• Published 23rd Jul 2017
  • 9,800 Views, 180 Comments

Spike The Alicorn - Spikemaster105

Spike dissapeared when he was in the Everfree forest, Looking for some gemstone he heard about. One year later a purple alicorn colt was found unconscious on the apple farm, he starts to remember little by little and 3 fillies fall for him.

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Trip To Canterlot Part 2 Family Bonding

Spike was running from the fillies, he passed by other colts that watched in envy or jealousy. Spike turned corners and tried hiding, but they keeped on finding him.

Spike was getting tired "i need to head back to the Castle" he turned a corner running back to the Castle, his mane was unkempt and his fur was dirty.

He ran past the royal Guard that was to protect him, he was hurt and getting up "STOP!" They stopped "I am a royal Guard you fillies..and i will not be over power by-" he screamed like a mare when they ran over him.

He laid on the floor groaning "everything hurts". With Spike, he looked back and saw the fillies growed in numbers "i'm almost there" he booked it past the gate, he looked back and saw the fillies stopped at the gate, he smiled.

He wasn't looking where he was going and ran into a white stallion with a blond mane and tail. "Ow" Spike said in pain on the floor, "hey, who let a filthy colt like you in a royal place like this?" The stallion asked in a snooty voice.

Spike looked up and was surprised, he had flash backs of the stallion, telling him thinks like "you are not royalty" or "a beast like you deserves to be put down like a monster".

"B-Blueblood" he backed up scared of him, he remembered all the times Blueblood called him names. Blueblood glared "that's Prince Blueblood to you, pesent".

Spike backed up some more as Blueblood took a good look at him "you look familiar...have we met" he saw his unkempt mane and dirty fur, he cringed "well, it doesn't matter" he smirked "Guards".

Two Guards appeared "take this..filthy colt outside" the Guards didn't move. Blueblood looked at them "whats wrong with you, i said take this filthy colt outside" the Guards still didn't move.

Spike thought of something "Guards" they stood at attention, waiting for Spikes command. Spike smirked at Blueblood "take this...stallion to my mother" the Guards saluted "yes, Prince Spike" they grabbed Blueblood as he struggled.

Celestia was in a royal meeting, when the Guards walked in with Spike, Celestia stood up and asked "what did you do this time Blueblood?"

Blueblood was still struggling "me? I didn't do anything, it was that filthy colt".

Celestia saw Spike "Spike, what happened to you".

"Fillies mom, and im scared to go back out" he shook.

Blueblood paled at the name "S-Spike? As in that reptile Spike".

Celestia looked at him and asked in a scary voice "what did you do to my son?"

The two Guards told her "your Majesty, he tried to have the Prince thrown out".

Spike hugged her leg "and he called me filthy".

Celestia's eye twitched "take Blueblood to the dungeon...I'll have a talk with him tomorrow about what its like to feel a mothers wrath".

The Guards saluted her, then took a crying Blueblood to the dungeon. She turned to the business ponies in the room and told them "i'm absolutely sorry, but this meeting is cancelled" they nodded in understanding, and got up to leave.

She looked down at Spike "come on, let's get you washed up so we can do some family bonding".

After Spike took a bath, Celestia was drying him off "Mom! Mom, you messing up my mane" he fix his mane with a hoof.

"Spike, stop moving", she said trying to dry him off with a towel.

Celestia finished drying him off "ok, ok, i'm clean, can we go now, please" he said the last part with a beaming smile.

Celestia giggled "ok Spike, lets go" they walked out of Celestia's bedroom.

As they walked down a hallway, Celestia asked "where is that royal Guard that was supposed to escort and protect you?" Spike scratched the back of his head.

With the royal Guard that was supposed to protect Spike, he was being carried by two other royal Guards. They asked "What happened, you look like you were in a bar fight?"

"Fillies" he grumbled.

They stopped "you got over powered by Fillies, you, a trained Guard" he nodded, then they dropped him and started laughing there flanks off.

They walked untill they saw a male version of Celestia with a brown mane and tail, and a brown beard. She asked "Solaris, care to join us?"

