> Unknown Thing In Equestria. > by DizzyPaws356 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter1: LightBolt Intro. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Made by: DizzyPaws356 Chapter1: LightBolt Intro -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Year: 1992, Month: October, Day: 2nd. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello, my name is LightBolt and this is my journal. I'm going to start writing about my days so if one day I become famous. Today it took me a few stores to find a nice journal like this one. It has a lot of pages so I need to make sure that I don't skip out on words. I've been told about this place called the 'EverFree forest'. Everypony told me to never go, but what fun is that? Life isn't well lived if it's not mixed up with some danger now and then. Don't get me wrong, i'm not a dare devil or anything but I like to push life time to time. Well it's getting late, I should end this and go to bed. Signing out. ~LightBolt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LightBolt closes his journal and places it on the table next to his bed and turns off his lamp and lays in bed. He pulls his covers over his green fur and he rest his brown mane on his pillow as he falls fast asleep. When morning comes around, LightBolt wakes up. "It looks like a good day today." He tells himself as he sits up and stretches. LightBolt gets up and walks out of his room to the kitchen. He grabs himself something to eat. "Well I should go and walk around the forest, but first I should do a fast note in my journal." he tells himself before heading out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Year: 1992, Month: October, Day: 3rd. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well today is the day i'm going to the EverFree forest. I'll show everypony that it's not a bad place. I'll spend most of the day in the forest. I'm going to bring my journal and a water bottle with me. First I need to get one from the store. Well i'm out. ~LightBolt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LightBolt closes his journal and throw it in his bag. He places his bag on his back and heads out to the store. Clip, clop, clip, clop. LightBolt makes his way. He pushes the door to the store open and walks in. "Good day Bolt." said by the mare behind the counter, "What would you like today?" she asked him as she is cleaning the counter. "Nothing special today Daisy, just a good water bottle I can lug around the EverFree forest." LightBolt saus as he looks at her, "I'm going to wonder around in it to-..." Daisy stopped him before he finished, "You know that is a dangerous place and you shouldn't go." Daisy says in a loud tone, almost like a yell, "Their can be anything in their. Nopony knows what is going to happen." Lightbolt thinks. "Well." he says, "Life isn't fun if it's always safe, you know." finishing as he takes a few steps to the counter where Daisy was standing. "Your one crazy colt you know that." she said with a smile, but LightBolt can tell she is still upset, "I'm not a colt, i'm a few mouths older then you." he added, "So my guess is that your not going to give me a water bottle?" he said as he leans in with a smile. Daisy smiles and tells him, "I guess i'll see what we got, but i'm not going to give you it. You'll have to pay for it.". Daisy turns around and looks in the back. LightBolt looks around what is in the store at the counter. After a few minuets of looking Daisy comes back to counter. "I found this." she tells LightBolt as places it on the counter, "It's a little big, but it's pretty light and shock proof. So it shouldn't brake if you drop it." she adds as she looks at LightBolt. He picks it up and looks at the water bottle. "It looks nice. how much is it?" he ask as looking at Daisy, "It's only 5 bits." she replies. LightBolt pulls out the bits for the water bottle and places it on the counter as he throws the bottle in his bag. "Well i'm set. I'll see you when I get back." LightBolt start to walks out of the store. After some time of walking, LightBolt makes his way to the EverFree forest. "Well it dosn't look as bad as everpony has said." he tells himself as he pulls out his journal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Year: 1992, Month: October, Day. 3rd. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm standing at the side of the forest. So far nothing is bad. What am i saying? Nothing is going to go bad. Time to prove everypony wrong about this forest. Sign out ~LightBolt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LightBolt places his journal in his bag as he makes his way to the forest. His first step into the woods started off not to bad. Clip, clop, clip, clop. When he makes it in deeper, a misty fog starts to sneak around. 'Where did this fog come from...' LightBolt ask himself as he keeps walking. 'Other then the strange fog, the trees tend to have a strange feeling to them as well.' he tells himself as he walks though the trees. When LightBolt has been waking for what felt like a few hours came across a small lake. He makes his way to the lake. The fog starts to clear up some as LightBolt gets closer to side of the lake. He looks around the lake and woods to see if anything is around but complete emptiness. 'This place isn't that bad. It has a strange feel but its not bad.' LightBolt tells himself as he pulls out his water bottle and takes a fast drink. At a split moment he sees a movement off to the side of his sight. He drops his water bottle and it rolls into the lake. 'What was that...' he ask himself and searches the area by what he can see. Nothing stuck out as strange, well stranger then what he can see. LightBolt picks up his water bottle and refills it from the lake. 'Well I should get home...' he tells himself before heading back to his house. When he gets out of the forest he feels as if something watched him leave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Year: 1992, Month: October, Day: 3rd. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well today was a fun day. I talked to Daisy some today and I went out in the woods. It wasn't as much as I though it was, but it was still nice. I saw something off in the distance move, but i'm not fully sure if it was or not. Also I felt like something was watching me leave the forest but I didn't want to look back to see if something was. Well i'm going to go back in a few days. Till then i'm going to be working and writing. Signing out.. ~LightBolt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Chapter2: Something Lurking. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Made by: DizzyPaws356 Chapter2: Something Lurking. -------------------------------------- LightBolt suddenly thrust forward, throwing his blanket off of him and onto the bed. He pull up his hooves up to see them shaking. He does not know why, but his dream shook him up hard. He gets up and goes over to his bathroom. Clip, clop, clip, clop. LightBolt opens the door, walks to his sink and turns the nob to start to water. He splashes some nice cold water onto his face. When he takes a moment to feel the water drops slide down his unmade mane and fur, he reaches for the towel to dry his face off. After drying off his face from the water he splashed on his face to help him. He throws the towel over his shoulders and walks back to his bed. LightBolt feels his steps getting a little weaker with each step. He makes it to the table where his journal lays with a quill resting on it. LightBolt sits just in front of the book and quill. He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly as he picks up his quill. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Year: 1993, Month: October, Day: 4th. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I just woke up from this strange dream... It... It was not like a normal dream. Nothing went wrong. It felt so real with each step, each breath, and each blink... I also felt like somepony or.. Something was watching and following me. It was was about a normal day, but the feeling was a little to real to be a dream. Well I should calm my mind so I don't mess up at work tomorrow. Maybe when Daisy gets off of work we can hang out and relax. Sign out. ~LightBolt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LightBolt closes his journal and places his quill on the cover. He takes another deep breath and climes onto his bed and rest his head on his blue pillow and slowly fades off to sleep. When LightBolt wakes up just a few hours later feeling better, he looks at what time it is, "I'm late!" he yelled out loud as he quickly grabs his work hat and runs out the door. He runs to the storage that he has been working at for about a year. "I'm here!" LightBolt said as he runs though the doors. LightBolt looks though the place for the boss and finds him talking to a few other ponies. "Sorry sir i'm here." he said to the boss, "Your about a half an hour late." The brown stallion told LightBolt as he turns around, "You know what i feel about lateness." he adds as he walks over to LightBolt, "Yes I do sir, but I had a bad night. I promise you that I wont be late again." replied LightBolt. The boss looks at him with his main unmade, it's vary easy to tell that he did have a bad night, "You have one strike. One more then your going to be looking for another job." the boss added as he talks back with the other ponies. After a few hours later of moving boxes and bag around the storage to stores, his shift is over. LightBolt walks over to the store that Daisy works at. He opens the door and sees Daisy re-shelf the drinks. "Hello Daisy." LightBolt says when he walks to her. Daisy turns around and sees him walking to her, "LightBolt!" she walks over to him as if she hasn't seen him in years. "You said you would be back after walking in the woods." she told LightBolt as giving him a playful punch, "You scared me." she turns around and walks back to the shelf. "I'm sorry, when I got out of the woods, the store was closed." he told her as he walks to the shelf as well. LightBolt helps out Daisy as she re-shelf the drinks, "Hey Daisy." LightBolt say as he places the last drink, "You think we can maybe..." the front door opens suddenly and makes a loud sound that brakes LightBolts sentence. They both jump up and look at the door. All they see is the doors shutting slowly. "H-Hello..." Daisy said as she walks over to the door. LightBolt starts to have the same feeling like when we was leaving the forest. He walks next to Daisy as she is looking outside the store. After a few mins of looking around the store, LightBolt and Daisy didnt find anything, "Do you think its just some colts playing a trick on us..." Daisy say as she look at LightBolt. He is zoned out looking in the direction of the forest. He shakes his head and looks at Daisy. "Yeah... It can be the only thing I can think of..." he replies in a tone that Daisy can tell that it shook him up. They walk back into the store and Daisy walks behind the counter, "So what was that question you where asking....." Daisy ask as she sits. Light Bolt looks at her. "I was wondering if you want to go hang out and get something to eat. When your done that is." LightBolt ask as he tries not to look outside. "I would love to. I should be done in about two hours. Wanna meet at the park?" Daisy say as she looks at LightBolt. "I'll see you their." he tells her as he goes outside looking side to side as he make his way to his house. LightBolt closes and locks his front door. His mind starts to flash back to his dream he had as he walks to his room. His house becomes the forest as he walks. Then suddenly it goes away. LightBolt walks to his journal and pick up his quill to write. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Year: 1992, Month: October, Day: 4th. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I was late to work today because that dream shook me up and I over slept. I'm on my last rope for work, but I talked to Daisy today. When I was about to ask her to go and hang out, the door slammed open. Nopony was their and nothing broke. We went out and looked for anypony nearby. When I was standing just about five feet away from the door... I had that feeling again... It was as if something was watching me and Daisy... But this time, it felt closer... I'm not going to tell her about it so she wont worry about it. Then when I headed back home I felt something stranger... Just as if something was following me... What am I talking about. It's all in my mind. I'm going to meet Daisy in a few hours to hang out at the park. It will be really cool, but first i should take a shower and look nice. Hopefully this non-sense will be done when the day is over. Sign out. ~LightBolt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LightBolt places his journal on his table with the quill on it. He walks to his bathroom and turns on the shower as he grabs a clean towel. When LightBolt finished his shower, he drys off and start to make his hair look nice. The shower helped clear his mind from what is happening, he smiles. "Well its time to go see Daisy." he tells himself in his mirror. Walks over to his journal and pulls out the drawer in the table. He pulls out his glasses that he doesn't like to use, but he knows that Daisy likes guys with glasses. LightBolt walks to the front door and opens it. Just a few steps out he realize that he didn't have to unlock the door... > Chapter3: Back To The Start. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Made by: Dizzy Paws Chapter3: Back To The Start. -------------------------------------- LightBolt, just a few feet out of his house, looks over at his door that's shut. He slowly walks over to the front door. Clip, clop, clip, clop. He places his hoof on the nob. It feels really warm, as if something was holding it for a few minuets. He freeze for a few minuets as he tells himself, "It's... It's so warm... To warm to be a normal pony..." he slowly jiggles the nob. It shakes around, but it stays sturdy. LightBolt was the only pony who had the key to the lock, and he didn't see anyone inside. LightBolt looks down at the ground and he sees two feet prints. He has never seen feet print like these before. Starting to get shaken up, he takes a few steps back. "Who... Wha..." he tells himself as he moves his glasses up and wipe his eyes. Looking back at the ground that lays in front of the door, he sees the feet prints are gone. Before he finds something else that happens strange, he makes his way to the park. He walks to the fountain where he sees Daisy facing away. He makes his way next to their, "Sorry it took some time. Their was a broken cart on the way and I wanted to help out, but i'm here now." he looks at Daisy with a smile. She looks at him back and smiles, "I though I was going to be here alone." she said with a smile. They start to walk around the park and look around. "I don't know why, but the night always look so beautiful." Daisy says as she looks up into the night sky. LightBolt looks up with Daisy and smiles. "It is vary beautiful." they look up into the dark, start filled sky and smile. After some time walking around the park, LightBolt starts to get the feeling that they are being watched. 'What is up with this feeling.' he ask himself in his mind. They walk quietly. LightBolt searches around, but he makes it look like he's just looking around. "Are you okay Bolt?" Daisy ask as she looks at him a little worried. LightBolt just looks at her, "Ye... Yea i'm okay Daisy..." he tried to say in a calm voice as he looks into her eyes. She looks into his and for a minuet, they had a bonding moment. 'Should I tell her...' LightBolt ask himself as their eyes meet. "Their has to be something bothering you Bolt... Please tell me..." Daisy say as she step closer. Clip, clop, clip, clop. Daisy stands just one small step closer. Her eyes shine like a faded ruby and her mane slowly flows gently with the wind. LightBolt slowly takes a deep breath, "If I tell you this... You can't freak out... Okay..." he said after his breath, "Okay..." Daisy say in a small shake voice. LightBolt looks deep into her eyes as he clears his throat, "When I went into the woods... I found a lake... Off on the side... Something moved... I didn't see what it was, but I think it's after me... It mite have been the thing that open the door earlier... And when I got home, I locked the door... When I started to leave my house... The door got unlocked... And I didn't do it..." LightBolt told Daisy, trying to make some eye contact. Daisy looks a little shocked at him, "I told you not to go!" she broke the small silence, "I knew something was going to happen." she tells him in a loud tone. Daisy looks off away. LightBolt looks at her, "I wouldn't blame you if you left me..." he turns around. She looks at him and stands next to him, but looking forward, "If you weren't a crazy colt and one of my best friends... I would have left... But i'm here with you... It's getting late... What do you say..." Daisy ask LightBolt in a little bit of a unsure voice, "Let's spend the night at your house..." LightBolt looks at her and smiles, "Let's go." Both LightBolt and Daisy walks to his house. When they get to his house, LightBolt unlock the door and opens it, "Sorry it is a little dirty." he said as they walk in the house. "It's okay." Daisy said as she walks though the house, "Mind if I take a fast shower?" she ask as she looks in the bathroom. "Yea sure, their is clean towels on the rack." LightBolt tells her as he makes his way over to his journal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Year: 1992, Month: October, Day: 4th. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm back from the hang out with Daisy. When I was heading out to the park to meet her... Something strange happen... I locked my door, but when I was heading out to the park... It was unlocked... And the handle was... Vary warm... Also their was foot prints... It was freaky... But they disappear when I was trying to get a good look at them... The feeling of being watched and followed are slowly growing more and more... But I don't see anything... It's as if something is toying with my mind before it will really show it's self... When Daisy and I went to the park, she could tell that something was bothering me... So I told them what was happening... I can tell that she is mad at me for going into the forest, but we have been friends for about a year. Give or take a few months. Well I should end this before she comes out of the shower. Sign out. ~LightBolt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LightBolt closes his journal and places his quill gently on the cover. When he looks back over his shoulder, he sees Daisy in one of his over size shirts, "I hope you don't mind me grabbing one of your shirts..." Daisy say to him as she stands their with wet hair just hanging down, her fur still a little wet, and with that over size shirt. LightBolt turns and looks at her. "You... You look vary pretty..." he tells her as he looks deep into the faded ruby eyes. "So am I going to sleep on the couch?" she ask as she gives a cute smile, "You can sleep in the bed with me, that's if its okay with you..." LightBolt says. LightBolt and Daisy clime into the bed. Daisy slowly snuggles up with LightBolt and falls fast asleep. Just a few minuets later LightBolt falls fast asleep. Hours later LightBolt wakes up to a sound of tapping. His Heart starts to race a little. He looks over at Daisy, that is sleeping next to him. 