• Published 6th Jul 2012
  • 7,809 Views, 246 Comments

Of Clouds, Seeds, and Apple Trees (Book 1) - LotusTeaDragon

Rainbow Dash has fallen for that stubborn earth pony. Will she reveal her innermost feelings?

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Chapter Eight


Applebloom let herself into the Apple family home, feeling exhausted. The Crusaders had spent all day trying to become love doctors, all to no avail. The sweet scent of apple pie greeted her warmly. Without looking in that direction, Applebloom called into the kitchen, "I'm home, Granny Smith!".

"Eh, go ahead and wash up fer supper, Applebloom! That there's a good pony!"

Applebloom smiled and made her way up the steps, turning toward the bathroom. As she walked past Applejack's room, she saw the light on underneath the door, and heard voices coming from inside. Being a filly with a reputation for her curiosity, there was no way she was going to just walk past her big sister's room without finding out what was going on.

She approached the door quietly, holding her breath, and leaned against the door. After a moment, she could make out two distinct voices. One of them was Applejack's, but the other one was taking a moment for her to recognize.

Who could it be? Applejack doesn't let other ponies in her room, not even me or Big Macintosh!, the little filly thought to herself.

Cupping her ear against the door as firmly as she could without accidentally pushing it open, the second voice continued. Then their voices started to rise, almost as if they were arguing. Applebloom pressed harder, hoping to make out words. Finally, the second voice became loud enough for her to distinguish it.

Rainbow Dash! Applebloom realized. But why is Rainbow Dash in Applejack's room? And what are they arguin' about?

Suddenly, as soon as it had started, the loud voices were gone, and in their place, nothing but silence.

Applebloom pressed her full body against the door, in a vain effort to hear more. As she repositioned herself, her hoof brushed the doorknob, and it was just enough.

Applebloom fell forward, pushing the door open and landing in the doorway. She looked up, and her eyes went wide as she took in what she saw. Applejack was on top of Rainbow Dash, and she was kissing her right on the lips!

Applejack and Rainbow Dash, having heard the noise, turned toward the doorway and saw a surprised filly laying right there in front of them, just staring.

Applejack jumped off of Rainbow Dash, who also sat up and started smoothing her wild mane.

"Applebloom! What in tarnation are you a doin'? Don' you know it's bad manners ta bust inta somepony's room!?" Applejack reprimanded, trying for all the world to look like she hadn't been doing exactly what she had been doing.

Applebloom, still at a loss for words, tried to move her lips to explain it away as some kind of accident, but her mind's eye was still showing her the snapshot of what she had just seen with her own two eyes.

Finally, she gained the ability to speak.

"Oh, uh, hey Applejack, ahm sorry, I uh, tripped and fell and grabbed your door handle by mistake, and uh, I didn't see nothin' like you kissin' Rainbow Dash smack on the mouth!" she stammered, speaking quickly and trying to cover her red cheeks.

Rainbow Dash, to her credit, merely sat on the bed, looking at the young filly. She had to admit, it was embarrassing, but ponies had seen her doing worse.

Applejack, however, was pacing the floor.

"Applebloom, what ya saw-", she began to explain, stopping to stare at her younger sister, "uh, what ya saw was -", finally, she exhaled, "just what is it ya saw, Applebloom?"

Applebloom coughed, "Um, I saw you and Rainbow huggin' each other real close and kissin' like you was more than just real good friends."

Applejack's face turned pale. "Uh, no! Wait, Ahm not... Ah mean, we're not... ah mean...no, ya see..." at which point she just sighed and sat down on the bed, patting Rainbow Dash on her foreleg.

"Look, Applebloom", she began, looking at the young filly, "ya see, ah like Rainbow Dash. A lot. Ah've liked her for a long time, and it was only today that we'all figured it out that we liked each other the same. She's mah... she's mah marefriend." Applejack finished, lowering her eyes toward the floor, her voice echoing a sound of defeat, as if she had confessed to some horrible crime.

Applebloom thought on it a moment, before replying. "Oh! You two are friends like Lyra and Bon-Bon are friends! That's great!" she finished with a smile and a small hop into the air.

Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash looked up at the same time, and gazed at the perceptive young filly. Rainbow Dash spoke first. "You mean, you're not mad at me or AJ for... liking each other?"

Applebloom just shook her head. "No way, silly fillies! Ah love mah big sister, and ah have always thought you were the coolest pony, Rainbow. Why would I be mad to see two of mah favorite ponies find each other?!"

Applejack leaned down and embraced her sister in a giant hug, and kissed her on her pink bow. "Applebloom, Ah've always said you were one smart filly."

A few moments later, Granny Smith's voice could be heard from the kitchen. "Supper's a ready! Ever'pony come and git it!"

Applejack stood, "Hey y'all, let's go catch some supper. An' we better wake Big Macintosh afore he thinks we forgot him and decides ta complain all evenin'."

The three ponies laughed as they left the room.


Butterflies were dancing about Twilight's stomach as she stepped into Luna's bed chambers. She had ran through the entire list of offenses she could have made, including ones unwittingly committed, and she was still uncertain as to what was going on.

As Luna lit the lamps with her magic, Twilight couldn't help but notice the subtle white glow settle on Luna's form. She had never really paid much attention to such things before, but lately, any time she was in the presence of the Moon Princess, her mind tended to drift just a bit.

Luna turned toward Twilight. "Twilight, please, take a seat. Be comfortable. You are most welcome here, I want you to know this."

Twilight saw a divan, and gingerly sat down, not wanting to appear afraid or uncomfortable, because she truly wasn't. She was merely curious, and with the Princess, one never knew what could happen next. Twilight liked that about her. For all that she loved her mentor, Princess Celestia, Twilight had come to know her so well over the many years she had known her, and that was a comfort, a familiarity she wouldn't have traded with the world, but at the same time, it gave a sense of predictability. There was nothing new to discover, at least in that relationship as far as she knew.

No, Princess Luna was different. She was more mysterious, which enticed Twilight, a lover of the unknown and the undiscovered. Luna represented the night, the unseen, the enigmatic. And like Twilight, Luna loved the stars. She loved science, and discovery. All of these things appealed to Twilight.

It also doesn't hurt that she's easy on the eyes, Twilight's subconscious tossed out, unbidden.

"Luna", she began, continuing to use the Princess' first name at her repeated insistence, "If there is something weighing on your mind, or if I have done something wrong, you know you can tell me anything. As a friend, you have my complete trust, and if you wish to tell me something in private, just know that I won't tell another soul."

Luna smiled that beautiful, enigmatic smile. That smile that said a thousand words without having to say anything at all. Her sparkling eyes shone brilliantly, and Twilight had to resist the urge to stare at them as she would the stars.

"Twilight", Luna began, "I have something I need to confess to you. Something that has been weighing on my mind for some time, ever since you saved me from the dread that was Nightmare Moon."

At the mention of the evil mare's name, Luna shuddered and continued, apologetically. "I'm sorry, Twilight, it's just that memory has so many painful connections to it, it is difficult to rid myself of it's horrors."

Twilight moved over and patted the divan.

Princess Luna sighed, walked over, her head lowered, and sat on the edge.

Twilight spoke gently, "Princess, whatever it is you need to tell me, know that I will not judge you. You mean a lot to me. After all, you're a fair ruler, a kind and generous pony, not to mention a great friend. Whatever you have to say, I will listen, and I won't judge you for it."

Luna turned to face Twilight, a tear running down her midnight blue muzzle. "Do you mean that, Twilight?" she asked. "Do you really consider me that much of a friend?"

Twilight nodded. "Princess, you are such a unique pony, that I find myself, to be honest, envious that I can't see you more often. I enjoy exchanging correspondence with you, but it's not the same as, say, watching a meteor shower with you. Yes, I think of you as a great friend. I realize it may be hard to accept, but Nightmare Moon was not really you, not at heart. At heart, you're a kind and gentle pony, a noble pony who cares for her citizens, who puts everypony before herself."

Wow! Where did that come from?!, Twilight wondered. You'd almost think I...oh! she realized, as the thought hit her like an applecart rolling downhill at full speed.

She looked up to the Princess, who was quietly staring at her, tears in her eyes.

"Twilight", she began, licking her lips as she inhaled deeply, and sighed, "I think I..."

