• Published 21st May 2017
  • 1,512 Views, 37 Comments

A Dragon's Duality - AndromedaNova

Twilight has a secret. One so damning, it can never be revealed to her friends. The only problem is....that her friends are starting to take notice.

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7: A Book a Day Keeps a Dragon at Bay

Pinkie - Day 3 of "The Strange Case of Twilight Sparkle Spike"

Ha! You thought I was going to stop this investigation report because we figured out why Twilight kept reeking of fish, didn't you? Wro-ong!

Before we all left for Canterlot, me and Kolec went back to Sugar Cube Corner again for breakfast. Solving and changing investigations builds up a ginormous appetite~! But somehow, Kolec, who wasn't even working hard to solve it, ate more than I did! While I finished a few muffins, Kolec was ate a dozen of our HUGE donuts! And the funniest part, he only had a tiny burp after he took his last sip of milk!

"Y'know Pinkey, you and your bosses make fantastic bakers! I don't think anyone has given me better donuts than these!" I wanted to reply, but I burst out laughing, and even when I was about to stop, I began giggling even more!

"What!? What's so funny about complimenting your baking?" Kolec asked bewildered, as I was finally able to gather myself up to reply.

"Y-you said yesterday t-that . . ." I giggled once more, as my tummy began to hurt, "You only ever had pastries and baked goods when you came here!" He stared, but his grin began to shine and he laughed hysterically; I joined in! He added some slams to the table to compliment his laughs, and that only made it funnier!

"Oh, sweet Celestia!" Kolec began to wipe a tear from his eye as his breath normalized, "Guess I was basically born yesterday!" He couldn't seem to wipe a grin off of his face the entire time we hung out together, both yesterday and this morning, his joy is practically contagious! That was when Mr. and Mrs. Cake approached us with a plate and a look I'd know from a mile away: taste bud heaven.

"Pinkie," Mrs. Cake began, "Did you make these triple layered fudge brownies? This has to be the greatest recipe I've ever tasted!" Mr. Cake nodded and spoke as well, "Yes! These are quite possibly the best brownies I've ever tried!" The couple held the plate of brownies in front of us to look at. Kolec looked shocked and took a bite of one, as he looked back at both of them.

"M'am, mister, it was me who made these yesterday." Kolec said with an honest look.

The partners looked at each other and held their mouths a-gape for a solid ten seconds! I remember now! Those brownies were, indeed, the most scrumptious chocolate-y squares of immortality I've ever tried before! He even beat my own multi-layered fudge brownies, and most every type of creatures I've met come back for them all the time (even if I have to send fifty letters at a time to convince them)!

The Cakes quickly hoisted Kolec up from his seat and patted him on the back, as he was very confused. I don't believe he knows about his own quality cooking and baking quite yet, so that may be the weird reason, although if I had that level of skill, I'd likely never leave the kitchen! But, if I'm in the kitchen all the time eating my own creations, nopony will have the opportunity to try them out, and I won't have the time to have parties, so maybe it's a good thing I don't have such prowess! Ha! Prowess! I knew that one day after we got to talk to Twilight once more I'd finally be able to use those big words in conjunction with my regular thoughts! Ooo~, conjunction as well! And did you know that . . .

Two Tedious Hours of Writing Later

. . . and that is why it is a good thing that I write all the time in this journal entry! Such usages of the word prowess in conjunction with the case at hand make for a professional entry for important investigations!

Wait, what? The job? Oh right!

The Cakes, gleaming with admiration, exclaimed, "Please work for us! We will start you at the highest possible starting wages we can if you can bake for us!" Kolec was stuffed between the couple at this point and was practically choking between the hooves around him and the heads of the Cakes so close to his own.

With a small aspiration, Kolec breathed out, "I'll . . . take . . . the job . . ." He was finally let go and returned back to his regular stance as he slowly breathed, holding his neck. "I can start the job the day after I get back from Canterlot, which should be two days from now. From there on, I think I can make regular hours." He made a quick chuckle and finally said, "I think we've gotta go now, though. The train leaving for Canterlot is gonna depart soon." He tilted his head toward me and asked, "Are you ready?"

