• Published 6th Jul 2012
  • 7,817 Views, 246 Comments

Of Clouds, Seeds, and Apple Trees (Book 1) - LotusTeaDragon

Rainbow Dash has fallen for that stubborn earth pony. Will she reveal her innermost feelings?

  • ...

Chapter Nine


Canterlot Palace
The Next Morning

"I'm glad you could all join me this morning", Doctor Green Clover announced as he entered Princess Celestia's study, wearing his saddlebags, filled to the brim with scrolls and charts. Walking over to the Princess' desk, he spread out what appeared to be a dozen scrolls, each one laden with scribbles and hoofscratch. "I apologize for the mess, and I hope you do not mind if I use your desk, your Majesty", he added hurriedly.

Princess Celestia let her laconic smile and raised eyebrow answer for her. She looked at Twilight, who appeared quite interested in the good Doctor's ministrations in regard to his paperwork.

"Is Spike still sleeping?" She asked her pupil as they waited for Doctor Green Clover to prepare himself.

Twilight smiled and looked up, "Oh, no, Princess. He went back to Ponyville this morning, saying something about donuts and lowered expectations." she finished, giggling.

Amused at her student's mood, Celestia also noted, upon close examination, that her pupil's mane wasn't nearly as neat as the normally OCD pony would have it and, she wasn't really certain, but she could almost swear she heard her student humming lightly.

Celestia looked up and caught Luna's eye. Luna, for her part, merely blushed and looked the other way, as if trying to cover for some deed she wished to keep secret from her big sister. After a moment, however, Luna looked at her and smiled, imperceptibly nodding her head. Celestia's heart swelled and a grin broke out on her lovely alabaster face.

Doctor Green Clover turned to face them. "Ah, good, now that I have your attention, and things are in order, I can begin. This, my esteemed and honored participants, is how we make it rain."


Applejack awoke to a light tapping on her window. She rubbed her eyes for a moment, and turned in her bed, looking toward the source of the disturbance. A smile appeared on her face when she found Rainbow Dash hovering there. Applejack went speechless for a moment, as she saw, perhaps for the first time, Rainbow Dash's true beauty. The cyan mare's rainbow mane was aglow by the Sun, which had risen behind her, casting a multicolored shimmer of light into her room.

Applejack sat up, leaned over her bed, and opened her window. No sooner had she done so, Rainbow Dash bolted into the room, landing on top of Applejack, pushing her back against the mattress.

"Mah goodness, Rainbow!" Applejack yelped in surprise, "warn a filly when yore about ta come about chargin'". She finished with a laugh, unable to stay angry at her new love for more than a heartbeat. Something had changed in her. She could feel it. Ever since their confessions yesterday evening, Applejack's heart had opened to Rainbow Dash so quickly and so readily. Things were moving so fast, but Applejack loved it.

Rainbow, in her own heart, felt much the same way. Ever since she poured her heart out to the orange earth pony, she had felt a weight lift from her heart. That it was okay to love another pony, to let another pony get near her and mean something more to her. The only other pony that had been close was Fluttershy, and that was because of their long friendship going all the way back to summer flight camp when they were fillies.

Applejack, though, she was amazing. She was a competitor, a lover, an honest partner, and Rainbow Dash felt like she didn't have to be brave around her. She told her as much.

"Applejack, do you know why I love you?" she began, her coltish voice cracking slightly on the word love. "I love you because you're awesome. You're so cool, and you work so hard, you're really honest and I know that when I'm with you, I can be myself. I don't have to pretend to be something I'm not." Her voice broke on the last word, and she started crying.

Applejack pulled her in close, embracing her fiercely, then pulled back, staring in Dash's beautiful eyes. She really has changed, Applejack thought in wonder.

"Rainbow", she began softly, "I love ya because ya are an amazin' mare. Ah've never had better competition from any other pony. Ya never give up, ya fight hard all the way to the very end. Ya cain't tell me that ya ain't the most loyal pony in all of Equestria, cause it would be a lie, and ah wouldn't lie to ya, now would ah?" she finished firmly, squeezing Rainbow's shoulders for emphasis.

Dash sniffled a little and smiled, "See? You don't judge me! You just love me!"

They both embraced one another, and lay there on Applejack's bed, as she stroked Dash's mane with her forehoof.

"Ya do know, though" she said coyly, "that this don't mean ah'm givin' ya any easy chances when we race in the runnin' o' the leaves again, this year."

She heard a chuckle emanate from her chest, followed by a muffled "oh, you're on, Applesnack."

Light laughter filled the room just as brightly as the morning Sun.


"By using these theories, I believe it is possible for you to accomplish this task, Twilight." Doctor Green Clover concluded, handing the last scroll to Twilight for her perusal.

Twilight, raising her eyebrows in surprise, replied, "To be honest, Doctor, I didn't think this would be at all possible, but it is certainly beyond the theoretical if your math holds together, and it seems to do just that", she pondered aloud.

Celestia spoke up, "Doctor, your idea certainly has merit. If we proceed with a demonstration, we will need a test location."

