• Member Since 11th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Nov 19th, 2020


Just a nice, polite Canadian.

Comments ( 115 )

You named the Devil Pony Stewart as a reference to a certain actor who played the foil to a certain other John DeLancie acted character didn't you, and said foil to said John character greeted said foil when he did die and go to heaven.


*after-reading edit* Haaaaaaaaa I knew it xD


Oh my goodness, you fucking did it you piece of shit. :rainbowlaugh:

This turned out very differently than when you pitched it to me. Though, I do enjoy seeing some of the jokes stick. Honestly, I really loved this one Though it's missing the "roommate" from college bit. I think the humor in this one was a little more perverted, but overall fantastic. Especially loved the ending.

“Sorry to be a Crappy Chappie right about now, but… you still are. Dead, I mean.”


I know the general vaccinity of where you live, so I reckon you watch it buddy boy.

Say what you will about they place, they sure do know how to personalize.

*Cackles.* Best twist ever! I was hoping things weren't going to end up that way because... really that's more of hell for Discord than Heaven!

Just like that Twilight Zone episode. Another great Discord story!

Have you ever read The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy books? Because Discord really reminds me of Zaphod Beeblebrox here.
All said and done, this is hilarious

No booze? Yeah, that's hell.

surely morn the loss


It even had a WELCOME all mat ready to go.

WELCOME mat all ready to go

Oh, both those sound great!

both of those

I utterly love this story.

Discord absently chewed on his tongue. “I’m actually in that other place, aren’t I?

Ha! I knew it!

*Snickers* Nicely done. I especially like the neighbours.

Lol, I'm dead! (I'm not sorry)

Haha, I suspected!

and of course, being hell, he never makes it to either one, because what is hell but a bereaucratic nightmare at the best of times?!

the real reason hell ever freezes over is because someone acidentally files the temperature adjustment forms where they actually belong, much to everyone's dismay.

Nice. :trollestia:

Finger painting

What-now painting? :derpyderp2:

I liked all the name-alliterations the best. Gloomy Gus. Bad News Barbara. Crappy Chappie.

Very amusing. If I were to quibble it would be over the improbability of Discord being taken out by an ice cream carriage, but to do so would be attribute to this story an unwarranted and downright insulting degree of sense. :pinkiecrazy:

That would be a story i'd read about Discord being reborn as Shinning's kid. Also great story

How many minutes till Discord becomes ruler of hell and decides to raid heaven and the world of the living? 13? or 666? One or the other.

Fantastic as usual, with a great twist at the end too. If the real heaven is actually like that, I'm off to drown some kitten, push an old lady into the street and treat my mum to Barry Manilow tickets.

The real twist: He really is in heaven, they just have to make it look like hell, and feel like, hell for him for it to be heaven for him. :P


This reminds me of that one Twilight Zone episode...

Well, if you dislike heaven, Dissy, you can always do something for you to be forcefully removed.

7950586 great profile pic. also... the last of these is not like the other.

That was acceptably funny. Good show.

7950681 ....that's a good point...

and surely morn the loss of their good friend.


“You really think you deserve such harsh punishment for your past moral transgressions?”

Clearly he does, or he wouldn't have mentioned it.

“—accidentally or not, it meant that all your other misdeeds were quickly and neatly swept under the rug.”

That seems ... unfair, somehow.

She is a Princess, after all. I’m sure she’s totally loaded.

*cough* Pretty sure she's also got some 'uuge tracts o' land.

so for each friend you made while you were alive, you get a drink ticket!

... are these one use only?

That’s a good man-dude-bro.

Ah. So this really is hell. Custom designed to irritate the shit out of Discord for the rest of eternity.

Only one floor here, friend.

And it's a lot harder to kill yourself by hurling off a one-story building.

Might get into trouble for this one.

