• Published 31st Jul 2017
  • 524 Views, 9 Comments

PhoenixTDM Adventures in Equestria - PhoenixTDM

When 6 best friends team up to defeat a monster, they find out that they are the elements of harmony. A pegasus gets jealous of them and becomes a hard-to-defeat villlain.

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Flame Thrower

Author's Note:

This chapter takes place 3 years after the last one. Also it is Summer in this chapter. (Light Breeze is owned by Snoopy7c7. She is the daughter of good King Sombra and Princess Celestia.)

Watch PhoenixTDM Adventures in Equestria here! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLChcDl9x1_DygiFeMt49wFeUvhaJKgH9o

Three years had passed since Star became friends with PhoenixTDM and the others. Icy Breeze, Mac, and Star also had become good friends with Lucas, who had got his cutie mark when he was seven and PhoenixTDM let him play a video game on the Xbox for the first time. The six friends were at PhoenixTDM and Lucas' house when they heard the doorbell ring. PhoenixTDM said, "I'll get it!" and she answered the door. She opened it and there stood the mail-pony with a few letters in her hoof. PhoenixTDM took the letters, thanked the mail-mare, and went back to where her friends were.

"Who was it?" Icy Breeze asked.

"Oh, just the mail-pony," PhoenixTDM responded. She looked through the letters and found one addressed to her. She opened it and read aloud, "To, PhoenixTDM. You're stupid and I hate your guts. Your friends are stupid, too. Especially the Unicorn who can't do magic. Signed, Sugar Drop Pie." PhoenixTDM scowled and threw the letter in the trash. Light Heart said, "Hey! My magic is getting better! I can even hold big things for a minute or two without my magic going out!"

"I know, Light Heart. Sugar Drop is just being a bully like she always does," PhoenixTDM responded. She looked at the other mail and saw something else. Her eyes lit up.

"Oh My Celestia! There is going to be a Friendship Festival next week!" PhoenixTDM yelled.

"Wow, really!?" Light Heart asked. PhoenixTDM replied, "Yeah! Also, it says here that the Mane 6 are getting too old so Princess Light Breeze is holding the festival even though I think Twilight could do it. Wait, no she needs her friends to help. Nevermind!" Her friends looked in amazement and Mac said, "Wow, I haven't been to the Friendship Festival before. I'm always out of town whenever it's happening."

"Me, too," PhoenixTDM and Lucas said at the same time. They all laughed and they also were excited for the next week. They all were going to go to the Friendship Festival together.

It was the day of the Friendship Festival, and the six friends were just walking into Canterlot. Also, Star had to bring his little sister, Violet Sparkle. It was a beautiful sunny day and there were amazing decorations everywhere. They saw a Ferris Wheel and decided to go on it. PhoenixTDM and Icy Breeze got placed together on the Ferris Wheel, Mac and Light Heart did, Lucas and Violet, and Star got placed with a random pony. Lucas and Violet were behind PhoenixTDM and Icy and all of a sudden Lucas yelled, "LOOK THEY'RE ABOUT TO KISS!!" The two looked back at them and scowled and then they looked forward.

"Today is beautiful. I'm glad we got to go to the Friendship Festival," PhoenixTDM said.

"Yeah," Icy Breeze agreed. Just after he said that they heard a scream. They looked back and saw a red pony who was bigger than a full-grown stallion. He had an orange mane and orange eyes, and he had fangs. One of his ears had a hole on the side of it and his cutie mark was fire. The stallion was kidnapping the princess! All of the ponies around him were screaming and running away and just then, PhoenixTDM noticed that there was fire everywhere! The stallion was breathing fire like a dragon!

PhoenixTDM's eyes widened as she said, "We need to save Princess Light Breeze!" She and Icy Breeze flew out of the Ferris Wheel and she noticed that Lucas was flying out, too and carrying Violet Sparkle. He set her down on the ground and then Lucas, PhoenixTDM, and Icy Breeze grabbed Light Heart, Mac, and Star and brought them down.

"What's happening?" Violet said to Star. Star looked scared as well and he replied, "I don't know. But you need to get to safety. Go into the castle and find the other princesses and warn them what is happening if they don't already know." Violet nodded and galloped away.

"Can I go with her?" Lucas asked.

"No. Mom told us to stay together if something bad happens. The six noticed that there was a trail of smoke and some fire leading into the part of the Everfree Forest that ended in Canterlot.

