• Published 31st Jul 2017
  • 525 Views, 9 Comments

PhoenixTDM Adventures in Equestria - PhoenixTDM

When 6 best friends team up to defeat a monster, they find out that they are the elements of harmony. A pegasus gets jealous of them and becomes a hard-to-defeat villlain.

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The Hearts and Hooves Day Twist

It was February and it was fifth grade. Over the summer PhoenixTDM had shown her friends her cutie mark and they were amazed. The fillies and colts were all trotting into the classroom and they sat down. When they all had seated, Apple Blossom announced, "Good morning, everypony! We have a new student joining our class today! This is Sugar Drop Pie!"

A bright yellow unicorn filly with a white mane and caramel-colored eyes walked into the classroom. She had a cutie mark of two pieces of candy; one red and one green. She smiled and sat down by a red unicorn colt and a brown earth filly.

"Hi, Sugar Drop! I'm Icy Breeze. These are my friends; Mac, Light Heart, and PhoenixTDM!" Icy Breeze said while pointing at his friends.

"Nice to meet you," Sugar Drop replied. The class continued until it was time for recess. PhoenixTDM and her three friends were playing and then PhoenixTDM saw Star sitting under a tree staring at her. He quickly looked away and she said to her friends, "I just realized that Star hasn't been bullying us this year. I wonder why?"

"I don't know, but I'm glad he's not," Light Heart said. She pointed her hoof and said, "Hey, look, the new filly is walking towards us!" They looked at her as she trotted up to them.

"Hi, Sugar Drop!" PhoenixTDM said enthusiastically. Sugar Drop stepped in front of Light Heart and Mac and said, "Hey, you're unicorns also!" She used her magic to lift a giant rock, "Look at how much I can lift with my magic! How much can you lift?" She said with an evil grin.

Mac used his magic and lifted a big rock and Sugar Drop turned her head to Light Heart and asked, "How about you?" Light Heart folded back her ears and started getting nervous. She tried to use her magic to lift a small rock but her magic aura went out and it dropped.

"What was that? Is that seriously all you can do?" Sugar Drop asked. Light Heart shrunk back and stammered, "W-well I'm n-not that good at m-magic..."

"I've seen newborn foals that can do magic better than you. You're the worst at magic out of any Unicorn. Ever!" A tear went down Light Heart's face and then Sugar said, "You even act like a newborn foal! You're crying! Well, I hope you never grow up any time soon." She snickered as she walked away.

Light Heart sat there crying. "Sugar Drop is right! I am the worst at magic and I act like a Foal!"

Mac put his hoof on Light Heart's shoulder. "You don't act like a foal! And sure, your magic needs a little work, but you just need to practice it more. I can help!". Light Heart looked up at him, smiled, and blushed a little.

"Thanks." They stared at each other for a while until the bell rang. Icy Breeze said, "Okay, lovebirds, it's time to go inside." Mac and Light Heart's faces both turned a darker shade of pink in embarrassment. They looked down at the ground as they walked into the schoolhouse.

"Okay, everypony, tomorrow is the Hearts and Hooves day party, so make sure to bring cards for everypony in the class!" Apple Blossom announced as the fillies and colts sat at their seats. Light Heart looked at Mac and blushed. He looked back at her and blushed as well. PhoenixTDM noticed (and giggled a little).

It was Hearts and Hooves Day; all of the foals who attended Ponyville school had their saddlebags full of cards. PhoenixTDM and her three friends hugged each other and went into the Schoolhouse.

"Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, everypony! I am so excited to have our party this year- especially because of our new student!" Apple Blossom said. Everypony frowned and looked mad at Sugar Drop and Apple Blossom's face went nervous and she said, "Well... let's start! Make sure to exchange cards with everypony in the class. You don't have to give it to them in person; if you’re feeling shy you can just put it on their desk. When you’re done there will be delicious treats waiting for you.!" All of the foals cheered and started grabbing cards out of their saddlebags and putting them on desks or exchanging them with somepony. PhoenixTDM had finished putting the cards on everypony's desk and then she saw Star walking over to her.

"Uh oh..." she thought, "He's gonna say something mean to me." He went up to PhoenixTDM. She noticed he had a big heart-shaped card in his saddlebag. She looked at him in confusement as he gave the card to her and then ran away to his desk. PhoenixTDM opened the card and it read, "Dear PhoenixTDM, I am so sorry for all that I have done to you and your friends. I realized that the way I’ve been acting is bullying and that it’s wrong. I just want to be your friend and I hope you forgive me. Love, Starflower."

PhoenixTDM's eyes widened as she thought, "What the hay! Does Star really want to be my friend? And why did he write Starflower? I'm so confused." She put the card in her saddlebag and looked at Star. Then she looked back at her friends.

