• Published 31st Jul 2017
  • 523 Views, 9 Comments

PhoenixTDM Adventures in Equestria - PhoenixTDM

When 6 best friends team up to defeat a monster, they find out that they are the elements of harmony. A pegasus gets jealous of them and becomes a hard-to-defeat villlain.

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The Hearth's Warming Spark

Author's Note:

(Fluttershy and Discord are married.) Lucas and Violet sparkle are 10. PhoenixTDM, Mac, Light Heart, Icy are 13. Star is 14.
JANY IS 12! She was held back a year and that's why she's year older than her friends.

(star and jany 2 years apart)

Watch PhoenixTDM Adventures in Equestria here! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLChcDl9x1_DygiFeMt49wFeUvhaJKgH9o

It was Hearth's Warming eve in Equestria. The new elements were celebrating it at the Discord house since Icy Breeze was Rainbow Dash's grandson and she and Fluttershy are friends. Icy Breeze also got to invite his friends and their families, too!

The house of chaos was filled with ponies and there was a giant tree with hundreds of presents underneath. Everypony was having a wonderful time.

Star was wandering around, looking at all of the decorations everywhere. Hearth's Warming was his favorite holiday and he loved spending it with his friends. He was amazed at all of the Hearth's Warming decor. That was one of his favorite parts of the amazing holiday. Star gazed up at the gigantic tree and was memorized by how dazzling it looked. The Fire of Friendship sat on the top of the tree, glowing its pink color, treasuring the friendship all around the room. All of the ornaments were so amazing. But then he saw six that looked familiar. They were ornaments of him and his friends' cutie marks! He looked at the rest of the ornaments more closely and realized that they also were the cutie marks of all the ponies in the room. He then spotted his sister and trotted over to her.

"Hey, Violet! Do you wanna eat some candy canes?" He asked. She looked over at him and replied, "Oh, hi, Star! Sorry, I'm hanging out with Lucas." Lucas was sitting next to her and he was holding a peppermint shake with two straws in it; one pointing at him and one pointing at Violet.

"Oh, okay," Star responded dejectedly. He then trotted away to try and find his other friends.

Star was trying to find PhoenixTDM, but he couldn't find her anywhere. He looked everywhere until he saw something on a cloud that looked like the turquoise color of his Pegasus friend. He looked more closely and saw something else a light shade of purple. Was it PhoenixTDM and Icy Breeze? Star trotted closer to the cloud and he looked up and recognized PhoenixTDM's eyes, which looked like amethyst orbs, glistening in the light of the hearth's warming decorations. His face lit up and he called out, "Hey! PhoenixTDM, Icy Breeze! Do you guys want to do something with me?"

The two looked down at Star, and Icy Breeze replied, "Sorry, Star! We're kinda busy right now."

Star's cheer vanished as he heard his friend's response.

"Oh, okay," He said glumly. He was so upset that his friends weren't spending time with him on Hearth's Warming Eve, the day about friendship! Maybe Mac or Light Heart can hang out with me. The thought cheered him up and he started searching for the two. He walked around searching for what felt like hours until finally, he gave up. With his head down, he began walking towards the fireplace so he could warm up.

As he was walking he heard a voice that sounded familiar. It was Mac! He jerked his head upward and started listening to find out where it was coming from. He heard another voice, too, which was Light Heart. He perked up his ears and followed the sound to a closed door with a window. He peeked his head through the window and saw Light Heart and Mac, sitting down and talking. Star was about to open the door when he saw that Light Heart's horn was illuminated with her purple magic aura. She levitated something in the air above her and Mac's head. It took Star a few seconds to see what it was but then he figured out that it was mistletoe. Star's eyes widened and Light Heart kissed Mac on the cheek.

Star narrowed his eyes as he turned away from the door. He stomped away, mumbling to himself, "I'm the only one. I'm the only one without a special somepony! PhoenixTDM has Icy Breeze. Mac has Light Heart! And who do I have? Nopony! Well, I'm better off withou-" He yelped as he tripped over somepony who was lying down on the floor.

He stood up and turned around, "Hey watch where-" He paused as he looked into the pony's eyes. They weren't normal, they were swirls and the pony had no pupils whatsoever. It was like he was staring into pure magic.

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have been lying in the middle of the room where ponies could trip on me!" The pony exclaimed. Her words broke Star out of his trance.

"No, I'm the one who should be sorry. I should have been watching where I was going so I didn't trip over you," Star replied. The filly looked up at him and smiled. She was a pearly-white color and had a pink and purple mane. He smiled as well and said, "My name is Star. What's yours?"

"Jany," She responded. What a pretty name. He saw her look at his cutie mark.