Man, I hope so. :pinkiegrin:

If he prefers to be in Hell and enjoys it, would that be considered Heaven then? If he really did go to Hell then he'd have to spend eternity in Heaven and if really went to Heaven then he'd be in an eternal illusion of Hell and... I lost where I was going with this.

you failed to disappoint me again! adding another story to my favorites list, making me laugh pleasantly because this story was so fitting for the character and yet so dark if you think about it, i will have your head for such transgressions!


Just like that Twilight Zone episode. Another great Discord story!


Yes! Exactly like that, except that Discord is actually relieved to be there! :twilightsmile:

Ah...Sebastian Cabot. I miss him! :pinkiesad2:

This is a lil' jewel. The portrayal of his persona is simply top-notch.

I like the Tapestry reference with Stewart. I hope someday, Shining Armor dies and becomes Discord's neighbor. That would be just perfect.

I saw where it was going, but getting there was certainly a fun ride.


Well it would be hell for Discord if it stayed like heaven xD

Great story!

the whole no booze thing should've really tip him as a torture and the place sound as if was a day care mix in with a old folks home

"Wait in a line that never moves"...is Crowley the King of Hell down there?

Rules of the Multiverse man, anything is possible so in a variety of universes yes and in others no choose as you will.

7952455 just call it a paradox and leave it be

7952795 Glad to hear! :twilightsmile:

7952586 And here I haven't even seen that episode. :applejackconfused:

7950681 OH MAY GAWD! :rainbowderp:

7950374 Now that would make for a great story! :pinkiecrazy:

7950324 That would also make for a fantastic story. :moustache:

7950179 Bad News Barbara sounds like a wrestler. Straight out of the trailer park. :rainbowlaugh:

7949643 You and everyone else, it seems. :ajbemused: It's not about the "twist" though. Just being as stupid as possible. :derpytongue2:

7949553 A tie between Glen and his rake and Discord saying "Beef Stewart". It's rather easy to entertain me.

7949449 And here I thought you'd hate this one for some reason. :unsuresweetie:

7949294 A lot of stuff didn't make the final cut. I was aiming for 2.5k, but still went over. I think my Discord comes in three forms: playful, nasty, and cruel. If the story's rated E, it's playful. If it's T, you get nasty. If it has a DARK or GORE tag, you're getting cruel.

Canada's a big place, bud. Just try finding the Tim Hortons I frequent! :rainbowkiss:

7953858 Now, whyever would you think that? All the characters are perfectly intelligent, the twist is well-constructed, and you did a pretty good Discord.

7953858 Yes but which is worse... eternity in Hell, or Canada?

This is silly and I liked it.

7954011 You just listed two of the same thing there. :trollestia:

7953858 I suspected it as I am very old and have also seen that Twilight Zone episode and countless variations on the theme.

Twists do not work on me unless they're utterly out of the blue, and therefore make no sense anyway. Like a story about happy birdies chirping in the trees for 2 hours and at the last minute suddenly a psycho with a chain saw drags out some teenagers and slices them to bits. A good twist MUST have some foreshadowing within the rest of the story, but keep it vague enough that most audience members won't even suspect it. And when it's revealed, then it must be structured such that it's internally plausible. That's the flaw with the twist in "Fight Club", we are meant to believe everyone would follow a guy who was constantly talking to himself and beating the crap out of himself... as well as getting into a position where any one of those watching could have entered into the fight the guy was having with himself and take him out, thus becoming the new leader... which is what would happen assuming anyone followed a guy with such clear psychosis in the first place. Thugs tend not to hang with obvious crazies. They have enough sense to realize a madman could easily go even further mad.

The twist in "The 6th Sense" however was perfectly executed. I DID guess it, but it didn't matter because everything fit together so nicely in the end. Surprise does little to interest me. A good structure to a story I will repeatedly enjoy means much more. This was structured well, especially since it's a comedy and so the absurdities fit the genre.

Of course, this only fits pre-season 6 Discord. He's now super-reformed and a Good Guy, thus he won't even go to hell for a little bit, like Vegeta did.

Hmm... maybe the ponies can wish Discord back with Spike's Dragon Balls.

I hear he collected all 7! What did you think I meant? :trollestia:

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