• Published 10th Oct 2016
  • 34,979 Views, 2,237 Comments

Herding Instincts - Sparky Brony

What do the herding instincts mean to the ponies. One lone human is about to find out.

Comments ( 17 )

She hops up onto the couch, leaning her entire body against him. “You were resistant to magic when you came here. That’s why we had such a hard time healing your injuries, and to the point of making the translation spell in you was an absolute nightmare. You have gone native, been nourished and infected by our world, uour magic resistance is pretty much gone, and I think that was the first time the magic of Harmony was able to touch you. And so it did, strongly.” She nuzzles him. “And I think I can make it happen again.”


It's good to hear from the story again almost forgot about it I forgot can the human have babies with them please let me know

Hell to the yeah love this story put it on my bookshelve and you blessed us whit a new chap noice

Tek #4 · April 27th · · ·

Great to see this story continuing. I look forward to future chapters.

I hope we will get more chapters and hopefully not 2 years from now lol thought dam it there goes another good story being abandoned

Oh wow. A long vorgotten story comes back to life. I realy cant remember were the story left to be honest.

I know my writing output has left a lot to be desired. But I'm still plugging away. Just life has been making its presence an annoyance. Not to worry, this story will be completed.

Oh wow, this was updated. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. Also, I love the song choice that was made.

Cayenne gives her a dirty look. “I was around my dams when they were pregnant. No, I’m not…” Her abdomen contracts as the mare gasps. “Or maybe not.”

also its dame. not dam. :P heh.. DAM!!

This was the first fan fiction of MLP to get me into reading them on here. I was afraid it was left to dust. I'm glad to see it's returned, and I hope you are doing well. This was a super happy surprise to wake up to. It's a great chapter, and I'm so excited for more!

nice, an update

Foal time!

And the story is not dead! Yay!

"Similarly, Tim should not be forced to give up his entire worldview. "

Sure. He can choose to be alone. Tim is literally in an entirely different world. He is not playing by our rules any more. He can choose to adapt to the Pony cultural rules, and they certainly deserve to give him some time to adjust; but it doesn't make any sense for them to all adapt to him. Unless we're going for both a power fantasy *and* a sexual fantasy story.

I stopped following the story carefully when Twilight joined the herd, as this broke far enough from credibility for me in the author's own creation. Up to then it was pretty OK.

So Tim is the only one that must change then? Tim must become a pony -- at least, in mind -- to be loved? He must give up everything that makes him who he is? I almost thought for a second that relationships were two-sided. Thanks for pointing that out to me (/s).

I am not saying that the ponies should bow to his every whim, I am just saying that it should be mutual. Tim is in an entirely different world, yes, but the girls are also dating a freaking alien. If you hop into a relationship with a literal alien and expect everything to just be completely normal... I'm sorry, but you're an idiot.

Just like you, the alien has its own culture and all of those feelings and stuff that we have! And just like you, they're not going to want to give up every single aspect of themself just to be with you. There will be things you need to change, and there will be things the alien will need to change, but the responsibility should not all be lobbed onto one side or the other.

No, he's right Dam and Sire are the correct words. Dame is a title of nobility akin to a Knight.

11893486 I don't think you understand what "adapt" means. Adapting to a new environment doesn't mean abandoning who and what you are, it means making concessions and finding a new normal that works. What you seem to be thinking of is "Assimilate," to give up who you were to join a new group...and frankly, I don't think he needs to. Cayenne and Citrus seemed to like who he was, even if they didn't fully understand HOW alien that was.

your half right, but here's the context. you "adapt" to assimilate (incorporate) yourself into the new society in this example. that DOES NOT mean giving up his heritage, but rather adapting to the "new normal" and giving That priority, but not dominance nor the former dismissal. that's the great thing about being adaptable. you can pick and choose the "right tool for the job".

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