• Published 22nd Mar 2017
  • 709 Views, 23 Comments

Axis and allies in equestra - doompony32

A force of allied soldiers and Germans get teported to equestra

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Chapter 5 A Navy

Author's Note:

Ok I am sorry for this chapter being so late I have been very busy. I hope that now I She can get more chapters made soon.

December 26th, 1948 A.D.
Equestria, port of Manehattan.

A mighty beast of a ship clad in steel was currently sitting a few miles from Manhattan. It was surrounded by several smaller ships that that stayed around it. All the ships had a flag with red and white stripes and blue patch with white stars on it.

This was battleship Iowa and her escort destroyers.

They were sailing towards the Philippines before a blinding flash lit up the horizon and they suddenly appeared off of the shore of Manehattan. The captain of the fleet was keeping a cool head as he waits for a radio message to come in from the current leader of this new land.

He was shocked when Jack told him that the local population consisted of humanized ponies. This also made him curious about them, but was told not to let any onboard until he and the princess of the country were on their way to the shoreline.

He was also told that the germans that here are friendly and if one fires at you to radio them.

The port seemed to also be incredibly busy and when Jack asked Celestia about she responded with, “There is supposed to be a large shipment of raw materials coming in for... “ she stopped as a massive six engined plane roared overhead. It seemed to have been heading out to sea in a hurry.

“dame a brume en vos heavy bomber seaplane. They are a very rare sight to see.” jack said watching it fly off to the ocean.

30 Kilometers out to sea.

Walter Werner stared out the window of Das GroBe Deutschland’s bridge, watching the cargo ships that he was now accompanying waiting for the BV 238 to land transport a special weapon inland to be secured. “Sir, we received a message from U-903.” Walter turned to see a young sailor holding a piece of paper.

“Well? Read it.” Walter said.

The sailor gulped then began, “Contact Report from U-903. We are in the unknown port currently hidden. There is a Iowa class battleship and four unknown destroyers. That's it sir.” The whole bridge was silent.

“Well then it looks like our new friends has already docked, however we will likely not be able to dock.” Walter announced to everyone on the bridge.

“SIR THE WATCH CREW SPOTTED THE BV!” Came from the ship’s local radio.

“Good, I want everyone to be ready to hand off the device to the flight crew.” Walter commanded the sailor in front of him. As the sailor rushed off the bridge he turned back to the windows and looked out. They were being escorted by two destroyers Z60 and Z70 both of which were Type 1945 class destroyers. All he did was stare out the window as they loaded the device on to the plane. Once done the plane made its takeoff and it was by this time that they were coming into sight of the port. “Well everyone we are in sight of the port.” Walter said before turning to his men then saying “Let's see what the Americans think of our H44.”

One of the Iowa’s spotter planes was flying lazily in the sky waiting for a glimpse of the german ship. As a little time passed he saw a giant battleship larger in size to Iowa and two type 1945 destroyers. He switched on his radio “this is spotty plane one I have spotted 2 german destroyers and one unknown toe of battleship that is larger in size then iowa.” the pilot said into the radio.

Walter commanded Das GroBe Deutschland’s escorts to move ahead of her to find the depth of the port well Das GroBe Deutschland at the mouth of the harber. Das GroBe Deutschland dorfes the cargo ships sailing past it. Walter walked out onto the starboard bridge wing and looked into the port.

The captain of the battleship iowa smiles and commands a short burst to the ships fog horn. When the fog horn sounds it roared with power and flooded out any sound and can be heard all over the city of Manehattan and the german ships also hear it.

The massive German ship let out a long belo in response from its own fog horn.

Z60 pulled up alongside Das GroBe Deutschland, and the crew gets ready for Walter to come aboard, within ten minutes Walter was onboard Z60 and they were headed for the dock that the US ships were docked at. Walter gave a contisincy order should things not go the way he wanted them to.

