• Published 31st Jul 2017
  • 524 Views, 9 Comments

PhoenixTDM Adventures in Equestria - PhoenixTDM

When 6 best friends team up to defeat a monster, they find out that they are the elements of harmony. A pegasus gets jealous of them and becomes a hard-to-defeat villlain.

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Cutie Mark Blues

(The four friends are 9 now and Star is 10)

"Wow, your cutie mark is awesome!" Icy Breeze said, amazed at the cutie mark on his best friend's flank. Light Heart looked in astonishment and agreed, "Yeah, it's amazing!"

"Thanks, guys! I got my cutie mark when I made mac and cheese for the first time," Mac explained. While the two friends admired Mac's new cutie mark, he noticed that PhoenixTDM was sitting down and looking sad. Mac walked over to her and asked, "What's wrong?"

PhoenixTDM looked up at him and said, "Well, I guess it's just that I'm the only one of us that doesn't have their cutie mark yet." Right on queue, Star came walking over to them and yelled, "Oh look, one of the blank flanks got their cutie mark! Well, the OTHER doesn't have her cutie mark! You'll never get your cutie mark, loser!"

PhoenixTDM's eyes teared up and Star said in a mocking tone, "Oh, is the wittle foal gonna CRY!? Cry baby, cry!" Icy Breeze's eyes narrowed and he screamed, "HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO HER THAT WAY!?"

"Well, she's the only one left out of you punks without a cutie mark! Of course, I'm not gonna speak to a blank flank nicely! I'm not gonna speak to any of you nicely!" Star snapped. Light Heart was furious and she yelled, "Don't EVER speak to my friends that way! You're the worst colt I've met in my entire life! We all hate you, Star!"

Star's eyes narrowed and he stormed off. He sat under a tree and looked back at PhoenixTDM sitting there, crying.

"I shouldn't have done that... I made her cry," Star muttered.

"Are you ok?" Light Heart asked as she held out her hoof for PhoenixTDM to get up.

"Yeah, I'm fine," PhoenixTDM assured them, "I just wish that Star wasn't so mean! If he was nice then he could actually be our friend!"

"Yeah," Icy agreed, "I wish he was nice." Mac wanted to set the mood good again so he suggested, "Let's go to the playset!"

"Yeah!" His friends said all at once. The four friends trotted to the playset and started playing.

PhoenixTDM sat in her room, thinking of ways to earn her cutie mark.

"Maybe my special talent is swimming! I love swimming," She thought, "No, I swim all the time. No cutie mark."

She groaned and put her head into her pillow. Her mom came into the room and asked, "Is everything okay?"

"No. All of my friends have their cutie marks and I don't!" PhoenixTDM replied.

Her mom put a hoof on PhoenixTDM's back. "Oh, It's okay! You're only in first grade. But maybe your talent has something to do with art or video games, like me or your Dad?"

PhoenixTDM looked at her mom and smiled. "Thanks, Mom!" She went over to her computer and started playing her favorite game, Minecraft.

"It's been an hour and still no cutie mark!" PhoenixTDM said to herself. She pressed the off button and went outside. She walked around Ponyville until she saw a shop. She looked in the window and saw an amazing blue scooter! It was only 20 bits. PhoenixTDM flew home as fast as a lightning bolt and yelled, "Dad! Can I get that scooter that I saw in the shop!?"

"Woah, hold your horses! What shop?" He replied.

"The one by Sugarcube corner! I saw an amazing scooter and it's only 20 bits!" Her Dad smiled and replied, "Okay. We can get it." PhoenixTDM burst with joy and her and her Dad walked out the door to the shop.

"The great lightning soars on her scooter, doing backflips and amazing tricks!" PhoenixTDM said as she rode around Ponyville on her new scooter. She had never actually done a backflip on her scooter, though. But she wanted to try. She opened her wings, put a hoof on the ground, and kicked, setting her and the scooter going lightning fast. She headed toward a scooter ramp and scootered up it, sending her flying into the air. She used her wings to make her do a double backflip in the air and land back down on the ground. All with her scooter. The ponies around her cheered and then PhoenixTDM looked at her flank. Nothing.

"Aw, come on. Really? I didn't get a cutie mark from that?" She said. She picked up her scooter and flew back to her house.

It was the last day of school, and PhoenixTDM was still a blank flank. Star occasionally bullied her and her friends. Mostly her, because she still had no cutie mark.

"I can't believe I still have no cutie mark! All of you guys got yours already. I don't even know what my special talent is. I thought it was scootering, but it obviously wasn't because my flank is still blank. It's not Minecraft or drawing, either. And those are the only three things I like to do!" PhoenixTDM said to her friends.

Icy Breeze put his hoof on her shoulder and assured her, "You'll get it soon, I know it." PhoenixTDM smiled at him. He blushed a little and then the school bell rang. The ponies all went into the building.

"Welcome to class, everypony! As you all know, today is the last day of school! Next year you will be in fifth grade! Today is a half-day and you can do whatever you like!" Apple Blossom announced. Everypony started cheering. They all played until the day was over and the bell rung to tell them Summer had started.

They ran out of the building to go home.

"Maybe I should try drawing a scooter and a Minecraft creeper?" PhoenixTDM said to herself. She was sitting at her desk, trying to get her cutie mark. She started drawing it and when she was finished she looked at her flank but nothing was there.

"This is useless" She yelled. She put her face on her desk and her mom came into the room.

"Cutie mark problems again?" She asked her daughter.

"Yeah." She replied. Her mom walked over to her and said, "Maybe your talent is multiple things. Like how you love to draw, but you also love to play Minecraft and scooter." She walked out of PhoenixTDM's room and PhoenixTDM thought out loud, "Maybe she's right! Winning so many games of Skywars on Minecraft does seem like a talent. My scooter tricks do, too! And my good art skills all seem like what I'm meant to do."

She beamed and said, "That's it! My special talents are Minecraft, scootering, and art! That's what I'm meant to do!" Just then a bright light appeared at her flank. The light faded and she looked down at it. There it was. Her very own cutie mark. It was a Minecraft creeper with a scooter on the right of it and a paintbrush on the bottom.

PhoenixTDM's eyes lit up and she screamed at the top of her lungs, "I GOT MY CUTIE MARK!!!" She jumped around and her parents and little brother came in to congratulate her. This was the best day of her life.

Author's Note:

Sorry if the beginning was confusing. I just wanted to transition it to the beginning of first grade where Mac had gotten his cutie mark.

Next chapter you will be in for a surprise!

Watch PhoenixTDM Adventures in Equestria here! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLChcDl9x1_DygiFeMt49wFeUvhaJKgH9o