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Of Apples and Books

Winona was never fazed by anything, or anypony. That just about sums up how she felt when she woke up in the middle of her living room filled with ponies she never met. Each one had an apple related cutie-mark, save for the young red-headed blank-flank.

“Howdy!” Winona said with a big grin on her face.

The orange pony with a blonde mane decided to speak first. “Um, howdy. Are Y'all feelin' okay?”

“Ah'm feelin' great Ah tell ya what! How 'r y'all doin'?”

The orange pony shared glances with the others in the room, and spoke again. “Uh, ah recon I'm fine. Just a mite confused is all.”

“Ah'm a might confused too! Ah just don't let it bother me.”

The big red pony decided to speak this time. “Uh, you sure you're feelin' alright partner? Ah recon none of us seen y'all before.”

“Well Ah recon you're right, but I like meetin' new ponies!”

The yellow blank-flank spoke this time. “Well then, what brings y'all to Sweat Apple Acres?”

Winona laughed. “That's an easy one, I'm here to help herd the cattle! That's mah job!”

The orange one spoke again. “Wait a minute. Y'all work here?”

“Ah do! Do y'all work here?”

“Whut? Yeah Ah work here! I'm the owner of these here Acres!”

Winona seemed more excited now. “Wow! Ah recon that makes you the boss 'round these parts!”

The orange pony felt some pride after hearing what Winona said. “Boy howdy Ah am!” Then realized she was still talking to a stranger. “But Ah don't remember hiring you.”

Winona tapped her hoof against her chin in thought, but then brightened back up again. “Well then, Ah recon Ah gotta show Ah'm gonna be worth havin' 'round! How's about Ah work a few hours fer free, and y'all decide if ya wanna hire me!”

The ponies in the room all exchanged glances, not a single one of them was sure what to do. Then the orange one spoke again. “Uh, how's about we have a little meeting first.”

Winona was still unfazed. “Alrighty then, y'all go on ahead!”

The ponies in the room left, leaving Winona to get off the floor, and get sat down at the couch. Winona found some reasons to feel fine that were perfectly reasonable in her mind. This orange pony must have bought the farm from Winona's employers, and was now the boss. She'd never worked for this pony before, so maybe she had to be hired a second time. Winona wasn't entirely sure how business ownership worked, but this reason seamed sensible enough to her.

“What in the hay are we supposed to do now?”

Applejack had no idea what to think, let alone what to do about it. A complete stranger woke up in there living room, was completely unfazed by all of it, and was now asking for a job. What was she supposed to do?

“She seems alright ta me.” Applebloom interjected. “Maybe we should hire her”

“Applebloom, get serious! We don't even know who she is! She might be some kinda spy sent to sabotage our crops!”

Big Macintosh decided to speak. “Don't spies gotta be kunnin' an' such? She didn't strike me as the sharpest tool in the shed. 'Sides, if she did wanna sabotage us, wouldn't she walk up the the front door an' ask for a job like any normal pony?”

Applejack sighed. “Well then, mister mathamagician, why don't y'all explain what's goin' on?”

“It's mathematician. And it don't take no math genius to figure out what's goin on. Now here's what Ah recon. Judgin' by her non-stop happy attitude, Ah recon she ain't too bright. Pah always told me the only pony he ever knew that was happy no matter what was the village idiot.”

Applejack felt depression tugging at her heart strings, and put her hat to her chest in respect. “That sounds like Pah alright.”

“Right, then of course there's what she said about workin' here. She said her job was herdin' cattle, that much Ah believe, but she might just be a cattle herder at some other ranch. Ah certainly never saw her on mah visits to Ponyville, so Ah doubt she's from around these parts.”

“Then why in the hay is she here?”

Big Mac shrugged. “Ah recon Ah could put up a bunch a theories as to how she got here, but mah general guess is something bad happened to her, she collapsed in our home, and is too dim to understand she's in the wrong farm.”

Applejack tapped her hoof on her chin in thought. “Ah suppose that makes a lick of sense. But what should we do now?”

Big Mac hummed in thought. “Well, she said she'd work a few free hours to see if we wanna hire her. Maybe we should agree? Ah recon we can't get her back to her farm 'till we can learn a might more about her. 'Sides, notin' wrong with a little extra help 'round the farm.”

Applejack still wasn't entirely sure what to do. “Granny Smith, what do you think?”

The elderly mare was shaking slightly while holding her walker. “Ah recon she's a hard worker. She struck me as an honest farm pony, and that's good enough for me.”

Applejack smiled, now feeling a unanimous decision was made. “Alrighty then. It's settled, we let her show us what she's got, and if we like it, for now, we hire her.” Everypony in the room spit on their hooves, and put them together in agreement. Then proceeded to go into the living room and give their new guest their decision.

Twilight paced around her library, reading through several medical books to see if there was anything else she should do. She found that a brown unicorn-pony was unconscious in her library. She wasn't to worried about how he got there, it was a public library after all. Still, she was concerned about his condition. She would have simply sent him to a medical specialist to be examined, but looking at him, he seemed to only be suffering from extreme lack of sleep. Still though, all of Twilight's arbitrary attempts to wake him up were worrying, and she had to make sure she wasn't missing some big detail about keeping him stable. Meanwhile, Spike went about his normal chores, and helped Twilight whenever asked as he always did.