They were walking through the forest; their hooves crunching on the dirt and fallen leaves and the strong stench of smoke lingering in the air, burning their noses when they took a breath. All of a sudden, they heard a cry. Mac was the first to hear where it was coming from. He walked over to a bush and found a small earth filly behind it.

"Oh my Celestia! Are you okay little filly?" She looked up at him and responded, "N-no. My family and I were walking to the friendship festival through the Everfree forest and.. and... We saw this monster with smoke and fire... My parents told me to run and I didn't see where they went.. I- I haven't had anything to eat today and I'm lost." She cried even more and Mac said, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." He poofed her a bowl of mac and cheese with his magic.

"I was saving this for myself to eat for dinner but you need it," Mac said as he pushed the bowl toward her.

"Thank you so much! B-but... How will I get back to my parents?" The little filly asked. Mac started thinking and then Light Heart said, "I might be able to muster up enough magic to teleport you to the Canterlot Castle and then you can tell the princesses and they will find your parents."

Her friends exchanged nervous glances because they knew about Light's magic problem but the filly's eyes went big and she responded, "Oh my Celestia, thank you!!" Light Heart smiled and said, "Of course!" She then closed her eyes and used all of her strength to teleport the filly (and her mac and cheese) to the Castle.

Light Heart sat down, exhausted. Her friends all congratulated her for doing so good on her magic.

"I guess your magic talent finally sparked!" Mac said. Light Heart smiled at him and said, "Thanks. But I'm too tired to walk even more. That teleportation spell used up all of my strength."

"I can't carry you; you're three years older than me," Lucas said.

"My magic isn't strong enough to hold a pony for that long," Mac said.

"I can do it! I've never carried a pony before except my little sister but I can't just leave one of my friends behind," Icy Breeze said. He picked up his exhausted friend and started flying. Then they kept following the trail of fire.

It seemed like they were walking forever and the walk was so boring. PhoenixTDM decided to lighten things up and she said, "Knock knock."

"Who's there?" Lucas replied.

"Cows go," PhoenixTDM responded.

"Cows go who?" Lucas asked.

"Cows don't go who, cows go moo!" PhoenixTDM said. Her friends all started laughing and they kept telling jokes. Light Heart now had the strength to walk by herself and Icy Breeze was relieved to not have to carry her anymore. PhoenixTDM was glad that she made her friends laugh and they kept telling jokes.

After a while Star said, "Hey, guys, we've been following this trail for a very long time. Would one of you pegasi please fly up and see if the trail is coming to an end soon?"

"Yeah, I will," Lucas replied. He flapped his wings and started rising. When he got to the top of the trees he looked and before he could see where the trail was ending, something whizzed past him. Lucas looked around in confusement and then it appeared again right in front of him. It was a weird creature with a blue body and a gray head. It also had different types of arms, legs, and horns. It had green slit eyes, too.

"Hello, Lucas," It said in a sinister voice. Lucas became scared and said, "Who are you and how do you know my name?"

"Well, I've been watching you and your friends for quite a while," The flying creature replied. Lucas got nervous and said, "W-what!? But I've never seen you before!" The creature smiled and said, "Indeed you haven't. Well, I've got an offer for you!"

"What... What is it?" Lucas replied.

"Well, there's a new video game that doesn't come out for a year. The revenge of Nightmare Moon 2. Ever heard of it?"

Lucas's eyes widened and he replied, "Oh my Celestia! Revenge of Nightmare moon is my favorite game ever!! There's a second one coming out!? I need that game!"

The creature smiled mischievously and said, "Well I can easily get it for you. All you have to do is leave your friends and go back to Ponyville." Lucas looked down and saw the colors of his friends through the thick leaves. They were waiting for him. Lucas needed that game but he also needed to be with his friends. He couldn't decide.

"Why aren't you coming!?" The creature hollered.

"I'm still deciding," Lucas replied. He still really wanted the game but his friends needed him.

"I've decided," Lucas said, "I'm staying with my friends. Besides, I can get the game next year when it comes out."

The creature was infuriated and screamed, "I WILL BE BACK!" At that instant, the place he was floating burst into flames and he disappeared. Lucas was super startled but then he realized the reason he had come up there in the first place. He looked at the trail of flames and he could see the castle of the two sisters as well. The smoky trail seemed to end at the ravine in front of the castle of the two sisters.

"It only looks about 20 minutes away," Lucas said to himself. He then flew back down and Mac said, "What took you so long!?" Lucas explained to them all the details and how long it would take for them to get to the end of the trail.

