you that own shops are losing a lot of bits. I know this because the same thing is happening to me. But I am ninety nine percent sure that the plan I've come up with will work to set things back to normal." The donkey seemed to have grabbed a lot of ponies attention, though some decided to just leave.

Rainbow could tell by his tone of voice that he was up to no good. It had a menacing growl to it. "If you would like to hear what my plan is, then please take one of these cards, it will tell you where and when to go." The donkey pointed to a table with a goat behind it that had several stacks of cards.

Everypony rushed to the table and grabbed cards. Rainbow swiftly got in line before it got even longer. After a few minutes of waiting, Rainbow was finally able to get a card. As she walked away from the table she noticed that the donkey was now gone, as well as his two Minotaur guards.

Rainbow flew home and when she went inside she examined the card. The place that the gathering was going to be held at was a place just outside of town. The area was relatively close to the Everfree Forest, and Rainbow found it rather shady, or perhaps she was just being paranoid, which would be a first. The time it was being held at was from 8:00-10:30 pm, rather late for a gathering. Below the when and where she saw a name. 'Mentira'

She decided that it would be a good idea to investigate the building and see if there are any other ways to get in and if so, where they lead.

Rainbow had arrived at the building, it looked like an old lumber building, but it was in relatively good shape. The area around it had withered tree stumps, but other than that, the grass, the sky, and the air quality was fine. She also noted that it smelled like firewood.

She took to the skies and circled the building, watching for any windows, doors, or even cracks so that she could enter the building discreetly. The building was completely made from wood, thus it would probably be weak with age. She saw a decent sized hole that she could probably squeeze through. If it wasn't large enough then it would probably break open more as she squeezed through.

She did just that and was now inside the building. The room she was now in seemed to be some sort of storage room, but it was completely empty. She crept to the only thing of note in the room, a door. She slowly opened it and peaked out. The room she saw was full of Minotaur guards and seemed to be the gathering room. Looks like she had a perfect entrance point.

It had been several hours since The Weathermare had looked for an entrance in the lumber-mill and had just put her costume on. It was now 7:30 and it was almost time for the gathering to begin. the Weathermare left the cloud house and towards the lumber-mill. Once she arrived she went through a hole in one of the walls. Now inside she crept up to the door and listened.

"Is everything ready?" She heard the donkey, Mentira, whisper to someone else.

"Yes sir!" The presumably guard yelled in confirmation.

"Shhh! Shutup!" Mentira hissed. "We're supposed to be discreet."

"Sorry." The guard whimpered.

"Good. Now make sure not to make that mistake again." Mentira threatened.

After that there was silence for several minutes. Eventually she heard doors open and a large amount of hooves trotting on wood. Suddenly Mentira began to speak. "Hello everypony! Welcome to the gathering i have set up. Now, as promised, I shall tell you all what my plan is to stop many ponies from losing bits." The crowd began speaking up. "Please calm down. My plan is to essentially form a vote, a vote were we choose weather the stock prises will continue going up, or not. But the problem is my company is losing money too, we cannot start the vote without the proper resources, which we cannot afford." The crowd stirred up again, but quieted down by itself.

"What we need is enough money so we can start the vote, and when the vote succeeds, then we'll all have stable lives again. What we are asking for are donations so we can start the vote and fix the stock market. Does this make sense?" Whispers of agreement are heard. "So what say you? Will you help us fix the market?!" The entire crowed cheered.

Weathermare put thought on what he said, nothing seemed wrong or deceitful about the plan, but Mentira's voice still held a sort of cruelty to it. Not just that but she was still suspicious of Mentira's words before the gathering started. She decided to wait for the gathering to end, then she'll listen in on what Mentira says.

"The donation box is over there. Every bit will go a long way!" Mentira preached.

It took a full, boring hour for the crowd to dissipate and for Mentira to announce his leaving of the room. Weathermare slipped out of the room and quickly zoomed up to the ceiling. She stayed close to it and luckily no one looked up. She searched for a weak point in the wooden wall. She then used a cloud to muffle the noise of her pushing the wood to break it apart, making a hole in the wall. She put the cloud back in her pouch then went through the hole.