'I shouldn't wake her up.' LightBolt tells himself in his mind. He slowly get's out of bed and walks around his house to find where the tapping was from. In the corner of his eye he sees his journal... He looks over at it. LightBolt slowly walks to his journal that is leaning on the front door. Clip, clop, clip, clop. He stands just reaching distance from the book, but first he looks at the lock... It's unlocked... He reaches down and pick up his journal with his quill poking out of one of the pages. Slowly he flips pages to the quill... On the page was vary sloppy writing and splashes of ink... He can not make out what it is. Only one thing stuck out, the words 'Back To The Fores-' that is all he can read. LightBolt freezes for a moment. 'Wh... Wha... What does this mean...' he ask himself, 'I should just face it.' he adds as he gathers a few things and makes a note. He places the note on the table at his bed. He grabs his bag and his journal, then heads out closing the door. When the door closes, Daisy wakes up to the sound of the door. She rubs her eyes and looks for LightBolt. "Bolt..." she say out loud as she sees the note. 'I'm sorry Daisy... I need to face this... Thing... And get rid of it once and for all. I'll be back as fast as I can... But if I don't get back... I want you to know that i'v loved you for a long time...' Daisy's eyes start to tear, then turns into a quiet cry. "Please be safe......" > Chapter4: Where It All Started. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Made by: DizzyPaws356 Chapter4: Where It All Started. -------------------------------------- Clip, clop, clip, clop. LightBolt walks though the town with his bag on his back. He makes his way to the forest. Before going into the forest, he pulls out his journal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Year: 1992, Month: October, Day: 5th. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Today I woke up to a tapping sound from inside my house. I looked for where it came from. When I was looking around, I ended up seeing my journal on the front door. I was just at reaching distance, I was wondering what was going on. I wanted to see if my door magically unlocked itself. Well it did. I looked back down at my journal and see the quill was hanging out, acting like a book mark. I turned to the page. It was just sloppy mess with ink splats all over the page. All I can make out is, 'Back To The Fores-'. I'm going to go back to the forest and see what this thing wants. I'm going to face it and make it stop following me. Then i'll go back to Daisy. Sign out. ~LightBolt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LightBolt places his journal in his bag and pulls his bag on his back. "Here I come!" LightBolt yell out loud angry as he dashes into the EverFree forest as fast as he can. Clip, clop, clip, clop. He runs faster and faster. Next thing LightBolt sees is the vary misty fog. Not being able to see much he swiftly leans side to side avoiding the trees. "If you want me then you'll need to get me!" he yells louder as he runs. The misty fog slowly lightens up to where the lake would be. LightBolt plants his hooves hard into the ground to stop his run. The sudden stop of LightBolt leaves two scars on the face of the ground. LightBolt stands looking at a small house. "The... The lake is gone..." he say as he looks around. The lake he fully remembers from his last trip is gone. Their are no puddles, no muddy areas. The ground is dry. He walks over to the front door of the small house. Checking the outside of the house is a normal door and windows, but the blinds are down. LightBolt slowly pushes the door open. The house is dark, but it had a strange dim glow. Clip, clop, clip, clop. He makes his way though the house. In the house is a bedroom, living room, kitchen, and a room looks like a work room. LightBolt walks over to the room that seems to be the work room. Clip, clop, clip, clop. LightBolt sees book shelves lining the wall to a desk. The chair is knocked over, as if the pony in it fall down. Clip, clop, clip, clop. Lightbolt stands at the desk with a paper and candle laying on a table mat. LightBolt looks around for a match or something to light the candle to see better. He opens the drawer and finds box of matches. LightBolt pulls out one and lights the candle to see. When the candle is lit he reads the paper. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Journal to: (the name is marked out) Year:1990, Month: September, Day: 21. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My days are getting closer to the end. I'v been trying to hide from this thing that has been following me... I though the last place it would look is in the forest it found me in. I kept myself busy researching on what this thing could be. It's just un-normal. It has been following me for weeks. It's hard to drink, to eat, to sleep, or to relax with this... Thing... After me. I've only found little information about it. To my knowledge, is that it has been alive for centuries. Living in the forest. It looks lik- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The unfinished E was a line leading to the end of the paper. At the bottom made LightBolt freeze. Slowly he pulls out his journal and opens to the page to the ink spatted in his journal, it matches. The sloppy writing with the ink splats. Looking at the paper, the only thing he can pick out is 'He's Mine Now...' LightBolt's heart race hard so hard it felt like it was going to brake out of his rib cage. Suddenly the front door slams shut. LightBolt looks at the door leading to the kitchen. He hears foot steps. Quickly he blows out the candle and gets under the desk. He slowly places his journal in his bag and waits. Slowly the foot steps grow louder and louder, but they stop where it sounds like door to the work room. For a few moment, silence filled the room. Right when LightBolt was going to look out over the desk, the thing stands right where he was hiding. LightBolts world froze as he looks at the long, thing legs leading to the feet that are wrapped in dark fancy shoes. LightBolt can tell this is not a pony. It was more humanoid then anything he can think of. It just stands their as LightBolt is frozen in fear, 'Is this the end...' he ask himself in his mind. What was just a few moments, felt like a year of waiting before the thing walks away. When it sounded like he just left the room, the frount door slowly creaked open. LightBolt slowly takes his time to get out from under the desk. He looks at the room. The books are missing and the doors are gone. He looks down and sees the paper and candle gone. LightBolt's heart bests so hard that makes his legs shake as he makes his way around the desk. He sees foot prints leading out of the house, but they slowly fade away. LightBolt walks out of the house as fast as he can hoping that the thing was gone. He slowly pulls out his journal and quill. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Year:1992, Month: October, Day: 5th. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I found a house where the lake I found the first time walking in the forest... But... Somepony lived their... He or she was trying to hide form it as well... But... It got him or her... On the bottom of the last page he or she was writing had the writing of that thing... It said that he or she is its now... Am I the next victim to this things game? I need to find help as fast as I can before I ended up like the last. The thing following me is vary old so it won't be easy to hide from it... It toys with its victims mind before it take him or her. I need to get back to town and look for anypony that can help... Sign out ~LightBolt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LightBolt quickly places his journal bag. He takes a strong and deep breath to get his body to stop shaking. He quickly runs off back to where he came form. He runs though the misty fog again. 'Why can't this fog go away!' he yells in his mind. He runs as fast as he can and maintain the speed for as long as he can. Avoiding the trees one by one. For an hour of running LgihtBolt slowly stops to get a fast drink from his bottle and put it back. Then he looks around, all he can see is the misty fog and trees. LightBolt sees a tall slim like humanoid figure. He quickly shakes the fear off and runs in the other way. For a few moments he stops himself to looks back. When it felt like a good moment, he takes a small glance behind him. 'Thonk' was the last thing LightBolt heard when his world gone dark... > Chapter5: Looking For Help. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Made by: Dizzy Paws Chapter5: Looking For Help. -------------------------------------- LightBolt slowly opens his eyes from the sunlight from small cracks from the roof above. He sits up, feeling a blanket slide down him and pile up on his back legs, he rubs his eyes with his hooves. When he finishes rubbing his tired eyes, he looks around where he is. What he can make it out to be is a barn. "Where am I..." he ask himself as he starts to stand up and looks for his stuff. Not finding them he slowly walks over to the barns doors. The light from the sun floods LightBolts eyes. He closes his eyes for a minuet and opens them back up, seeing thousands of apple trees. 'Am I still in the EverFree forest...' he thinks to himself, 'It's to alive to be the forest...' he adds as he starts to walk. After ten minuets of waking he hears loud thumping sounds. He thinks if he should or shouldn't go to the sound, 'I don't have a better thing to do.' he tells himself as he walks to the sound. LightBolt sees a orange mare with a hat covering most of her blond mane. He walks over to her and see what she is doing. When LightBolt gets near, he knocks over a bucket. "Who's their..." She ask as she turns around. LightBolt gets up and brush off the dirt, "I'm LightBolt, I woke up in your barn." he said looking into her green eyes. "Well nice to meet you. My name is Applejack." she replies, "Nice to meet you Applejack." LightBolt replies. "I found you knocked out at the side of my farm. This is Sweet Apple Acres. My family has been working these acres for years." Applejack tells LightBolt as she picks up a few buckets full of apples, "Cmon lets go and get your stuff. I was holding them for you." she adds as she walks to the house, LightBolt just follows. After a few minuets of walking, they make it to her house. Applejack places the buckets down at the front door and walks in, "You can come in if you want." she tells LightBolt. He slowly walks in her house, "I'll be gone when i have my stuff. I'm looking for somepony to help..." he said sitting in the door way to Applejack's living room. "Help with what sugar cube." Applejack ask as she looks at LightBolt confused. He thinks, "Well i'v been followed by this... thing... and i'm looking for somepony to help." he say as Applejack walking to him, "Well I don't fancy in finding out things, but my friend Twi can help." she gives LightBolt his bag. He pulls it on his back and ask Applejack, "How can she help and how may I find 'Twi'." Applejack grabs a peace of paper and a quill and writes down the way to go. "Wait. How long have I been out." LightBolt ask Applejack as she writes. "A good three days." she tells him as she hands him the paper, "Now I need to get back to work." she walks out and starts back up working. LightBolt heads down the path leading into Ponyvil. Clip, clop, clip, clop. He finds himself halfway though the path, stops and pulls out his journal with his quill. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Year: 1992, Month: October, Day: 8th. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I woke up in a barn in the Sweet Apple Acres. A mare named Applejack was working, she was bucking trees to get the apples fall. She sent me to another mare named 'Twilight sparkle'. She told me if anypony needed help here, she was the mare to go to. Well i'm going to head out to see her and I hope she can help. If she can't i'll need to find another one. Sign out. ~LightBolt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LightBolt closes his journal and walks down the path heading to Ponyvil. Clip, clop, clip, clop. After about five minuets walking though Ponyvil. When LightBolt makes it to Twilight's house. He knocks on the door, "Hello!" he yells as he knocks. After a moment of waitting, Spike opens the door. "How may I help you sir?" Spike ask LightBolt as he opens the door, "I need to talk to mare Twilight Sparkle now." LightBolt tells Spike, "I'm sorry, but you just missed her. She just headed out with Rarity." Spike say as he looks at LightBolt, "Well is their somewhere I can eat?" he asked the purple dragon. "Down the street is the Sugar Cube Corner." he closes the door. LightBolt turns around and start to head down the street. When he makes it Sugar Cube Corner, the feeling of being watched starts creeping up. He opens the door and sees a pink puffed mane mare sitting at the counter smiling. "Welcome! My name is PinkiePie! How may I help you!" she said in a vary cheerful voice. "I just need something to eat." he tells PinkiePie as he sits down at the table. "We have cake, cupcakes, and pie. What are you in the mood for." PinkiePie ask as he hops over to LightBolt. "I guess i'll take a cake." LightBolt tells PinkiePie. She quickly grabs his a slice and places it on the table in front of him, "You must be new to Ponyvil. I know everypony in Ponyvil but you. Whats your name." she ask as she smiles close to him. Before LightBolt took a bite of the cake he ask her, "Wait, do you know a mare named 'Twilight Sparkle'?" PinkiePie giggles and tells LightBolt, "Shes my friend you silly." she tells him as she hops around him. "I need to talk to her right now. Applejack told me that she can help. "She should be with Rarity at Fluttershys house." LightBolt stops PinkiePie from hopping around and looks into her eyes, "How do I get their." After PinkiePie tells LightBolt how to get to Fluttershys house. He runs as fast as he can, still having the feeling of being followed. 'I need to meet up with her as fast as I can before it get's to late.' he runs faster and faster to Fluttershys house. After a minuet of running, he makes it to her house. "Twilight Sparkle!" he yells as he gets to the front door. Fluttershy opens the door, "Hummm... She just left... Can I help..." Fluttershy as in her sweet shy voice, "I need to talk to Twilight Sparkle! Tell me where she is!" Fluttershy starts to tear from the tone that LightBolt was saying. "She went home..." Fluttershy told him with teary eyes. LightBolt runs back to Twilight's house. He knock on the door, "Twilight! I need you!" he yells as the door opens up. "Who are you?" Twilight ask as she looks at him. "My name is LightBolt and I feel that i'm running out of time." he say as he gets in and shuts the door. "What are you talking about?" she ask as looks at him, "One day I went into the EverFree forest and something has been following me for days." when LightBolt stopped talking, their was a tap at the door. Tap tap, tap tap. He quickly covers Twilight's mouth... > Chapter6: Running Out Of Time. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Made by: Dizzy Paws Chapter6: Running Out Of Time. -------------------------------------- Tap tap, tap tap. LightBolt stands still with Twilight. After a minuet of waiting, they hear foot steps walking away from the door. LightBolt let's go of Twilight, "I'm sorry, but this thing has been following me and i'v been running around Ponyvil to find you." he tells her as he sits down, "Who was that?" Twilight ask as she sits looking at LightBolt. "I don't know. I hope you knew or can find out what it is." he say as he looks at the door in fear. "Well do you at lease know what it looks like?" Twilight ask heading to get books. LightBolt took a minuet to remember when he was running in the forest. "It was vary tall. It's arms and legs where abnormally long for its height. It was also more humanoid then anything." LightBolt tells Twilight shaking a little, "Did you get to see it's face?" she ask looking for a book that will help. "That's it! It didn't have one!" he tells Twilight in a loud tone. She looks at him, "Then how did it know where to go or how to follow you?" she ask looking at him confused. "I don't know! I just want to be back with Daisy!" LightBolt starts to brake down in front of Twilight. She just takes a few steps back, "Calm down LightBolt." she say as he looks up at Twilight. For a moment, Twilight's eyes matches Daisy. LightBolt stands up and wipe his face and shake his head. "I'm sorry you had to see that... I'v been going though a lot..." say as standing up, "Maybe you show get some sleep then, I'll keep a barrier up so we will be safe. He looks into her eyes and tells her in a soft voice, "Thank you..." she smiles and tells him, "Their is a shower upstairs and clean towels on the shelf inside. You can sleep the guest bed. I'll be up and try to find out what this is." she tells him. "Thank you." LightBolt replies to Twilight and heads upstairs. After taking a soothing shower and dry off, LightBolt walks to the guest bed. He places his bag on the ground next to the bed. He pulls out his journal and starts to write. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Year: 1992, Month: October, Day: 8th. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What does this thing want from me... Why is it going after me... How can I get away from it... When will it go away... Where do I have to go for it to stop... I made it to Ponyvil and I went to go see a mare named Twilight sparkle. a little dragon told me that I just missed her, then I ask where I can get something to eat. He sent me to a place called the 'Sugar Cube Corner' I was about to eat, but the mare their said she knew everypony in Ponyvil. I asked where Twilight was, she sent me to another mare that was vary timed. I felt bad for yelling at her, but it felt like the thing was getting closer as I was talking. I finality found the mare i was looking for. When I got here, their was tapping at the door... I could tell that... It... was their... It wanted to see if I was stupid enough to answer the door, I didn't... I broke down in front of the mare Twilight. I felt bad for it, because some random pony came into her house and started to freak out, but I just want this thing to go away. When Twilight stopped my freak out, I looked into her eyes. At that moment I saw Daisy... I miss her so much and I promise that i'll return. That is what i'm going to do to. I should get some sleep... Sigh out. ~LightBolt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LightBolt closes his journal and places his quill on the cover. He rest the journal he has been writing in for a few days, feels as if he was writing in it for years. LightBolt