• Published 9th Jul 2012
  • 801 Views, 5 Comments

Unknown Thing In Equestria. - DizzyPaws356

This story is about Light Bolt. He wondered around in the Ever Free Forest and...

  • ...

Chapter3: Back To The Start.

Made by: Dizzy Paws

Chapter3: Back To The Start.

LightBolt, just a few feet out of his house, looks over at his door that's shut. He slowly walks over to the front door. Clip, clop, clip, clop. He places his hoof on the nob. It feels really warm, as if something was holding it for a few minuets. He freeze for a few minuets as he tells himself, "It's... It's so warm... To warm to be a normal pony..." he slowly jiggles the nob. It shakes around, but it stays sturdy. LightBolt was the only pony who had the key to the lock, and he didn't see anyone inside.

LightBolt looks down at the ground and he sees two feet prints. He has never seen feet print like these before. Starting to get shaken up, he takes a few steps back. "Who... Wha..." he tells himself as he moves his glasses up and wipe his eyes. Looking back at the ground that lays in front of the door, he sees the feet prints are gone. Before he finds something else that happens strange, he makes his way to the park.

He walks to the fountain where he sees Daisy facing away. He makes his way next to their, "Sorry it took some time. Their was a broken cart on the way and I wanted to help out, but i'm here now." he looks at Daisy with a smile. She looks at him back and smiles, "I though I was going to be here alone." she said with a smile. They start to walk around the park and look around.

"I don't know why, but the night always look so beautiful." Daisy says as she looks up into the night sky. LightBolt looks up with Daisy and smiles. "It is vary beautiful." they look up into the dark, start filled sky and smile. After some time walking around the park, LightBolt starts to get the feeling that they are being watched. 'What is up with this feeling.' he ask himself in his mind. They walk quietly. LightBolt searches around, but he makes it look like he's just looking around. "Are you okay Bolt?" Daisy ask as she looks at him a little worried.

LightBolt just looks at her, "Ye... Yea i'm okay Daisy..." he tried to say in a calm voice as he looks into her eyes. She looks into his and for a minuet, they had a bonding moment. 'Should I tell her...' LightBolt ask himself as their eyes meet. "Their has to be something bothering you Bolt... Please tell me..." Daisy say as she step closer. Clip, clop, clip, clop. Daisy stands just one small step closer. Her eyes shine like a faded ruby and her mane slowly flows gently with the wind. LightBolt slowly takes a deep breath, "If I tell you this... You can't freak out... Okay..." he said after his breath, "Okay..." Daisy say in a small shake voice.

LightBolt looks deep into her eyes as he clears his throat, "When I went into the woods... I found a lake... Off on the side... Something moved... I didn't see what it was, but I think it's after me... It mite have been the thing that open the door earlier... And when I got home, I locked the door... When I started to leave my house... The door got unlocked... And I didn't do it..." LightBolt told Daisy, trying to make some eye contact. Daisy looks a little shocked at him, "I told you not to go!" she broke the small silence, "I knew something was going to happen." she tells him in a loud tone.

Daisy looks off away. LightBolt looks at her, "I wouldn't blame you if you left me..." he turns around. She looks at him and stands next to him, but looking forward, "If you weren't a crazy colt and one of my best friends... I would have left... But i'm here with you... It's getting late... What do you say..." Daisy ask LightBolt in a little bit of a unsure voice, "Let's spend the night at your house..." LightBolt looks at her and smiles, "Let's go."

Both LightBolt and Daisy walks to his house. When they get to his house, LightBolt unlock the door and opens it, "Sorry it is a little dirty." he said as they walk in the house. "It's okay." Daisy said as she walks though the house, "Mind if I take a fast shower?" she ask as she looks in the bathroom. "Yea sure, their is clean towels on the rack." LightBolt tells her as he makes his way over to his journal.

Year: 1992,
Month: October,
Day: 4th.

I'm back from the hang out with Daisy. When I was heading out to the park to meet her... Something strange happen... I locked my door, but when I was heading out to the park... It was unlocked... And the handle was... Vary warm... Also their was foot prints... It was freaky... But they disappear when I was trying to get a good look at them... The feeling of being watched and followed are slowly growing more and more... But I don't see anything... It's as if something is toying with my mind before it will really show it's self...

When Daisy and I went to the park, she could tell that something was bothering me... So I told them what was happening... I can tell that she is mad at me for going into the forest, but we have been friends for about a year. Give or take a few months. Well I should end this before she comes out of the shower. Sign out.


LightBolt closes his journal and places his quill gently on the cover. When he looks back over his shoulder, he sees Daisy in one of his over size shirts, "I hope you don't mind me grabbing one of your shirts..." Daisy say to him as she stands their with wet hair just hanging down, her fur still a little wet, and with that over size shirt. LightBolt turns and looks at her. "You... You look vary pretty..." he tells her as he looks deep into the faded ruby eyes. "So am I going to sleep on the couch?" she ask as she gives a cute smile, "You can sleep in the bed with me, that's if its okay with you..." LightBolt says.

LightBolt and Daisy clime into the bed. Daisy slowly snuggles up with LightBolt and falls fast asleep. Just a few minuets later LightBolt falls fast asleep. Hours later LightBolt wakes up to a sound of tapping. His Heart starts to race a little. He looks over at Daisy, that is sleeping next to him. 'I shouldn't wake her up.' LightBolt tells himself in his mind. He slowly get's out of bed and walks around his house to find where the tapping was from. In the corner of his eye he sees his journal... He looks over at it.

LightBolt slowly walks to his journal that is leaning on the front door. Clip, clop, clip, clop. He stands just reaching distance from the book, but first he looks at the lock... It's unlocked... He reaches down and pick up his journal with his quill poking out of one of the pages. Slowly he flips pages to the quill... On the page was vary sloppy writing and splashes of ink... He can not make out what it is. Only one thing stuck out, the words 'Back To The Fores-' that is all he can read.

LightBolt freezes for a moment. 'Wh... Wha... What does this mean...' he ask himself, 'I should just face it.' he adds as he gathers a few things and makes a note. He places the note on the table at his bed. He grabs his bag and his journal, then heads out closing the door. When the door closes, Daisy wakes up to the sound of the door. She rubs her eyes and looks for LightBolt. "Bolt..." she say out loud as she sees the note. 'I'm sorry Daisy... I need to face this... Thing... And get rid of it once and for all. I'll be back as fast as I can... But if I don't get back... I want you to know that i'v loved you for a long time...' Daisy's eyes start to tear, then turns into a quiet cry. "Please be safe......"