"Indeed we will, your Majesty. We will need an area of semi flat land, farmland perhaps, away from any large, populated area. That would be for safety reasons, of course", he replied.

Twilight's face brightened. "We could test it out at Sweet Apple Acres! Applejack has some land they keep fallow, and it would be large enough to test the spell, and far enough away from Ponyville as to prevent any accidents! I know she would approve just so she could be the first to begin saving Ponyville's crops from dying out!"

Doctor Green Clover beamed. "Marvelous! If you would contact your friend, I can prepare everything we need for a test later this afternoon! That is..." he hesitated, looking at the Princesses, "if your highnesses approve."

Luna looked to Celestia and nodded, who turned to Doctor Green Clover.

"Doctor", she said resolutely, "you have our permission to put your plan into motion. Whatever you need shall be provided to you. Let us hope we can save Equestria's food supply, and her ever fragile economy. In the interim, I shall explain to the debate committee your necessary absence."

As the ponies exited Celestia's study, Princess Luna was heard whispering to Twilight, "I love it when a plan comes together."


It was just after noon, and Applejack was sitting on her porch swing, looking out over the orchard. While many of the trees looked healthy enough, she saw the tell tale yellow and brown patches of grass, a sure sign of dehydration beginning to creep up on her farm. While she couldn't fault the Mayor for her tightened water rationing policies, she sure could be a little upset that it still meant less water for her precious trees.

She heard the creaking of the porch swing as she leaned back. Big Mac and Granny Smith had left for Fillydelphia that morning to visit Granny's sister Arlet, and so in a way, the farm felt empty and deserted. Of course, Applejack knew she wasn't alone, and without realizing it, began scanning the beautiful (but cloud free) blue skies. Up there was her marefriend, and she knew that even when she was out of sight, she wasn't out of mind, and she was never going to leave her side. In her heart of hearts, she knew this.

She closed her eyes and felt the breeze, warm and inviting. She listened to the leaves rustle in the trees, and for a brief moment, her heart panged at the idea of losing any of them to the prospect of a continued drought, before she reigned it in, and hog tied it into submission. She wasn't about to let fear get the best of her.

As she let herself go in the warm breeze, her ears began to pick up what sounded like tiny footsteps. Footsteps that belonged to a small but fast creature. A moment later, she heard the heavy breathing, and then the higher pitched voice that called out her name.

She recognized Spike's voice immediately. Opening her eyes, she saw the baby dragon running up the path to the Apple family home. He was moving at a fast clip for such a small creature, at one point almost tripping but catching himself, until he finally reached her porch, and dropped down onto the steps.

"Apple...jack... I... have...!" Spike managed, trying to speak between ragged breaths.

Applejack chuckled, "Hey, calm down there, Spike, an' catch yer breath. Ain't no need to tucker yerself out!"

Spike, finally calming himself, replied, "I had to get this message to you. I promised Twilight I would, and she said that if I didn't get it to you as fast as my feet could carry me, she would make me organize the library for the next two weeks!"

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Well, then, what's so important, there, Spike?"

Spike put up a claw, and waited. A moment later, a gout of flame erupted from his jaws as a scroll appeared. Catching it deftly, he handed it to Applejack, who opened it and read it aloud:

"Dear Applejack,

Ah have been conversin' with a Doctor Green Clover here in Canterlot, and he says he has a theory usin' magic, ta make it rain in Equestria, an' end this threat of a drought. Ah hope you don' mind, but since we needed a place ta test, I volunteered th' empty acres behind yer farm. If ya don't think ya can do it, let me know an' ah'll find a new place. Otherwise, Doctor Green Clover and ah will see ya in a few hours when we arrive from Canterlot.

Yer friend,

Looking up from the scroll, Applejack pondered only for a moment, before replying to Spike, "If Twilight thinks she can make it rain with her magic, and wants ta use those fallowed acres we got, then ah say she gets the chance. Ah trust her. Go ahead and send that, Spike." she finished, rolling up the scroll.

Spike saluted, and ran back toward the library before Applejack had a chance to offer him a glass of applejuice.

She began scanning the skies, looking for Rainbow Dash. She would have to let her know, in case Twilight needed her help. They were all in this together, and by Celestia's flowing mane, they'd lick this drought before it could do any more damage to her home.


Applebloom knocked on the ornate door of Carousel boutique, looking around hurriedly. A few seconds later, she heard Rarity call out, beckoning her inside. Stepping inside the door, she saw Sweetie Belle sitting dejectedly on a dais, being fitted for various small dresses. She looked over to Applebloom and her ears perked up.

"Hey Applebloom! I'm SO glad to see you here!" She gushed. Looking over at Rarity, she called plaintively, "Sis, can I go play with Applebloom?", putting on her most pouty expression. Rarity raised an eyebrow, but smiled and replied, "Certainly, my dear Sweetie Belle. We're finished here. Go play with your little friend, just be back before closing time!" she called as she watched the two fillies rush out of the boutique and likely into mischief.

"Sweetie Belle", Applebloom began, as the two trotted away from Rarity's store, "Ah have somethin' ah need to tell ya'll and Scootaloo. Can ya git her, and meet me back at th' clubhouse?"