slides into the guest bed and slowly calms his mind to fall sleep. His calm mind grants him a restful sleep, but suddenly LightBolt wakes up the the sound of tapping. He jumps out of bed and yells, "Go Away!" standing up he hears Twilight run upstairs. "LightBolt! Are you okay?!" she ask opening the door. LightBolt looks at her shaking, "It's near again... It was tapping on something..." he say as he looks at her. She walks to him, "I'm sorry. That was me. I can't find anything about what you described to me and I was thinking so hard that I started to tap my quill." she tells him as she walks to him, "But I think that your mind is playing tricks on you." she adds looking into his eyes. He looks back into her eyes, but he knows that this is not a trick of the mind. The things he has been feeling are to real to be any sort of a trick. "Is their somepony else that can help?" LightBolt ask as he tries to calm down. "Well..." Twilight replied, "Their is somepony that can help, but she lives in the EverFree forest." she finish looking to see a reaction. LightBolt just looks down, 'No... I can't go back in that forest... If I go back, it will have me for sure..... But if its my last chance to shake this thing off of me.' he tells himself in his mind. "Fine... Where does she live." LightBolt ask clam. Twilight sparkle tells him, "I'll give you a map to where she lives in the morning, so you can see. But you need to rest up. Your pretty shaken up." she ends as walking out of the room. "Sleep well. Your safe in my house." she slowly closed the door behind her. LightBolt grabs his journal before going back to bed and writes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Year: 1992, Month: October, Day: 8th. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I feel that i'm running out of time. Each hour that passes that... It... Gets closer and closer... I try to brush the feeling of it getting closer more and more, but it just gets harder and harder to ignore then feeling... I can feel it's faceless stare looking at me more and more... I can't just shake it off. Well i'm going to head out back to the EverFree forest to find one of Twilight's friends to help me with this... Thing... I just need this to end as fast as I can so I don't have to live in fear of something just waiting for me to drop my guard. I won't let it get me, i'll rather die then go down by that thing... Sign out. ~LightBolt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LightBolt holds his journal and falls sleep, 'I'll return to you Daisy and tell you how much I love you.' he tells himself in his mind before fading into a restful sleep... > Chapter7: Last Thing Before The Fall. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Made by: Dizzy Paws Chapter7: Last Thing Before The Fall. -------------------------------------- LightBolt wakes up and looks out the window. Then he looks at the table next to his stuff. Their is a note on a peace of paper. He reads it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear, LightBolt. I'm sorry that i'm not here to help you to get to Zecora's house, but I left you a map. Celestia called me to help her with some royal problems. I hope you feel better and the thing following yo goes away. ~Twilight Sparkle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LightBolt pulls the map and looks at it. "It's not that far... I should head out now before the thing shows it's self..." he tells himself as he grab his journal and opens it to write. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Year: 1992, Month: October, Day: 9th. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It feels like this is the last rope to try to get this thing off of me. This pony named 'Zecora' is my last chance. I can tell that it is getting closer and closer now. Hopefully Zecora will help me, but I need to walk into the things forest. Sing out. ~LightBolt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LightBolt places his journal into his bag and starts to walk to Zecoras house in the EverFree forest. Clip, clop, clip, clop. He walks to the forest. Before getting into the forest, LightBolt sees the misty fog rise from the forest. "Not you again." he tells the fog as if it was somepony. He pulls out the map and study it as fast as he can. "If I take the path, it would take longer. If I cut though and just run right to Zecora's house, I can talk to her faster. I need to go strange their." he points off into the woods. LightBolt places the map into his bag and looks back, seeing the tall and slender humanoid. It just stands looking at him. LightBolt turns around and looks back into it's blank face, "Go Away! I'm Done With you!!!" LightBolt yells as he back up into the woods. The humanoid just stand their, then takes a step to LightBolt. Quickly turns around and runs into the woods. Clip, clop, clip, clop. He runs though the woods, thinking of the map that Twilight gave him. After about an hour of running. LightBolt looks back and sees nothing. He stops and breaths heavy. "I should have hit Zecora's house by now. Where could it be... LightBolt walks to where he thinks Zecora would be. After seven minuets of walking, he finds a strange hut. The lights are on, so he thinks that is Zecora's place. Being the only place he can find, he can not afford to it not be. Clip, clop, clip, clop. He knocks on the door, "Hello? Zecroa?" he ask as he waits a moment for the door to open. Having the feeling that something is getting closer, the door opens. "Sudden knocking their be. May I ask, who is Thee?" Zecora ask looking confused. LightBolt quickly walks in and pushes the door shut. LightBolt quickly covers all the windows, "My name is LightBolt and i'm looking for help. Twilight Sparkle told me that you can help and your the last pony I can turn to." he tells Zecora, "What do you seek?" she ask looking at him still confused. LightBolt sits down and tries to calm down. After a minuet he looks up into Zecora's eyes, "I wonder into the EverFree forest days ago and something has been following me sense then. It's tall, slim, and human like body, but it's face... It didn't have one!" Suddenly tapping was at the door. LightBolt quickly grabbed Zecora, "Don't say anything..." he whisper in her ear." tap tap, tap tap. After the tapping on the door goes away, their was tapping at each window. Slowly one by one, all the windows get tapped on. Tap tap, tap