"I would love to join you dear" he answered with a smile.

They walked out of the Castle, ponies bowed in respect as they walked down the street, "so, were are we going mom", Spike asked.

Celestia smiled "how about Doughnut Joe's".

Spike looked confused "Doughnut Joe's", he asked.

"You don't remember him Spike, he was one of the few ponies that was nice to you in Canterlot" she told him.

They walked to the said place, when they walked in, Joe saw Spike "Spike, so it is true, you are an alicorn and alive" he said with a smile.

Spike stared at him as he got more visions of him and Joe having friendly talks and Joe defending him whenever some pony said something bad about him.

Spike smiled "Joe...now i remember you, you have the best Doughnuts in Canterlot" Spike beamed.

Joe saw Princess Celestia and Prince Solaris, he bowed "what can i get you, your Highnesses" he asked.

"We'll take 2 coffees, a hot coco and 3 doughnuts" she ordered with a smile, he nodded and went to the back.

Spike was sipping his hot chocolate, he saw some fillies looking at him, when he looked at them they quickly look away.

"Hey mom, what happened when i was gone", he asked.

Celestia gave a smile "a lot has changed Spike, you have a baby cousin/niece".

She looked at Solaris "and i found love" she kissed him.

Spike looked at them "so..i have a dad" he asked with a smile.

Celestia nodded "yes Spike, he is my husband and your father", Spike had a big smile, he had a complete family now, he has a dad.

They continued to walk the streets as Spike looked at all the shops, he even got himself a custom designed saddle bag with green flames on the side of the pockets.

"hey mom, can we take a ride on the clouds?" Spike asked looking up at the said clouds.

Celestia nodded and levitated him on her back, as she spread her wings and flown to the nearest cloud, Solaris did the same, when they landed on it, Spike hopped off her back as they laid down on the cloud.

Spike walked around on the cloud "it feels like a pillow" he walked to the edge of the cloud and stretched his tiny wings, moving them up and down.

Celestia was laying down next to her husband "Spike, don't get too close to the edge" she warned her son.

"Relax mom, i'm just trying to- woaa-ahhh" he was too close, so he slipped and fell off.

"SPIKE!" Celestia cried about to get up to save her son, but Solaris spread his wings and flew after his son with speed.

Spike was falling and screaming "aaahhhh" he opened his wings, trying to fly, but it was no use.

He closed his eyes thinking he was going to die, but stopped when some pony grab him in mid air, he opened his eyes and saw his new father carrying him back to the cloud.

When he landed, he put Spike down, Celestia picked Spike up in a hug "Spike, my son, im so glad you alright" she said kissing him on the head, she put him down "Thank you Solaris, for saving our son" she said nuzzling her husband.

Spike looked at Solaris "thanks...dad, for saving my life" he thanked his father.

"Hey, your my son, and i will do everything in my power to protect you" he said, giving Spike a noogy.

When the sun was setting, Spike fell asleep curled up between his parents. "Do you think he will be ok with us as a family?" She asked her husband, looking down at Spike as he slept.

Solaris kissed her "i'm sure he'll understand" he smirked "who knows, maybe we can do some father and son pranking, but he'll be surprised about his other big sister".

When night time came, Celestia gently levitated Spike on her back as Solaris picked his saddle bag up, they opened their wings, and flew back to the Castle.

They landed on the balcony, they walked down the long hallway to their bed chambers, they opened the door and walked inside as Solaris put the saddle bag away.

Celestia closed the door, and Solaris's horn started to glow, his body became gray and long, with limps of different species, a horn and antler, a grey beard and red eyes. They got under the covers with Spike between them still fast asleep.

Celestia kissed her husband "good night, my handsome Prince" she looked at Spike and kissed his head "and good night, my beautiful boy" she closed her eyes.

"Sleep well Princess" her husband looked at Spike "sleep tight son" he closed his eyes falling asleep with his wife and son.

Author's Note:

Thats right a discord x celestia shipping, didn't see that coming huh, also try to figure out who is Spike's other big sister.