• Published 6th Jul 2012
  • 7,802 Views, 246 Comments

Of Clouds, Seeds, and Apple Trees (Book 1) - LotusTeaDragon

Rainbow Dash has fallen for that stubborn earth pony. Will she reveal her innermost feelings?

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Chapter Seven


Rainbow Dash was on cloud nine. Here she was, traveling along the dirt road that lead up to Sweet Apple Acres with the one mare that she had so desired in her entire young life, a mare who shared those same feelings toward her. It seemed almost impossible to believe. They had so much in common, sure, but at the same time, they were different in so many ways. Still, she had learned to never look a gift horse in the mouth, and to live each day to the fullest.

She hovered along, keeping pace with Applejack's steady gait, occasionally gazing at the orange earth pony as she would, every so often, kick a pebble out of her way, just to watch where it would land as it scuffed the dirt and sailed into the patches of yellowish green grass along the side of the path.

"Applejack", she spoke after a moment, her raspy, coltish voice filled with concern, "what should we tell the others? I mean, not just our friends, but your family. I mean, not to be offensive, or anything, but isn't your family kinda, you know, um, old fashioned?"

Applejack chuckled as she continued her gaze forward, "Rainbow, ah know they're not fancy like some other ponies, but mah Granny Smith is one of them there mares that believes a good pony is a good pony, an' what they like ain't got nothing ta do with that."

"Well, what about Big Mac? Is he gonna get upset 'cause I like his sister?"

Applejack stopped in her tracks and looked directly at Dash, her intense emerald eyes staring right into Dash's rosemary ones. Rainbow, for her part, landed softly, as Applejack took and held her hooves in her own.

"Rainbow, ah know it may seem like it, but Big Mac is mah brother, not mah owner. I love him with all mah heart, but if'n he cain't accept that I love a mare, and that mare is you, then he's just gonna have'ta get used ta it. I think, though, that he'll be jus' fine with it. Big Mac is just a little protective, is all. He ain't some closed minded backwater rube."

Rainbow Dash smiled, and gave Applejack a kiss on her muzzle, and blushed as Applejack ran her hooves through Dash's mane. Dash brought AJ closer to her, both closing their eyes as their lips met. Pressing firmly against Applejack, Rainbow Dash's tongue began probing gently, and Applejack sensing the eagerness in her friend's desire, opened her mouth and let her in. Their tongues met and caressed one another's, sending a sharp, heated thrill through both mares, their heartbeats increasing faster, together as one.


Dash's eyes shot open, suddenly aware of her rebellious wings, as Applejack started giggling, their mouths still pressed together. Unable to resist, Rainbow Dash started giggling as well, and they both broke free of one another, unable and unwilling to suppress the joy and laughter that had begun to bond them together in their newfound love.

All of a sudden, Applejack perked up.

"Ya wanna come on up and stay for supper?"

Rainbow Dash grinned, "Sure! It beats eatin' whatever's in my fridge any day!"

Applejack laughed, and they continued onward, the silhouette of Sweet Apple Acres braced against the horizon of the evening sky, hoof in hoof, their steps lighter than ever. Applejack even felt that, if given the possibility, that she herself could almost fly.


"Twilight, it is wonderful to see thee again", Luna's voice greeted Twilight as she stepped out of the royal carriage.

Twilight looked up to see the Princess of the Night with a glowing smile on her beautiful face. A moment later, she mentally caught herself.

Beautiful? Where did that come from? the lavender mare wondered to herself. "Pri-uh, Luna, it is, um, wonderful to see you as well! It, uh, certainly has been a day!", she said aloud, with a cheerful smile on her face, sharing space with a sudden blush.

Unseen by either pony, Celestia's eyebrows shot up, and a small smile formed at the corners of her muzzle, though she remained quiet, watching the two interact with one another as the three of them, and the small phalanx of guards, walked toward the palace entrance.

"I take it the debates went well?", the midnight colored pony continued.

"Indeed they did, Luna. I managed to make several key advances in advocating magical theory."

Celestia added from beside Twilight, "You should have seen her, Lulu. She weaved so many logical theories around one delegate, that in his frustrated inability to answer her directly, he huffed off the dias, tripping over the podium in the process. His ego wasn't the only thing bruised." She winked at Twilight at that last remark.

Twilight, for her part, merely blushed and waved her forehoof, "Princess, you're being much too generous. I'm just trying to defend Canterlot's position, that's all".

Celestia gave her a sidelong glance, then looked over to Luna, "Will you listen to that? I heap well earned praise on her, and she shrugs it off." The two sisters laughter echoed through the hall, as Twilight's blush deepened.

A moment later, they arrived in the dining hall, as the Royal Announcer made their presence known.

"Presenting her Royal Highnesses, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna, as well as Esteemed Guest and Element of Magic, Miss Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight raised an eyebrow in surprise, as she noted there was no one else in the hall. She looked to Princess Celestia.