"Wow, did that all happen?" Light Heart asked. Lucas replied, "Yeah, it did. It was scary, too!" The friends continued walking until they finally arrived.

"What is this place?" Icy Breeze asked. Lucas replied, "I think it's the castle of the two sisters but the trail goes into the ravine!"

The six friends looked down at the rocky ravine. It was as dark as midnight in there, but they could see small lit up embers floating around, like small stars floating in the black abyss.

"I guess we have to go down there," PhoenixTDM stated. Icy Breeze gulped and agreed, "Yeah. I guess we do..." The six took a deep breath and headed down the rocky slope.

The earth pony, three pegasi and two unicorns finally arrived at the bottom of the ravine. They heard someone yelling in a cave. They were all scared out of their wits and wanted to turn back, but they knew they had to go on. They carefully stepped into the cave, with PhoenixTDM leading the way and then they saw it. The tree of Harmony. Right there in front of them. They were amazed at it. And the elements of harmony were on it, too.

"Wow! It's the real tree of harmony!" Light Heart exclaimed. Just then, they heard another voice. The red pony was there and Princess Light Breeze was, too!

PhoenixTDM and her pegasi brother and coltfriend flew into the air. Icy Breeze yelled, "LET GO OF THE PRINCESS!" The red pony looked over to them and narrowed his eyes, "Never! Celestia needs to pay for what she did to me!"

"Celestia?" Lucas said, "That's Light Breeze!" The red stallion looked confused as he looked at Light and then looked back, "Light Breeze?" He asked.

"Yeah! Daughter of Queen Celestia and good King Sombra," Lucas replied. The red stallion looked even more confused but he shook his head and said, "Well I will still get my revenge on Celestia!"

"No!" Light Heart yelled. Then she paused. She remembered something her mom told her, "The most powerful friendship of all is the magic of friendship. That's how Twilight and her friends used the elements of harmony against Nightmare Moon and other villains who didn't understand the magic of Friendship."

Light Heart gasped and said, "We need the elements of harmony!" Her friends looked at her in confinement and Star said, "But only Twilight and her friends can use the elements!" Light Heart replied, "But there's six of us! And we're best friends! And PhoenixTDM is the one who brought us together so she should be the one who gives us our elements!" PhoenixTDM looked surprised.

"Me?" She asked. Light Heart nodded her head. PhoenixTDM looked at the tree and remembered what her mom told her when she was 3, "You and your friends might even be the next saviors of Equestria!"

PhoenixTDM put on a determined face and walked over to the tree. She flew into the air, pointed to Star and said, "Star, who told me his feelings on Hearts and Hooves day and didn't care what I thought of him, represents the spirit of Honesty!" To her surprise, the element of honesty floated off of the tree and turned into a necklace shaped like a star and it went around his neck and he floated into the air. He looked scared but PhoenixTDM continued, "Icy Breeze, who was the only one to volunteer to carry his friend when she was too weak to walk, represents the spirit of Kindness!"

The kindness element did the same thing to Icy as it did to Star. It formed into a necklace with the element and it was an Ice Cube shape. Icy Breeze floated into the air as well without his wings moving.

PhoenixTDM pointed to Mac and said, "Mac, who gave his own dinner to a starving filly represents the spirit of Generosity!" Mac floated into the air with a new element necklace.

"Lucas, who could not abandon his friends for his own good represents the spirit of loyalty!" The same thing happened to Lucas. PhoenixTDM paused. Then she pointed to herself, "And me, PhoenixTDM. I cheered up all of my friends out of boredom when I made them laugh; the cheer didn't go away. I represent the spirit of Laughter!" She watched as her element broke off of the tree and turned into a necklace shaped as a creeper. It matched her cutie mark! She was amazed when it went around her neck and she floated into the air. Then she saw the last element still on the tree and remembered.

"And Light Heart, who used all of her magic to help a filly get back to her parents represents the spirit of Magic!" This time when it happened, it wasn't a necklace; it was a crown. The element on top was a heart. Light Heart looked in amazement as it went on top of her friends.

"Us six represent the elements of harmony!" Light Heart said. At that moment a giant burst of rainbows came out of their elements and surrounded the red monster.

"NOOOOO!" He screamed. When the rainbows were gone there was a blue colt there. He was light blue and had a dark blue mane and his cutie mark was blue fire. He had the same hole on the side of his ear as the red stallion did. He opened his eyes and they were orange, just like the red stallion's.

He looked over at PhoenixTDM and her friends, "Thank you for reforming me!" He exclaimed as he hugged PhoenixTDM.

