• Published 22nd Mar 2017
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Axis and allies in equestra - doompony32

A force of allied soldiers and Germans get teported to equestra

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Chapter 3 Start of The Human-Changeling war

Location ponyville, the American and german soldiers were either in defensive positions or spending time in the town. The soldiers were able to make a temporary runway for there two p-51 mustangs, so they could take off. The local residents were amazedaed at the two aircraft that stood still on the side of the runway.there was a cyan Pegasus that had rainbow hair was the one most amazed at the aircraft.

Rainbow Dash looked and the two winged machines, butterflies in her stomach just waiting to see them in action. She just hoped they were as cool as they looked. They both were a shiny silver over most of their body but that was tell you got to their noise where they differed, one had a green noise with ‘Daddy's Girl’ written on it and the second one had a yellow noise with ‘Licked’ written on it. She smiled standing in front of everyone, she never had wanted a race so badly.

The two pilots were next to their aircraft fixing them up slightly, tuning them and making sure it is ready for combat. “hey that blue one with the rainbow mane looks like she wants a closer look at the craft.” one of the pilots said to the other. “yeah looks like she even wants to race.. let's let her come over.” the other pilot said smirk at his wingman.

Rainbow Dash was almost bursting with excitement as she walked up to the machines. They were so sleek although she wasn't sure how they flied when the wings didn't look like they could bend but what really confused her was the weird blades on the front of the machines.

One of the pilots saw this and waved her over to come closer. “what's your name cutie.” the pilot of the p-51 mustang that had the green color nose. “my name is tom ride.”

Rainbow Dash responded, “Rainbow Dash. Um how are these things spouse to fly the wings are fixed in place.”

“nice to meet you rainbow, oh and it flys by a v12 engine spinning the propeller fast enough to pull it along, it allows the p-51d to archive 437 miles per hour.” tom ride said to her.

“437 miles per hour I bet I could go faster.” Rainbow Dash said spreading her wings.

“no living thing can go faster then a p-51d mustang, so I accept your challenge.” tom said and got in his aircraft and started up the engine and it sounded beautiful as always. The propellers start to spin slowly at first but then spin faster and faster.

Rainbow Dash smiled and yelled, “We will have to see about that.” and started to beat her wings till she got off the ground and hovered there.

The p-51 start to roll forward at first but started to pick up speed as it went along the runway, till it had enough speed get off the ground and take off.

Rainbow Dash followed suit and easily kept up.

The p-51 started to climb higher and retracted its landing gears. Once it reached 6000 feet he leveled out his plane was going 340 mph and slowly increasing speed.

Rainbow Dash kept following finding out she couldn't be right behind it.

Tom looks back and see’s her behind him so he pushes the engine to max power which causes miniatures flames to come out the exhaust pipes. then the p-51D final reach max speed.

Rainbow Dash found it easy to push herself to going faster as she was not going to lose to someone with no wings flying in some weird machine.

Tom sees this and then pushes the plane to climb higher to where the oxygen was too thin to breath. He then puts on a oxygen mask so he can breath properly.

Rainbow Dash followed tell she was forced to level out and follow from below.

He smirks then goes Into a dive to increase to max speed and beyond. Which he flys by rainbow dash and knocks her off course. Which was do to the wind speed suddenly changing because of it.

Rainbow Dash regained her balance before giving chase.

Tom vision starts to blacken and he pulls up to leave out so he doesn't go unconscious. But his engine cut out and shut down.

Rainbow Dash stopped as the spinning thing on the front of the machine stopped.

The plane started to glide on the energy it had left “come on come on just need to land.” he said to himself.

Rainbow Dash not knowing what to do gave chase. Once she caught up to the machine she started banging on the glass.

He looks at her then looks forward again as he lowers the landing gears “why does this have to happen to me.” he said

Rainbow Dash stopped banging on the glass and just hovered there confused by the fact that Tom didn't look worried.

His plane's wheels tuch down on the dirt runways and he slowly comes to a stop. He turns off the plane and opens the hatch. He steps out of the plane and takes his helmet off. His plane's engine was smoking.

Rainbow Dash landed with a thump and asked “What happened?”

“Engine failure happens sometimes with it.” he said frowning as he looked at the plane.

“Engine? What is tha.” Rainbow Dash was cut off by a loud roar as a weird almost triangle shaped object zipped across the sky. “Ah what was that?” Rainbow Dash asked watching the sky.

He looks up and see’s that it was a experimental german jet, it was the horten ho 229. runs over to a german radio operator. “broadcast to all german air units and craft to not shot we are at peace.” he said.

The German laughed and responded with, “They know that. They're just responding to a escort request made by a Bv 238 that is a little confused to say the least.”