"What should I do? What would happen if I actually became friends with the pony who has bullied me and my friends for 2 years? My friends definitely wouldn't approve and I don't think Star would want me to show them the card he gave me, either,"

From across the room, Icy Breeze noticed her looking upset and walked over. He blushed and said, "Hey, PhoenixTDM! Happy Hearts and Hooves Day! C-could we talk outside for a second?" She looked up at him and smiled, "Sure,” she smiled.

They stepped outside of the schoolhouse and saw other ponies playing. PhoenixTDM could tell by the look in Icy Breeze’s eyes that he wanted to speak in private, so they found a place where nopony was. Icy Breeze looked at PhoenixTDM straight in the eyes and said, "PhoenixTDM. You're the best filly I know and I've liked you since the day we met when we were just 3. You always make me laugh and I smile whenever you're around. I've been wanting to ask you this for a while, but... I always was too nervous. Since today is Hearts and Hooves Day, it’s the perfect time to ask. So.. will you be my special somepony?" PhoenixTDM's jaw dropped. She didn't expect him to ask this at all! She did like him back, of course, so she responded with, "YES!" and she hugged him and knocked them both down on the floor just like when Icy got his cutie mark. The two looked at each other, blushed, and they went back inside of the schoolhouse to eat some tasty Hearts and Hooves Day treats.

It was the day after Hearts and Hooves Day, which was a Saturday, and PhoenixTDM wanted to talk to Star. She wanted to ask him about the card he gave her on Hearts and Hooves Day. She didn't know his address, though, so she grabbed his card to see if she could find some more information from it. She saw a section she hadn't seen before that said, "12345 Pegasus Street NW Ponyville, Equestria." Well, that was convenient. She didn't want anypony to see the card so she grabbed her saddlebag and put the card inside and called to her mom, "Mom! I'm gonna go over to a friend's house!"

"Okay, Sweetie!" She replied. PhoenixTDM headed out the door and flew to where the address said. She knocked on the door and a peach-colored filly that looked about Lucas' age with a green/yellow mane and a big pink bow in her mane answered the door.

"Does Star live here?" PhoenixTDM asked. The filly's eyes became big and she responded, "Are you his marefriend?" PhoenixTDM's widened and she replied, "What!? No! I already have a coltfriend!" The filly saw the card protruding from PhoenixTDM's bag, grabbed it, and said, "Well what's this? Dear, PhoenixTDM-" PhoenixTDM snatched the card out of her hooves and said, "Hey, that's mine!" PhoenixTDM heard hoofsteps and saw Star.

"Violet Sparkle! What are you doing!?" The filly smiled nervously and replied, "Oh umm.. I was just letting this filly in to see you!" She ran away and Star rolled his eyes. He looked at PhoenixTDM and said, "Heh heh... Sorry about my sister. She always does this sort of thing to guests when our parents aren't around. So umm what brings you here?"

"I wanted to ask you about the card you gave me yesterday," PhoenixTDM responded. Star led the way to his room and they sat down on his bed.

"Ask away," Star said. PhoenixTDM started with the question of if he actually wanted to be friends with her. His reply was yes with a slight blush and then PhoenixTDM asked, "Why did you write 'Love, Starflower'?" Star's eyes widened at the sound of that name and he sighed, "Because that's my real name. When I was in Preschool, all the other ponies laughed at me for having a 'girl' name. They teased me all the time and called me names like flower boy, girly boy, flower girl, and the list just goes on. Then when I started Kindergarten we moved to Ponyville and my family had started just calling me Star at my request. I didn't want anypony to find out my real name so I decided to be the bully instead of me getting bullied. But I am truly sorry about that and I realize that I have made a mistake!"

PhoenixTDM's eyes widened even more and she responded, "Wow. I had no idea. And I will let you be my friend if you promise not to bully me, my friends, or anypony else anymore." Star smiled a grateful smiled and replied, "I Pinkie Pie promise not to bully anypony anymore. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

"Then I'm proud to call you my new friend!" PhoenixTDM said. Star hugged her (which surprised her) and she awkwardly hugged back.

"Wait... How will I tell my friends that you aren’t a big mean bully anymore?" PhoenixTDM asked. Star thought and he said, "I guess we'll just have to tell them and see if they accept it or not. PhoenixTDM agreed, but she was still nervous for Monday.

When Monday rolled around, PhoenixTDM decided to wait until recess time to break the news. When the bell rang and all of the ponies went out to play, she found Star on the playground. Next, she looked for her other three friends. When she spotted them, she led Star over.

"What is he doing here?" Light Heart asked. Star nervously looked at the ground and PhoenixTDM replied, "Star, here, has something to say to you all." Star looked up, still with a nervous expression on his face and he told them everything that he had told PhoenixTDM. They all had reactions similar to PhoenixTDM's, but they all accepted him as their new friend, and they all shared a group hug.

Author's Note:

If you didn't guess already, Star has a crush on PhoenixTDM! Plot twist! That's why I titled it The Hearts and Hooves Day Twist.

Watch PhoenixTDM Adventures in Equestria here! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLChcDl9x1_DygiFeMt49wFeUvhaJKgH9o