Sweetie Belle nodded, "Sure, Applebloom! It might take a little while. Scootaloo had to go home and clean her room, but if she's still doing that, I can help and we can get to the clubhouse in about an hour!"

Applebloom nodded, "Sounds like a plan ta me! See ya at the clubhouse!" and with that, the two fillies brohoofed and ran off toward different destinations.


4:00 PM

Twilight and Doctor Green Clover stepped off of the waiting carriage. Doctor Green Clover volunteered to fetch Twilight's luggage, giving her time to thank the guard ponies for their service in getting her home safely.

"Are you ready, Miss Sparkle?" Doctor Green Clover asked, his voice strained under the weight of all of Twilight's luggage. Glancing at the good Doctor and blushing, she used her magic and lifted the heavy burden from the older gentlecolt.

"I'm sorry, Doctor" she apologized, "I guess I brought back more books than I planned", she added, flashing him an embarrased smile.

For his part, the Doctor merely chuckled and waved a forehoof in response. "Think nothing of it, my dear", he said, "when I was your age, you couldn't keep me away from books. It's a shame I don't have the time to enjoy that activity" he finished with a sigh.

Twilight gave him an empathetic smile, and together they walked toward the library, eager to get things squared away so that they could begin the experiment.

"Do we have transportation out to Sweet Apple Acres?" Doctor Green Clover asked as they stepped inside the library.

Twilight shook her head, "Actually, Sweet Apple Acres is only a ten minute walk from here."

Doctor Green Clover sighed a little, "Ah, well, the exercise will do me good."

Twilight motioned to her sofa, "Please, Doctor, take a seat. Would you like some tea?"
Doctor Green Clover smiled, "Yes, please! I haven't had tea since yesterday, and I have to say the world doesn't seem right without a cup every so many hours". He finished his observation with a wink. Twilight gave him a quick smile and headed into the kitchen.

I sincerely hope that he doesn't see me as some kind of love interest! she thought to herself. She had little experience in flirtation, though Luna seemed to think she was far more flirtatious than she knew.

At the thought of Luna, Twilight's heart melted, and she leaned against the kitchen table, her head swimming with memories from their encounter the night before. Twilight had never felt that way about anypony, but Luna, she was special. She brought out feelings in Twilight that the young mare never knew were there, and those feelings had awakened something in her that made her want to be with the Princess of the Night all the more.

Forcing herself back to her current reality, she began preparing the tea, hoping that the good Doctor only saw her as an intelligent mare, or even just a young version of himself, maybe, but hopefully not a love interest. She didn't think she could handle something like that so soon after figuring out how she felt for another pony!

She finished preparing the tea, pouring two cups and bringing them back into the living area. From where she stood, she could see Doctor Green Clover reading her notes on effervescent magic dilation.

"What do you think?" she asked him, hoping to curtail any potential thoughts of romance, and offered him his cup of tea.

Doctor Green Clover looked up, taking the tea cup from her waiting hooves, and smiled. "I think your work is brilliant, my dear. In fact," he said, taking a sip of his tea, "I think- ooh, this is quite good-, I think you have a great deal of promise. I could see you rising through the ranks of the Canterlot Academy, garnering accolades and degrees, forging a path for new magical sciences."

Twilight blushed and turned her head to avoid eye contact, "Oh, I don't think I'm that smart", she replied bashfully.

Doctor Green Clover waved at her with his free hoof, "Oh,don't be silly, my dear. You're absolutely brilliant! I've been reading up on you since we first met at the symposium, and I must say I've become quite taken with you."

Twilight blanched and nearly dropped her tea cup. "Oh! Um, Doctor, I, had, no idea you, er, thought of me that way! I mean, to tell the truth, I'm... I'm in a relationship." she finished apologetically.

Doctor Green Clover, mouth agape, merely stared at her a moment, his eyes wide.

He gained his voice after a few moments of uncomfortable silence. "Oh dear! Oh, dear, no, my child! Oh my! I didn't mean for you to think of it in that way! Oh, no!" he laughed, rolling back onto the sofa, his tea sloshing from side to side in the cup, "Oh! No, my dear! I didn't mean it like that. When I say I'm taken with you, I mean that I consider you quite the admirable scientist! Oh, my dear, you are, and I mean no offense, much too young for the likes of an old veteran like myself!" He laughed so hard, tears began to form in his eyes, his tea swishing perilously close to the edge of the cup.

Noting this, he placed the cup and saucer on the table, and gently took Twilight by her forehooves.

"My dear Twilight", he said, sobering, "I consider you a friend, and a compatriot. Nothing more, I swear. If you see me wink, or pat you on the back, I promise you, it is merely a sign of scholarly affection."

At this, Twilight breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "Thank you, Doctor, that is a relief, no offense intended." At that he smiled, and she continued.

"Let's say we finish this tea, and get our instruments out to Sweet Apple Acres. I'm sure Applejack is waiting for our arrival anytime." She checked her wall clock. It was almost 5 o' clock, and they would have to leave soon.

Until then, however, they sat together, and drank their tea in silence, eager to get started on the project ahead.