Rainbow Dash walked over and asked, “So it's a jet? And that is?”

The German answered with, “Well in short it's like his plane” pointing at Tom “But a hell of a lot faster and that particular one is a lot more agile.”

“Ok my question is where is the bv 238 going to land. The runway isn't big enough.” tom said looking at the german.

The German laughed again and said, “Silly American it doesn't have landing gear, their escorting it to the coast.”

Just then someone with a hand siren set it off yelling “swarm of something incoming.” Large booms can be heard as the long range flak guns fired at the swarm.

Rainbow Dash quickly flew above the treetops only to find a black mass of changelings heading their way. She dove down to Tom and said, “Their Changelings.”

“Hey mis if you plan on flying don't fly over the castle in the forest in less you have a death wish.” The German said.

“Yeah there lighting it up with flak rounds thous will shred anything caught in the blast.” tom said as he listens to the sound of the guns firing. Soon the medium and small flak guns join in as the swarm of changelings are in range.

Rainbow Dash responded with, “Ok so what's the plan?”

“Well we don't do much till the threat is dealt with.” he said looking out the window.

Rainbow Dash walked towards the door and said, “If you don't want to fight fine, but I do.”

The German stopped her and said, “Mis you should know their are weapons out there shooting into the sky that can basically vaporize his plane.” The german said pointing at Tom.

“He is right so far the us air force has massive casualties to the German flak guns. The guns can rip apart b-17 flying fortresses, reduced fighter planes to a pile of scrap.” He said with a terrified look in his eye. “It is a miracle that I am still alive…..”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and said, “Fine.”

“don't shrug it off the hundreds of thousands of air men who died in the name of democracy. They died to protect the free world from the evil clutches of the Nazis.” he said as he pulls out a photo of 12 people, one of them was him there was also a b-17 and two p-51D mustang’s. He looks at the photo and a tier goes down his face from his eye.

Rainbow Dash looked confused but before she could ask anything, the German sighed and said “Don't worry about it, let's just say our two people have an interesting past.”

“Yeah.” Tom said and puts the photo away. Just then a distant rumbling was heard. It didn't sound like the flak guns firing though. “Something is coming.” he looks out the window and at the tree line comes a E-75.

“raise the alarm it is a E-75!” he shouted out to the german that is in the room.

“A E-75? I have no word of one being dispatched, in less it's the one we loss.” The German stopped and ran to the window. The tank didn't look right, it was lacking the muzzle break and gun mantelit. He turned and said, “That isn't the one we lost, someone made one. The closest tank we have is at base and in a forest that thick that thing with have done a lot of damage. What about you guys, you have anything?”

“hmm the closets units we got are some AT troops, some Sherman's, and a flamethrower trooper. “ he said thinking on how they would fair. “wait there is a at gun out back we can use.” he said

The German smiled and said “or I give our winged friend here a PanzerFaust and ahe shoots it down into the turret roof. What do you think?”

“it could work but that tank has a thick hull.” he said looking down “let's do it got any smoke grenades.” he asked looking at the german.

“Hey mis cocky you want to do something.” The German said to Rainbow Dash.

She turned and stared at him, “What?”

The German opened a crate and took out a long cylinder with a weird ball on the end and handed it to Rainbow Dash and said, “Listen carefully I need you to fly out above that tank and take this, point this end,” he pointed to the ball, “at the top of it and pull the trigger and make sure your right above it.”

Rainbow Dash nodded and ran out the building and took off. She made for the approaching tank and stopped above it, she aim the ball and pulled the trigger a moment later there was a hissing sound and sparks flew everywhere. Rainbow Dash noticed that the changelings were falling back however there was still one in the tank trying to escape. As the changeling crawled out of a hatch Rainbow Dash swun the cylinder still in her hands at the creature’s head and with a solid crack the changeling’s limb body toppled off the tank.

Tom and the german came out of the building. “good job you took out the tank and got us a prisoner. “ he said as he pulls the changeling off the tank and ties its wings down and it's legs together. “there he won't be escaping now.” Tom said picking up the changeling.

The German smile and said, “Nice job young lady.” He then looked over the tank, it had no track covers and no gun mantlet but something caught his eye. “Where are the welds?” the German questioned as ran his finger over the corner on the hull. He turned to Tom and said, “I feel we should keep that thing safe tell our commanders get back.”

“yeah I will have some on thank this bug to a prison or something. Also get the engineers to move this take and study it.” tom said as he looks the tank over, it's treads where just made of metal with no rubber. “how in the hell does this thing move with out it's tracks breaking every few miles.” he said and the goes and takes the changeling to some soldiers and the take ‘it’ to a cell at the local prison.