• Published 8th Nov 2016
  • 977 Views, 4 Comments

Naughty Biscoito - The Killer Legacy

Biscoito want the cookies.

  • ...

Im hungwy fow cookies!

Inside a house in the town of Ponyville, lived a mare named Glorious Melody. She was a pink coated earth pony with loosely styled dark brown locks, dark green eyes, and a musical note for a cutie mark. She known for her beautiful singing voice and her seemingly careleness in taking care of her baby, Biscoito. It was’t that she didn't care about Biscoito, she loved Biscoito to the bones, but sometimes she could be a forgetful mom, lot of house works and parties and concerts to sing at could easily distract her from everything else
, but due to the facts of recent events, she took care of everything in her house, like locking all Doors and windows and buy soft placements for all the house furniture, só she just needed to stay calm and finally relax.

On this fine Spring day, Glorious was feeding Biscoito a delicious plate of mashed up potatoes. Indeed Biscoito had liked her little meal, and she was satisfied. So with that, Glorious praised her daughter and went to the kitchen to do some much needed cleaning.

Biscoito, in the meantime was playing in her playpen. The pink coated foal with black eyes, and a purplish-pink mane and tail styled poofy, was enjoing her time with her friend Bernard the Bear (a plush she usually liked to play with and snuggle up with at night, it especially helped ward off those scary monsters). But suddenly, Biscoito was hungry again, and this time she don't want a plate of potatoes, she was in the mood for some delicious chocolate chip cookies. But she knew her mommy wouldn't allow her, “There wasn't enough time since you last ate to justify letting your appetite be spoiled.” Her mommy would say.

So Biscoito realized, she would have to think of a plan to get the cookies and have a taste of those good old chocolate chips.

Bisocito thought and thought for quite some time. Once she was finished thinking, the foal decided she had played enough and it was time to put her plan into action.

Glorious was exhausted, having just finished washing the dishes (being a single parent and living on your own could be very demanding) so she decided to get some rest and headed upstairs for a nap. “A little nap won’t hurt,” She thought to herself. “Bisocito won’t be tired out so soon after eating.”

Biscoito, as naughty as she was, decided to take this opportunity. She knew her objective was in the kitchen, so after looking around and becoming certain that her mommy wasn’t going to come back down anytime soon, she gleefully propped her stuffed bear against the edge of the playpen, and used it to climb out and head to the kitchen. “I must get thwose cwookies!” She thought.

The cookies were in a pot up on a shelf, and it didn’t take long for a problem to present itself to the foal. How could she reach the cookies, being a simple earth pony without having the strength of unicorn magic or the flying capabilities of pegasus wings? Then her eyes fell on a familiar object, a broom. “The bwoom, of couwse! Mommy awways weaves it weaning towards the shelf after she’s done cweaning up,” Biscoito thought. “I’ll just cwimb that bwoom, and crawl past all of the objects on the kitchen shelf. Thwose cwookies awe as good as mine!” However, the foal knew she’d have to avoid the things on the shelf if possible, so as not make a mess for her mom to see.

So without wasting any more time, Biscoito got a runnning start and trotted to the broom, quickly climbling it. But when she left the broom and got onto the shelves, it fell flat on the ground with an audiable crash! Incredibly, it didn’t wake her mom up from her sleep, a stroke of luck to Biscoito, who was most focused on getting the cookies.

Returning to where she was, Biscoito was now on the kitchen shelf, and all she had to do was trot carefully, which was impossible for a foal her age. Biscoito was always so active, so she didn't think twice, she just ran along the shelf, not caring about any noises, she just wanted those cookies! “Mommy can cwean up any messes I make later, I want thwose cwookies!” She thought to herself, continuing her treck.

Biscoito knocked over some salt and pepper shakers, made some plates spin and almost fall onto the ground, and was just about to grab the cookies, until she fell into the sink! Luckily, she wasn’t hurt, she’d just wet her tiny hooves a bit. Getting out of the sink, she trotted some more and finally reached her beloved cookies! She just had to grab the pot, carry it with her to her playpen to eat, and then play more. Easy enough, climbing the shelf could be difficult, but getting down was easier. Biscoito put the cookie pot on her back and jumped back to the ground, landing diaper first. “Thank you, diapee fow your pwotection.” She thought, relieved that the padded undergarment had cushioned her fall.

Safe on the ground, Biscoito was glad that she’d made it and went back to her playpen to finally eat those cookies. Once back in her playpen (which took a bit of effort), Biscoito somehow managed to open up the pot. She picked out a cookie and threw it immediately into her mouth where she got the amazing delicious taste of chocolate. "Yum Yummy! The cwookie is so gwood! Mowe cookies!" Biscoito said, throwing more and more cookies imto her mouth.