"Of course I am! I still think it's weird that you two wanted to go to Canterlot of all places first, but I don't think it's a bad place to experience a lot of what Equestria has to offer! Did you know that the Grand Galloping Gala is held there? Twilight was the reason why I was able to go for the first time and every time afterward! Even if you can't get as crazy as you can at my own parties, it still has such a fun atmosphere I know you'd enjoy next time it comes around! I can even tell you-" Kolec began to wave back to the Cakes with a nervous smile and pushed us both out of the bakery, closing the door behind us.

Do you know how difficult it is to capture everything I said after he shut that door? Even I, a pony with really good memorization of everything I say every minute of every day, could not recollect every detail I told him! That's an accomplishment worth noting! According to Twilight, such feats are not recognized by scholars of world records, which is a total bummer! I should be given the special medal, I earned it! After all, I'm ninety-nine percent sure I went over my entire life story, how everyone in our group met, and was even able to list off all the most note worthy pastries I've ever tried in my life before we even arrived at the train station! All the other girls along with Basak were already there by the time me and Kolec made it through the station entrance and they all slightly sniggered toward Kolec, except for Basak's apparent apathy for the situation.

Geez Louis! Would it kill for that drake to express himself in a positive way for once? Sure I only really saw him twice, but still!


I'm honestly surprised myself that Kolec and I had a common interest for once, even if it is something as simple as visiting Canterlot. I don't know his reasons for wanting to go there, but I had plenty of studying I had to do, and for once out of these past few weeks, it isn't only books I need to study.

Twilight has been looking into the whole gem situation for the entire time me and Kolec were stuck in Twilight's treehouse. It would be hard to express my own thoughts of boredom after hearing and seeing the same banter that leads to no conclusions. Personally, I think Twilight should give up on trying to figure out the gem, but she just needs to be stuck on that damn assistant for as long as possible . . .

The train had departed and the group stayed together as you may expect, except for Kolec. He had insisted on talking to me for a brief moment while I was in the end train car.

"What have you been thinking about doing in Canterlot, Basak? It's great that you were all for this trip and all, but I didn't see you as much of a traveler or anything." He asked me curiously with his typical Kolec smile. I hated how intoxicating it was, it could even make me shoot a tight grin with that look.

"Uh, well you know, I wanted to check out some new material. Twilight's library, even if it is expansive, gets very miniscule after awhile, especially with my reading speed." I shrugged as I scratched one of my back spines.

"Yeah, I know." He said with a joking eye-roll, "You read practically a million times as fast as Twilight! Not to mention you also dedicate more time of the day to it than she does!" We shared a laugh at this realization.

"I also plan to find new things to do around the city. There's a lot of things that sounded downright foolish to try, but I'm in an adventurous mood right now."

"Woah!" He said with a gasp, "Watch out Equestria; I'm not sure if you can handle this side of Basak the Dragon!" He burst out laughing, but was cut short by a swift slap to the face. He quickly yelled back as he staggered, "Hey, what was that for?!"

"Don't push your luck. Be glad that's the only thing I do in my friendly adventurous mood."

"That was being friendly? Then what is considered mea-" He came to a halt mid sentence with a finger held toward me and a bit of a dumb expression. Did he realize how obvious I would have to make it? "Right. I don't want to poke the sleeping bear." I could've let him off with a warning for that one, but I let it slide. "Well, I'll talk to you later. I have to go catch up with the girls a little bit."

Kolec stood up from the seat and approached the door as he reached for it, but pulled back as his head stood still. He slowly turned to my view and stared for a few seconds. It was . . . a little awkward. He usually isn't this silent for no reason (well, he is never really that silent either way).

I rose a single eye in response to his sudden actions and he finally said, "Have you been feeling the connection? It's been radiating as we have been getting closer to Canterlot."

". . . What?" was all I could muster saying.

He opened the door forcefully and said, "Don't worry about it. It's nothing." and finally left the car.

Comments ( 5 )

one of those times twilight and the prinesses are unknowingly NOT doing the one thing that could fix it? use the gem again.

Well, this is a surprise, I thought this story had passed on. I'm glad it didn't.

Just wait and see. :twilightsheepish:

Will this be continued?

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