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Keep Calm and Argue On

Rarity watched as her new guest played simple games with her younger sister Sweetie Belle. It was nice to have some time to herself Rarity had to admit, but she did find her guest to be a bit more child like than she expected. She played a lot of different games with Sweetie Belle, such as tic-tack-toe, hop scotch, and even a game of back-and-forth with a ball of yarn. Rarity did find it admirable how well she looked after fillies, she could make foal sitters jealous, but their was something a little odd about it. For one thing, as she played back-and-forth, Rarity noticed she was rather fixated on the ball of yarn the entire time. For another, she didn't strike Rarity as the playful type, but even with how lackadaisical she was while playing these games, she did surprise Rarity some. Lastly was how familiar her guest seemed. Rarity couldn't quite put her hoof on it, but something about this guest of hers was very recognizable. She simply decided to push it to the back of her mind for now. Keeping her focus on how much fun Sweetie Belle was having was far more preferable than focusing on a vague resemblance.

Just as she continued sipping her tea, she heard somepony bashing their hoof against the front door. With how hard they knocked, you'd think the police came with a warrant for her arrest. Rarity proceeded to open the front door at a quick pace, with Opal and Sweetie Belle close behind. She opened the door only to find an incredibly worn out Fluttershy waiting at the door. The first thing she noticed was Fluttershy's mane. Being the stylist she was, noticing a frazzled, dirt filled mane was easy to do. The second thing she noticed was just how worn out she seemed. She was breathing heavily, her hooves were beginning to give way underneath her, and her coat had several stains of dirt. The third thing she noticed made her forget entirely about her appearance. Fluttershy was crying. Not only that, but her red puffy eyes, and her face stained by tears showed she had been crying all the way here. Fluttershy proceeded to tackle Rarity with a desperate hug, and begun crying into Rarity's shoulder. Rarity wasn't sure how to respond, so she didn't. She simply let her friend cry her eyes out some more, and decided to brush her hoof through Fluttershy's mane in an attempt to calm her down.

Opal walked over to the door and closed it, so as not to draw too much attention. Fluttershy needed as much time to calm down as she could get, and having ponies stand at the door to watch wouldn't help matters in any way. Sweetie Belle wasn't sure what to do either; She just stood there, and watched as Fluttershy cried into the shoulder of her older sister. Fluttershy tried to talk.

“R-Rarity. It was awful. I-I-I was just, m-minding my own b-business, and-and-and-”

Rarity continued stroking Fluttershy's mane, and shushed her in a quiet and calming manner. “No need, try to calm down dear. Just relax, take a slow steady breath, and tell me what's going on when you're good and ready.”

She did just as Rarity instructed, and took several minutes to calm down, only to realize she was still lying on top of her best friend. She started blushing deep red, and got off of Rarity in a hasty manner.

“Oh, um. S-s-sorry Rarity. I was just so upset, and...I needed a hug and...”

Rarity got up and brushed herself off. “No need to explain dear. After something like that I can only assume you've been through simply too much to handle. If anything, I'm glad I could help calm you down some.”

“Yeah.” She said, still blushing slightly. “It was...nice.”

Opal let out a short, polite cough to catch the two mares attention, only to make Fluttershy blush even more and hide under the couch. “Should I make some tea?” Opal asked.

Rarity took a few seconds to process that request. “Oh, yes. Please do.” She turned to look in Fluttershy's direction. “That would be most helpful.”

Opal proceeded to preparing the tea, while Rarity walked over to the couch to tell Fluttershy about her new house guest.

The three mares sat together at the small circular dining table. Sweetie Belle was sent up to her room to play with her dolls while the three discussed what was going on. Fluttershy explained how she found a white pegasus out cold in what was now a broken mess where her pet bunny Angel used to sleep. Somehow Fluttershy wasn't concerned about Angel however.

She, with the help of her strong animal friends, carried the strange pegasus to her living room couch. She put on her trusty reflector "again, that thing doctors wear" and gave him a thorough check up. After treating several bruises, removing several splinters, and putting some ice bags on the parts that seemed to be in the most pain, she turned around to grab her thermometer, and check his temperature. After he woke up, he started spitting out nonsense about her being in his house, and that he doesn’t let strangers treat his injuries. After Fluttershy tried to talk to him "and failed miserably" she received a powerful left hook to the face, and was told in an incredibly loud voice to get out.

“Oh no.”

Fluttershy and Rarity turned around to see that Opal was the one speaking.

“What do you mean, 'Oh no'?” Rarity said.

Opal let out an agitated sigh. “I think I know the pony who did this. He's always been an unreasonable ruffian.”

Both ponies stared at Opal, jaws agape and eyes wide. “You...know who did this?”

Opal sighed again. “Unfortunately, yes. Perhaps we should go to Fluttershy's home and let me speak with him.”

Rarity raised an eyebrow. “You...think you can negotiate with him?”

Opal blinked twice. “I have no idea, but he may be willing to speak with a friend more so than a stranger.”

The room stayed quiet for a few seconds, then Fluttershy decided to speak. “Maybe we should.”

Rarity turned to Fluttershy in shock. “Fluttershy, you can't be serious!”

Fluttershy moved her pink mane out of her face some. “Remember when we were fighting that manticore, and it turned out he was just upset because he was hurt? Well, given how many injuries that pegasus had, and how confused he was to have a stranger tend to his wounds, it makes sense if he got confused and scared, and kicked me out to calm down.”

Rarity was still confused. “He said that house was his. Are you saying that makes sense?”

Fluttershy looked down at her tea, and pawed at it slowly. “Well...He could have been delirious. He didn't seem too well when I was observing him, so mistaking my house for his can make a little sense.”

Opal decided to interject. “And he's an animal caretaker.”

Both ponies turned to Opal in shock.

“He's surrounded by animals all the time, so it makes sense if the amount of animals in Fluttershy's house didn't faze him. In fact, it would have easily re-enforced the idea that he was in his own house.”

Rarity shook her head in confusion. “Hold on just one second.” She turned to Fluttershy. “This ruffian smacked you in the face, forced you out of your home, and you're just going to forgive him.”

Fluttershy looked to Rarity with concern in her face. “Rarity, I think I know what I'm saying makes sense. Opal just said he cares for animals like me, so mistaking my house for his makes sense. Can't we at least try and talk to him first.”

Rarity sat there with a feeling of absolute shock. “This is preposterous! How could you possibly forgive him!?”

Opal interjected. “Look, either he's a ruffian who needs to be taught a lesson, or he's a poor helpless pony who didn't know what he was doing. Either way, we should go there, and figure out which he is before we make any course of action.”
The ponies came to an agreement, and decided to bring Sweetie Belle to the local library to be watched over while they take care of business.