"Princess, where is everypony?"

"Oh, Twilight, I forgot to tell you, it's just you, Lulu, myself, and Doctor Green Clover this evening. I hope that is okay with you."

Twilight smiled, "Oh, Princess, that's fine. I wouldn't expect you to go to any great trouble for me. I am excited to have a longer conversation with Doctor Green Clover, however, so thank you for inviting him."

"It was certainly no trouble, Twilight. We have much to discuss", the Princess replied, giving Twilight her warmest smile as they took their seats at the table.

"In fact", she continued, "he should be along any moment."


Applejack stepped into the Apple family home, holding the screen door for Rainbow Dash, who quipped, "so I guess you get to be the gentlemare in this relationship", as she began to walk through the doorway, sticking out her tongue at her new marefriend.

Applejack smirked, and, without warning, let the screen door slam shut on Dash's haunches.

Dash yelped in surprise, and gave Applejack a shocked grimace before breaking into laughter. A moment later, Applejack joined her, knowing that her eventual payback would be interesting. It was in her blood as a prankster.

A second later, they heard Granny Smith's voice coming from the kitchen.

"Who's y'all makin' that racket in the livin' room?"

Applejack called back, "It's me, Granny, and mah friend Rainbow Dash. You remember her. Y'all don't mind if she stays for supper, do ya?"

"Don't be silly, Applejack, ah course she can stay! We got plenty fer everypony!" she heard in reply, "why back in mah day, we had ta feed a dozen farmponies and their fillies, too, and ah had to be the one to get it all them vittles ready for eatin'! Hard work, it was!"

Applejack looked at Dash and winked, motioning her to follow AJ up to her room. They both quietly ascended the old, wooden steps, letting Granny Smith continue her rambling about how things were in the good ol' days.

Leading Dash through the hallway, Applejack spied Big Mac's bedroom door. She could see light coming through under the bottom of the frame, which meant her brother was inside, probably writing in his journal that he pretended didn't exist. Cautiously, Applejack tiphoofed over to her bedroom, opened the door, and ushered Rainbow Dash inside quickly, closing it softly in the process.

"What was that all about?" Rainbow Dash whispered, caught up in Applejack's covert efforts.

"Ah don't want Big Mac to see us yet. Ah want to tell him in mah own time, jus' in case he ain't as acceptin' as I'm hopin'" Applejack whispered back.

"Wait. Big Mac sees us all the time. He knows we're friends, and that we hang out together. Why would he suspect anything?" Dash continued quietly.

"He's never seen us hang out in mah room, at night, with the door closed, now has he?" Applejack countered softly, raising an eyebrow.

Rainbow Dash gave that a quick thought and then blushed at the implication as Applejack took a moment to toss her hat onto the bedpost.

"Ah also wanted ta get a chance to talk to ya alone, if'n ya don't mind, Dash", Applejack whispered softly into Dash's ear. The close contact combined with Applejack's warm breath on her ear and neck was enough to make Dash's wings fly out again.


"Aw, horseapples!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, and then slapped her hoof to her muzzle, eyes wide in panic. Both of them froze. After a few moments of silence, Applejack narrowed her eyes and put a hoof to her muzzle, indicating that Rainbow should be quiet. Rainbow nodded.

Applejack made her way to the door, opening it quietly. A sudden creak caused them both to jump. Applejack gave the door a hateful look before continuing into the hallway. Standing in front of Big Mac's door, she leaned her head to the side, her ear pressed against the wood grain.

From inside the room, she heard sounds of snoring.

Oh thank Celestia, he's asleep, Applejack thought fervently.

She tiphoofed back over to her room, where Rainbow Dash was peering outside the doorjamb. Motioning her to go inside, Applejack quickly stepped in and shut the door behind her.

"We should be able to talk normal", Applejack spoke after a moment, "Big Mac's asleep. He's sawin' enough logs to build a new barn."

Rainbow Dash sighed in relief.

Applejack walked over to her bed and sat down on the edge. She patted her hoof on the quilted top and motioned Rainbow Dash to sit next to her. Dash gladly complied.


"I apologize for my tardiness!" called out a green coated stallion with a white mane, busy hurrying into the dining hall.

Celestia gave Twilight a knowing grin, having heard similar words from one highly strung out filly who had once traveled the labrynthine palace halls day and night.

"Dr. Green Clover", she said in her melodious voice, "I am pleased that you were able to make it, and no apologies are necessary. We're all allowed to be a little tardy every once in a while", Celestia stated in mock seriousness as she winked at Twilight, who just grinned and blushed.

"Thank you, your Majesty" Green Clover stated, bowing in the process, as he took a seat, "it seems I can't quite move as fast as I used to. What with having to make room for all of these young, gifted, up and coming academic celebrities" he finished, glancing at Twilight, with a twinkle in his eye.