The german destroys and american destroyers had there guns trained at each other if thing went south they would open fire. Iowa had her rear turret trained up to show they won't fire and aren't aiming at them. Jack was onboard Iowa as he waits for the german destroyer to dock and its captain come aboard.

Once docked Walter walked on to the dock and looked around, he quickly started to regret coming ashore alone but he don't want to risk more lives of his men then needed. He felt his holster inside was a flare gun, all he needed to do was shoot it off and every ship in the port would be sunk however he hoped that wouldn't be necessary. He stood on the dock looking the American battleship over.

Iowa is a very large ship that is the pride of the U.S. fleet. It had the biggest guns mounted on any U.S. ship. The iowa sides were inches away from scraping the sides of its dock it is in. Jack started to walk off from the iowa with princess celestia with him.

Jack then waves to the captain “Hello it’s a pleasure to meet you.” he said

“Hmm interesting, a army soldier in command of a ship you Americans can be so unpredictable sometimes. Nevertheless good to see we weren't greeted with the usual. Name's Walter Werner and you two are?” Walter responded.

“It's Nice to meet you Walter Werner. I am commander Jack Paterson I am in command of all u.s. forces in this new world. The person next to is princess one of the leaders of this country known as equestria.” jack said giving the naval officer a salute

“you higher commanding officer is commander Alexander, he is in command of all german forces. But enough for the small talk because even though we came out of a war we have a new threat. A species known as the changeling attack the regrouping area of both german and american forces, and we are now at war with them.” jack said looking angry since a few of his men were killed in the attack.

“Well first Alexander is not my commander however he did talk to me and I am willing to support the war on, what did you call them changelings?” Walter responded.

“ well alexander is the highest ranking officer for the german forces so he is in command but each branch has atomany from his command.That is the name of the spices we are at war with, there are many different spices on this world.” jack said as his own response.

“However do we know if any others have come to this world before us?” Walter questioned.

“as of right now we don't know if any have, but let's just hope the commies show up.” jack said which celestia didn't know what ‘commies’ were.

“I can tell you more about the changelings if you would like, and I would like to know what you mean by ‘commies’.” she said.

“Communists. Basically one for all and all for one, but that's not how they treat it.” Walter said.

“yeah they push their opposition down and stay in control were they are in control.” jack said added to the description “well celestia I must head back to my troupes. Walter I am putting you in command of iowa and her 6 fletcher class destroyers. There would be a captain of these ships but he has fallen ill.” jack said turning to leave.

A siren walled from the american battleship. “distress call from a Bayern class battleship! They are being chased multiple changeling ships.” a soldier shouted over the intercom.

“Walter go help that battleship now!” jack said turning to face him.

Comments ( 5 )
Comment posted by doompony32 deleted Sep 5th, 2018

i would like to ask few questions
first when they were transported from Normandy switch is in France why did they say that "nothing here looks like germany" when they have not been in Germany at any point?
second what is WF 190? because i know there is focke wulf 190 but i have never heard of WF 190.
Third BV 238 is not a bomber it is a cargo plane
forth chapter 4 what does this line mean?

are technology is way beyond yours

should it be "our"?
fifth it is impossible to copy a tank with their level of technology because how can changelings make wiring or diesel engines or gear boxes switch need precision tools to make them perfect fit for the engine?

Then i would like to ask what happened to Estonia and Hungary and Finland during the war as they are not fighting against America only soviet union?Well okay Finland is in war with Great Britain but still.

First they were at the french-german border so they kind know what germany looks like and the commander visited german before the war.
Second it is a spelling error it should have said fw 190 not wf 190.
Third yes I know I will fill that but there were planes of a version of it that can drop bombs, look at war thunder for reference.
Forth I will fix that
Fifth the changlings are very enginuitive they can adapt there means of production to make new thing like precision parts and they are use in magic crystals as a power source.
Estonia has became a puppet of german. Hungary is still around and its forces are more concentrated in keeping down uprisings andsupporting the German on the Italian front. Finland is guardian norway and its own ports.

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