"Oh uh, you're welcome!" PhoenixTDM responded. Just then Princess Light Breeze got up off of her chair and said, "Blue pony, who are you and why did you do this!?" The blue pony responded, "Well, my name is Flame Thrower. I was born right by the sea and I could do this thing where water shoots out of my mouth like a water gun," he demonstrated it by shooting water at a rock and it broke, "That's why my parents named me Flame Thrower, because of the talent I have and because my eyes are orange."

"What does any of that have to do with kidnapping the princess?" Star asked. Flame Thrower saddened and replied, "Well, I really wanted to go into Celestia's Magic School For Gifted Unicorns, but I'm an earth pony. I begged my parents to let me go and they finally let me do a test to get in. I passed; I was so surprised. When I had my first day there, all the unicorns made fun of me because I was the only earth pony. But only one stood up for me: Lyra Heartstrings. We became best friends. One day with her help I made an awesome water thing in a beaker and it shot up and looked like blue fire! That's the day I got my cutie mark." He pointed to his flank. Then he continued, "But one day, I accidentally flooded the whole school. Celestia thought it was on purpose and she said she was going to expel me from the school. I got so angry, I turned into the red pony you saw earlier. I burned the ground in front of her so she couldn't get to me, but she used her horn to create a blast. I managed to dodge it, but it left this little hole on my ear. So then I got mad. I tried to burn her but she flew up and pointed her horn at me. Then there was light and then I appeared somewhere that wasn't in Equestria. I think she banished me to limbo and somepony opened it, but It took years for me to find my way back. I finally did and it was the day of the Friendship Festival. I realized it had been years since I saw Celestia so I thought Light was her. I'm so sorry."

The six friends and Light Breeze looked at him in astonishment. Light replied, "I forgive you. Also, I remember my mother telling me this; About 30 years before I was born, Twilight and her friends who are the elements of Harmony-"

"Twilight Sparkle? She went to my school when she was a little filly!" Flame interrupted.

"Well, she's Queen Twilight now. She got married to a nice stallion named Flash Sentry and now they're really old. Anyways, Twilight and the other elements opened a portal from limbo to release the pillars but an evil pony of shadows came out, too. They reformed him, though. Maybe you came out of there at the same time?" Light Breeze explained.

"Wow, maybe that did happen. Anyways, I'm so sorry and I want to apologize to Princess, I mean Queen, Celestia." They all smiled and Light Breeze teleported them to the castle. Flame looked up and saw the pony who once was his teacher. His eyes widened and he said, "C-Celestia! It's been a long time since we last saw each other..." Celestia glared at him and replied, "Flame Thrower. I knew you had come back when Twilight and her friends opened the portal from Limbo. But it took you about 50 years to get here! I don't know how you're still a colt! Anyways, how have you been reformed?"

"Well, it was all thanks to these six," Flame responded and pointed his hoof to PhoenixTDM and her friends. Celestia looked at them and asked, "Who are you? And... How do you have the elements?" Light Heart responded, "Well, it was like a... a spark of some sort when we were at the tree of harmony. I don't know how but my name is Light Heart. I'm the element of Magic. That's PhoenixTDM; she's the element of laughter. This is Mac, who is the element of generosity. That's Star, who is the element of honesty. That's Lucas who is Loyalty. And that is Icy Breeze, who is the element of Kindness."

Celestia was speechless. She knew this day would come someday, though. She smiled and responded, "Well, I'm glad you are all friends. Where did you meet?" Icy Breeze responded, "We met in Ponyville. I live in Cloudsdale, but I go to Ponyville school." Celestia nodded but then she asked, "Icy Breeze, is it? I think I recognize you. Have I seen you before? Or are you related to somepony I know?"

Icy Breeze looked a bit surprised but then he replied, "Oh, I'm the son of Thunder Dash and Apple Blossom and I'm the grandson of Rainbow Dash. Even though she was loyalty, I'm kindness."

"Oh, you are the grandson of Rainbow Dash! Well, I'm glad that one of the new elements is related to one of the old ones," Celestia responded. Then a peach-colored filly walked out of a room and looked at the six. She smiled and yelled, "Star!" while running to her older brother and hugging him.

"Oh, Violet, you're okay!" Star responded as he hugged his sister back. Then Celestia said, "Well, I'm so glad you all did this. And Flame? I'm sorry. You can keep being a student at my magic school. Now it's getting late, you should all head home and keep your elements in a safe place okay?" They nodded and started heading home, off to another adventure.