Biscoito was so happy eating those cookies, the little filly finally got her sweet taste of chocolate. But suddenly, something happened! Biscoito didn't know exactly what it was, but she was so distracted that she didn't care about it so much. It seemed like all those cookies went through her easily seeing that Biscoito started to mess her diaper like a foal and her diaper bulged, making a bit difficult to walk around but not impossible for Biscoito, and soon it became stinky. Biscoito acted like she normally did in these situations, like messing had never happened. In that moment, all she could think about was eating those cookies. But then she suddenly lost her balace and sat in her little messy rear. Feeling something press up in her back side, Biscoito saw that as an perfect excuse to play. "Yay! I’m stinky! Wet's pway!" Biscoito happily giggled.

Biscoito was happy like never before, she was so glad and so active with the cookies, that she decided to show her little deed to all her plushies in the playpen, and to run all over the house to show how happy she was.

Glorious Melody was fast asleep when Biscoito happilily jumped into her bed, waking her up.

"Mommy, mommy! Wake up! Wake up!"

Glorious yawned, she decided she had slept enough and was glad that her daughter had waked her up. "That was a good sleep! How are you my little filly? Did something exciting happen when I was..." Glorious began, before she was interrupted by a familiar odor (and she knew exactly what it was). She rubbed her eyes to see her daughter, her mouth was full of cookies crumbs.

"Mommy! I ate wot of cwookies, they wewe yummy yummy to my tummy! Im so happy, happy, happy!" Biscoito cheered.

"And stinky too! Puwee!" Glorious remarked. “This is why Mommy doesn’t like you eating cookies, and why she puts them on the kitchen shelf.”

"Hehehe..." Biscoito giggled a lot at her mom’s declaration, even if she knew she would be punished for it later on.

"Well, It's seems like it's more than time to change that little ball of joy, isn't it?" Glorious asked. “Can’t have you get a diaper rash.”

"Yay! Chwangie Time!" Biscoito cheered.

"Alright, all board the diaper changing express! Choo choo!" Glorious declared. And with that Glorious Melody went to change Biscoito diaper.

“Goodness, you must’ve eaten every last cookie in that jar,” Glorious Melody remarked, as she laid her daughter on the changing table and removed her dirty diaper. “You are quite the stinky foal, my little Biscoito. Good thing you woke me up when you did. Mommy’s going to have to be more careful with taking her naps from now on.” She giggled.

When the changing process was completed and Bisocito was smelling nice again, Glorious decided not to punish her daughter too harshly for eating cookies without permission just a simple time out wouldn’t hurt the filly, as would making sure the cookies were out of reach for next time.

After like one minute in the time out, Glorious Melody checked her daughter again to see how she was (a punishment of standing still for an active filly like Biscoito could be an eternity), but when she went to see her, Biscoito was fast asleep. It seemed like the energy from the cookies had burned off after Biscoito had messed herself. Seeing how cute her daughter was, Glorious Melody couldn’t be mad with her, so she picked her up and placed her in a crib for active fillies with longer bars.

Comforting herself, Biscoito thought something was missing but she couldn’t figure out what it was, and then when she was about to wake up to cry, her mother knew exactly what to do, she put the special Biscoito pacifier in her mouth and covered her with the sheets. Biscoito was glad with these arrangements, and fell asleep at once.

“Biscoito sure is a naughty little foal,” Glorious thought to herself. “But who’s going to stop her from having fun? After all, foals will be foals. And it’s partially my fault for falling asleep without making sure my daughter couldn’t get at those cookies. She really does love them.”

Comments ( 4 )

A little constructive criticism. The story felt a bit rushed. Biscoito's efforts to get the cookies could have felt more like an adventure with lots of problem solving. Also, Glorious seems like too much of a laid back mother. I get no sense of panic that her foal was in danger, or that she was upset that Biscoito ate the cookies. Plus, it wasn't really a punishment to have Biscoito in dirty diaper when she likes to be in a dirty diaper.


Thats a explanation for this, these stories are not supposed to be like BIIIG, adventures, just some slice of life, day a day of their lifes with a short plotwith only one chapter. That's why I have stories like The Amazing Diaperverse of Tenerius and Sweetie's Little Accident where I can search time to make a more detailed and long stories, but I can still make some chapter rushed because the eager to do not let you without stories.

About Glorious have no sense of danger with her daughter, I don't think she could actually hurt in her own house, Glorious always make everything baby safe for her daughter. And about Glorious punishing her with the dirty diaper, actually that was a mistake, I changed the plot in the last time, she was not supposed to punishment her with the messy diaper and the timeout, just the last one.

Also, thanks for adding your opinion, it helps me on others stories, and remembered me about Glorious and the safe house about the last fanfic with Biscoito.


I hope you see my point.

beautiful and a cute/adorable story brava bravo!

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