Once in she immediately saw Mentira and a few guards. She saw a left over stack of logs and swiftly hid behind it. ""Boss, we have already obtained over a thousand bits." A goat reported to Mentira.

Mentira gave a dark chuckle. "Good. Once we get enough money we'll start the 'vote'. the vote will be rigged so that it will not go through, thus the stock market will only get more expensive. These naive foals don't know that my company IS the stock market."

"Sir, is it really wise to monologue your whole plan?" The goat asked.

Nothing was heard, so Weathermare peaked out from her cover, seeing Mentira giving the goat a glare. Afterwards Mentira calmed down. "As I was saying; My plan is going off without a hitch."

'So that's what he is really doing. Well now I can stop him... Hold on, it doesn't seem like many ponies know who Mentira is, they may not believe me... But I know who they will believe.' Weathermare thought. She exited the lumber-mill and began flying towards Ponyville.

Twilight was simply re-stacking the bookshelves in the Library when she suddenly heard a knock at the door. She gently lay the books she was holding in her magic down, then went to the door. She opened the door and saw Rainbow Dash.

"Hey Twilight. I actually wanted some help to research something." Rainbow said.

Twilight was about to respond but then she realized what Rainbow just said. 'Rainbow wants to do research on something!?' Twilight seemed to shut down.

"Uhh, Twilight? You okay?" Rainbow asked with concern.

Twilight shook her thoughts into place. "Yeah, I'm fine. Uh, what do you want to research?"

"Not what, who." Rainbow corrected. "You probably heard of the gathering that went on earlier. Well that gathering was held by a donkey named Mentira." Twilight instantly recognized that name.

"Oh, do you mean the CEO of Glunica, a company that is the main head of the stock market?" Twilight asked/explained.

"Uhh, I guess so, yeah."

"Why do you want to do research on him?"

"Because I spied on him, yeah that isn't right but he was really suspicious." Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Anyways I heard him explain his plan to get money for a vote that would be rigged BY HIM."

Twilight put her hoof to her chin in thought. "I can see how that'd work, not many ponies know of him, just his company. But the only way for him to submit the vote would be anomalously so that no one knows he was lying."

"So now that I know that, could you send a letter to Celestia telling her about what he's doing? I'm gonna stop him in his tracks."

"Right, I'll tell her to send guards to the, uhh, where was the gathering?"

"At the lumber-mill."

"Okay, to the lumber-mill."

"Anyway gotta go!" And with that, Rainbow left, leaving Twilight to send Celestia a late night letter.

As the Weathermare approached the lumber-mill, she saw Minotaurs moving a big box of 'donations' with several others standing guard. She also saw Mentira in the field as well, watching over the operation. She swooped down and a Minotaur looked up and noticed her. He shouted to the others and now all eyes were on her, perfect.

Weathermare pulled out a storm-cloud from her pouch the kicked it, directing it at the guards holding the donation box. All of the guards dropped the box and escaped the range of the lightening strike. Weathermare zoomed down and kick a guard in the face, knocking the down. Three other guards charged at her from all sides. but she simply flew upwards, letting the Minotaurs run into each other.

Two goats pulled out slingshots and tried hitting Weathermare with rocks, which she easily avoided. She went down to the goats and flew in between them. They took aim and fired, she swiftly moved out of the way, making the goats shoot each other.

She moved towards Mentira, but he pulled up a cane he apparently had and kept her at a distance. Just then two Minotaurs charge at her. She bucked one in the chest, stopping him instantly, then jumped over the other and kicked him in the back, sending him stumbling into Mentira's cane.

She now flew around the cane a hit Mentira to the ground. "Gah! You can't do this to me! I did nothing wrong!" He pleaded, pretending to be terrified.

"The evidence proves otherwise Mr. Mentira. You'll be under arrest when the police arrives." Weathermare shot back. She punched him in the face, knocking him out cold.

Soon afterward the police arrived and arrested Mentira and his men, they also decided to call him Silver-tongue as an alias. Though Rainbow liked her name for him better, Asshat.

Roll credits

Author's Note:

Mentira means several things in Spanish. Lie, deceit, Untruth and some other things for example. I think the name is very fitting.

This episode takes place after the events of The Mysterious Mare Do Well Episode 14: A surprisingly fun fight.