• Published 21st Nov 2016
  • 2,602 Views, 3 Comments

Of Course He Knew - Maayu Morinozuka

Takes place during the season 6 finale, if you have not seen it, turn back now! If you have, and you like some implied Fluttercord then great! Stick around.

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Chapter 1 - Of Course He Knew

Chapter 1

There I was, trapped in the Changeling's slime pits. Gunk up past my flank and onto my wings. I wasn't the strongest flyer, but I doubt anypony could've flown out. I was so scared when I woke up, I couldn't remember how I ended up in a Changeling cocoon in their palace of all places, but it soon came rushing back. I was coming back from Twilight's after Starlight told us how scared she was to go back to her old town. I felt pretty proud of her for speaking up, it can be awful hard to tell your friends how you're feeling. Oh! But I was telling you how I got taken. I was trotting back when I saw a Mama Duck in the road crying, her duckling was lying there, not moving, I was so frightened! I rushed over to help, but when I did, they both transformed into Changelings and captured me. If I had known, if I'd seen what they really were I could've warned the others. But what if they'd already been taken? How could I have helped? What good would I have been against a bunch of mean, nasty Changelings? So there I sat, powerless in the muck, I don't know why they released me just to put me here, maybe they thought it'd be funny. I sat crying, helpless, pathetic.

But then I heard a voice! Unmistakably Discord's voice, but soon I heard something else, more crying, my crying! I could see them over some outcropped rocks, Discord talking to..Me, or rather a Changeling turned to look like me.

"Discord, run!" I called to him! But now there was a whole brigade of Changeling Mes, and my voice got drowned out by all the crying, laughing and jeering. This is terrible, why won't he run? There's no use in him getting caught, maybe he could save everypony with his magic! I heard the first Changeling speak again.

"..You shouldn't trust any of us!" They said wailing. I hope I didn't sound like that, it was so embarrassing. "Unless you think one of us might be the real Fluttershy. Ooh, that certainly would be a nasty Changeling trick, wouldn't it?" It was sneering.

"No Discord! Don't listen, save yourself!" I shouted in vain. Why did they have to be so mean? Maybe he won't listen, I'm not worth looking for, I can't help here..No animal friends, no pony friends, all I can do is cry.

The mocking crying continued, some were inching closer to Discord, I kept crying for him to leave, but many others called the same thing trying to trick him. And there he stood, looking. Then our eyes met, among the throngs of fakes he sees the real me, but it can't do any good, we all look the same, and I can't make myself stop sobbing. I lower my head in defeat, but Discord's voice rings out.

"No wonder your plan failed so badly before, none of you can act! You're nothing like Fluttershy! My Fluttershy isn't pathetic in the slightest, she's the strongest mare to have ever lived, she must be to put up with me!" He made himself large and intimidating, but not in his usual way, he wasn't using magic, he simply spread his wings and puffed his chest out, his eyes glowing red with rage. It made a huge impact on the Changelings, many shrunk back in fear, while some transformed back to their true selves and lunged at him. He beat them away and flew up, and right over to me!

"Fluttershy! You're not hurt are you?" He tried to pull me out, but I was stuck fast.

"Please Discord, run!" I begged, I didn't know why he hadn't been using his magic but it didn't matter, he was going to try whatever he could to save me and get captured himself. I stopped sobbing, stared him straight in his mismatched eyes and said

"Don't worry about me, save yourself! Only you can save everypony, please, I'm depending on you!" My voice was hoarse, my eyes stung but still I stared. I knew my Stare power didn't work on him so I didn't even try, I just pleaded he go. He looked back at me, Changelings surrounding us.

"I don't want to let you down again.." He spoke quietly. Spread his wings once more and took off, I swore I saw tears trailing behind his airborne form. But since he wasn't using magic, his tiny wings couldn't carry his disproportionate body very far, he dodged oncoming stalactites and Changelings as long as he could, but with the ever changing building one stalactite jutted out at just the wrong moment. He wobbled in flight, trying to steady himself, but it was no use. They dogpiled him and sent him crashing down. I shouted once more, and then it all went dark again.