"Wow, your cutie mark is so amazing! It's as if it's gleaming and glowing!" She gushed. Star blushed at the comment and replied, "Thanks... I... I like your eyes. They're so mesmerizing." He noticed she looked startled by the compliment but she smiled and responded with, "Thanks!" Is she blushing? Probably not...

"Do you want to do something? I was just playing with some random toys but I was bored. What do you want to do?" Jany asked Star. She wants to do something with me? I didn't think anyone wanted to associate with me this night. But then he thought of something. He smirked, "Do you like pranks?" Jany's face looked excited as she replied, "Yes! Pranking ponies is one of my favorite things in the whole world!!"

Star was super excited as well. He absolutely loved playing pranks on ponies. But then he remembered something, "Wait, who should we prank?" Jany looked around thoughtfully and then she pointed her hoof in a direction. Star looked that way and he immediately recognized the two ponies sitting there.

"How about them? Those are my friends, Violet Sparkle and Lucas," Jany explained. Star nodded, "Yeah, I know them. Violet is my little sister and Lucas is my friend, the element of loyalty." Jany looked at him, surprised. Her face then looked as if she was studying him. All of a sudden her face changed as if she had come to a realization: "Wait, you're Star! The element of honesty!" She exclaimed. Star nodded and replied, "Yep, that's me!" Jany smiled excitedly and then the most bizarre thing happened. He wasn't standing in front of the fireplace anymore, he was sitting on a cloud!

"Aah!" He cried as he realized he was sitting on a cloud. But only pegasi can sit on clouds! Jany and I are earth ponies!

"It's okay, I put a spell on you so you can't fall through the cloud," Jany reassured. Star was confused, "But... How did you put a spell on me if you're an earth pony?"

Jany gave him a weird look, "Haven't you noticed my strange eyes? Ponies with eyes like this have chaos magic, duh!" Star then remembered. When Fluttershy and Discord had kids, they had swirly eyes like Jany's and they shared the same magical power as their father, the lord of chaos. When they became adults they were crowned Queen and King of chaos. He remembered hearing of both of them having daughters but he didn't remember about that until now.

"You're... The Princess of chaos!" Star realized. Jany nodded with an amused gleam in her eyes. Then Jany and Star came up with a plan for the prank. Jany would use her magic to dump a bucket of water on the two lovebirds.

As soon as they were finished planning their trick, Star saw a bucket of water hovering in front of them. It levitated over to Lucas and Violet until it was just over their heads. Star snickered as he thought about what was about to happen. Jany started counting down, "3...2...1!" The pail of water tipped and water doused the two kids. Violet Sparkle shrieked and Lucas yelled. While Lucas and Violet were trying to figure out what the hay had just happened, Star and Jany were howling with laughter.

"That *laugh* was the best *snicker* prank... EVER!!" Star yelled. Jany was sharing his mood and agreed, "Yeah, it was the best!" The two were still laughing their tails off when somepony yelled, "STAR!?" They abruptly stopped laughing and Star nervously looked down to his sister, drenched in water.

"Umm... Yeah?" He asked. Violet looked furious as she responded, "WHY DID YOU- wait... How are you on a cloud?" Then Jany looked at Violet from over the cloud.

"Jany!?" Violet sounded very surprised. Jany giggled and then she and Star started laughing uncontrollably as they had been before. All of a sudden she stopped laughing and asked, "Hey, do you like trampolines?" Star responded, "Yeah! Why?" Jany smiled and with a jolt Star realized he wasn't sitting on the cloud anymore; he was on a flat surface. He looked around, confused and then realized that he was on a trampoline! The whole room was a trampoline including the walls and the ceiling!

"Woohoo!" He shouted as he started bouncing. Jany was bouncing next to him as well. The two jumped on the trampoline for what felt like hours and then finally Star dropped down, exhausted. Jany looked pretty tired out as well. Star then felt the floor beneath him feel different. It was soft. He opened his eyes and realized he was laying down on a cloud, with Jany sitting next to him.

"That was fun. I haven't been on a trampoline in years!" Star said. Then he fell asleep, with Jany sleeping beside him.

He woke up, what felt like an hour or two later, and saw Jany sleeping peacefully next to her. He realized how much he liked her, more than any other pony he had ever met. This is what it had felt like the first time he saw PhoenixTDM. She opened her eyes and stared at him.

"Hi," She whispered. Star giggled and said hello back to her. They both blushed and stared at each other. All of a sudden Jany was smirking and she said, "Look up." He looked up and felt his face heat up. Hovering above them was Mistletoe. He looked back down at Jany. She was blushing furiously as she leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.

"You missed," Star teased. Jany blinked. "What?" Star leaned in and kissed her for a few seconds. When he pulled away, Jany looked surprised and like she was in a dream. Jany nuzzled Star and that was his best Hearth's Warming yet.