As they each exchanged light pleasantries, the food was brought in and served, and for a short time thereafter, simple, polite conversation was on the menu as the ponies enjoyed their respective meals, but that eventually lapsed into silent concentration on each pony's plate. After they had finished, and more drinks were poured, Doctor Green Clover broke the silence first.

"Miss Sparkle, I would like to posit you a question, if I may."

Twilight smiled, "Certainly, Doctor, and I insist that you call me Twilight, if you please."

The old pony smiled, "Ah, well then, Twilight, let me ask you this: What do you believe is the maximum range of a meteorological spell that is cast primarily to induce precipitation in drought regions of the country?"

Twilight put her hoof to her chin and scratched for a moment, her brow furrowing as she concentrated on an answer. After a moment, she smirked and replied, "That's easy, Doctor. Depending upon the channeling power and skill of the unicorn creating the spell, anywhere from 5 to 25 meters in any direction."

Doctor Green Clover smiled and cleared his throat. "What if I told you that you were wrong, Twilight? What if I told you that you could extend that same influence more than 300 square kilometers in every direction?"

Twilight scoffed, "I'm sorry, Doctor Green Clover, I mean no offense, but that's simply not possible. A unicorn's magical ability does not extend for more than half a kilometer in any direction, and even then, that telekinetic ability is hampered by local interference, which would include everything from trees and clouds to other ponies. That interference would scatter the field created by the unicorn, causing heavy imbalance the further out the field extended. Besides, it is extraordinarily rare for any unicorn to project a spell more than a few hundred meters, and at the very edge, the magic effect would be almost nil. Even Starswirl the Bearded only managed to extend his abilities 100 meters beyond the range of any other pony before him, and he is still considered by many, myself included, to be the greatest unicorn of our age."

Doctor Green Clover was silent, and for a moment Twilight thought she had sorely offended him. Then, without warning, he tilted back his head in laughter. Twilight scowled as he continued his laughter, shaking the table as he leaned forward.

"Oh, the absolute certainty of the young intellectual! My dear Twilight Sparkle, I do not mean to laugh at you or your error, it is simply that I merely find it humorous that a brilliant pony such as yourself has confined herself to such a limited scope."

He dabbed at his lips with his napkin, and continued, "I can show you that your presumption is incorrect, and that you and you alone, Miss Sparkle, can help end this drought." He stared at Twilight for a moment, and then stood.

"Your Highnesses, may I be excused? I would like to retire to my room for the evening. I promise that I shall explain everything in the morning, if you will allow me to do so."

Celestia, for her part, glanced at Luna, who nodded almost imperceptibly, and in that same moment returned her gaze to the old scientist.

"Very well, Doctor Green Clover. I must admit, you have my interest piqued, and no doubt that of my sister, as well as my faithful student. We shall meet in my study tomorrow morning at Sunrise. Does that suit you well enough?"

The kindly, eccentric old man grinned, "Yes, your Highnesses, that would be most perfect." He glanced at the two Sisters, and then at Twilight for a moment before bowing, and leaving the dining hall.

"He was most fascinating", Luna chimed in after he had left.

Celestia nodded, "I agree, Lulu. I must say I didn't expect that kind of reaction out of him. I hope he has his wits about him, he is, after all, a bit odd, and believe me, after thousands of years dealing with the scientific community, I know odd and eccentric!" she finished, a light tone in her voice belying her amusement.

The three seated ponies laughed at her comment.

"Well, I suppose I should head to my study to finish some paperwork before going to bed", she said once the laughter had diminished. "Lulu, Twilight, if you will excuse me", she added as she stood, and flexed her wings for a moment.

Twilight and Luna stood as Celestia made her way out of the dining hall. "Goodnight, Princess!" Twilight called after her. Celestia craned her neck to the side long enough to wink at Twilight before leaving the room.

I wonder what that was about? Twilight thought to herself. After a second, she attributed it to Celestia's joking nature and let it pass unbidden from her memory. She turned back toward Luna to wish her goodnight, when she suddenly realized Luna was staring at her. Luna, for her part, realized she had been caught, started blushing, and looked away for a moment.

Twilight shook off the action, thinking the Princess was merely daydreaming. She smiled at Luna.

"It was a nice dinner, Luna. It is always a pleasure to see you. Perhaps we-"

She was interrupted by the Moon Princess.

"Twilight, may I have a word with you for a moment, in private?"

Twilight's heart started beating a little faster. Was she in trouble? Did she break some form of etiquette? What could she have done to require a private talk with the Princess of the Night? Her breathing started to increase rapidly. Luna, noticing this, hurriedly spoke.

"Twilight, thee are not being punished for any transgression. I wish merely to speak with you", she said.

Twilight's heartbeat slowed down, and her breathing returned to normal. After a moment to recover, she replied, "Certainly, Princess. We can discuss whatever you wish."

Luna merely smiled that enigmatic smile, and headed for the large double doors that lead away from the dining hall. Twilight, her mind filled with apprehension, followed behind her.
