• Published 5th Jul 2012
  • 1,449 Views, 13 Comments

A new page - Shining Prince Percival

what happens to Light Yagami after he dies

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It was a slow day at the hospital for Nurse Redheart-not that it was a bad thing. As she sorted through the files (especially the large one Rainbow Dash had gathered over the years of training accidents), she heard the door open and the paniked galloping of a pony running into the lobby. Curiously, she turned in the direction of the door, only to be yelled at by the mare infront of her.

"Nurse Redheart! I need your help NOW!" Twilight Sparkle screamed.

Franticly, she rushed over to see Twilight holding a bleeding stallion in her hooves. Had she not gone into shock at the sight of him within an inch of his life, she would have made a comment at how his mane was glossier than Rarity's. Frantically, the white mare raced to find the doctor as Twilight followed her, while the stallion continued to leave a trail of blood in thier wake.


The brown stallion woke with a start as he regained conciousness. His eyes darted from across the room and back, from what he could tell he was in a hospital bed, but...for a small child? The walls were painted in a barrage of colors with posters of little cartoons-one large one in particular had a cartoon of a group of pegasi? Each one was clad in a spandex suit flying in the sky with the caption "The Wonderbolts!"

As he tried to get up, his arm shot with a riding pain, making an audible moan as he griped his shoulder. His mind instantly flashed back to when he was shot, but this only gave him a headache a ringing filled his ears. Wait. Something was wrong... His... His hand felt hard...and pointy? Almost daring to look, he slowly lifted his arm. His shocked expression was more than justified as he saw he had a hoof. Where was his hand!? His entire arm looked like...a...horse. Almost as soon as the word entered his mind, the door swung open as a white, well, horse walked in!

"Oh, goodmorning sir." Nurse Redheart said as she walked in. "I wouldn't move around too much. Twilight found you-. Umm, sir, why are you staring at me like that. Sir?"

"AA-AAAAAAAAHHH!!!" The stallion screamed at her as he backed away. "G-get away from me! GET AWAY YOU FREAK!"

"Sir, please calm down or I'll have to sedate you!" Nurse Redheart said as she pulled out a syringe instinctivly. She had seen enough patients like this before to know what it could lead to.

"N-NO! STAY AWAY FROM ME!" He screamed as he scrambled to the door.Nurse Redheart jumped, only to narrowly miss him as he escaped. Stumbling from the unfamiliarity of hooves, he made his way outside.

"No." He wispered as he looked around him. Everywhere there were ponies. He was in an entire town full of them. There was ponies eating candy and other snacks at a building that appeared to be made of sweets itself. An orange one wearing a hat that was pulling a cart full of apples. There were even some flyin-. Wait, by the apples, he saw something. No, someone familiar stealing an apple from the cart.

*Crunch* went the apple Ryuk ate as he licked his lips. He turned, almost knowing where he was, to face him. Silently, he floated over to him, fazzing in and out of ponies as he went.

"Why hello Light!" He said as if he was saying some sort of inside joke. "Welcome to your new home! I can tell by the shock of your face your wondering where you are. Well, (hehe), welcome to Hell."

"B-but, you said there is no Heaven or Hell, YOU TOLD ME SO!" He screamed, to what the other ponies saw, nothing.

Ryuk only sneered. "Well it just depends on your perspective!"

"PERSPECTIVE!?" He screamed, "What the hell are you talking about you damn Shinigami!?"

"Well, for someone like you, this would be the equivalent to Hell, but as for others..." He trailed off as he pointed behind him.

Almost as if on cue, the crowd parted ways, giving Light a full view of the candy building once more. And there, oh, and there, he saw something that shook him to his very core... There was no mistaking, even with a light gray coat instead of a T-shirt, the horn sticking out of his forhead, or the shaggy hair, well mane now, and the bags under his eyes. Standing there, with several of his favourite snacks floating around him, there was standing the one person he only knew as 'L.'

In the same fashion as when he first saw him at the exams, he looked up and stared directly at him. At first L showed a little surprise, almost as if unexpecting to see him, only to grin slyly at him. What seemed like hours of a staring contest was broken as the crowd passed in his line of vision. When it cleared again, L was gone. Almost as if he had never even been there. Had he been there? Was this just another trick by Ryuk?

"Do you wan't the death note, Light?" Ryuk, almost mockingly, called to him. "Unless you can find one for ponies, it's useless here, but I wonder if you want it for a keep-sake."

"Why...?" Light whispered.

"Why, what?"

"Why do you keep mocking me?" He said harshly. "Even after death, no, not death, after all of this, why do you still pester me?"

"Oh, no Light," Ryuk explianed, "you've got it all wrong. I just came to see you off."

"What?" Light said confussed. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't you see?" Ryuk said a little dismayed as he pointed to his legs. "Even now, I can't stay in here any longer."

Light watched in awe as Ryuk, the Shinigami he had known for years, slowly began to fade away, starting from his legs, then thighs, and up. "No... Where are you going!?"

"Hehe. How cute, your concerned for me. Goodbye Light." He said as the last lines of his face began to wink out, leaving only his twisted smile. "Oh," He whispered, "those ponies are about to take you back to the hospital now..."

Gone. Ryuk was gone. He had been with him since the beggining, and now, for the first time in years, Light Yagami was alone. Wait, what did he say about a hospital? Before he even had a chance to turn, he was roughly tackled and forced to the ground.

"What's the heck is going on!?" He screamed.

"Don't worry sir, this will only hurt for a second." He heard someone say before he felt a small prick in his, what he belived to be, flank. Instantly, he felt the sedative take effect as his strength slipped away from him. He thought about his "other" life in that instant. He thought about the people he killed. The lies he told, his father, his family, his dream world, L, and everything else he did for a better world. He finnaly saw how the deathnote had ruined him. "What would I have been like," He thought. "without the deathnote?" He and Misa would've never met (which he would have prefered), and he probably would've joined his father and become a detective, and maybe, he would have met L in a better situation, maybe...friends? All of this darted around his mind as his eyes began to close, but one thought stood above the others and solidified into words.

"God...damnit...Ryuk..." He said as he passed out.

Comments ( 11 )

"Death Note" x "MLP:FIM" crossover? Hmm...for now it is looking interesting. Too early to gave opinion about story, give like or dislike. I'm going to stalk this story to look at this progress :trixieshiftright:

I am intrigued. I would be glad to see more. If its as good as this it will definitely become one of my favorite fics. :yay:

861645>>861678 Oh wow, this was just supposed to be a one chap fic, but if it gets more comments like you guys, I'll see what I can do!


861695 Oooh...my bad xD I haven't see "complete" tag. My bad, my bad. But if you feel strong enought to do something more from this... i would be happy to see in what direction this can go :rainbowkiss:

861695 Yeah I didn't notice either, but I'd be glad to read more. You could do quite a bit with this idea.

862135 I've got the story worked out, editing chapter 2! This story is a go!

when will this story get another chapter?

Never, this story hasn't been updated in six years.

Great well some might as well take over,

I’m a death note fan

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