Suddenly the world came flooding back, I heard the aftershocks of an explosion, looking around I could see my friends, everyone was here, including Princess Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Shining Armor and Flurry Heart. There were some other folk I didn't recognize, but they were very pretty. Some had large horns that reminded a bit of my deer friends, but more like Herc my little beetle houseguest. We were still in the Changelings castle but the roof was blown off, the fresh air was so nice, from what I could smell, some of that Changeling cocoon gook was up my nose.

"Fluttershy?" I heard Discord behind me. He swooped me up in his arms and hugged me tight.

"It's good to see you too!" I squeaked, he was holding me a bit too tight, but I'd rather be stuck here than in that green gunk. I couldn't tell you if it was simply warm in that cocoon or something else, but as I hugged Discord back, my face felt hot.

Starlight told us all that had happened in our absence on the way to the Sunset festival back in her town. It was such a surprise to learn that all those beautiful creatures from the rooftop used to be those ugly, mean Changelings. I suppose that's what happens when you live without love and friendship. I'm reminded everyday how lucky I am to be loved by so many. Especially today.

I was sitting at one of the outdoor tables, looking at the lovely flowers the townsponies had set out in a vase. Discord appeared across from my suddenly, still wearing his silly battle helmet. I saw that his flying pig steed was not far off.

"Hello dear Fluttershy! Enjoying the festivities? Well they're not that festive, not by my standards of course, but..Decent." He said in his usual jubilant tone.

"Yes, it's so quiet here."

"I saw most of the Unicorns getting ready for their fireworks show, shall I take away their horns so you can rest peacefully?" I chuckled, I couldn't tell whether or not he would actually do it but he only was trying to make me laugh. I shook my head no and he was satisfied. He snapped his fingers and changed the normal bench into an extravagant armchair tall enough for him, but far less scary than the last time he'd conjured a similar chair. He leaned back with his paw and talon behind his head, and the chair leaned back to accommodate. We sat in a gentle quiet until I spoke up.

"How could you tell it was me? Back in the castle?" He opened his eyes but still laid back.

"They shook me for a moment but it was obvious none of them could be you." But that didn't really answer my question so I urged him with my eyes to continue. "I thought you might not be there at all and I was going to make a run for it, when I saw you."

"And?" I said somewhat impatiently, I didn't mean to sound rude, I just wanted to know.

"There was no way I could mistake your eyes, you were honestly crying, none of those Changelings could hope to match your elegance." He waved his talon dramatically.

"I didn't feel very elegant, stuck there crying like a foal." I hung my head, he recognized me by my crying? I guess I've done that enough that anypony could tell.

"But you weren't! The Changelings were wailing, pathetically begging me, but you..You cried for me to run with all you had, you cared about everypony else even when you were trapped there, even when a friend was in eyesight to help, you thought about me. I'm just sorry I let you down..." Discord sat forward, head down in shame.

"You didn't!" I assured, I grabbed his paw. "We're all safe now, thanks to you, and Starlight and everybody. You saved us." Tears stung my eyes again but I willed them back, I would not cry now. I looked into his eyes, he looked so touched, so comforted by my words. I suppose I've learned this before, but I know how I can help others is through my words, and any comfort I gave them, I don't need to be able to fight off a hoard of Changelings, or pull myself out of gunk pits, and honestly I hope those don't come up too much more, but my friends can do that, and then I can help everypony know how thankful I am to have them as a friend. Looking back at Discord I could tell how he knew for sure it was me. Of course he knew.

Author's Note:

My Brother gave me the idea for this story this morning but I'm already a huge fan of Fluttercord so I was more than happy to write out this adorable fic. I hope you thought it was adorable and enjoyed it. Have a wonderful day and may you read/write a thousand more enjoyable fics! See ya next time, bye-bye!

Comments ( 3 )


The changelings might be good at copying shapes, but they kind of need acting lessons if they want to fool anyone familiar with whoever they replace.

That, or mind control spells... :facehoof:

Aw! So sweet. I liked all the Fluttercord scenes in 6's finale, and I hope that they show even more in s07. I mean, one can hope, right? Anyway, good work.

Brought a tear to my eye...

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