• Published 6th Jun 2017
  • 1,003 Views, 5 Comments

a family reborn - Applefai

a heart warming/sad story on our favorite flightless pegasus

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A family reborn

Author's Note:

This was obviously written before the introduction of Scootaloo's parents, but think of it as an alternate universe or timeline

It happened when I was young, younger than I should've been. I still have nightmares despite all the love and friendship that surrounds me. My name is Scootaloo and this is my story.

My mother, father, and I were a happy family despite me not being able to fly and the fact that the rest of our family rarely saw each other. It was a happy life, we played, we laughed, we went to the movies and enjoyed all that life had to offer, I felt alone at times because I didn't have any siblings, but as long as I had my parents I was happy.

There however comes a time in life when a little rain must fall, that day was today. It was the day after my fifth birthday, where my parents threw me the biggest bash where we laughed, played games, even had a few happy tears. The presents they got me was the best ones I could've received I was so grateful that I couldn't stop hugging them, they had gotten me a scooter and helmet, since I couldn't fly I took an interest in stunts, my father Half Pipe used to be a famous skateboarder which is why he got me the scooter before he met my mother Hailie who worked at the weather factory and is all about safety which is why she got me the helmet. I was so happy that day I wished it would never end, but all things must come to an end, like I said the day after my fifth birthday something horrible happened, a flock of griffons attacked Cloudsdale for no reason, my father tried to reason with them, but instead was beaten down, they broke his wing and beat him unconscious, when my mother saw what was happening she saw them throw him off Cloudsdale, she took off after him and tried to catch him, but the speed and weight were too much for my mother to handle and they both hit the ground.

They were admitted to the nearest hospital which was in Ponyville a friend of my mother's flew me down so I could see them, my father was pretty banged up and my mother looked no better, I was crying so hard thinking that I could have done something, then my father motioned me over, I walked over to him wear he weakly put a hoof on my shoulder and spoke.

He told me "you have to be a big girl now, your mother and I aren't gonna make it" I was shocked "no, daddy, don't say that." I pleaded, mother responded this time, "Scootaloo, you've made us so proud. You don't back down when the going gets tough, you look at obstacles and overcome them, you may not be able to fly, but you've got a bigger spirit than us both, continue living and remember us."

My heart stopped when I heard the dreaded noise while the doctors came in to try and save them, all I remember is freezing up and then somepony taking me away while I broke down crying as I watched the doctors take the covers and covered up my parents' faces.

I found myself in an unfamiliar room with two beds and my scooter and helmet were there. I must've cried myself to sleep, I walked down the stairs to see Carrot Top her real name is Golden Harvest, but she often times goes by Carrot Top. She looked at me and explained the situation, I was at ponyville orphanage and they tried to contact my other relatives, but couldn't. She said I was more than welcome to stay here which I agreed I would stay because it beats living on the streets.

While living at the orphanage I fell into a depression I felt like nopony would want to be my friend because of my disability and I would never have a family again, I even built a wall around my heart, that was when I stopped crying, I started riding around Ponyville, it was the only thing that made me feel happy, even if it was short lived. There was one day where Pinkie Pie was called to the orphanage to try and cheer me up, but I just couldn't smile, Celestia knows Pinkie tried her hardest to make me smile, but all I could manage was a fake one.

I started having nightmares, in some my parents blamed me for their deaths saying that if could fly I could've helped my mom lift my dad, in others the griffons killed them with their bare hands and made me watch. I would wake up crying and screaming in a cold sweat, often times waking up my bunk mate, Carrot Top was always came running to comfort me, she'd hold me close to her chest where I could hear her heartbeat, she'd gently sing a lullaby as she stroked my head, it actually did sooth me back to sleep, but it didn't ward off the nightmares.

I thought about ending it all as much as I hate to admit, but then I met Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, two other blank flanks that were around my age which is about twelve now, we quickly became friends and I ended up doing something I didn't think I would ever do, I opened up and let all my feelings out, I told Applebloom and Sweetie Belle about what happened, how my parents died and how I was there and ended up in the orphanage, I thought that they would walk out on me or stop being my friend, but I was surprised when they hugged me and told me about their parents, Applebloom said I was lucky to have known my parents because her's died when she was just a young one much younger than I. Sweetie Belle also said I was lucky that my parents were there, even though she and her parents have a close bond, they more often than not stick her on her sister.

After they told me about their families I felt more happy knowing that I wasn't the only one with problems and I did something else I hadn't done in a long time, I cried then I genuinely smiled. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and I went on to be best friends and formed The Cutie Mark Crusades.

After awhile I heard from Sweetie Belle about how Rainbow Dash saved Rarity from falling to her doom and risked everything to save her, I found that admirable and looked up to her, every time we spent time together we laughed and played, she started to feel like a sister to me, I wanted to do everything with her, she even took me under her wing when I went camping with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle with their sisters.

I also made friends with a griffon named Gabby and it brought joy to me to know that not all griffons are cranky and rude, just like every other race there are good and there are bad, I never hated griffons I just chose to avoid them until I no longer had that choice, but helping Gabby out with my friends made me a better pony.

When I finally met Rainbow Dash's parents I found out more about my hero, even some parts I didn't like, she made her parents cry and I lost all respect for her after that, but as soon as she realized what she'd done she caught up with me to offer an explanation. She told me how she used to be a bad flyer and could only win participation awards, but her parents were always there to cheer her on, I ended up telling her how I had nopony to tell me that I was good at anything and that she's really lucky.

After realizing how lucky she is, with my help, she made things right with her parents and I gave the best report on my hero.

After my report I got the biggest surprise, it turns out the day before my report Rainbow Dash went to Ponyville orphanage and found out what happened when I was young and went to talk to her parents.
It turned out that they adopted me into their family. Rainbow Dash's dad said to me " we heard of your tale of woe and we were moved." Then her mother said "we know we can never replace your real parents, but we'd love it if you became part of our family."

I was overcome with joy that I couldn't help but to cry and hug them all.

Rainbow dash ended up catching me with tears in my eyes and said to me "it's ok squrit, we're all here now, welcome to the family, little sis, you're home now."

The nightmares of my past finally stopped and I finally got back what I had lost, I may have a new family, but I will never forget my mother and father who told me with their last breath to stay strong and remember them forever.

I know they're still with me and looking down on me from heaven, I often times feel their embrace, like a warm hug whenever I ride my scooter and wear my helmet, and sometimes I can swear that I see their spirits looking at me and waving.

I love my new family, but I'll never forget my mother and father who gave me life and raised me to the be the pony I am today

Comments ( 5 )

glad you liked it Lumica

Like dis if you cri everytim 😭

The emotions in this I feel are a bit rushed to get to the point. There could have been more emphasis on the overall impact of her losing her parents, rather than just skimming through it. As is, it's a good somber tale of a filly in distress, but if I was reviewing it, I couldn't pass it, just because I don't feel it hits enough marks. But, however what I did like was the connection with the characters and how easily Scootaloo was able to overcome her own fears and doubts to become a strong filly on her own, despite her own limits of not being able to fly.
5/10. Needs work, but not bad.

Thanks, I might actually edit it or rewrite it altogether. Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you liked it.

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