• Published 22nd Mar 2017
  • 709 Views, 23 Comments

Axis and allies in equestra - doompony32

A force of allied soldiers and Germans get teported to equestra

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Chapter 2

Jack was sitting on one of the seats on the train, he was right across from Celestia. “so Celestia why are we going to Canterlot for?” Jack asked Celestia, as he looks at her.

Celestia looked and Jack and responded with, “Its Equestria’s capital and I want the input of some of my advisers along with my sister Luna.”

Alexander chimed in, “Advisers? Aren't you a princess?”

Celestia smiled and said, “I chose advisers to help me see a problem from multiple angles, so I can choose best for my subjects.” Alexander seemed to be content with her answer.

“Much like the United Utates how it is a democracy, the president has people help his see things from different angles on something to help him make the best choice from the country.” Jack said nodding.

Celestia chuckled and said, “However sometimes I must rely on my 1000 years of experience ruling Equestria.”

Jack double takes and looks at her “but you look like your in your twenties.” he said

Celestia smiled and said, “Thank you. Alicorns age extremely slow compared to normal ponies, so both me and my sister are actually very old for how we look and living so long ponies started seeing us as gods.”

“Anyone would see you as god if they knew you age extremely slowly.” Jack said smiling warmly at her.

“Yes and one perk is I get to see my kingdom grow and evolve.” Celestia said.

“That would be interesting to watch a country change over hundreds of generations.” Alexander chimed in.

“Yes it would be interesting to see a country to grow over time.” Jack said smiling softly.

“But of all the things I've seen I have never seen these devices you carry and ride on.” Celestia said.

“These are weapons of war to kill. The sad thing about humanity is that we always have war against each other, and that made us make better defense, and that forces better weapons. These are not even the most powerful, we have been able to make a weapon that can level entire cities and render the area around it uninhabitable and dangerous for life.” Jack said looking down sadly “But if you ask me and the germans here, we are tired of fighting and want to be left alone, but we will fight if we have to.” Jack said and laughs non enthusiast.

Celestia asked, “You do not have this weapon here do you?”

“No we don't we really don't want to use it, but we use it twice on the Japanese, the cities of hiroshima and nagasaki…..over a million dead in total over a 6 month period. ” Jack said and crys a little.

One of Alexander’s guards walked over to him and handed him a radio headset. He put the headset on and said, “Yes? WHAT? HOW? SO YOU MEAN TO TELL ME YOU LOST A FUCKING TANK AN E75 AT THAT! A TANK DOESN'T JUST DISAPPEAR! Listen you figure out what happened and from now on I want someone in the tanks at all times.” Alexander handed the headset back to his guard and said, “I don't want to talk to them about less they find it.” The guard nodded and went back to his original spot as Alexander sighed.

“It had to be a fucking E75. Give me a radio.” jack said and one of the u.s rangers come over to him with a radio, and jack then call his troops “I want all troops on alert, something stoll a german E75. Also have AT guns set up in strategic positions, and support are German allies.” he said and hangs up, and the soldier goes back to his seat.

“Celestia you wouldn't happen to have an air base, and know what oil is?” Jack asked looks at celestia.

“Hold on a second what is a E75?” Celestia asked.

Alexander sighed and said, “An E75 is a super heavy tank that is equipped with a 128mm gun. It's unbelievable deadly.”

Celestia said, “We will have to find it before it is copied or used.” Alexander nodded then she turned to Jack and said, “In terms of airbase we do not have one however we have a landing strip for Pegasus and we do indeed know of oil but we use very little.”

“How longs is the landing stripe and is there any oil up at that landing strip, and the reason about oil is because all are vehicles run on it.” jack said hoping that there is oil at the landing strip.

“No there isn't any oil at the landing strip that would have to be brought in from the refineries and in their current state they likely can't put out enough to run all your vehicles and as for the landing strip’s size, I can't say off the top of my head we can go over the use of Equestrian bases and installations at the meeting.” Celestia said.

Alexander chimed in again, “Well we need gasoline which is made with oil.”

“yes and lucky for you we can help with shipping and refining. And we can talk over this more when we get to the castle.” jack said and looks out a window, and sees in the distance a b-29 superfortress being chased by two WF-190’s.

“oh shipping isn't a problem.” Celestia said.

“ummm we have a problem. B-29 superfortress being chased by WF-190!” Jack said and the bomber and fighters fly right one them and the sounds of 30mm and 12.7mm guns firing fill the air.

Alexander yell to one of his guards, “Radio base and tell them to contact every German aircraft and get them to hold fire on everything.” The guard nodded and grabbed the headset off his back pack.

One of the B-29 superfortress engines caught fire and leaving a black smoke trail “princess how far is that landing strip from here.” jack said.

Celestia by her hand on her chin thinking before saying, “100 miles or so.”