tap. "Go! Away!" LightBolt busted out a yell when the tapping stopped. "Do you know this man of mystery?" Zecora ask looking around her hut. "I don't know, but i'm done with it following me. It's been getting closer and closer each day." LightBolt say staring to shake. "If you have a sign of the thing, I can look up to see what it mite be." Zecora ask looking at LightBolt, "It wrote in my journal." he pulls out his journal from his bag and slowly flips between each page, "Here it is." he tells Zecora as he shows her the page. "May I borrow your book of ink, to find out what this thing can be?" she ask looking at the page close. LgihtBolt lets her borrow the book, "Before I start, I shall place his on the nob." she say as she pulls out a sunset orange peddled flower on the door nob. When she let go, the flower stay completely balance, "If it comes to knock, it should keep it back, till i'm done." Zecora takes LightBolts journal to her desk and start her work. He sits down looking around her house. Mask, potions, seeds, herbs, and other unknown things are around him. 'How will she find out what this thing is just by looking at sloppy writing and ink splats.' he ask himself as he waits. Zecora walks over to LightBolt with her head down, "I found the answer we seek." she tells him, "What is it!" he yells, jumping to his feet. "The answer we seek is the word he is. Tall and slim, he shows up to be, Slender Man is the name, stalking ponies is his game. Many has gone missing from his sight, little have lived to tell the tail of the thing." LightBolt can not believe what he just heard, "So i'm going to die by the hands of this thing?!" he ask Zecora as she nods to the answer. he takes his journal from Zecora and heads out, "Thanks for all the help..." he runs off. Clip, clop, clip, clop. LightBolt runs off though the fog faster and faster. "Your not going to get me! I Refuse to die form your hands!" he yells out when running. Suddenly LightBolt sees a cliff. He looks into the woods and nothing is their. Quickly he grabs his journal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Year: 1992, Month: October, Day: 9th. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is it. My last day in on this world. These last few days where the worst in my life. I'v been running and hiding in fear from this thing called the 'SlenderMan' I don't get why this thing is after me. All I did was walking in the forest! Only one thing I regret in my life is not telling Daisy how much I loved her. Good bye world~ ~LightB~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LightBolt finishes his journal the fastest he can. He stops before finishing his name, he looks up. "You!" LightBolt yells as he closes his journal, "Stop following me!" he adds as the thing slowly walks to him. Lightbolt takes one step back with each one of it's steps. He tries to look away form it's blank face, but he can't. When LightBolt feels his back hoof get even with the cliffs end, he stops. He stands up on his back legs with his front legs out wide, he says "I love you Daisy..." slowly leaning back into the endless cliff side, closing his eyes. LightBolt's eyes close, he feels the wind swiftly flows past his body as he lets gravity pull him to the ground faster and faster... 'Sorry Daisy' was the last words of Lightbolt... > In The End > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Made by: Dizzy Paws Chapter: The End. -------------------------------------- The next day somepony found LightBolt's body at the end of the cliff and ran to report it to the closes royal guard. Hours later fifteenth royal guards went to where the pony found the body, but when guards got their no body was found. All their was is a big blood splat and his journal with a quill in it. One of the guards open the journal and flipped though the pages. He found all LightBolt write and the pages that was with sloppy writing and ink splatter. When the guard got to the last note LigthBolt wrote before jumping off the end of the cliff, but it was changed. The word 'SlenderMan' was marked out, the guards couldn't find out what the word was or how to fix it. They flipped though the journal and found on the last page, 'He Is Mine Now.' in the sloppy writing, but easier then first page that was ink splattered. Sense they had no was to tell where the body went (no drag marks nor body print. Just a big blood splat on the ground.) they take the journal to Daisy soon after the search called off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Daisy is sitting at the counter of the store she has been working at for a few years. When she just finished cleaning the counter, the door opens. "Hello, how may I help you?" she ask the two gold armor plated guards, "We found this in a seen of a death." one says to Daisy as she starts to look confused, "Do you know a pony by the name 'LightBolt'?" the other guard ask. When she heard question, her eyes started to tear and her legs start to shake, "Yes I do..." she tells the guards. "And your name is Daisy right?" they ask, "Yes..." she replies having to sit. One of the guards places LightBolt's journal with the quill in it, on the counter, "We though you would like to have this." they say and turn around and leave. Daisy doesn't want to believe that LightBolt is dead, "No... No... No!" Daisy yells with tears flowing out of her eyes. She quickly grabs the journal and closes the store for the day. Clip, clop, clip, clop. Daisy walks home, when she gets home she closes and locks her door. She places the journal that was so loved by LightBolt. Slowly she opens the cover and reads each page, one by one. When she is reading the notes LightBolt has wrote, her mind gives her faded flash backs to when her and him hung out. When she makes it to the last note he wrote. 'Only one thing I regret in my life is not telling Daisy how much I loved her. Good bye world~' made Daisy brake down in tears and cry. "Why did you have to go LightBolt! I told you not go! But you did!" she yells in some hate, but she also regrets that she never said anything about her love for him. As she closes the journal, she sees something carved into the back cover. She wipes her eyes and sees a heart with the words "Daisy forever." she cries harder and lay in bed holding LightBolt's journal... As she cries herself to sleep, she feels a warm from the journal that matches LightBolt as she falls alseep...