"Love you", Twilight finished at the exact same moment.

They both stared at one another for a moment, taking in what had just been said between them.

Luna managed to speak first. "You... love me? Twilight? You love me?! How can you love me?"

Twilight stammered for a moment, unable to process the Princess' words before replying, "How can I love you? How can you love me?! Forgive me Princess, but... you're a Princess! You're beautiful, immortal, you have millenia of knowledge that I could never hope to match! You raise the Moon! You! You! You!...you're perfect! What could a pony like myself offer you?! You could have anyp-"

Twilight's litany was cut off as Luna leaned in and kissed her.

They both drew away quickly, blushing. Twilight began drawing circles in the divan's fabric with her forehoof, while Luna began looking around as if suddenly interested in her own room.

After a few minutes of silence, Twilight spoke softly, "Luna, do you think it's possible for us to actually love each other? I mean, the more I am with you, the happier I feel and all feels so right, but is it... wrong... for two mares to love one another?"

Luna was silent for a moment as she mulled over the question.

She looked at Twilight and smiled, "No, my dear, precious Twilight. When my sister and I became a part of this world, we understood that for it to thrive, for it to grow and flourish, it needed love, and that love was imbued in all things, that all ponies could be a part of it, that their hearts could find solace and warmth in the heart of another. There is no wrong in such love, because love itself is never wrong. When I had succumbed to the hatred and jealousy that was Nightmare Moon, I had forsaken that love to gain what I thought I wanted, when in truth, that hatred was a poor substitute for the love I desired."

Twilight listened as Luna poured her heart and soul out in front of Twilight. As the Princess began to cry at the memory of the intense hatred she had felt as Nightmare Moon, Twilight, ever so gently, began running her hoof through the Princess' mane, bringing it down to her neck, and drawing her in, kissed the tears on her cheeks.

Luna brought Twilight into her embrace, kissing her passionately on the lips, running her hooves down Twilight's back. Twilight brought her hooves around and embraced the Princess, gently stroking her back, and they kissed, releasing into each other's soul the previously unknown desires that had pulled at their heartstrings since they had first encountered one another for the very first time.

It was love. True love. A love that couldn't be measured by gifts or by words, or any such mundanity that existed anywhere in the world. It was a fundamental magic. A kind of magic that made a unicorn awaken the elements, a pegasus to fly, an earth pony to commune with the land. It was the love that made the world turn, and the Sun and Moon rise and set each day, and it was there, between two ponies who needed one another before they ever knew they had existed, who may have never met, and who would have never brought to bear what they need most. Yet love found a way.


Celestia turned away from the door of her sister's room. Walking back to her own chambers, she let a smile show on her muzzle, her heart giddy and her hoofsteps light. Ever since her sister had returned to her, Celestia had worried for the state of her heart. Luna had been transitioning to this new way of life, and it had been wearing on her. Still, Celestia had paid close attention to how she had interacted with her faithful student, and in turn, had watched as Twilight responded, and knew that a spark of something greater than friendship lay dormant in their hearts, and while Celestia wasn't really one to meddle, she felt that if she would have ignored the opportunity, a great injustice would have been committed.

Returning to her chambers, she removed her shoes, laying down on her bed, her head resting on the silk pillows, she drifted off to sleep, with the hope that what had begun that night would blossom into something truly wonderful for her sister and her beloved pupil.


"Hey AJ, could you pass the carrots?" Rainbow Dash called, as her arm brushed the orange pony's leg. She saw a shudder visibly pass through Applejack, and giggled quietly to herself. This is going to be so awesome! she thought to herself, as Applejack handed her the bowl of carrots.

Meanwhile, Applebloom watched in silent amusement. She could tell that Rainbow Dash cared a lot about her sister, and she would have had it no other way. While she was eager to ask Applejack and Rainbow Dash more questions, she had promised them, before coming downstairs for supper, that she would stay quiet about the whole thing until the two of them had told the family and their friends.

Of course, Applebloom thought to herself as she continued to watch the two touch hooves under the table, that doesn't mean I can't tell the Crusaders. This will really help us in getting our Love Doctor cutie marks!

With that hope firmly in mind, she dug into her apple slices with renewed gusto.