“ok thank you.” he said and grabs the radio from one of his soldier and try’s to get in contact with the B-29. Jack then gets through to the bomber “B-29 bomber there is a landing strip about 100 miles in the way you're going.” jack said to the bomber crew.

Celestia watching out the window said, “My sister in Canterlot can probably see that.”

“yeah, but let's hope the crew can get to the landing strip.” jack said looking at the bomber that just lost power to one of its four engines.

“We should be arriving in 15 minutes so we can see if they made it when we get to Canterlot.” Celestia said.

“ok I just hope they get back alive.” jack said watching the bomber fly to the landing strip.

Celestia looked at him and said, “Don't worry those who work there are trained to save those in danger from all sorts of disasters.”

“find that hard, we have trouble saving crew from plane crashes. Because oil doesn't stop burning till it is gone. Also just hope there isn't any bombs on board, that bomber can carry over 10 tons of bombs, or a atom bomb.” jack said

Celestia’s face turned somber as she said, “Bombs would be a problem but as for fire, we use a spell to nullify the effect of fire for some time allowing responders to get ponies out.”

“Ok…. Let's talk about something else. “ jack said and looks back at celestia.

“Like what?” Celestia asked.

“I don't know what do you want to talk about.” jack said looking at celestia.

Celestia thought for a moment then said with a smile, “What do you think about castles? Because we should be pulling into Canterlot station.”

“for us the old castle of are world are over 200 years old and are not useful anymore, are weapons punch through the old castle like a hot knife through butter. But they are beautiful in design and architecture.” jack said

Alexander said, “This one isn't run down like the one my forces are staying is it?”

Celestia laughed and said, “Oh no it's not although I enjoyed that old castle, this one is quite a sight to see. I'm sure you will be amazed.” as the train slowed up.

“I hope it will amaze me.” jack laughs a little also. “maybe we can help make your army stronger and transportation better. I am sure you will be amazed at the things humans have made.” jack said smiling.

Celestia looked at Jack and said, “There is no need for my army to be improved but I am interested in new transportation.”

“we can help improve trains, and give you cars, trucks, and planes other things” jack said smiling happily.

Celestia smiled and said, “I can't wait to hear about it at the meeting.”

“yes and hopefully you have something to share with us. I sense you use magic, which doesn't exist in our world, but only in story's.” jack said happily “hey Alexander why aren't you talking much?” jack asked.

Alexander looked at Jack and said, “I never was a talker less needed. I simply watch tell something needs to be said.”

“oh I thought you would want to say anything about the meeting we are having soon.” jack said frowning

Celestia smiled and said, “Sometimes being discrete is the smartest route and as for our magic only those of us with horns can use it.” She then pointed to her horn.

“well I know that since unicorns were myth in our world along with Pegasus. But you are both at the same time.” Jack said smiling

“Well yes that's what it means to be a alicorn.” Celestia said.

“oh ok that makes sense.” jack said smiling and looks out the window. “princess why don't you want to improve your military. From my view it looks weak, but that is my opinion.” jack added.

Celestia smiled and said, “We are already the strongest and biggest military and if we started to improve it in peace time then it may upset other countries.”

“wow then I fear the other nations militaries are not even qualified. But you're not the most powerful army, my troop and the germans combined are a force to be reckoned with.” jack said

“Celestia although I don't fully agree with Jack you must understand that a super tank has gone missing and your forces could only scratch it. Your forces at least need anti tank equipment. Not to mention if who or what ever took it finds a way of reverse engineer it.” Alexander said.

Celestia thought for a moment as the train stopped. “This is off the record and not official but what do you recommend?” Celestia asked.

Alexander answered, “PanzerFaust would be best as it is recoilless well still being able to punch through a lot of armor.”

Celestia stood up and said, “Do you have one to demonstrate with?”

Alexander stood and said, “Yes we do, we can talk more about it at the meeting.”

some of my rangers are equipped with bazooka’s, we can talk more about it later at the meeting.” jack said and stands up also. “shale we leave now.” jack said pointing to the door.

Celestia nodded and said, “This way.” and walked out. Alexander and his guards followed.

Jack also follows with his rangers guarding him. “so who else will be at this meeting.” jack asked celestia

“Well my sister, my advisers, the head of the guard and obviously guards.” Celestia answered.

“so no diplomats from other countries?” jack asked as they walk to the castle.

“Nope right now you are Equestria’s problem so to speak. So for now no.” Celestia responded.

“ok seems reasonable enough.” he said looking up at her and smiles.

“If need be you both will get to meet other leaders at a later date. Speaking of which you are your forces should get familiarized with this world.” Said Celestia.

“I hope they are right now, but some are staying alert since one of the tanks went missing.” jack said as he keeps walking.

Author's Note:

((Next time on axis and allies in equestria. The soldiers at ponyville will come under attack and will show the enemy to fear them. Also I am out of school but still busy with life, so chapters might be made more often.))